sans manages to find everyone and they saw sans carrying someone along with parts of robo fortune sticking out of his backpack with nadia being weirded out that there is a robot copy of her.
also carol seeing the person being carried by sans she was feeling alot of rage and sans noticing this says"um is this person by any chance the..."and carol just charges at him or rather valantine.
filia manages to also stop carol this time as well"WAIT! carol maybe that person can help you with your body!"
with that carol stops and just walks away, with sans telling everyone"I'll go try and confort her, you guys take care of this woman and the parts"as he teleports to carol.
as sans teleports around he manages to find carol sobbing in a room with an opperating table.
sans"hey, I see you don't need me asking are you alright?"
carol"why are you here"
sans"well here to confort you of course why would I be here if I wouldn't"
carol"why would you need to"
sans"well I've been through alot and I mean alot of pain maybe more than you even"
carol"yeah given your backstory and alternate memories you get I guess so"
sans"well how about some advice from someone who's been around the block a few times"as carol looks at sans in the eyes though they are hollow but the white dots in them show the senserity in them, some how.
sans"you gotta move on from the past and use the pain you experianced as a way to be resiliant to the things you will experiance in the future and who know the pain you experiance now would probably be compared with your future pain and you thinking back 'huh is this it or is there more' think of it like that"
carol chuckling a little"is that really it?"
sans"who knows but I have long forgave that person who killed me I mean I killed them over a million times to vent my frustration but the past is the past"
carol"is it really that simple"
sans"no you just have to find out how to move on on your own because you can't use other peoples way of moving on for yourself because some would lead you to a dead end"
carol"alright I'll try"
sans"it will take time but it will work out in the end, *sigh* welp we better get back to the others they are probably worried"as he gets up to walk and carol follows suit.
lets skip ahead a little, after sans and carol's talk the went back to the hotel and meet up with parasol saying they're finished with their buisness and are getting ready to confront the skullgirl.
sans"alright let me try and finish this robot and keep our two captives in a good place and we're ready to go"
and they took the time to prepare, well that is intil big band and peacock got a distress signal from lab 8 and they tell everyone that they need to go and help lab 8 with everyone else deciding to tag along and to make sure their captives don't escape they took both valantine and brain drain with them.
after some hours of driving they manage to make it to lab 8, well whats left of it anyway with the door being blown wide open it wasn't too hard to get inside and searching for survivors.
after going a bit deeper into the lab they found ileum, lebuc, hive, the lab children, and our good shark guy stanley and told them that they came as quikly as they could but didn't find avian in the group. sadly they found dr. avian dead on the floor the deeper they went.
when everyone at lab 8 that saw that was pissed but sense they can't do anything they just stood there.
and sans seeing everyone's reaction thinks to himself'hmmm I wonder if I can use overwrite to change his fate or at least I can try, *sigh ' and he walks forward while changing into cross sans, this suprised everyone that didn't know he can do that which would the lab 8 members and brain drain because he didn't see sans changing.
as everyone looks at sans as a button appeared in front of him saying overwrite and him pressing it as something shocking happens with dr. avians body as it glitches and disapeared and reappeared with him standing not dead and dazed clearly confused how is he still alive and how it happened.
everyone looked at sans as if he was a dangrous anomaly because he just brought someone back alive and well and not an undead like squiggly or a creaction like big band.
hive"how did you do that?"
sans"oh I just overwrite a code in the universe"
big band"you can seriously do that"
sans"bro I turned the entire city upside down"
carol"wait if you can do that couldn't you have fixed our problemes easly"
sans"well where would the fun in that'll be, plus I can fix many things like the skull heart but I didn't know how far this thing goes so I decided to test it out"
after everyone calms down a little they began to collect themselves and try to find a place to stay which parasol helped find a place and peacock finding out that the skullgirl was her friend she was searching she is curently very depressed and asked sans if he could turn marie back which he said he would test out and got right back to working on robo fortune.
hey everyone I'm running out of Ideas for the skullgirl story so I'm going to speed the story through but I'm gonna include all the main characters in this story as they travel the multivers as the skullgirl universe will be their main base of oporations and make sans capable of changing his character into something else, but that would be a suprise on the other hand I will but a vote here on what world you woul want after skullgirls.just put a comment on them and I would count the numbers of comments on the list with the most being what I choose.
=league of legends
=demon slayer
=persona 5
that would be your choises and if you got Ideas I would look at them and see what I could think of.