
HH+Classroom of the Elite

I am not an English speaking guy. So there will be bad English. A story of a guy in ANHS

1_Am_Nyan99 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Pop Quiz

"Ha ha ha ha! God, you're so dumb. You're hilarious, man!"

Ike chatted loudly with Yamauchi during second-period math. It'd been three weeks since the entrance ceremony. In that time, Ike and Yamauchi, along with Sudou, had collectively come to be known as "The three idiots".

"Hey, hey, do you want to go do karaoke?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

A group of girls nearby were making plans for after class.

And here I am, constantly drawing something on my notebook. More or less making character designs using the appearance of my classmates as reference.


Halfway through class, Sudou crashed through the door and barged into the classroom. He slumped in his seat with a yawn, clearly not caring how late he was.

"Oh, hey, Sudou. Wanna get lunch later?" Ike called out to Sudou from across the room.

The math teacher continued the lesson without even really paying attention. Normally, the teacher would have flicked a piece of chalk at him, but perhaps out of some feeling of laissez faire, all of the teachers tolerated that kind of behavior. Even when it came to poor language, being late to class, or dozing off, no one cared.

If my guess is right, there will be point deductions for misconduct like tardiness, absences, and talking in class.bAt this rate, this class is doomed a month later.

To think that the great I, is grouped with these people is kinda interesting. I'm sure people like Horikita and Yukimura would protest why they're sorted in the class of defectives, but not me. I know my weakness quite well.

Anyway it's the first time for me to show interest on other people. Maybe this is the reason why my level of communication skills are low. With some practice, I'm confident I'll improve. I'm getting pumped up!

"Whoa. Seriously, he has a girlfriend? Awesome." Based on Ike's conversation, it sounded like Hirata was dating Karuizawa.

Watching Karuizawa from afar, I saw that she was gazing lovingly at him from across the room.

For someone like me with zero romantic experience, I couldn't understand that feeling very well. I only played dating sims, and I could see their feelings in a bar rating.

Anyway the lessons continued and soon the third period period for History. Chabashira-sensei our homeroom teacher handled this class.

"Quiet down a little, please. Today's lesson will be a bit serious."

"What do you mean, Sae-chan-sensei?"

Though I think it was rude to call a teacher like that unless you were close, it seems Chabashira-sensei doesn't mind it.

"It's the end of the month, so we're going to have a short test. Please pass these to the back."

She handed out the papers to the students in the front row. Eventually, the single-sheet test reached my desk. It contained questions in the five main subjects. With only a few questions per subject, it really was short.

"Huh? I wasn't listening, though. This is so unfair!" a student cried.

"Don't say that. This test is just for future reference. It won't be reflected in your report cards. There is no risk involved, so don't worry. Of course, cheating is prohibited."

Hmm... Alright then.

The quiz started, and when I scanned the questions there were four questions per subject, for a total of twenty. Each question was worth five points, for a total of one hundred points. Most of the questions were extraordinarily easy, to the point where it was almost a letdown. In fact, the questions seemed to be about two levels less difficult than the ones on the entrance examination. It appeared far too easy.

However, just as I thought that, at the end of the test shocked me. The final problems in it are on a higher level of difficulty.

It couldn't be solved without a complex formula.

I looked over Chabashira-sensei monitoring as patrolling around the classroom. When I was in her blindspot, I took a quick glance over my classmates on their test papers.

I could only say that they really sucked. I gathered data based on my observation, and mentally calculated the average scores of the class.

Approximately 65 points. Knowing the contents of the exam are two levels below our grade, that's very low. Even an average second year middle school students could score higher than that.

A long time had passed in my mind, but in reality that's only an instant.

Well I guess I'll just answer this test and get this over with.


"Takamura-kun. Are you free?" Kushida came and asked me out of nowhere after class.

"Nothing in particular. Why do you ask Kushida-san?" I tried my beat to make it so casually.

"You see, we're going out to have some fun with Ike-kun and the others. Hirata-kun and Karuizawa-san is coming too. Would you like to join us?"

Wah... Isn't the hurdle to high for me? But partying with high levelled players, I doubt I'll contribute to anything in the conversation. Still it will be an opportunity to level my communication skills.

"Really? Is that really fine?"

"Yes. Takamura-kun is always by himself, so I thought I'd like to know more about you?"

"Well, alright. Thanks for inviting me."


And so I went together with Kushida. Hirata and his girlfriend Karuizawa with him tagged along. There were also Mori and Matsushita who is Karuizawa's group.

"Hey Takamura-kun. You're going too with us?" Hirata asked me, his girlfriend clinging on him.

