

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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35 Chs


The Liberty a few months later, Unknown Location…

The former slave galley now cruised through the calm and warm waters of the Summer Sea. It was a lovely day with the sun shining in the sky, a strong but cool wind pushing them forward and the rocking of the boat gentle for all those on-board.

There was excitement on the deck as the passengers and crew watched their captain and quartermaster/first mate engage in a duel, both men giving their all to try and out do the other using dulled wooden blades in place of real steel. One the younger wielded two smaller wooden swords while the older used a great sword, the size of their weapons was inconsequential as they both moved with a blistering speed, the sound of wood smashing together filling the deck and the onlookers swapped coin and cheered for whoever they thought would win.

Harry was sweating from effort but enjoyed the spar with Kanoro immensely, the man was the greatest swordsman he had ever met, perhaps even a match of Ser Barristan Selmy himself. Raised with a sword in his hand he had learned nearly all there was to learn with the blade and become a champion pit fighter, an expert trainer and even been allowed to have a family in the hope his bloodline would prove a good investment by his then owner. Calla and their young son Maekor cheered for him from the side as Kanoro proved his superiority by blocking his every strike and forcing Harry onto the defence, Kanoro was completely calm planning his moves out nearly three or four steps ahead of Harry who could only just hold him off and still took more than a few hits as Kanoro found his way through Harry's desperate defence.

Bruises on his arms, legs and chest slowed Harry till he felt the blunt wooden tip of Kanoro's sword at his throat, Harry sighed and dropped his swords in defeat but Kanoro gripped his shoulder and told him to soften the loss.

"Your skill with a blade is improving." Kanoro said and Harry replied with a smile.

"And yours remains as unbeatable as ever. Tomorrow?" He asked wondering when he could spar with him again and Kanoro laughed.

"Midday." He said and the two men bumped fists before Kanoro went to stand with his wife and son who squealed in delight as his father lifted him high into the air and then brought him down to rest against his chest while his wife Calla hugged her husband and son.

Harry watched them with a smile, of all the crew he got on with Kanoro best. They had a deep respect for each other's abilities and faith in each other to do the right thing for their people.

Speaking of which Harry turned to look at the rest of his crew; Crixus, Gannicus and their lovers Naevia and Saxa stood at the bow of the ship talking. The foursome had come from the Far North in Westeros, sold by their own people to Tyroshi slavers for food and steel and been in the fighting pits ever since. Crixus was the most outspoken of his crew, the most frequent to challenge him but so far the two got on fairly well most of the time and after Kanoro and Harry he was the best swordsman on the ship.

Then his eyes caught sight of Sula, a Yitish man who had been ambushed while travelling the country and sold into the pits. He was the most stern of the group, never smiling and when asked why he would only say.

"When I have regained my honour, then I will smile…not before."

Harry could only wish the man luck, he held himself to ridiculously high standards that no man could hope to achieve and that Harry feared could one day be his undoing but he was steadfast in his choice and no one would shake him from his own course.

Sula was talking to Barca, the last of the pit fighters on this ship. He was smiling as he did every time he came out on deck, raised on ships he was comforted by the sights and smells of the sea. He would have happily stayed a sailor his whole life if his ship had not been hit by pirates who sold him to pay their tavern bills. Sula and Barca were lovers but none of his crew batted an eyelid, Harry found it incredible that sexuality was so repressed in Westeros whereas in Essos and other places it simply did not matter. It made him only wonder what kind of moron had thought that sex was just for making babies and sinful if done out of wedlock not to mention its views on women and then built a whole religion on it. He might be an andal himself but honestly he thought those who followed the Seven were the victims of a very stupid idea.

Then with a sigh at the idiocy that was the Seven, Harry looked at the last noteworthy member of his crew. This one a woman, aged only twenty or so and with Valyrian blood; purple eyes and silver hair cut to her shoulders. Caelys Baelerys or Cael as she preferred to be known sat with her daughter Noelle in her lap on the steps leading to the main deck, Noelle pointing out the sight of dolphins excitedly while her mother told her what they were.

Caelys was actually a descendant of the members of House Baelerys that had survived the Doom by being in Volantis at the time, although the family had fallen on hard times. The last of their wealth had been exhausted when Caelys had been young and her parents had sold their own educated daughter into slavery so at least she would be fed while they disappeared into the lowest slums of the city presumably to starve to death. Being able to read and write had made her very useful and being of Valyrian blood ensured her a place in the household of the ruling families, but her real skill was in healing and midwifery learned from her own mother before her disappearance. Noelle was the product of being raped by one of the sons of a family she was serving, an act that had scarred Caelys deeply and seen her sold immediately like it was her fault Harry thought angrily but she had found solace in caring for her little daughter and who would now see the world as a free girl while Caelys served as the ship's healer.

Harry found it comforting having them around him, he had never really had a team to work with before but someone being there to watch his back and not have to rely on himself to get things done was nice, not to mention having the company after the long isolation of being in Valyria. As Orion flew down and perched himself on Harry's shoulder he pondered on their journey so far as he stroked his hawk's plumage. The Liberty had carried them far; they had sailed to Asshai, Great Morag & the Cinnamon Straits and ridden the elephants there, explored Vahar and the coast of Sothoryos and Naath with the aid of runic bands to keep the various natural hazards away. There Harry had found and taken several plant species worth cultivating for medicinal purposes and for food such as coco plants, several new types of fruit and coffee beans. Once he had somewhere to grow fresh plants and was sure how to cultivate them they would be nice earners he thought to himself.

It had Harry thought with joy, been a good time for all of them. Wandering wherever they pleased and just travelling for the sake of it, working only when they chose. They were currently heading for the Summer Isles to deliver the Princess of those islands home after saving her from pirates near the Basilisk Isles. She was currently sleeping in Harry's cabin after showing him her 'appreciation' all night. He had never seen such sexual liberation in a woman before last night, she had skills he had never even heard and it did nearly bring a goofy grin to his face.

He went to the helm and took over from the crewman who had been steering their course, he was checked the maps and charts with the equipment to ascertain that their course was correct and looked back to the endless horizon once he was sure it was. He felt the rough wood under his hands and it comforted him, the sense of freedom that this ship gave but his smile dimmed as he thought on the dream he had experienced after finally falling asleep last night.

Dream begins…

Harry found himself standing in the middle of a road in the centre of a city, he did not know where he was and his confusion made him look for any sign that might offer a clue to his location.

The city he was in chaos, although he could see no one he heard the screams of people and the clash of steel on steel all around him. Fire from several buildings lit up the dark night's sky casting long shadows on the ground and against the buildings. He finally looked down at himself and saw he was wearing steel plate armour, good quality work too he noted but when he looked down he saw that both Orphanmaker and Blackfyre were in his hands and blood was dripping from them both.

He heard footsteps and turned quickly around to see a young woman about his age or maybe a little younger staring at him. He was drawn to her for reasons he could not explain; her long thick dark hair falling to her waist with the fire dancing in her hypnotic purple eyes.

Dream ends…

Harry frowned as he pondered on his dream, he knew it could mean nothing but he had been having the same dream or slight variations on it for a while now. Sometimes he was standing on a long bridge with the woman staring at him from the other side, other times he was leading men through the gates of the city and she was at his side along with Kanoro and the rest of his men and many others he did not recognise.

They felt like no vision he had ever had before, the smells and sensations were as strong as if he was really there, more like the visions he had experienced in the Tower of the Undying in Qarth. It disturbed him slightly; when was all of this happening? What city where they apparently attacking and more crucially why? It worried Harry who had little clue to the answers, hoping it was a figment of his imagination but at the same time he could not shake the images from his mind.

A distraction however provided a temporary relief from these thoughts as Caelys and Noelle came up to him with a wide smile each.

