

The rain was quite heavy that day. The Gulmohar tree near my house surrounded by its tiny yellow flowers was drenching in the rain. The gutters adjacent to our rows of bungalows flooded with muddy water,tree leaves floated a little paper boat of mine. I was keen on making my boat go till the end but before that could happen my mother sneaked up from behind and lifted me up in her arms.

      "The pakoras will be cold and angry if you don't eat them up now."

I struggled in my mothers arms, as that paper boat was made by my father for me."

   "If I don't sail that boat, dadda will get angry."

      "No he wont, play with him as much as you want when he comes back in the evening."

         I poured almost not convinced. The delish smell of hot pakoras and spicy chutney made my stomach grunt. Jumping from my mother's arms I ran towards the kitchen. A plate of lip-smacking brown hot pakoras was ready in front of me.

          I was on my third plate of pakora with my favourite cartoon going on, when the bell rang. It was about evening. I ran towards the door thinking it was my dad.

         I opened the door with the widest smile on my cheeks but there was no father to greet his daughter with hugs and kisses; instead stood two men with khaki uniform asking for my mother.

        I ran back to my TV set but stopped midway as I heard my mom clashing on the wooden floor. The floor creaked but its voice almost negligible to the heavy rains and winds.

       "Madam we are sorry but Indrajeet Patwardhan is under arrest for his cheating the company."

         "No, I don't believe you. My Indra could never do that. It's all a lie. I will go to the supreme court to prove my husband's innocence. I don't believe you."

   Those last words echoed in the empty house even in the deafening rain. Her red eyes sparking fire along with tears of denial.

         "Are you really taking my father?"

The officer just nodded without looking down to my short stance.

        I looked over to my mother, her tears of denial still flowing down her once rosy cheeks. I hug her tightly almost a reflex. The 11 year old me thinks I am strong enough to endure this but tears clouding my eyes only makes it difficult.....

         "Ishaaaaaaa!!!!!" A loud noise detaches me from the trance.

      "Yes ma'am." I reply as if I was paying attention thr whole time.

        "Aaditya sir is calling you in his office , now!" The clerk stresses on the last work thinking I might zone out.

       'What would it be this time?? Why can't he let me rest my ass for some time. Ughh.'

      I sigh and knock on his not-so fancy door. One thing I definitely like about this guy is him being down to earth . He literally owns the 25 million $ company and yet does not want to renovate his door. Pretty humble,huh. Instead he is famous for his grey eyes, tall stature and abs worth dieting for. Well don't let his beauty cloud your mind. He is such an ass to me. He might be the kindest and sweetest in the office but whenever it comes to me he is nothing but a pain in the arse.

      "Take a seat Isha. Isha, did you zone out again? When are you going to come out of your fairy tale???

      I frown and take a seat opposite to his desk, which compares to me is pretty neat.

      "No, I did not zone out again, was just thinking about some stupid reason for which you called."

I  snap back immediately not wanting him to catch me off guard.

     "By the way this pink dress looks way too pretty--

My mouth literally drops. Am I just getting a complement from my nemesis.

      ---you shouldn't wear it. It would be quite a torture for it."

What else can I expect from him,huh?

"Can we get back on the reason you called me in for, Mr. Aditya Patwardhan?"

His face turns as if he has smelled a dead mouse. I  know he hates it whenever someone calls him by his full name. Weird tho? But everyone has a story I guess.


"As you know our company is working on a project in Jodhpur."

"Ya, what about that?"

"Well, we are short of a person to complete our team and I personally think that you should be that person."

"Wait....what...I mean why do you want me to work  on such an important project? Aren't you satisfied with my shrewdness towards you!"

"Not like I am big fan of your occasional snapping ; this selection is completely based on your performance till now."

I raised my eyebrow in doubt. I mean is he really serious??

"Yes your performance. The way you handled the Malhotras or similar big brands. Like a calm in chaos."

His eyes boring deep into mine. Seeking approval.

I knew he wasn't kidding. But still I was unsure.

"I will get back to you in a week."

The reply made his ever lit eyes go dim.

            Writer's Note:

This is my first story and there could be a lot of mistakes so pardon me for that.

And please review my first chapter in the comments and also what else do I expect from the story. I would be more that happy if you recommend to your friends and ask them to review as well
