
ch 2: here we go

August 12,2006 .....

So it's been five years since I've been reborn and things have been good so far. I mean I just turned five this year today since it's my birthday and all. Surprisingly it doesn't seem much has changed from my past life and this current one I'm living in. Except maybe slight changes in personality in some people like my mom and dad for An example. They seem to have done a complete switch-aroo in terms of personality. My mom was usually the one to threatened, initiate, and do the ass-kicking you know tough love style; while my dad just didn't care but at same time he definitely did . In other words they both loved me to death, they just had different ways of showing it. It's not like I hate it the change or anything like that it's just that I was caught by surprise that's all. I couldn't tell if it was just my parents with this change or everyone got a personality switch-a-roo. since I don't interact with people much, never had and probably never will and even if I did I didn't really go anywhere. Besides that I enjoy my birthday, I mean I got to go to Sesame Street amusement park and I loved it. Atlas in the next coming month my torture begins..... :'(

time skip... September 8,2006

sigh, today my non-existing friends marks the first day of my torment. A good part of my life that I thought I was over with but atlas it comes again to haunt me. A thing so scary it will and has made a grown men and women cry. Yes my dear non-existing friend, this foul beast has a name and it's name is ... SCHOOL...

YES SCHOOL something so necessary to progress forward in life but atlas I/almost everyone in existence forget 99.99% of by the time I/we get home. I mean i can already feel the despair and anxiety coursing through me as I write this , unfortunately I'll face it again but only this time I'll make my mom proud of me. In my previous life I basically pass-fail kindergarten to eighth grade and to hoot at a private Catholic too. It was a literally a miracle that I managed to get in highschool were I got my shit together and started producing the grades I could done so to begin with.

This time I'm going to make her money worth it this time to. With that being said I woke at six o'clock in the morning to get there early since I've always been ... how you say..... out of touch with father time therefore I'm always late for everything thing in life, but this time I refuse to repeat it again not with this glorious second chance . so I start my usual morning routine you know brush teeth, wash face, find something to eat and then leave along with other things and right before I'm going to leave; I with all honesty forgot I am five years old now no longer an adult.So I know for a fact it would look hella suspicious if a five year old walks to school all on her and especially on the first day of school nevertheless it would just get child protection services on my ass again I do not need that. so I start to retreat back to our room and woke up my mom up so she can take me

even if she did find it weird that a 5 year old is up by themselves . In less then 10 minutes we were there at the entrance of the school since it's not that far from my house and let me tell you it was big enough to to fit a whole Yankee stadium in it twice, trust me when I say that in my previous life it definitely did not look like this. It looked like a some what decent but nevertheless run down school while now it looks like a Greek/Roman style Castle with what seems like very advance technology Incorporated in it's over all aesthetic and this is just the outside of it I can't even imagine what it look in the inside. I mean it's seems everything had been the same for the past four years. Then again I haven't been really out and about in the past 4 year I almost completely forgotten that I'm in a different version of my existence. I knew there had to be more of a difference between this life and my past life.I mean when someone as antisocial and lazy as moi, you tend to not care about these little details . Anywho after I waved goodbye to my mom after 10 minutes of her crying causes I'm growing up to fast and what not. So after that I started walking up the steps of my new school, I entered through the door and was greeted with seemed like the same layout as my old school but with of course a few differences. This is just the lobby I'm looking at it and it is a very big school, bigger than my old ones so there's a lot for me to explore...

I wonder what else is different in this new realm of mine

sorry for the short chapter next one Will be longer. sorry for my absentee right . now for those who are reading I'll start updating y work

Bow_Longmancreators' thoughts