"Yes. I was thinking of going out too, so Kushida's invitation is like a godsend to me." I smoothly phrased those words without stuttering.

Woah! I can really do it if I can try huh... Even I was surprised.

"Hello Karuizawa-san, I see that you're close with Hirata. Don't tell me... Are you two a couple~?"

I randomly throw a joke there. I don't know what face I made, but I try to grin.

Karuizawa is the type of girls we call 'gyaru'. The complete opposite of a Yamato Nadeshiko type of girls, but nowadays they're getting more trendy.

"Hehehe, That's right. Yosuke-kun and I are dating. I'm so happy!" Karuizawa said with a proud expression puffing out her chest.

Well anyone would be if they're dating someone good looking.

"Hehehe, Takamura-kun you're surprisingly easy to talk to. Who knows you could throw jokes like that?" This time Matsushita asked me.

"That's right. You always seem quiet and by yourself all the time." Mori nodded her head.

"Hahaha... That's true, I'm known as a quiet kid in middle school. People called me, the 'silent voice'" I say, but that's a little cringey huh.

"Hahaha! What the heck is that? You're so funny!" Mori laughed on how bad my joke is.

"How about you Takamura? Do you have a girl you're interested in? Is it someone in class?"

"Ehh... In the class huh. There are plenty of cute girls in the class, but I don't really have any interest with anyone right now." I voiced out my true thoughts.

Just by this flow of dialogue alone. I think I'm on a roll! I never talked this much with someone. I think I'm a little bit more of a Riaju now, kinda embarrassing...

"Hm, well you look cool. So there will be girls would like to go out with you, Takamura-kun." This time, it was Kushida who said that.

"Hahaha, thanks for the compliment Kushida-san." I responded with a slightly embarrassed smile.

The six of us made conversation with each other, and slowly but surely I adapted being in a group.

I got the impression that Karuizawa's hard to deal with. Surprisingly, she's easy to get along. Though she really got a headstrong personality. Hirata is too good with talking and all. He's handsome too. No wonder many girls liked him. And as expected of someone who liked to be friends with everyone, Kushida is the easiest one to talk with.

Still the pressure of accidentally saying something tactless is making me nervous.

Soon we met up with Ike and the others. I also saw Ayanokouji with them.

"Sorry for being late, but thanks for waiting!" Kushida cried.

"Oh, no worries, Kushida-chan! Hey, wait a second, why are they here?!" Ike had been jumping up and down excitedly, but now he tumbled over and sprawled across the ground. What an energetic guy.

"Oh, I just happened to run into them on the way, so I thought I'd invite them along. Was that not okay?"

"Yeah, hey Takamura! Why aren't you looking at the group chat?"

Hm? I took my smartphone out and was surprised to the amount if notifications. It seems it came all from the group chat they invited me yesterday.

I scrolled through the conversation and I found out they planned to invite me too. Unfortunately Hirata and the others also decided to come. Their plans of getting closer with Kushida is foiled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get to check my smartphone."

Ike didn't listen to me and put an arm over Ayanokouji and started whispering to each other. Yamauchi also joined them. Apparently Sudou isn't here since he got club activities.

"Well, obviously, that was the idea. Why are you three whispering about us?" Karuizawa's words were certainly understandable.

Soon these three stopped whispering.

"I'm just going to ask you, Hirata. Are you going out with Karuizawa?" Ike asked point-blank to determine whether or not Hirata was his enemy.

"Uh... where did you hear that?" Hirata asked. As expected, he looked a little surprised, or even panicked, by that question.

Well Karuizawa answered my question, and Hirata's face that time showed was uncomfortable.

"Oh, guess you figured it out, huh? Yeah, we're dating." Karuizawa latched onto Hirata's arm before he could say anything. Hirata just lightly scratched his cheek, as if signaling resignation.

"Seriously?! I'm so jealous that you're dating such a cute girl like Karuizawa!" said Yamauchi, feigning envy.

"Kushida-chan, do you have a boyfriend?" Ike managed to shift attention over to Kushida without missing a beat.

"Me? Oh, no, unfortunately." she said.

Both Ike and Yamauchi clearly rejoiced, breaking out in massive grins. Their joy leaked out for everyone to see. Although it was possible that Kushida was hiding the fact that she had a boyfriend, she'd basically confirmed that she was available.

"Oh, no, I'm crying..."

"Don't cry, Yamauchi! We're finally almost at the summit!

Hirata, Karuizawa, Ike, and Yamauchi all surrounded Kushida as they walked. The rather uninteresting pair of Matsushita and Mori followed behind the main group, Ayanokouji walked farther behind them, alone.