"Is it true there are fifty islands in the Summer Isles Captain Harry?" Noelle asked him with her face alight with childish curiosity, Caelys and he shared a smile at the little girl's enthusiasm. She saw this as one long and happy adventure that she and her mother had embarked on, the days when she and her mother had been slaves did not dim her enjoyment of the present.

"Indeed that is what they say my lady." Harry said with a slightly over exaggerated bow that made the little girl giggle. "No one knows exactly how many islands there really are so perhaps there are more than fifty." He suggested and the little girl suddenly looked even more excited and started talking very quickly.

"Can we see them all captain?" Noelle begged, jumping up and down in pure excitement which made Harry and Caelys laugh before she decided to lift her daughter up into her arms and say sternly.

"Noelle the captain has focus on sailing the ship otherwise, otherwise we won't see the islands at all. Now it is time you practiced your reading and writing young lady." Caelys told her and Noelle quickly looked distraught.

"But mommy…" She did not want to leave the deck and stare at boring old books. She wanted to see more of the dolphins or talk to the captain again but her mother gave her one of her stares that stopped any further argument and reluctantly she pouted and gave in to her mother's command.

Caelys mouthed 'Thank you' to Harry who nodded, he had provided the books she had started using to teach the children on-board (of which there were only five) to read and write. One of the few in the crew that could she had taken it upon herself to give them this skill that few in this world had, Caelys and he had agreed that it would be good to teach them all as an extra weapon in their arsenal which would help them survive.

He watched as Caelys went around the deck and collected the other children to teach them while the adults got on with their work. Harry took a moment to enjoy the relative peace of the moment, trying to avoid his thoughts turning back to the dream but the smile faded from his face as the images came again.

Whatever was going to happen…if it did he thought hopefully was going to happen soon. He looked no older than he did now and it was the same with the rest of his crew, he had the horrible feeling that this good life they had all enjoyed so far was coming to a close.

A day later the crew had gathered on deck as largest of the Summer Isles, Jhala came into view. It was a welcome sight to the Princess who stood amongst them in her fine green and yellow feather cloak, looking distinctly out of place with the simple leather and cotton the crew wore but she did not care about that. She was finally home and the sight of land was a blessed relief to some of the crew as well after the rocking of the ship had shaken their stomachs.

Harry himself was full of excitement, he had always wanted to visit the Summer Islands. They had sounded so exotic when he was reading about them back in Oldtown what seemed like a lifetime ago now he thought wearily, he honestly was not sure how long he had been travelling but he was glad to finally have the chance to see the islands that had so interested him as a boy. He was not the only one that was excited as he could see Noelle pointing excitedly towards the island to her mother while the rest of the crew chatted, eager to explore the island.

Harry steered the ship towards the port city called Ebonhead, which itself sat on the mouth of the Sweet Lotus Valley. It was the area the Princess's brother ruled so he was hoping for a warm welcome and indeed a welcoming party was there to greet them. A large procession of men and women in feathered capes, all ebony skinned like the Princess and as soon as they docked a man began running along the quay to greet them while the Princess leapt from the deck and started running to. When they met in the middle their arms wrapped themselves into as tight a hug as possible.

Harry and his crew at least took the time to moor and anchor their ship before disembarking while the Prince's procession waited for him to finish talking to his sister. Eventually they broke apart and walked over to talk with Harry and his crew.

"I owe you a great debt captain, when the pirates took her I feared that I would never see my sister again. Please accept my hospitality for a few days while we celebrate her return." The Prince said with a wide smile, his entourage looked excited hoping clearly for a festival.

Harry and his crew, smiled and graciously accepted the offer. Harry himself was looking intently around the port city and was struck by the grace and beauty that these people had put into their buildings, even the small houses not unlike the Rhoynar he realised who had been the same with their cities while they still lived in Essos. He had heard some of them had settled on one of the islands here. He wondered if they might like to trade for some of their lost lore, it might be worth investigating he thought but for now he intended to enjoy Jhala.


The lush greenery and dazzling array of flowers was a salve on the soul to anyone who could enjoy such things Harry thought, he felt refreshed just standing here looking at it all from the window of the palace. The warmth of the day was not stifling and a cool breeze made it pleasant to just stand there and enjoy the view.

The people here were unlike any he had encountered in all of his travels so far, sexually liberated and seemingly without a single care. They lived in harmony with their environment and took only what they needed to live while giving just as much back, caring deeply for their lands as one would for a child in your care.

His men had enjoyed sharing the beds of the women here, the coin they had gathered on their journey seemingly well spent judging from their wide and slightly silly smiles they all had the following day. Caelys had been exploring the city with Noelle to look at some of their healing methods although both had Barca and Sula at their sides for protection at all times. However friendly the natives apparently were he had laid down strict rules for his crew, travel in pairs or groups and check back with the ship every night if they were going to stay anywhere else.

He knew greed and hatred crossed the boundaries of culture, however liberated or carefree that the locals seemed he was not going to let his guard down or let his crew fall into danger. Better to be careful than careless he thought to himself.

He dressed and went to join the prince at the festival grounds where today some of the main events would be held. Similar to a tourney back in Westeros except here it was a little different, no jousting for one and the melee if you could call it that was a one on one contest between the most skilled competitors. Archery was more or less the same but he could not help but agree with their swordsmanship competition, it was a much finer test of skill than the chaotic small battles in a tourney. Speaking of archery he took one of the dragonbone bows he had taken from Valyria and wrapped it in simple cloth, it was the custom here to exchange gifts and since he and his people had been granted the Prince's personal hospitality it seemed like they should give at least something in return.

He took the wrapped bow and was wondering if he could try and introduce such changes to a tourney back home as he walked down the perfumed corridors and out onto the festival grounds. The swordsmanship had already started and he could see his own men participating or cheering from the stands, meanwhile in the central circle he saw Kanoro was fighting. The experienced warrior was easily besting the Summer Islanders who were more known for their archery than swordsmanship. Harry smiled and walked over to the Prince who beckoned him to sit at his side.

"Your man is truly gifted, our shores have never seen the likes of his skill before." The Prince said and Harry nodded in agreement as Kanoro took down his opponent without suffering a scratch. Harry then took his gift and presented it to the Prince who looked at it strangely.

"A gift in thanks for your hospitality, my men and I have enjoyed our time here immensely." Harry said and the Prince took the bundle and told him with a bemused smile.

"It is I that owes you the debt for rescuing my sister, you need not give me anything captain." The Prince, he nonetheless took the bundle and carefully unwrapped it, his eyes widening when he saw what it was. Harry knew why, dragonbone bows were amongst the best in the world for the strength and flexibility and as the dragons were extinct (for now Harry thought quietly to himself) had become extremely rare. This one in particular had belonged to a nobleman who had had it carved with elaborate patterns, the Prince seemed delighted with the gift and graciously took it.

The two men turned to see another fight beginning, this time it was Crixus versing a sellsword from Volantis. Harry smirked knowing the outcome before it had even started, while skilled Crixus was the image of a savage in the fight his leathers rough and his face snarling enough to nearly make the sellsword piss himself. All part of Crixus' methods, scare your opponent witless and then slaughter him while he was unbalanced. With a loud roar Crixus stormed forward in a heavy run that made the sellsword turn and run out of the circle and towards the harbour. Harry joined in the laughter that filled the makeshift ring while he clapped and cheered for Crixus who stood there looking very smug, the man was a master and that was worth respecting.


Unbeknown to Harry and his crew, a small ship from Braavos arrived in the harbour, it had only one passenger who disembarked quickly and without a sound. He merged with the crowds of the harbour and moved quietly through the mass of people. His face was hidden by his hood but underneath if someone cared to look there was a man's face with red and white hair.

