

copy paste so I can listen to it - not mine find original on fanfiction.net named - A new world to conquer by lordofthegrey

supahsanic6969 · TV
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Horn Hill, The Reach.

We took a stop briefly at Horn Hill, The ancestral seat of house Tarly. They were one of the Tyrells most powerful vassals. Lord Randyll Tarly has a formidable reputation as a general, and has been named the finest battlefield commander in all of the Seven Kingdoms. DuringRobert's Rebellion, he was the only royalist general to win a decisive victory over Robert Baratheon, defeating his army at the Battle of Ashford despite being outnumbered.

Had the Reach army led by Tarly engaged the rebels' army instead of sitting infront of Storm's End, the rebellion might have ended differently.

We entered the gates and were welcomed by a lean balding man with a short, grey beard.

He welcomed us briskly, "Horn Hill's hospitality is yours, Lord Stark."

"Thank you, Lord Tarly," I said as I got off my horse, "It's a pleasure to meet the finest general in the realm."

His eyes glazed over slightly, no doubt remembering his victory over Robert Baratheon when he shook his head and introduced us to his family briefly and invited us into the Hall.

The man was cold. He practically spat the name of his eldest son and just rattled off the other members of his family's names quickly without the usual vigor and ceremonial flair that Mace had.

The Feast was a dull affair with only bits of pleasantries shared between us and Lady Melessa, Lord Tarly's wife.

Samwell, the chubby kid, stammered after a while, "I've read all your theories and books in the Citadel, Lord Stark. They're truly fascinating."

I smiled at him slightly, "Thank you. You like reading?"

He glanced at his father, "Oh- A little bit, yeah."

I smiled at him and was about to reply when his brother, Dickon said with a scrunched nose, "Who cares about books, they're boring."

I nodded, "That's true for some people, but some say that a reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. There's power in words."

He still looked bored at that and asked, "Do you read books all the time like Sam? That's so boring."

I smiled down at him, "Well, I led the Northern fleet against the Ironborn when I was a little bit older than you. Is that less boring for you?"

His eyes widened in fascination, "Really?"

I nodded, "They were rebelling against the Iron Throne."

He jumped up and down in his place excitedly, "Tell me about it."

I placed my fork down and wiped my mouth and said with a grin, "There's not much to tell actually, it was quite boring."

Randyll snorted, "Boring? You annihilated the Iron Born, destroyed every castle in the Iron Islands in a week."

Melessa and Talia gasped while I replied, "You disapprove?"

"On the contrary, that was probably the best naval battle in known history." He said.

I nodded, "Our weapons definitely helped."

He replied, "You could give these cannons to any lord and they still won't be able to perform an attack with this precision and destructiveness."

Melessa said in a whisper, "Every castle… a week?"

I looked at her amusedly, "It's been almost 5 years since the rebellion, my lady. Surely you've heard."

She stammered, "I only assumed they were rumors and exaggerations… My lord husband doesn't like to speak about his battles very much."

Randyll scoffed, "It wasn't a battle. It was slaughter, ridding the seven kingdoms of a plague that was destroying our lands and people. You do your house proud, Lord Stark."

"Thank you, Lord Tarly." I said.

He looked at his eldest with disdain, "Nine and he led his fleet and troops to battle. What have you done?"

And here was my opening.

Samwell got flushed in the face and looked at his plate embaressedly while his mother glared at her husband, "You want your son to march to war at his age?"

"Younger than him have fought in deadlier battles. All he is good at is eating and reading poetry and books."

His wife glared at him and I cast a slight confundus at him to make him more amiable to any suggestion I say, "I am a scholar myself, Lord Tarly. Books teach a lot about strategy and warfare."

The confundus seemed to be working as he got flustered and started saying stuff about his son which he shouldn't be saying in front of guests.

When he finally finished insulting his son in every possible way and mocking him for not being able to fight, I said, "Perhaps I may be able to help you with that, Lord Tarly."

The confundus seemed to be weakening as he turned his gaze furiously at me so I reapplied it and he said, "How?"

"You've of course heard of our military training base." He nodded, "I would find a place amongst the elite soldiers of our army. He would train with people who have never lifted a sword and in a year he would be as good as any knight. In three, he would be able to hold his ground against a Kingsguard and lead an army."

He narrowed his eyes, "I've sent him to Lord Paxter once and he embarrassed our entire family."

