
Frozen Promises and Unseen Threats

The Nenets, alternatively referred to as the Samoyed, constitute a Samoyedic ethnic community with their roots deeply intertwined in Arctic Russia's distant reaches, specifically within the Russian Far North.

Primarily, the Nenets people have resided in regions extending along the Arctic Ocean's coastlines, nestled near the Arctic Circle and situated between the Kola and Taymyr peninsulas.

In their role as the inhabitants of the unforgiving Tundra, they hold the status of Indigenous small-numbered communities. Aside from contending with the relentless climatic and weather extremes of the harsh Northern terrain.

The Nenets people grapple with a host of challenges stemming from both governmental policies and the activities of oil and gas corporations, all of which pose threats to their environment and traditional way of life.

Adding to their burdens, the Nenets now confront the looming spectre of Honkai. In recent times, the Honkai infestation in the Northern region has begun to spread at an alarming pace.

Overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, numerous Nenets individuals reached out to both the government and the influential oil and gas entities, pleading for assistance. Regrettably, their pleas fell on deaf ears, met with indifference.

The government found itself preoccupied with global matters and the emergence of the new organization, Fire Moth, diverting its attention away from the Nenets' plight.

Meanwhile, the oil and gas corporations swiftly withdrew their support as the frequency of Honkai beast incursions surged in recent times. Upon learning of these developments, the Nenets people were understandably incensed.

The Nenets, now harboured a wave of deep-seated anger, primarily directed at the oil and gas corporations that had initially disrupted their way of life with their state-building endeavours, only to withdraw when the situation grew perilous.

However, their fury burned even brighter when aimed at Fire Moth, an organization that had pledged to combat the imminent Honkai threats.

Yet, here they were, witnessing the organization embroiled in internal conflicts, utterly failing to assemble a rescue team to assist the beleaguered inhabitants of the Northern Tundra.


Amidst the vast and unforgiving Siberian wilderness, a solitary wood cabin perched on the edge of a snow-covered field. This humble shelter, marked by the scars of countless storms, held an enduring grace that defied the passage of time.

The cabin's wooden walls, once richly russet, had faded to a silvery grey, harmonizing with the stark, monochromatic world that surrounded it. A delicate trail of smoke spiralled from its crooked chimney, a fragile promise of solace and warmth.

Beyond, the snow-draped field extended as far as the eye could see, nature's intricate designs of frost and ice adorning the pristine canvas.

The cabin's windows, frosted like the eyes of a wise elder, observed the frozen world outside.

Within, the gentle flicker of a crackling fire cast dancing shadows on the wooden walls, offering an inviting amber embrace to those seeking refuge from the Siberian cold.

The aged logs forming the cabin's walls emanated an earthy scent, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of a hearty stew simmering on the hearth.

Around the cabin, a world of white lay in tranquil serenity, untouched by the hands of time. In the distance, shrouded in mist and snow, the distant mountains framed the scene like a brooding backdrop to an untold story.

In this remote corner of Siberia, where the frigid silence was occasionally pierced by the mournful call of a distant wolf, the small wood cabin stood as a testament to human resilience in the face of nature's most formidable challenges.

It was a refuge, a sanctuary, a bastion of hope nestled deep within the icy wilderness. Yet, as the harsh Siberian conditions started to deteriorate even more along with the rapid Honkai plague, one couldn't help but wonder if this place truly remained a haven.


A solitary figure trudged through the cold, unforgiving expanse, each step leaving an indelible mark on the pristine snow. With every exhale, small puffs of white vapour billowed from his lips, dissipating into the frigid air.

His clothing, now more holes than fabric, bore witness to the relentless journey he'd undertaken. An expression of profound weariness and sorrow was etched deeply into his countenance, mirroring the desolation of the frozen landscape.

Approaching the cabin, his sanctuary and refuge, he wore a look of profound regret and remorse, his every step weighed down by the weight of the world.

His trembling hand extended tentatively toward the door, fingers poised to make contact, yet an overwhelming sense of apprehension gripped his heart.


In the profound silence of the Siberian wilderness, his heart-wrenching sobs echoed like a mournful lament, each cry a piercing note in the symphony of isolation. The frigid air seemed to absorb his anguish, and the vast, white expanse bore witness to his pain.

After an agonizing interlude of solitary grief, he summoned every last ounce of strength and reached for the door once more, his emotions running deep, like a river of despair thawing from the ice.


The worn-out old door groaned in protest as it swung open, granting the man passage into the rustic cabin. "You're back?" A tender, feminine voice called out, its warmth slicing through the chill that clung to him as he crossed the threshold.

His eyes gravitated toward the source of the voice, revealing a woman draped in worn, tattered garments. His first impulse was to offer a reassuring smile, to let her know that he had returned safely.

However, as he met her gaze, he observed the same shadow of weariness in her eyes that he carried within himself. A bittersweet tug at the corners of his lips hinted at the joy of reuniting with his family.

"I am back, my love," the man uttered, his voice a mixture of exhaustion and relief, his words wrapped in a layer of understated emotion.