Later the following day, Harry cheered as Kanoro bested his last opponent and won the competition. Crixus had missed his next fight and therefore had lost his place in the competition although from the way he smiled he did not care, Naevia saw to that by soothing his wounded ego. She was currently perched on his lap rubbing his leg while smirking at having the big strong warrior so easily in her grasp. Harry could only laugh at the pair quietly to himself but he only felt slightly jealous, apart from a few nights with some women on his travels he had yet to find the same kind of bond that Kanoro, Crixus and Gannicus had with their partners. However they went about showing it, all were clearly in love with their significant other and never strayed from their side.

Harry wondered if he might ever find that, granted he was young right now and had a good few years of fun left in him but he was starting to think more and more about the future and what he might do. Captaining the Liberty had its advantages but eventually he wanted to put down roots and have a family of his own somewhere, where exactly he did not know but it was one of his future plans. For now however he was happy with his lot and cheered as Kanoro was presented with a small chest of precious stones that were worth a fortune. Calla came running up to her man and flung herself into his arms, kissing him as if her life depended on it while Maekor clapped his little hands together for his father while he sat with Caelys and Noelle in the stands.

The Prince cheered loudly and spoke to the victor. "You truly have a mastery of the blade that is unmatched here. You are more than fit to hold the title of Grand Champion and I personally invite you and your family to sit with me at the feast tonight." Kanoro and Calla suddenly became very self-conscious and were about to beg the Prince to excuse them such a high profile audience but Harry spoke first.

"Your Grace, Kanoro and his wife would be honoured to attend the feast at your table. For a while at least, as they have a young child to care for." Harry said trying to give the man a way out, Kanoro looked at him with gratitude despite being a champion pit fighter he hated being the centre of attention and would rather spend time with his wife and son than talk endlessly with nobles for hours on end. The Prince nodded excepting the excuse before the festival continued with the dance competition where his men looked out from their seats with their eyes on metaphorical stalks at the erotic and sensual dancing on display while Harry and Kanoro watched amused. The women of the ship slapped their men on the back of the head and then sat there furious as the men grovelled with only Harry and Kanoro not being affected.

The next few days followed a simple pattern as Harry and his crew explored and enjoyed all that Jhala had to offer, the local food was luscious and the women kept his men entertained. Caelys discovered some new medical techniques and remedies to add to her arsenal and found some new toys for her daughter. Kanoro had even started teaching some of the Prince's guards the 'proper way' to fight with swords, Harry himself had aided him when not spending time with the Prince; debating different subjects and playing games of strategy, similar to Cyvasse but with different pieces. Good friendships were being formed here, something he was very proud of.

But one morning Harry woke up and knew in his bones that something was not right, instinctively he knew something bad was going to happen. It was just a feeling but he was unsettled by it, his instincts had not let him down yet and right now they were on edge with a sick feeling in the pit of his gut. He got dressed and was somewhat comforted by the weight of his swords at his waist, along with his dagger and throwing knives. Leaving his room he walked down the corridor slowly as if expecting an ambush at any moment but it wasn't until he got to the main hall of the Prince's palace that his stomach tightened and his feeling that something was amiss was confirmed by the familiar presence of the Faceless Man with red and white hair, who was standing there as bold as brass.

The sight of him infuriated Harry, he had been promised that the trip to Valyria would be the last time he or his order would interfere in his affairs. His presence here now could not be a coincidence and it irritated him no end, he would have confronted the Faceless Man except he then noticed he was not alone. Not only was the Prince in the hall staring at a map of the Summer Isles that had been laid out on a table with several models of ships on it, but nearly fifteen other men and women filled the room all as richly dressed as the Prince himself with elaborate and glossy feather cloaks made of the finest quality. They all turned to face him and the Prince especially looked relieved.

"Harry. Thank goodness we have a situation." The Prince said, gesturing wildly towards the map showing fear for the first time since Harry had met him, so out of character for the happy go lucky prince that instantly Harry knew the situation was truly serious. "The Volantese have launched a massive fleet of slavers sponsored by the Followers of the Red God that are coming here, to snatch as many of our young as they can. This man from Braavos was able to warn us in time to rally our fleet. Here is the proof." The Prince said with genuine gratitude, waving documents that bore the sign of the Volantis archons. From what Harry could tell they looked genuine although why the Volantese would need such large numbers of new slaves troubled him, worse that it was being sponsored by the Red Priests and another question he wanted answering was why the Faceless men were interested, so Harry's eyes narrowed at the Faceless Man. Harry wanted to confront him but the number of people around stopped him.

Why had he warned them all? Harry did not know what game the Faceless Men were playing now but given the situation he could hardly focus on that. The expectant look on the Prince's face as Harry turned back to him told Harry everything he needed to know about what the Prince was going to ask of him and sure enough moments later he did.

"I need every fighter we can raise and you & your men are the best I have seen. Please you helped us before, will you aid us now?" The Prince asked desperately, his eyes begging for Harry to say yes.

Harry himself was torn, this was not the sort of fight he and his men had ever faced before. A battle at sea against a large force of enemy ships, he knew nothing of such things and with the exception of Barca who had known ships all his life none of his crew did either. Going straight into a battle of the size this was looking to be was suicide.

But on the other hand, his conscience stabbed at him. Images of the beautiful island and the kind people that inhabited it who had made him and his crew so welcome gave him reason to pause, they did not deserve to be slaughtered or otherwise see their young people and children dragged off to live a life in chains with no hope of returning home. The broken lives that they would live even if they did escape while serving fat old men, their backs breaking like their spirits. How could he leave children to that fate?

No, he couldn't.

He nodded in agreement to the Prince's request, the question was would his crew?


Harry left the palace and headed for the Liberty, he was uneasy at having to try and convince them to fight in this battle. As former slaves they hated anyone involved in the trade but they had only escaped themselves recently and would they risk their own safety to fight slavers? Questions he did not know the answers too but would he realised soon learn, whether he liked them or not.

He arrived at the docked Liberty sooner than he had hoped, walking up the gangplank he felt the eyes of his crew on him, watching he and their smiles dimmed when they saw how serious he looked. Kanoro in particular and the crew gathered on the main deck while Harry went to the ship's wheel, quickly rehearsing words in his head and began to speak.

"I wish I could tell you that we have another day in paradise to look forward too today but a crisis has arisen." He began making sure he had all their attention before he continued. "Volantis has launched a fleet to enslave the children of the Summer Isles."

He let the news sink in, the shocked looks on the faces of the crew were quickly replaced with expressions of anger. They all knew from personal experience what it meant to be a slave and over the last few days had become fond of the people here that had welcomed them so warmly. The idea of them being forced into chains and suffering untold abuse from arrogant and unfeeling owners made them furious beyond belief. Harry was glad to see that, it made what he was about to propose easier to swallow.

"The Prince has asked us to join in the defence of his people, I intend to stand with them. This is only our fight if we make it so, anyone that does not wish to join me then I will not hold it against you but any that would fight alongside me to protect these people then we sail at day's end to a battle unlike any we have ever fought before. Do not volunteer out of sentiment, this could well be a one way trip. Who will stand with me?" Harry asked the entire crew, a slight pause lingered for a moment as people made their decision. He would put those that could not fight like Caelys and the children ashore before they left anyway, if they failed they would still be in danger but they wouldn't drown.

He went into his cabin and conjured himself a glass of ice water, Orion who had been sleeping on his perch flew over to the table when he sat down. Harry stroked the blood hawk's plumage while he thought on what he was going to do. He only needed half the crew to sail the Liberty but she was poorly armed, slow and old. No doubt the Prince would add weapons to the ship if they had time but would it be enough Harry wondered to himself.