"But he's not going to a lord, is he?" I asked, "He's going to train alongside soldiers who train all their lives in the art of war, after he is deemed efficient with weapons, he will squire with one of the captains and generals to teach him leadership."

He contemplated it and I added, "Give us 6 moons and come visit, you won't recognize him. The training is brutal and turns the softest of women to a soldier as deadly as the Unsullied."

He nodded and said to Samwell, "I've done all I've could with you in the past 12 years. Perhaps they could effectively rid you off your softness."

I smiled at him encouragingly, "Don't worry, the first few weeks are rough but you'll fall in routine soon enough. I have love for books too but we have to remember that we live in a brutal world where swords and generals lead armies, not books and Maesters."

He still looked shaken with fear and nodded slightly at me.

"If you'll just allow me to send a raven to my uncle Benjen to inform him of Samwell's arrival," I said.

"Yes, yes of course, Lord Stark. Our maester would assist you." The man said.

I replied, "I'll also send you with a stack of letters in case the raven lost its way. Take a ship to Azkaban and from there on, deliver this letter to the Railroad operator in the city. He'll provide you with fast travel to Winterfell. From there on, uncle Benjen will direct you to the Training Base with the Death Eaters."

He still looked shaken and tried to speak until he settled on nodding once more.

His wife looked at me barely holding her anger and instead settling on digging in her plate while Randyll showed the first hint of a smile I've ever seen since he met us at the gates.

I stood up and signaled to my companions to do so as well, "Thank you for the lovely meal, Lord Tarly. I'm afraid we're going to rest and leave at first light tomorrow."

He simply nodded and motioned for a servant to guide us.

As soon as the door to the Great Hall was locked behind us, shouting between the spouses ensued.

"Ehhh… Why exactly did you do that to that kid?" Ramsay asked.

I replied, "Having the best general and future lord of Horn Hill indebted and loyal to me will go a long way in the future, Ramsay."

He looked at me incredulously, "Have you seen him? I doubt he could lift a sword properly."

I nodded, "The death eaters are going to break him and mold him into the image his father wants."

He shrugged, "Whatever you say."

Oldtown, The Reach.

We could see the Hightower a day before we arrived at the city itself, it was almost 800 feet high. I had commissioned a statue of a 600 feet wolf to guard the entrance of Azkaban, like the Titan of Braavos. It would take some time to build it even with the assistance of my mages as I didn't want to transfigure or conjure any of the material used in the statue. By the time I arrive back at the North it should be done.

We soon reached our destination. Oldtown was a veritable labyrinth of a city, all wynds and crisscrossing alleys and narrow crookback streets. It was as big as King's landing, though it shared likeness with Azkaban the most. The city itself is stunningly beautiful; many rivers and canals crisscross its cobbled streets. It lacked King's Landing slums and was much more organized and clean.

"It looks like Azkaban," Jon said.

I nodded, "Braavos, Azkaban and Oldtown are the three most important ports in all of Westeros."

"More than King's Landing?" He asked.

"Soon we'll own the Sea, just not yet." I replied.

He laughed, "You're a tad bit ambitious for a Stark, cousin."

I looked at him blankly, "When a Stark wanted to build a wall; he made a 700 feet high, 300 mile long ice wall."

He laughed and we just carried on, riding leisurely with the sound of hoofs clanking against the cobblestone and merchants and ships bustling all around.

"Where is the Citadel?" Ramsay asked tiredly.

I turned towards him and asked, "You want to go inside the Citadel?"

He looked confused, "Well, yes why shouldn't I?"

"It's a big library." At his confused look, I elaborated, "Books, Ramsay. It's full of books."

He grumbled, "I know what a library is."

Jon asked, "And you still want to go inside?"

"Well, we're visiting every important place in Westeros aren't we?" He shrugged, "I heard it has some cool toys inside."

I shook my head in amusement, "I'll ask a maester to show you around the Citadel while I meet with the Conclave."

"You brought us here to meet a bunch of old men?" Jon asked.

"These bunch of old men rule over every maester in every keep in Westeros." I said.

His eyes widened, "The maesters spy on us?"

I shook my head, "Not all of them, but they hold a huge amount of power in the Seven Kingdoms, almost as much as the Faith."

We soon reached the complex of buildings that was the Citadel, I quickly left Jon and Ramsay with a Maester to show them around while I made my way over the bridges to the isle that held the Seneschal's Court.

