


supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs


Harry was having a good time. He was currently drinking a cup of tea on the deck of the flagship of the western navy ''the Wild Wolf'', a five hundred-oar dromond class ship, that was armed to the teeth with scorpions, flamethrowers, rams and crossbows. The ship itself was named in honour of his father Brandon Stark, who was known as ''the Wild Wolf''.

The reason why he even bothered to drink his tea on the deck, instead of his cabin was because he wanted a front row seat in watching how quickly his fleet would decimate the fleet of Ironborn longships that guarded Old Wyk. It's already been a couple of months since the Ironborn declared their rebellion against the Iron Throne and a month after they attacked the North, breaking their agreement and giving him a reason to finally neutralise the Ironborn threat and expand his domains once more.

The first couple of months of the Ironborn Rebellion proved to be very successful for both the Ironborn and for his plans. The Iron born was able to destroy both the Lannister and the Hightower fleets making them the uncontested rulers of the Sunset Sea, since most of the Redwyne fleet was currently with the Royal fleet securing the Step Stones and making sure the surrounding Free Cities didn't try to attack the Iron Thrones new holdings.

Both fleets were destroyed within two weeks of each other. First the Lannister fleet was burnt at port in a night raid while the much smaller Hightower fleet was destroyed just outside Old Town in a highly contested naval battle. To be fair to the Hightowers, they gave as good as they got but the with the supplies given to the Ironborn by the North, Balon Greyjoy had a fleet larger than any Ironborn since Aegon the Conqueror landed in Westeros.

With the destruction of the Lannister and the Hightower fleets the Ironborn were able to sack Lannisport, Old town, and reave most of the settlements on the coast of the Westerlands, the Reach and the Riverlands. The only settlement that the Ironborn weren't able to attack succesfully was the Arbour because of its superb defences, not to mention that by then the Iron Fleet were already spread thin, with it trying to neutralise all possible challenge to their naval superiority, so they could not bring their full might to bear at the time.

But even with them failing in taking the Arbour, their other victories would still make them cocky enough to try to attack the North. Of course this would prove to be the start of their downfall since the entire Northern military was already prepared for this and the Royal navy and the Redwyne fleet were quickly dispatched to the west coast to bring the Ironborn to heel after the news spread that both Lannisport and Old town had fallen.

The Ironborn attack to the North would prove to be a disaster for the Ironborn with most of the ships involved in the attack being defeated by the Northern navy at sea while the small amount that was able to land was quickly defeated by the North army. The Ironborn that were captured were quickly executed with their impaled remains lining the western coast of the North. The only exception to this was Victarion Greyjoy whose head would be mounted on his uncle Benjen's ship went he sailed to Pyke.

After the defeat of the Iron Fleet by the North's military, he would finally declare war against the Ironborn. With most of the rest of the Iron fleet being sent to the Reach to beat the combined might of the Royal and Redwyne fleets, an invasion of the Iron Islands was much easier for him since he would only need to fight againt the small number of the remaining Iron Fleet that were still in the Isles that were mostly there for defence around Pyke.

The other Islands have only relatively few longships to protect them, since many of them were also currently outside the Isles or had already been destroyed. It was for this reason he was currently in the ''Wild Wolf'' leading the attack on Old Wyk himself.

The reason he choose to attack Old Wyk rather than the more valuable Islands like Harlaw or Pyke was because this Island has something that was equally important and that is soft power. This island was in the eye of the Ironborn religion their holy land. With the island housing their most holy artifact of their religion and that is Nagga's bones, the remains of a sea monster from the Age of Heroes slain by the mythical Grey King fom whom many of the Ironborn nobles claimed descent. It also had the remnant of the said Grey King's Hall. So even though the island didn't have any material value it made up as being the birth place of their entire civilization.

The other islands among the Iron Islands would be attacked by other lords of the North with the attack on Pyke being lead by his uncle Benjen, the attack to Great Wyk lead by Greatjon Umber, the attack on Harlaw lead by Maege Mormont, Blacktyde lead by Robert Glover, Saltclif being lead by Gregor Forrester and the assault on Orkmont being led by Rickard Karstark.

''Lord Stark the enemy vessel has been in range of our weapons for a while now, we are just waiting for your order to fire'', Ser Mark Ryswell said to him. The commander of his guard was wearing winter steel armour that had a carving of a standing direwolf on the breastplate. He also carried with him a winter steel sword and also on the shoulder was a pelt from a dead lion signanling his position of being the commander of his guard. Most of his other guards wore similar armour and weaponry like his sworn sword, except they weren't allowed to wear a lion skin as their pelt; that was an honour reserved for the commander only. While his sworn sword and other guard were heavily armoured, he was only wearing casual clothing with only his sword at his side for his protection if he were attacked.

''Then fire, I want no survivors'' Hadrian said while taking a drink of his tea and watching as the flagman of the ship waiting for the order so that he can relay it to the other ships began to signal the attack.