He looked down at his dragon ring, his thoughts wandering to using his magic to better the odds against him and the Summer Isles. He knew spells that could decisively shift the odds in their favour but it would mean risking exposure, anyone who saw his magic would have to die. He should have been troubled and on a certain level he was. A voice in his mind that sounded annoyingly like Dumbledore reminding him that all life was special, but the colder practical side of his quickly shut it up. These were men whose sole trade of the kidnapping and exploitation of other people, they had no reason to attack the Summer Isles except for their own profits.

It made him sick with fury.

He would use his magic, as long as no one could tell it was him. It brought a dark smile to his face, the slavers were going to get one hell of a surprise tomorrow.

The sun was setting as the Prince's men arrived, carrying a broken down catapult to mount onto the main deck and some scorpions too giving the Liberty some teeth for the fight ahead. A squad of archers also joined them on deck for when the ships came close enough. Harry watched them from the wheelhouse while Caelys, Calla, the children and the rest of the women who couldn't fight left the ship for the safety of the island. Hopefully if the battle went their way they would pick them up in another day or so, if not they were safer here he thought.

With that Harry looked at the volunteers, nearly all of his crew had wanted to stay on. Kanoro and the rest of the pit fighters were doing some last minute training with the rest of the crew as they all stood in the armour that Harry had provided from the stockpile he had collected in Valyria along while Naevia and Saxa which Harry had resized existing armour to fit, stood alongside their men getting ready.

Harry himself had taken some of the armour he collected in Valyria, not the actually Valyrian steel armour which was still sitting in his tent. It would have been great to wear it but if it got out that he had it goodness only knows how many people would have been either trying to buy or steal it off him, perhaps even kill him for it. But the existing suit he was wearing now was a good fit and moved easily and it allowed him to carry all his weapons without issue. Orphanmaker and Blackfyre sat in their scabbards on his back while at his waist was the Tiger dagger and throwing knives and a small circular shield over the scabbards that held his swords just in case. He held the helm under his arm and seeing the engineers were finished he cleared his throat. His men and the archers on loan to him turned to face him, Harry felt anxiety that he did his best to suppress given he was going to be the one leading these people into battle.

"We all know what is at stake, hundreds if not thousands of lives hang in the balance. I promised when we started this voyage that we would be ourselves and enjoy the freedom that every human being has a right too. Tomorrow we face the slavers, any man that would lock a helpless child in chains will pay the price. None will live beyond sunset tomorrow, are you with me?" He asked his voice getting louder as he spoke, the crew cheered in agreement bringing a smile to his face. "Then cast off! SOON WE FIGHT!"

The men cheered again and went to their stations while Kanoro shared a grim nod with Harry. They both knew what they were sailing into, the danger that lay ahead but trusted each other enough not to worry.

Either they would succeed or they wouldn't.

Harry was about to order the gangplank raised and the mooring ropes when someone appeared on the quay and much to Harry's annoyance it was the Faceless Man again who proceeded to boldly walked up the plank onto the ship. Harry walked over and grabbed him by the arm much to the surprise of his crew and said quietly in his ear.

"What the hell are you doing here? Why do your order care about the Summer Isles?" He knew better than to believe it was simple charity. The Faceless Men only smiled before saying.

"The Red God is the enemy of the Many Faced God and it would be a great loss to allow him a victory here. Our meeting here today was the will of fate itself, but if some advice would be accepted…your abilities may be very helpful in this fight." The Faceless Man said with that smirk that Harry so desperately wanted to wipe from his borrowed face. Harry however gritted his teeth to not lose his composure around his men especially before a battle. Instead he asked another question which had been irritating him.

"Do you have a name? Calling you Faceless Man would get annoying very fast." Harry meant it, tired of not knowing just who he was speaking too. The Faceless Man did not frown and said.

"If you must have a name to call the man by then name him Jaqen H'ghar. I hope it serves your purpose."

Jaqen and Harry exchanged looks for a moment before Harry remembered they had to sail now if they were to intercept the enemy before they reached the islands. The Swan Ships of the Summer Isles were much faster so they would sail later the next day when they were finally ready but the Liberty was a much slower ship so they had to set off earlier. As the anchors were hauled up and the sails unfurled Harry stood at the wheelhouse and thought on what Jaqen had said. His powers could he accepted make all the difference in the battle ahead and he had decided to use them already but how? What could he do that would cause the most damage? He was but one man.

There was one spell that came to mind that he could use but it was the most dangerous in his arsenal, nearly uncontrollable but it would certainly be useful as long as no one saw him use it. He set and navigated the course to follow before retiring to his cabin, telling his crew that he would be getting ready for the battle. It confused them but they trusted him enough to accept it.

And indeed he thought to himself grimly he did need to prepare. He went into his tent and removed one of the preserved potions and put it securely aside for later while packing it up just in case then with some difficulty he sat down in a meditative pose and began gathering his reserves. For what he had in mind he was going to need a lot of magic.


Over a day and a half he stayed like that, stopping only occasionally to eat and drink or when his crew came to get fresh orders. If they thought it strange that their captain was just sitting there in his armour, never seeming to move they did not question it. Maybe they themselves were nervous of the battle to come but when the last left his room he locked the doors because finally Orion who was flying ahead of them had spotted the enemy fleet.

Orion's Vision…

The lights of the ships made them easily visible on the sea below even without the moon in the sky, Orion flew well over and the sight alarmed Harry when he saw the size of the fleet and it was not just Volantese slavers there either. Tyrosh, Meereen, Lys, Myr and Astapor all had ships in the large formation with a large number of freelancers which must have numbered close to a thousand or maybe even more than that when it was all added together. It honestly made Harry pause for a moment as he considered the scale of the attack and realised that an entire generation of Summer Islanders would be taken if they did not succeed which only made his plan all the more important. The Summer Islands would call on many ships but how many Harry wasn't sure, so he had to stop as many as he could before they got here.

Vision ends…

Harry ended the vision link with his hawk and ordered him to come back now that he had seen the deck of the ship he wanted in particular, it was at the relative centre of the large formation and there were few men on deck. With all the extra energy he had spent nearly all day building up Harry created a portkey back to his cabin from a handkerchief which he tucked inside his armour for when he was done and took one calming breath, using mental discipline to put his emotions firmly under control. These people were the scum of the earth, they did not deserve pity or mercy he thought to himself with complete honesty. His journey had been helpful in ridding him of many simple idea about right and wrong and that everyone deserved a second chance as a certain old wizard would have said. For the sake of his crew and the people of the Summer Islands and all those they would try and enslave in the future these people had to die tonight.

With his fortitude and resolve rallied Harry wasted no more time and with a pop he disappeared from his cabin on the Liberty and reappeared on the deck of a slaver galley.


The slavers that were on deck were instantly taken aback at the sudden appearance of such a heavily armed man on the deck of their ship but they had little time to think about it as the interloper took some knives off his waist and threw them straight into the necks or heads of the three people closest to him. Not a single miss despite the rocking of the ship leaving three corpses on the deck and the rest of the men in shock but it did not last long as they went for whatever weapons they had to hand, confident that the twenty or so men that remained could easily take the interloper however quickly he had appeared.

Harry drew his swords, comfortable from hours of sparring and other practise. He wanted to save some of his throwing knives for later and his magic too so he went to his swords instead, the slavers charged forward recklessly with under his helm gave Harry a sneer easily impaling the first two with minimal effort before pulling his swords free to slash the chests of three more in close succession. The men cried out as they fell to the deck while the fifteen that were left stopped for a moment as they regarded their dead comrades before looking over to Harry who decided to scare them a little more as they already were trembling in fear. He did not speak however, instead he laughed…a slow chuckle at first that grew quickly into a full laugh. The men on deck shook as they regarded him, some bolting for the deck hatches while others stood their ground only just. Harry had to thank Fa Chian for teaching him how to use people's emotions against them, fear being one of the most potent of all. Just by laughing he had sent four men to cower in their bunks leaving only eleven left on the deck to oppose him.