I passed through the door to a hall with a stone floor and high, arched windows and reached toward the raised dais that held the gatekeeper.

"Who wishes to speak with the Seneschal?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "Brandon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount and the Warden of the North."

His knightly image fell quickly and he gushed eagerly, "Truly a pleasure, Lord Stark. My name is Emmon, my lord. I'm forged my chains in Mathematics and Engineering, my lord. Truly your theories and discoveries are amazing… my lord."

What the hell was wrong him?

I shook his hands and smiled at him, "Can I meet the Seneschal now?"

He looked confused before he remembered his duties and straightened up, "Of course, my lord. They're waiting for you."

I entered through a pair of bronze doors that held engravings of buildings and astronomy on it, to a round room with a raised half-circular table that left the area in the middle empty.

I moved towards the empty are quickly and greeted the Archmaesters, they were all wearing masks and holding rods made of Valyrian Steel.

"Lord Stark," the mathematics Archmaester greeted me eagerly, "Welcome to the Citadel, you're staying here for an extended time, I hope."

I smiled apologetically, "I'm afraid not Archmaester," I said as the man deflated, "I was hoping to extend an invitation to all of you to the North however."

"We've visited the Temple once, my lord." A raspy voice pointed out.

I waved my hands, "This isn't a normal visit, archmaester. I and the rest of the Maesters and Archmaesters have made astounding discoveries and theories in all of the fields. We were hoping that you would accept our invitation for the first Conference in Westeros for men of Knowledge from all over Westeros and Essos."

The Archmaesters quickly buzzed, this was probably the most exciting thing from the time they entered the Citadel. Sharing the knowledge from all over the world in one place? Wonderful!

"When will your 'conference' be, my Lord?" One Archmaester asked.

"Everything will be prepared the sixth moon of the 297 AC, Archmaesters. We were hoping to hold a conference each two years- once in the citadel and once in the temple. But we have to first send invitations and have addresses of men of Knowledge from all over the world, and this conference will help achieve this."

"That sounds wonderful, my lord. But how are we going to cover the expense of our rather large number of maesters, acolytes and archmaesters?" A sneezy old man said.

I smiled at him, "As much as ships and wagons as needed are to be provided to any member of the citadel. It's a small price for the knowledge that will be shared and gained."

The room once more filled with excited chattering as I excused myself out- I don't think they even noticed.

I was approached by the Grandmaester on my way out, "Lord Stark, Lord Stark!"

"Grandmaester Pycelle, it's unusual to see you here instead of at King's Landing." I asked, baffled.

He waved his hands, "I had to take clear some matters up here with the Conclave, three maesters were provided to the Red Keep in my absence."

I nodded at him, "I'm sure they are unable however, to perform as efficiently as you do."

He straightened with pride, "Indeed, I have served four kings dutifully. I'm afraid they'll lack the experience and wisdom I have in dealing with the Small council."

I smiled at him, "I'm sure they will. Now was there something you needed?"

He replied, "Ah yes, I've heard that you are planning on visiting the Arbor, my lord?"

See? Bloody spies.

I nodded and he cringed, "I would advise against that, my lord."

I frowned and said, "Your advise is appreciated, Grandmaester. But may I ask why?"

He said, "Your recent breakthroughs and beverages have caused the wine trade in the Arbor to drop to almost tenth of its original size. House Redwyne has lost a lot of income in the past few years and may harbor a few grudges towards you."

The man must really like me if he took the time to warn me. It seems I've successfully gained the trust of the Citadel and the Maesters.

I nodded, "I've forgot that they were the biggest wine producers in Westeros. Prideful men sometimes do stupid things." I shook his hands, "Thank you for your help, Grandmaester. I shall heed your advice."

He smiled at me, "It's always a pleasure to help such a lord as intelligent and interested in the scholars such as you. I'm afraid that most of the other lords only care for war and bloodshed."

I thanked him once more and left.

I quickly met with the Jon and Ramsay just as they were walking out of the Library.

"Done already?" Jon asked.

I nodded as I continued walking.

"So, are we going to rest in an inn for the rest of the day or just book a ship to the Arbor right now?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Change of plans, we're skipping the Arbor."

He frowned and shrugged, "Never saw what was so interesting in vineyards anyway. Where are we going next then?"

I smiled at him, "Starfall."