Nevertheless, a small, affectionate smile danced upon his lips, expressing the sheer relief of being home with the ones he held most dear.

In response, the woman's own smile blossomed, and she warmly greeted him, her voice quivering with emotion, "Welcome home, my dear."

Their eyes locked, brimming with a shared understanding of the challenges they faced together, a profound connection woven in the threads of their gazes.

"Mama, is Papa home?" The sweet, innocent voice of a petite girl, around four years of age, resonated through the cabin as she made her presence known as she peeked her head out from one of the rooms.

Upon seeing her father, the petite girl's eyes ignited with sheer delight, and she darted toward him. She enveloped her father in a heartfelt embrace, even if she could only reach his thighs.

The man regarded his daughter with a gaze that held a unique blend of love, care, helplessness, and underlying pain. Yet, in that moment, he chose to set aside the weight of their hardships.

Lifting the little girl into his arms, he strained to maintain a brave, unwavering smile and whispered, "Happy birthday, Tsvetana." His voice carried the weight of his love for her, a love that surpassed the trials of their existence.

"Hehehe, Thank you, Papa," Tsvetana giggled, her laughter a melody that warmed the cabin.

"My child, I remember how you wanted to taste those strawberries you saw in that magazine, didn't you?" The man inquired, to which Tsvetana nodded enthusiastically.

"Did Papa bring them?" Tsvetana asked, her eyes filled with anticipation. The man hesitated for a brief moment before gently shaking his head and delivering the words that dampened her spirits, "No." Tsvetana's shoulders slumped in disappointment.

But before her disappointment could settle in, the man continued, "However, I did bring something that might be just as good," his voice carrying a note of hope.

From his pocket, he retrieved a small packet that bore the label "Raspberry." It appeared to be one of those MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), a modest offering in their harsh reality.

"Wow," the little girl exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with unrestrained excitement as she reached out for the small packet.

Helpless to resist her enthusiasm, the man handed the packet to Tsvetana, who eagerly tore it open and savoured the somewhat shrivelled and discoloured raspberry within.

Observing the scene, the woman drew closer to her husband, on the verge of inquiring. "Dmitri—"

"That's all I managed to find, Natalia," the man admitted, his tone tinged with a sense of regret. He had been prepared for his wife's potential disappointment, for the modest gift he had brought.

However, Natalia's response was not one of disappointment or frustration. Instead, she embraced her husband tightly and whispered, "It's heartwarming to see a smile on our daughter's face after so long, don't you think?"

Her words conveyed a deep appreciation for Dmitri's effort to bring a small ray of joy to their most beloved flower amid their challenging lives.

"...Yeah," Dmitry responded after a brief pause. His voice trembled as he looked down, tears welling up in his eyes. Overwhelmed with gratitude for his wife's forgiveness, he couldn't contain his emotions any longer.

Natalia gazed at her husband with a tender smile, her eyes filled with understanding and love. In that moment, the hardships they faced seemed to fade into the background, eclipsed by the warmth of their familial bonds.

However, their brief respite was interrupted by a sudden, guttural growl that reverberated through the cabin. The source of the sound was unmistakable, a reminder of the harsh reality they could never truly escape: hunger, a relentless beast that lingered on the fringes of their lives, waiting to pounce.

Both of their stomachs growled in hunger, a relentless reminder of their daily struggle. Their bodies, frail and worn, were accustomed to the gnawing emptiness that accompanied their existence. But in the midst of their physical distress, there was a poignant moment of profound warmth and sacrifice.

"Papa, Mama, you can have this," Tsvetana offered the packet of MRE back to her parents, her innocent eyes brimming with a selfless desire to share.

Her small act of generosity was a testament to the strength of their familial bond, a beacon of love in the midst of adversity.

The father initially hesitated, reluctant to take the food from his child, his pride warring with his hunger. But the gnawing pain in his stomach and the frailty of his family's situation overruled his reservations.

With a heavy heart, he accepted the packet and examined its contents. There were only four raspberries remaining, initially, there were only five raspberries on the packet of MRE itself yet the daughter had only eaten one.

Surprise washed over the man as he considered the implications of this small kind mature gesture from his daughter. His gaze shifted to his daughter, who met his eyes with understanding and a reassuring smile.

It was at that moment that he recognized the depth of Tsvetana's love for her parents, a love that transcended their dire circumstances.

With an apologetic look, the man took one raspberry for himself, his fingers trembling with the weight of his responsibility as a husband and a father.

He then proceeded to feed another to his wife, Natalia, his gesture conveying the unspoken promise to provide and protect, even in the face of hunger.

The third raspberry he offered to Tsvetana, who accepted it with gleeful anticipation. Her radiant smile, as she savored the precious fruit, was a fleeting but profound moment of innocence and happiness.

The fourth and final raspberry he carefully split into two pieces, each morsel shared with his wife and daughter. The act symbolized a bittersweet communion of love and sacrifice, a poignant reminder of the strength that held their family together.

Amidst the harsh reality of their lives, within the weathered walls of their cabin, the bond of this family burned with an unbreakable flame, illuminating the darkest corners of their existence with love, resilience, and hope.