But he would need no psychological tricks for what came next he thought, gripping his swords even tighter he moved forward to engage the few quaking men that were left. His mind empty of feeling as he charged with a loud cry, the men raising their weapons in shaking hands to try and fight him only for him to move quicker than any of them could follow.

Harry aimed in slashes and thrusts for vulnerable areas; the stomach, neck or mouth as he started cutting men down without hesitation. The first two got a sword across the throat each before they even knew it was coming and drowned in their own blood.

The third, fourth and fifth put up a bit more of a fight and one of them tried to block his swords with a fishing spear however the Valyrian steel cut straight through the wooden shaft with ease and the owner got a sword through the mouth for his effort while the other two felt steel in their gut when he pulled his sword free.

Six men stood alive to face him now, all looking terrified but they all charged together against him in complete fear and desperation to stay alive. Harry's blades already dripping with blood were like a steely storm as they blocked each of the clumsy strikes the slavers sent Harry's way. He focused completely on the moment, leading the fight slowly around the deck to the best points for him. Seeing a few barrels piled nearby Harry waited for a brief gap before kicking one of the slavers hard in the gut and sending him back against the barrels, over the ocean and the sounds of clashing steel you could just here his skull crack as it broke on contact with the hard wood.

Harry now went on the offensive, hitting hard against their steel knocking it clean out of their hands before he caught them with his steel. One had his head removed only for it to be joined a second later by his head as Harry moved from opponent without hesitation, ending the next one with a slash across his poorly protected throat.

The last three fought on now in a complete panic, any coordination or skill leaving them as they wildly struck at him with their swords. It was easy to block them and with a twist of a sword lock two lost their swords, only for Harry's to impale their stomachs before they knew what was happening.

The last slaver standing actually shit himself as he saw the gore on the deck left by Harry's attack, he shook violently as he prepared to jump overboard rather than face him alone. But Harry was not going to let him off that lightly and with a hard slash from both of his swords, the slaver's head was taken clean off his shoulders. It rolled away from Harry who now with a slight sheen of sweat on his body took a breath and checked that the deck was clear, seeing it was he cast a quick cleaning charm on his swords and armour to get rid of the blood that was dripping off them before putting them back in their scabbards.

He could have ended the small fight quicker if he had used his magic but he had been saving it for this moment. Taking one last look around at the unsuspecting slaver ships around him Harry took a deep breath and called on all the magic he could, raising his dragon ring above his head and calling out.


For a moment there was no reaction but then the magic Harry had stored built up in the ring, the end lighting up with a blindingly bright orb of golden flames before finally they were let loose.

A massive dragon made entirely of flames erupted from the ring high into the sky above the fleet. The slavers looked up in shock and terror at the awesome sight before it came crashing down on their ships, burning them to cinders or smashing them to fiery bits. Men screamed as they burnt for a slight second before they were reduced to ash by the intense heat Harry had conjured. The edge of the dragon catching the sails of the ship Harry was standing on and setting it ablaze too.

Speaking of Harry though, he was now shaking slightly himself from the effort of keeping this much raw magical power under control. His fists were white from grip and blood started to flow slightly from his palms as his nails dug into his flesh, his head was splitting as he brought the fiery dragon across the fleet destroying ships as it went. He could barely think while every single nerve of his body felt like it was on fire, it was all he could do to keep the dragon under control.

Blood ran down his face like tears from his eyes, his body was screaming from effort until Harry could take it no more and ended the spell with what was left of his concentration. He fell to his knees as his strength left him, his magic near completely exhausted. He would need at least a day of meditation, sleep and eating before he could use anymore magic. This was why he had made the handkerchief portkey but it had been worth it as at least a quarter of the slaver fleet had been destroyed perhaps up to a third while leaving the rest in chaos but right now he activated the portkey taking back to his cabin on the Liberty.


The travel shook Harry enough so the only think that stopped him falling to the floor was the table he managed to grab hold of, Orion now back on his perch looking at him in concern. He had not felt as weak as this in his entire life, like simply talking would have been a chore. He reached out for the potion he had put aside earlier, foreseeing he would need it and drank it. It was a stronger version of the pepper up potion combined with a stamina boost, it would restore his strength at least physically for a couple of hours Harry thought now able to stand up right without having to lean on the table. He wiped the blood from his face and applied some dittany to the cuts on his hands to heal the cuts he had made earlier and dearly hoping the potion he had taken would be enough, he unlocked the door and walked out onto the deck.

His men turned to face him and Kanoro looked at him strangely, he merely nodded to each of them before taking the wheel and asked his first mate.

"Are the Swan ships with us?"

Kanoro nodded, indicated with a nod at the large fleet of powerful but swift vessels coming up behind them. Then a shout from the lookout made them all turn forward.


Everyone looked ahead but were surprised to see the slaver fleet in complete disarray while many of its ships burned, Harry only smiled as his plan had been more successful than he had thought but he wiped it from his face when Kanoro caught it and looked at him suspiciously. Instead Harry shouted out to his men.


The men on loan from the Summer Isles did just that, moving it into position and adjusting it to fire over the range and targeted one of the nearest slaver ships. One man loaded a projectile into it and then used a torch to set it ablaze, seeing from his position that they had now closed the distance, Harry gave the order that everyone was waiting for.


The men let loose the highly strung catapult which threw the flaming projectile high into the sky before it hit one on the enemy ships. Behind them the Swan ships which had far better catapults than the Liberty began firing their own barrages at the enemy. Some missed and some did strike home but as they got closer, the slavers started firing back. All around them projectiles fell but none hit their targets as clearly the slavers had rushed and not taken the time to judge their shots properly but some did manage to find their mark eventually as they regained cohesion. Two or three Swan ships were hit and forced to drop back as they conducted repairs but the Liberty somehow made its way through the firestorm raining down around them as the men on deck looked nervously around as splashes went off all around them.

Harry gripped the wheel tightly, steering his ship through the flack and seeing one ship coming to close to use the catapult he called out to the men on deck.


The Summer Islanders took their goldenheart bows and lit the tips ablaze before letting their arrows fly, soaring clean through the air before striking the men on deck and setting their sails on fire. Catapults and arrow fire from the Swan Ships behind them soon began to strike the scattered and vulnerable slavers who were struggling to regain some control of their own fleet.

The men on the Liberty's deck cheered except for Harry and Kanoro who just shared a grin, earlier suspicions put aside for the duration of the battle. Seeing a pile of floating debris ahead that was still on fire, Harry went to steer around it when suddenly something emerged from the smoke coming straight at them.

All of the men stopped for a moment to examine the ship which was rapidly approaching. It was large, bigger even that the Liberty but sleeker and painted completely black and gold. Even the sails were black with some symbol painted onto them again in gold. It meant nothing to most of the crew but Harry recognised it immediately much to his horror. The ship design was familiar to him as it was Westerosi in origin, with golden lines across its hull for decoration but what worried him the most was the Golden Kraken that had been painted onto all of its black sails. Growing up in Oldtown he had heard of this ship before and just who was its master from the sailors there, Kanoro saw the look on his face and asked in concern.

"What is it?"

Harry did not take his eyes off it but answered his first mate and quartermaster.

"Trouble. ARCHERS READY AND LOOSE!" Harry called out as he took the wheel and tried to avoid a collision especially with the nasty looking ram in the bow of the other ship but it was closing faster than he could adjust given how sluggish the Liberty was in comparison. Arrows seemed to shrug off the larger ship as it approached. Seeing that a collision was inevitable Harry called out to his crew.