''Of course my lord'', Mark Ryswell said before he ordered the crew of the ship to open fire against the Iron born fleet, the flagman of the ship quickly relayed the order to the other ships to also fire their weapons. After the order was given the crew released both scorpion and winter fire from the maw of the wolf sculpture. The release of all this of the ship weapon devastated the Ironborn fleet that guarded Old Wyk. Winter fire itself was known as Greek fire in his old world and like what the Byzantines did in his old world, he would use the weapon to devastating effect to his enemy. Something that truly interested him was that there are substances in this world that were quite similar to Greek fire, with it being known as wildfire. But it seems that the people in this world haven't known how devastating this weapon would be if it is used in naval warfare, because even though they already have a rudimentary flamethrower that was called spitfire they didn't use wildfire for it instead opting to use ordinary oil for the spitfire.

But wildfire isn't the only invention in his old world that existed in this world, since there was even a knockoff version of Roman concreted in this world with it being by use by the Valyrian Empire when it still existed. Something that really pissed him off since many people believe that his city was built by using Valyrian technique.

The devastation brought by his winter flame would enable them decimate the long ships that protected Old Wyk while the Ironborn who survived it by jumping to the sea would be ruthlessly kill by his crossbowmen. They were able to land in Old Wyk without losses and quickly beat the small garrison that was stationed in the island while some of the smarter ones would retreat to some of the keeps that were further inland. But they would also quickly fall before the northern army who liberally used winter fire to destroy the keep gate, enabling the Northnern army to secure them much faster and with few losses.

While this was happening he would take some of his men to attack The Grey king's hall since that was the main objective of his invasion of Old Wyk. The Grey King hall is located near the southern shore of Old Wyk, by Nagga's Cradle. On arrival he disembarked with his men and walked toward the hall. It didn't take long before they spotted the massive bones of the sea dragon that was said to be used in building the beams and pillars of the Grey King's Hall. When they arrived the place was guarded by some drowned men and priests, who tried to attack him. Try being the key word since they were no match for his guard who defeated them wholesale.

''You know, it really is a shame that your people are not going to be in this life for much longer''. Hadrian said to the captured drowned men and priests since he ordered his men his men not to kill them just yet.

''What are you saying greenlander, what is dead may never die''. One of the drown men said but before he can continue what he wanted say, he would be interrupted by Hadrian.

'' But rises again, harder and stronger. That's what you all like to say right, yeah but this time you all are really going to die and I'm not talking about just killing you, no that would be mercy and someone could in the future try to become like you. I'm talking about destroying everything there is about an Ironborn; your culture, religion, way of live, and of course the identity of being an Ironborn. Today would be the end for your people, culture, religion, so you better make sure you savour the last few hours of your life'', Hadrian said

They would wait for a couple hours for the Northern army to finally gather all the survivors of the island. Most of the survivors were unsurprisingly made up of women, children, and the thralls. After arriving there they were forced to gather behind the drowned men to hear his speech. But before he could start his speech, one of his men came toward him bringing with him a sheathed sword.

"My lord'' The man said while bowing and presenting him the sheathed sword.

''Am I assumed that this Red Rain'?' Hadrian said, while unsheathing the ancestral valyrian steel sword of house Drumm, the sword was name Red Rain for the colour of its metal.

''Yes, my lord'' The man replied

''Good job soldier'' Hadrian said while sheathing the blade and then handed it over to one of his guard.

''Of course my lord'', the man said before leaving.

"This place is the most holy place in your religion", Hadrian began addressing the gathered captives, " this place is where the so called Grey King slew the sea dragon Nagga, this place is where you crowned your ancient kings, this place is where most of your culture, religion and identity was created, this place would also be where it all will end. To all you thralls, salt wives, and everyone else that the Ironborn have taken captive, hurt, raped and done other unspeakable things to, I give you my word that the Ironborn would never ever harm you again, because they will end today, kill all the Ironborn, spare the women and children but prepare them to be sent to the North'' Hadrian said to his men who ruthlessly carried out his orders, ignoring the pleas from many of the Ironborn captives both noble and smallfolk alike. The first to be killed would be the drowned men and the priests while the rest of the Ironborn would be killed after them.

After killing the iron born, the men of the northern army started to pile their dead bodies into Nagga's bones to be burned alongside the Iron born while the woman and children were forced to gather in groups so that it would be easier for them to be transported to the North. The reason he spared the women and children was not because of some sense of honour or anything like that. But because the women and children could become future assets for him, since it was known fact that children that were born in hard land make excellent soldiers and it has been proved that Ironborn make excellent soldiers and sailors when they could be disciplined properly. The woman would probably become concubines for the soldiers enabling the continued population growth of the North.

Of course not all of Nagga's bone would be burn alongside the remnant of the Ironborn since some of the bones would be transported to the North so that it could be place at both the entrance to Avalon and also Constantinople. The soldiers of the northern army had already started removing some of it.

''To the thralls and the saltwives I give you my word that we would return you back to your homeland if that is your wish, but if you don't want that, I ask for your help to rebuild this island and all the others so that it could become your home'' Hadrian said before leaving Nagga's hill and the going to his ship, since he would be going to Harlaw as soon as Maege Mormont sent word that the island has fallen and was secured.