"Yo, you don't seem used to hanging out Ayanokouji." I spoke to Ayanokouji, since I'm also quite behind.

"You could say that." He replied.

We are similar group of species I guess.

"Hey, Ike. Where are we going?" someone asked.

"It hasn't been that long since the entrance ceremony, remember? Just wanted to check out the campus facilities." Ike answered irritated.

So, there was no clear destination, which meant that this somewhat awkward experience would go on for a while... I'd guess this is the first time we've hang out, so it's normal.

I wonder who's going to carry the mood of conversation? I'm guessing Kushida would.

"Hey, Matsushita-san, Mori-san. What do you two want to go see?"

While Ike and Yamauchi happily chatted with each other, Kushida fell back to talk to the other two girls.

"Huh? Oh, um, well... I've wanted to see the movie theater at least once."

"Yeah. Since school's done for the day, I wanted to go, too."

"Oh, yeah! I've wanted to go as well, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Karuizawa-san, have you gone to any special places on dates?" Kushida started to organize us into three groups, just as I'd expect of her. Her communication skills is on another level.

I can't see myself be as good as her. I'm thinking if developing communication skills to adapt in society well. Kushida wanted to be friends with everybody. Our goals are different.

Also, it seems she liked being the center of attention. I don't hate this kinds of people but... I think I should draw a clear line on how I see her.

Talking with her, and getting along is fine. But that's that. Nothing more, nothing less.

While I'd been mulling over this venomous topic, my surroundings had changed. Apparently, we'd stopped at a clothing store on campus. More precisely, it was a boutique.

Honestly I think it's a waste of points spending here, but I think I'll buy some. After all clothes are like your equipment in society. It's human nature to judge a person based on your appearance. So grooming yourself is a must-skill on becoming a splendid adult.

Generally I only wear uniforms in weekdays. I have to buy clothes if I decide to go out on weekends.

We checked out many different items on the racks and, afterward, went to a nearby café. Hirata carried the clothes that Karuizawa had purchased, which cost about 30,000 points.

For me, I only bought cheap clothes worth 10,000 points.

"Have you all gotten used to this school yet?"

"At first, I was really perplexed, but now I've settled in perfectly. living in a dream. I don't ever want to graduate!"

"Ha ha! I get the feeling Ike-kun is enjoying his time here to the fullest!"

"I just wish we had more points, you know? Maybe 200,000 or 300,000 a month? After buying cosmetics and clothes and stuff, I've already used up almost all of my points." Karuizawa said.

That's scary if you think about it. I guess you could survive with the free stuff in school.

"Don't you think it's abnormal for a high school student to get 300,000 points as a monthly allowance?" Hirata asked.

"Well, if you put it like that, yeah. Even 100,000 is pretty outlandish. I'm a little scared, to be honest. I'm worried about what life after graduation will be like if I keep on spending my school days like this."

"Do you mean you'll lose your sense of money management? Yeah, that does sound pretty scary, actually."

Should I tell them? I though about it, but saying something now would ruin the purpose of letting them experience setback. The shock value would lessen the psychological impact.

"What about you, Ayanokouji-kun? Do you think that 100,000 points is a lot or not enough?"

"Hmm, well, I don't really fully understand it yet. I'm not sure." He replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I think he means that it's completely different than a normal school. What school would give that much money to the students? Isn't that weird?" Though I didn't specifically said what's wrong with it, I only planted seeds of doubt on them.

"Well, there's no point worrying about it. I'm super glad that I got into this school. I can just go out and buy whatever I want. In fact, yesterday I went out and bought some new clothes." Ike lived a positive life, always forging directly ahead.

"Kushida-chan and Hirata aside, Ike, you and Karuizawa also managed to get into this place. Aren't you guys pretty dumb, though?"

"You don't strike me as being very smart either, Yamauchi. You look pretty dumb to me!" It is me who said that.

"Huh? I'll have you know that I scored 900 points on the APEC." He bragged. This guy is really a liar.

"What's the APEC?" Kushida asked.

"You don't even know? It's a super tough test for English."

"Um, don't you mean the TOEIC, not APEC?"

Kushida gently brought Yamauchi back down to earth. APEC actually stood for Asia-Pacific Economic Partnership.

"Th-they're related though, aren't they?" he asked.

"You're an idiot Yamauchi."

"What's that Takamura!"

"Well, this school's mission is to nurture young people who will pave the way to the future, right? So, they probably don't choose people solely on their test scores. Honestly, if this school only took in people based on standardized tests, I wouldn't have taken the entrance exam."

"Yeah, yeah. Young people who will pave the way to the future. That's exactly how I'd describe myself." Ike crossed his arms and nodded.