The next thing they knew was a massive jolt that rocked the ship, the ram punched clean through the hull and embedded itself in the Liberty's wounded side. Harry and his men looked up to see a large boarding ramp styled to look like a monster's head fall onto the deck, crushing a poor Summer Islander that had been unable to move quick enough. Riding the ramp as it fell was a man who screamed with obvious bloodlust as came down, confirming Harry's suspicions on who was attacking them. Wearing armour with the symbol of the kraken emblazoned on it was a man with a moustache rather than a beard, his brown hair cut short and his face rough with endless hours at the helm of his ship in all kinds of weather. In his hands was a vicious looking battle-axe but it was his eyes that scared many who saw them, burning with madness in wild abandon as he cut down two more archers while the rest of his crew began to run down the ramp onto the Liberty's decks.

Harry abandoned the now useless wheel and with his swords in hand, charged with his own crew following his lead, loud battle cries filling the air as the two groups clashed in the middle.

Crixus, Gannicus, Braca, Sula, Naevia and Saxa were right in the thick of the action, their weapons whistling through the air as they cut down people left and right while Kanoro cut his way through with the force of a war machine, none of the pirates a match for his skill his great sword cutting down sometimes two men in one swing.

Jaqen however surprised them all, moving like a dancer he flawlessly made his way around the deck with his staff in one hand and a dagger in the other, slashing at the throats of any that came close enough to him before moving straight onto the next his expression never deviating from that irritating look of complete serenity even as blood was splattering on him.

Harry meanwhile found himself separate from them, Orphanmaker and Blackfyre slashing and cutting through any pirates that came his way or throwing knives into pirates slightly further away, a quick look around confirmed to him that the fight on deck was completely chaotic and blood was already running across the wooden planks. His own people well drilled by Kanoro and the other pit fighters were slowly gaining the upper hand but Harry had no time to join them as he found himself face to face with the enemy captain. Harry tightened his grip on his swords and spoke the man's name, knowing it could be no one else.

"Euron Greyjoy."

The man just fucking laughed again as if he had been told the best joke in the world but the vicious glint in his eye put Harry on edge before he attacked. His axe swung around in an arc that made Harry jump back to avoid before he struck back quickly only for Euron to evade him and slam the butt of his axe into Harry's leg. The damage was stopped by his armour but Harry began to feel fatigued again, clearly the potion had not he realised given him his full strength and it was reaching its limits. Harry gritted his teeth and began to match strikes with Euron while trying to conserve what energy remained to him.

Euron unfortunately proved to be more than a capable combatant, parrying blows and nearly catching Harry with ease but Harry was not sure if the man was toying with him or not. He would have used magic to pin the madman down to end him but he had not got enough energy left for even a simple stunner so it was his rapidly tiring muscles and skill with a sword that he would have to rely on here he thought grimly.

Euron however was not completely toying with Harry, despite his laugher and madness he could not seem to find an opening to end this fucking bastard! His defences too good for him to get a strong enough swing in. Then he saw a large man wielding a greatsword coming charging up the deck straight at them.


Kanoro saw his captain was in trouble. He had not been himself today and although he had apparently done nothing he seemed exhausted, when they had seen the burning slaver fleet his suspicions had once again been aroused considering the strange things that seemed to happen every now and again around Harry Tyrell. But he put those worries aside and went to aid him in his struggle against the enemy, smashing his great sword into the axe's iron wood shaft. It held but Euron was put back a step by the attack.

The distraction caused by Kanoro was brief but it was enough for Harry to manage one last slash at Euron's face. A scream filled the air as blood sprayed across the deck, clutching his axe in one hand Euron was covering his left eye with the other. He howled in pain as he stumbled backwards and fell over the side, both Harry and Kanoro rushed over but when they got there, Euron had disappeared. It unsettled both men more than they cared to admit but could not do more about it right now so they turned back to the deck.

The pirates were being driven back by his crew with many seeing their commander disappear as a sign to run but Harry was not going to let them off that easily he thought with anger after what they had done to his ship.

"COUNTERBOARD! THEY WANT OUR SHIP, LET'S TAKE THEIRS!" Harry cried out to his men who instantly cried out and pressed harder towards the ramp. Harry and Kanoro moved down the deck, scaring the pirates even more into a rout as the men that had beaten their commander came towards them with swords dripping with blood. Harry despite feeling tired led the charge up the ramp and onto the Silence itself.

His feet hit the deck and killed two pirates quickly with slashes across the chest, his men came out behind full of bloodlust and began to slaughter the scared pirates. So caught up in the moment they did not even notice if a pirate had thrown down their weapon or not, they killed them anyway and Harry was right there with them however while both he and Kanoro felt the thrill of the fight they did not lose themselves to it and stayed focused and calm, cutting down the pirates with ease.

A cry went up as the last fell, Harry called out with the glee that would be expected of him.


The rest of the men cheered and began to celebrate in any way they could and a quick look around showed that whatever remained of the slaver fleet had broken off the fight and was fleeing in every direction while they were chased by Swan ships. Another cheer went up as crew realised that the battle was over, they had won.

While the crew were congratulating themselves Harry and Kanoro went to the captain's cabin to see whatever might be there. Mainly Harry wanted to know the reason for this attack, why now and why on such a scale and hopefully the answers would be here.

They kicked the door of the cabin open and entered carefully just in case any remaining pirates were hiding inside but instead of any vicious reavers, a single man was cowering in the corner. Both Harry and Kanoro studied him intently; he was in too good a condition to be a prisoner looking well fed and groomed. His clothes were expensive silks and he was covered in gaudy jewellery which was pure gold they noted but the most telling things about him were his very pale skin, silvery blond hair and a pin fixed on his robes. A certain golden pin that was shaped like an elephant, Harry knew that only a select few were permitted to wear such things and it confirmed his suspicions about the man.

"PLEASE SPARE ME! THE PIRATES FORCED ME TO HELP THEM! I WAS THEIR PRISONER!" The robed man cried out in panic at the sight of Harry and Kanoro who both narrowed their eyes, neither believing a word. Harry then revealed what he had guessed.

"Kanoro it appears we are in the presence of a Triarch of Volantis. One of the Old Blood Families no less." Harry's words were delivered with a hard and emotionless voice but he was feeling the utmost disgust at the bawling man who did not even have the fucking backbone to face them with some dignity but instead sobbed and begged for his life. But what could you expect from people who would not even touch the ground of their own city streets rather than be carried in an ornate and comfortable hathay or lifted by slaves in a palanquin he thought with disgust.

But Harry for one was glad he was here as he thought with a cruel sneer appearing on his face, they would be able to get some answers.


Crixus and Gannicus dragged the captured Triarch into a chair in the Silence's hold. The cold, dark atmosphere more suitable than the brightness of the cabin or the openness of the main deck. Harry and Kanoro stood back and watched as both men slugged him hard in the stomach for good measure, neither said anything they didn't have too yet as the setting was doing some of the work for them while Jaqen watched from the door. The Triarch was already nearly shitting himself at the sight of the four bloodied men around him with only the dim light of the occasional lanterns, so the dark hold seemed tight and confined. They said nothing, just staring at the triarch unnerving him even more, a little more Harry thought and he would tell them anything that they wanted to know. True he could have used some of the truth serum he had in his potion stocks but where was the fun in that Harry thought.

Harry then stepped forward and sat on a crate directly in front of the triarch who looked at him with terror on his face. Harry smirked at him and said.

"Does it hurt you to know that you are truly alone right now? That no one is coming to save you and for all the wealth you have and all the power at home your fate is going to be decided by us, four filthy men, not a political rival? Does it?" Harry asked him, working to poke a sharp point into whatever pride the man had left. Kanoro, Crixus and Gannicus all looked at the triarch making a statement of solidary as the stood in a line with Harry as opposed to the triarch who started to cry again.