Overwhelmed by the depth of his daughter's love and generosity, the man's legs gave way beneath him, and he sank to his knees.

His heart swelled with emotion as he embraced Tsvetana, clutching her small form tightly against his chest. Theirs was an embrace that transcended words, a profound testament to the enduring strength of family bonds.

In the hush of that moment, the man promised his daughter with heartfelt sincerity, his voice quivering with raw emotion, "I will bring you real strawberries next year, my dearest." The weight of his determination reverberated through his words, a pledge made in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

The fire of hope burned brilliantly in his eyes, casting a radiant glow within the cabin, illuminating the darkest corners of their existence with the brilliant light of possibility.

Tsvetana's eyes widened with an infectious excitement, her face alight with hope as she asked eagerly, "Really?"

With an unwavering smile, the man responded, his voice filled with unwavering determination, "Promise."

He then shifted his gaze to his wife, Natalia, who looked at him with a mixture of hope and scepticism, her eyes revealing the enduring uncertainty of their circumstances. "And I promise to bring you and our daughter to a better place by next year, away from this Siberian cold," he vowed.

Natalia caught between the vulnerability of her dreams and the enduring faith in her husband, looked at him with eyes that glistened with unshed tears. She nodded, a silent affirmation that spoke volumes, and whispered, "I believe you."

As the man looked back at Tsvetana, something peculiar began to happen. Pinkish circuit-like patterns, intricate and mesmerizing, began to creep up his neck.

The ethereal glow of these patterns illuminated his skin with an otherworldly light. In a peculiar symphony of hope and love, similar patterns emerged on Natalia's neck, spreading like delicate vines of their shared dreams.

The man, his eyes brimming with deep emotion, repeated to his daughter, "I promise, Tsvetana, I promise." Each word carried with it the weight of their collective aspirations and an unwavering commitment to a brighter future.

However, their moment of shared hope and love was abruptly shattered when —plop—

Natalia fell to the ground without any warning, her eyes losing the glimmer of hope, the patterns on her neck fading like the dying embers of a fire. Tsvetana, witnessing her mother's sudden collapse, was overcome by fear and distress.

She screamed, "Mama, Mama, are you all right? Papa, look what happened to Mama," her voice quivering with terror as she pleaded with her father to come to her mother's aid.

Yet, there was no response. Soon, the man also collapsed to the ground, the intricate patterns on his neck continuing to spread like wildfire. The little girl was left alone, her world unravelling before her eyes.

Desperation and sorrow gripped her as she frantically tried to shake her parents awake, tears streaming down her face. But it was already too late.

The insidious Honkai infection had claimed their lives, leaving Tsvetana as the lone survivor of a family whose dreams had been extinguished in an instant.

Nevertheless, Tsvetana, who had been shaking her parents frantically, continued her efforts, even as her hands grew tired and numb from the relentless exertion.

She refused to give up, her small form quivering with determination, her desperation evident in every strained movement.


It was at that very moment when a thunderous roar shattered the already fragile peace of the cabin. The walls exploded outward, splintered fragments of wood and debris showering the small girl as she stood amidst the wreckage.

Amidst the destruction, a fearsome creature emerged from the darkness, its body shrouded in ominous black with haunting blue hues pulsating around its form, particularly in the lower limbs. Its menacing cyclopean blue eye glared at the lone human girl with an unrelenting bloodthirsty cold blue eye.

The creature was a Frost Chariot, a formidable type of Honkai beast. As it locked its eye on Tsvetana, it pounced forward, its monstrous form closing in.

Tsvetana, whose hope had been extinguished by the tragic turn of events, accepted her fate with a heart devoid of emotion, her eyes vacant, and her spirit numbed by the relentless cruelty of life.

But just as the Frost Chariot was about to reach her, it was halted in its tracks by a man dressed in a sleek suit. His presence was commanding, and he stood between the Honkai beast and the child.

"Hmm," The newcomer, a man of mysterious and formidable prowess, took a step forward. With a single swift motion, he delivered a powerful punch to the Honkai beast.

Though the Honkai beast's outer exoskeleton was known for its incredible durability, the man's supernatural strength, combined with his skill {Enhanced dexterity}, shattered the creature's defences. His punch tore deep into the Honkai beast, obliterating it in an instant.


Skill: {Enhanced Dexterity}

=> Enhances the user's physical coordination, strength, agility, and reflexes of anything related to their dexterity


The lifeless carcass of the once-menacing creature disintegrated into a pink mist, wisps of which were drawn towards the man's right wrist, where a bracelet gleamed with an otherworldly light.

The man then turned to the girl, whose eyes mirrored his own albeit only a small portion of them, pairs of eyes devoid of any emotion. "Poor soul," he murmured, his voice carrying a certain weight of understanding.

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I feel like, as a writer, I have done a good job with descriptions thus far. However, I think I should consider improving the pacing quality, as it can feel slow and fast in some instances. What do the readers think?

Also, when it comes to transitions from describing one thing to another, I wonder if it's okay or if this part also requires improvement as well, I am okay with hard criticism.

Next chapter