The reason he didn't want to stay in any of the castle of the iron born was because most of the castle in the Isles were in a state of disrepair, not to mention all the castles on the island didn't have a gate anymore making it a security hazard for him. He would leave some of his men and ships to protect the island of course when he leaves for Harlaw.

The reason he was going to Harlaw was simple, it would there that he would make the new capital of the Iron Islands once it was absorbed by the North. After arriving in his ship, he entered his cabin which was of course lavishly decorated with a massive world map in the middle of the room with carved wooden pieces representing the northern navy ships on the map. There was also a window on the back of the cabin. At the right corner of the room was an ironwood desk with a small liquor cabinet near it, with a Stark banner behind the desk.

He went to his liquor cabinet and took out one of the bottles in there, he savoured the taste while looking toward sea from his window.

''You seem stressed my lord'', a voice said while soft hands started massaging his shoulders.

''I'm not stressed Valerie'', Hadrian replied, to one of his personal maids. Valeria has silver hair and violet eyes showing her Valyrian descent. She was one of the many slaves that were bought by his sworn sword when he was sent to Essos. Like most of the slaves that were brought from Lys, she was trained from childhood to be a pleasure slave.

''Well you're shoulder's really tense Master, perhaps you need to relax'' Valerie said before sliding her hand from his shoulder and making her way toward his pants. It wasn't long before both their cloths were off and pleasured screams erupted from his cabin.

It would be during his breakfast the next day that he was informed that Maege Mormont had send a raven telling him that Harlaw had fallen and that she has secured the island. Other than that; the men also told him that the other northern lords had also sent ravens telling him that they had successfully conquered all the Iron Islands and all of them were on their way to Harlaw. After receiving that bit of good news, he would order the same man who reported that to tell the captain to start preparing the ship to take them to Harlaw.

It didn't take long for them to reach Harlaw and then to the castle; the Ten Towers. The Ten Towers was located on the eastern coast of the isle of Harlaw and was the stronghold of House Harlaw the former lords of the island. The castle itself was named that for well, the ten towers that the castle possessed. When he arrived at the castle he wasn't at all surprised at seeing the wall of the castle decorated with body of dead Ironborn.

After the 'Wild Wolf' docked, he was greeted by his uncle Benjen and the other Northern lords that had arrived on the island.

''Hadrian'', Benjen said while hugging his eldest nephew before releasing him and then ordering one of the servants to bring them bread and salt to offer guest right.

''Uncle", Hadrian said while eating the bread and salt before giving it to his other entourage.

''Lord Stark'', the other Northern lords and the other high ranking commanders of the Northern army greeted while bowing their heads.

''My Lords and Lady'', Hadrian said to the people present. The Northern Lords and Lady then lead him toward the Great Hall of the castle to present their reports of the war in the Iron Islands. Went he arrived at the great hall he noticed that it like many other castles in this world barring those that he helped design was quite unimpressive, with there being barely anything in it that would interest him. Well except for two things; the first being the two giant scythes of beaten silver crossed together which hung across above the Lord's chair which look awesome for him and secondly the Lord's chair itself, but he knows that the chair wasn't the original throne of the Harlaws. No this chair was the legendary Seastone Chair, a throne made of a block of oily black stone carved into the shape of a kraken. This seat was the symbol of power of every ruling house in the Iron Island, with the chair acting as their throne when they won the Kingsmoot. After the Greyjoys became the Lords Paramount of the Iron Island the throne was permanently moved to Pyke from it original location.

''So you took the chair with you uncle?'' Hadrian asked/stated the obvious.

''Yes, it would be a shame to leave such a priceless artefact at the bottom of the sea'', Benjen said. After he had smashed the Iron Fleet and then conquered Pyke, He had ordered his men to strip the castle of all its valuables before destroying it.

''Quite true, uncle'', Hadrian said while taking a seat on the Seastone chair and savouring the feel of sitting on it since this could be the very first time that any mainlander has ever sat on it.

After making himself comfortable on the chair, his lords started debriefing him about the war, which was as good as over. Most of what the lords said were things that he wasn't surprised about. With the Lords noting how efficient the Northern army was, how their training was instrumental in reducing casualties to the barest minimum, with most of the death happening because of an Ironborn surprise attack or because of some lucky arrow that was able to penetrate the Northern army's phalanx formation. They would also talk about the loot that was taken from the coffers of all the now extinct noble houses of the Iron Isles. It was agreed upon that twenty percent of the fortune taken from any noble house would go to House Stark, fifty percent of it was to be given to the Northern Army while the remaining thirty percent would be split between the Northern commanders. The debriefing would continue for another couple of hours, before being interrupted by messenger.

''My lord, pardon the intrusion but a ship with the Targaryen sigil has been spotted off the coast'', the man said.

''Well well, now isn't that interesting'', Hadrian said looking around at the assembled Lords.