"Please!" He begged looking so pathetic it was pitiful. "I can make you all rich men but please don't kill me!" He sobbed and a rancid smell filled the hold as he lost control of his bowels. Although all four men were disgusted they did not let it show on his faces, Harry decided he was scared enough to go for the information he wanted, largely to spare their noses.

"What a world you must live in but I would rather have information. Give it to me and I will not kill you." Harry said with a devious smirk, the other three looked at him questioningly but said nothing. The triarch was of course quick to answer, accepting what he thought would be salvation.

"Absolutely. I'll tell you anything you want to know." He said quickly, nodding rapidly.

"Why this slave raid? What possible reason could you have for needing this many slaves so fast?" Harry asked his smirk disappearing as he became serious and kept eye contact with his prisoner so he could read his surface thoughts to make sure he was telling the truth. The Triarch did not hesitate to answer and words flew from his mouth faster than an eagle.

"In three months the city is holding the Grand Festival of R'hllor. It is only held once a century but it is the greatest service to the Red God, to fan his flames higher and to celebrate the founding of the city." The Triarch said forgetting where he was for a moment in devotion to the god he loved. "Thousands of children will be sent to the flames to feed his power and stretch it across the world, pregnant women too so their unborn babes can too be given to his glory. Pit fighters in their dozens will be made to fight to the death before the victor is made the ultimate sacrifice. It will be glorious!" He said with religious zealotry. He did not however notice the looks of horror and disgust appear on the faces of the men opposite him.

They all knew of the Red God and his followers burning people alive of course but none of them had heard of anything like this, burning of thousands of children and pregnant women alive to sate the apparent gargantuan hunger of the Red God. It unsettled even Crixus and Kanoro who had the strongest stomachs of all of them, Harry honestly felt he was going to be sick as he sensed the truth in every word. He had never imagined such a thing would be allowed to exist but that was the way of religious zealots he thought with anger nearly spitting on the triarch in his rage, anything to exert their power and ensure their ideology's dominance.

He turned to Crixus and said without a backwards glance and he got up to leave.

"He's all yours."

Those words instantly broke the Triarch from his vision of the great festival and he called out to Harry in panic.

"But you said you would let me live!" He looked around them with terror but without looking back Harry said simply.

"I said I would not kill you, he has no such restrictions." Harry heard the screams as he moved up to the deck as Crixus took his sweet time in killing the Triarch. He meanwhile was still trying to accept what he had just learned and decided to look in on the condition of the Liberty to straighten out his thoughts. He was only just about to walk down the ramp to his ship when Barca and Sula came up looking incredibly grim.

"How is she?" He asked not sure he would like the answer and indeed his two other champion fighters looked thoroughly dejected.

"The ram has cut clean through the hull." Barca said. "We managed to patch up around the edge but the moment we try and remove the ram to do proper repairs it will flood in moments and this far from land there is no chance of beaching. The Liberty is doomed." Barca concluded with despair.

Everyman that heard it felt the same, even Harry. They had all become attached to the old galley since they had commandeered it, to the freed slaves it had become the embodiment of all their dreams and hopes for the future. To Harry it had meant companionship after a long time spent alone and this news was just devastating to all of them.

Harry knew however much he wanted to save the Liberty, perhaps this was for the best. Times were changing and he honestly had the feeling that it was better to let go of old dreams so he straightened his back and said.

"Then it is just as well we have a new ship to take back to the Summer Isles. Move all cargo and possessions to the Silence, leave nothing behind otherwise it is going to the bottom of the ocean." He said without emotion but loudly enough to be heard. He left them to walk down the ramp and onto the Liberty to help with the stripping and especially that of his own cabin. Fortunately anything of real value was held in his tent and the charts and navigation equipment was easy enough to carry. He was about to start packing away his tent when he thought back to his fight with Euron, if it had not been for Kanoro Harry would have been killed in his weakened state. He honestly wanted to do something for the man in thanks so he entered the tent and withdrew one item from his storage area, setting it on the table before going back to packing up. It was the Valyrian steel great sword styled with lightning bolts he had found on the corpse of the Would-Be-Emperor Aurion, the balance and workmanship that had gone into making the weapon were exceptional. In Kanoro's hands it would be a legendary weapon he thought with a smile, he had learnt its name from Aurion's own journal…Stormbringer.


He was just tucking the tent in its packed up form and picked up the rolled up maps when Kanoro entered. There was a serious look of his face that instantly let Harry know whatever the man was going to say was important, so Harry gave him his full attention.

"I have always known there was something about you that was not normal." Kanoro said frankly, looking intently at Harry who was beginning to grow worried. "You move to fast and hit too hard for someone your size and age. You always have whatever you need and know things it would be impossible to know in any normal way." Each sentence was a statement of fact, not a question which only made Harry dread what he knew was coming next. Kanoro finally asked him the question he wanted…no needed answering.

"Do you have magic?"

Harry closed in eyes as weariness caught up to him, he had never told anyone of his powers before and hoped to never have too. His magic had barely even started to recover from earlier although perhaps he could manage a single memory charm but what good would that do Harry asked himself. Kanoro had not just asked him on the spur of the moment but from many small incidents that had given him reason to suspect the truth. Wiping his memory would accomplish nothing except delay the inevitable, his only other choice would be to kill Kanoro which he could do but never would. One of the most decent men Harry had ever had the honour of meeting and a swordsman able to stand against Ser Barristan Selmy himself at least in Harry's eyes. He had no desire to end his life so what did that leave him with Harry thought to himself?

Only one thing left…the truth.

It was a hell of a risk he thought, he could not be certain of what Kanoro might do upon confirmation of his suspicions but perhaps he conceded it was another time where he would do something that none of his family would ever do or at least unless they had no choice.

Take a chance and hope for the best.

So Harry looked Kanoro straight in the eye and nodded.

"I was born with it, took years to master properly but it has enabled me to make my journey and go to places that otherwise would have been unreachable. The only reason we were able to enter the Green Hell and visit Naath for more than a day was my magic protected this crew, like I did tonight when I burned as much of the Slaver Fleet as I could, however much it exhausted me." Harry explained hoping to make the former pit fighter see that magic was not a dark art to be reviled as many saw it in this world.

Kanoro was silent for a moment as he absorbed what Harry had said, it might have just confirmed what he had suspected but it was still a lot to take in. He had heard the horror stories of magic users that tormented and cursed men and women on a whim but Harry he thought was different. His magic had only helped them so far, although it was capable of great destruction he thought given how many of the Slaver Ships had been on fire before the battle had even started. Kanoro had always been open minded, never judging on face value and right now he honestly felt Harry Tyrell…who had rescued him from slavery along with all the others deserved to be trusted.

"It shall go no further than to two of us." Kanoro assured him and Harry honestly felt more relieved than he had at any other moment of his life. Worried on the one hand that someone knew his secret but also excited that there was someone he could finally talk to about it. Suddenly remembering the sword on the desk behind him it was now his turn to speak.

"Thank you my friend, I have never admitted my powers to anyone before for reasons I suspect you already understand. You will not regret your trust in me." Harry said a smile now visible on his face, Kanoro now feeling better smiled back. "But tonight if it had not been for your aid I would likely have been killed by Euron Greyjoy, my thanks would seem small especially considering you will keep my secret. It is time I gave you something more substantial. After all the finest warriors should have the finest steel." Harry said and pulled the sword into view. Kanoro was wide-eyed at the weapon as it was pressed into his hands, he pulled the sword out of its scabbard and saw the distinctive ripples in the steel.

Kanoro was speechless, never having held a Valyrian steel weapon in his life and now here was Harry just giving one to him. It was astonishingly light compared to a normal great sword and he carefully weighed it in his hands.

"Does it have a name?" Kanoro asked, still gazing at his new sword with awe. Harry told him with a smile, glad the gift was appreciated.

"Stormbringer, I acquired it while I was wandering the ruins of Valyria." Harry said offhand causing Kanoro to look at him sharply, thinking Harry was joking but then realised he was completely serious.

"A story for another time." Harry said looking forward to telling someone the more interesting tales of his journey before he asked a question that sprang into his mind. "Did we find Euron Greyjoy's body?"

Kanoro just shook his head and said as he returned Stormbringer to its scabbard and strapped it to his waist.

"No. Surely it is not so big a worry, the tide will have carried it away. It is nearly certain we have seen the last of him."

Harry however was not so sure and a nagging feeling in the back of his mind told him it was not over. Without a body he could not be sure of Euron's death, so he could only hope that his instincts were wrong and Euron was dead.


Unknown Location…

The crude bandage that Euron had strapped around his ruined eye was stained with blood and many would in such a position have worried about sharks or drowning but not Euron.

His fury was keeping him alive, refusing to let him give in and slip beneath the waves, the snarl on his face as he clung to the driftwood he had found almost like a wounded animal which was closer to the truth than anyone would like to admit. He had managed to keep his axe by putting on the driftwood but the loss of the Silence was a wound that made him scream to the night's sky in rage. That fucker had taken his ship! And all of his loot was on-board too!

He swore not only would he somehow get his ship back but keel haul that bastard and his crew when he caught up with them.


The Silence…

The crew of the Liberty watched silently from the deck of the Silence as the former slaver galley they had called home slid slowly beneath the waves. No one cried but they were sad, it was the end of an era they all knew it. Whatever came now, it would not be the same as when they had been sailing the oceans without a care.

Harry was no more or less affected by the sight then any of his men but he had other things to think about, so he went to his new cabin followed by Kanoro, Crixus, Gannicus, Barca, Sula and Jaqen. Far larger and more comfortable than the one he had on the Liberty but nowhere near as homely. The treasure stash inside had been surprisingly large and shared out amongst the crew with Harry himself taking a chest full of gold and a dragon egg which he had been very surprised to find inside. They were already stored away safely in his tent but as he and his men gathered around the table, the tension was thick as they finally discussed what they had discovered from their interrogation of the triarch.

"By now we all know of the Festival in Volantis and what they want the children for." Harry said as he stood at the head of the small table. "I would know your thoughts on the matter."

A look around the table told him of the mutual disgust his men had for the sheer lunacy of such a thing, except for Jaqen of course who merely looked serious instead of his usual serenity. Crixus being the most outspoken of the group was the first to air his opinions and loudly too.

"We cannot let this happen!" He said nearly shouting despite they were all only a few feet away. Gannicus was next and just as loud as his friend.

"I agree, this is a horror we cannot let pass."

"How would it be stopped then? No one in the city will prevent it." Harry asked playing the devil's advocate despite his own revulsion at what was going to happen three months from now.

"We stop it." Sula said with conviction, his eyes sharp and cold with certainty. Barca however was more practical when he added his words.

"How? We are merely six. Half a dozen against a city, if the Faceless Men will not help then we can do nothing." He and other eyes turned to Jaqen who merely said without his expression changing in the slightest.

"The Many Faced God is opposed to this plan but even my order could not effect such a change on a city by ourselves, even if they failed here they will find their sacrifices another way. An army is what the man needs." The word 'army' reverberated around the room and the men quickly started talking over each other in a mindless squabble. Harry and Jaqen remained silent as they thought things through. Harry heard Kanoro mention that he knew some of the outlying towns and villages; they should be able to raise a host of at least five thousand but they all knew that would not be enough.

Harry was lost in his own world as he looked at the possibilities in front of him. Volantis was the largest city in the world, at least this part of it anyway. With a city watch known as the Tiger Cloaks numbering in the tens of thousands and the high walls that they would have to get through they stood no chance of invading and successfully taking Volantis, let alone holding it.

Crixus argued the slaves there would rise if they had a chance to gain their freedom but their support was not guaranteed and the unarmed slaves would be no match for the Tiger Cloaks Harry thought.

He wanted to help but he just did not see how they could do it even with the extra men and his magic, he wished he had some allies to call on when he thought back on his journey and the connections he had made and a plan began to form in his mind. Interrupting the argument he asked Jaqen a question that stopped any further arguing.

"Where are the Golden Company right now? Have they a contract presently?" The former pit fighters wondered why he would even want to know but Jaqen who now smiled in his direction with that irritating smirk answered.

"Currently fighting Dothraki near Myr, they are available for hire."

"Any other companies around?" Harry asked wanting to increase his odds of success. His men were looking at him like he had sprouted another head for all the sense he was making to them but Jaqen understood.

"The Second Sons and Windblown are available. The man trusts Harry Tyrell has the coin to hire the three, it would make a combined force of fourteen thousand professional infantry, cavalry and war elephants. The volunteers from the towns and villages would only raise it further." Jaqen said and Harry nodded much to the surprise of his men while he could now see why he had been sent to the ruins of Valyria. With all the gold he had acquired there hiring them for this campaign would be easy, four million gold dragons while he had over thirty million or the equivalent of. And the steel to arm the volunteers would not be a problem either as he had gathered whatever was left from Valyria, just enough to outfit them and the blacksmith he part owned in Qohor should be able to make more if required.

This Harry realised was a plan that could work, providing of course they had help from within the city and up to date information on its defences. So Harry told Jaqen, taking charge of the meeting and began to work out a plan.

"We will need recent information on city defences and troop movements, not to mention any potential allies within the city. I assume that is something your order can provide?" Harry asked and Jaqen gave a slight nod.

Harry turned to the other men around the table and told them.

"There is a lot of work to be done and time will be short. Once we have sailed back to the Summer Isles we shall pick up our crew and sail for mainland Essos, but if we are to save their children then we need to move quickly."

He then started working with his men plan further what they were going to do in greater detail, it was going to be a long time before they took to their beds as the Silence sailed through the night.


Unaware of the series of events that had been set into motion far away in the Summer Sea, a bunch of young ladies watched the door as another hid some coins away.

"We will need only a little more before we can flee this place." The leading one said beneath her cloak. Her hood obscured her identity as did her ladies with their own cloaks.

"And then what?" One of the ladies asked. "Our choices of destination are rather limited."

"Anything is surely better than staying here." Another said which made the other women scoff at the naivety of the comment. The leading lady turned around, her face now finally visible. She had tanned skin and dark hair that was naturally falling in waves, her front showed her curves and breasts were well developed and enticing to any who saw her, her face was a work of art in itself. A delicate but had a strong regal baring and fine features, easily one of the most beautiful women a man could dream of.

Her mind while sharp and cunning was unsettled, her dreams of the strange man she had never met had come again last night. She hated mysteries and desperately wanted them to reveal their meaning, was he going to be important to her? Whatever the case she thought to herself, she had to try one last time to escape the gilded cage she had been trapped in for longer than she could remember.

A large black cat jumped on the bed with a medallion on a string in its mouth, she sat down and gently stroked the cat as she took the medallion.

"You always know how to cheer me up don't you?" The other ladies watched as she petted her cat and rubbed a finger against the golden medallion, the only treasure she had been allowed to keep when she was brought here all these years ago apart from her cat of course. The medallion had belonged to her mother and was the only thing she had of her except memories that seemed more like a dream.

Her purple eyes looked sadly down at the piece of jewellery, she would try one last time to escape in a couple of weeks or so when the guards had relaxed. She had no idea of where she was going to go, perhaps Braavos but either way she was not going to stay here.