

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Once more around the bend by Thelemonswillseeyou

supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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35 Chs


Dumbledore stared down at his almost empty glass, contemplating on whatever he should fill it for the fourth time tonight.

Young Harry had left moments ago after regaling him about his resent venture into the afterlife. It was almost too incredible a tale to believe, but somehow he knew that Harry was speaking the truth. There had even been an offer to view the pensive memory of the trip, but he had politely refused. He was certainly looking forward to the next great adventure, but he didn't want a sneak preview just yet.

But thankfully it did bring some important information to light, information that they could use. If anything, Harry was probably one of the few people who had actually managed to get back in touch with the ones who sent them back. Of course the soul bond between Harry and Vanessa was a welcome surprise as well, it warmed the old wizards heart that two people had found each other like that.

"Gentle child, what do you plan to do?" ah Fawkes… his oldest companion and most faithful friend through these longs years. He spoke to him through the mental link the two shared.

"Harry has lived one rather exciting life time… I think these old bones could stand to do him one last favor and make sure that he can live his second chance in peace" Albus said though it was slightly muffled by his large beard as he was leaned over his table.

"Your time runs shorter, my child. Before the Blessed Two pass their thirtieth winter, you will pass on to the next great journey" Fawkes sang in his mind as he landed on the old wizards shoulder.

Albus reached up and patted his old friend on the head "And it shall be a spectacular one, my friend. I only hope that I leave this world in better hands"

"You have done much, too much. When you pass it shall be a day of mourning but worry not. The Blessed Two shall carry on your spirit and guide the gifted true" Fawkes sang before taking to his perch once more, intent on catching some sleep.

Albus took a look outside and surprised himself by seeing darkness. Had he stewed for the entire day inside his offices? Old age was certainly getting too him. Oh well. Fawkes passed on to him his time, he has until young Harry and Vanessa turn 30 to finish up his affairs.

With a swish and flick of his wand that old Filius would be proud of, some paper, ink and quill flew through the room and landed neatly in front of him. Dipping the quill twice, Albus Dumbledore put ink to thoughts and began penning out his last great work.

A Wizard's Journey


Albus Dumbledore

'Now how to begin…' the old headmaster thought as he tapped the edge of his table with the feathered quill 'Ah yes of course, we begin at the beginning…'

It all began in 1881, in a small town called Mould-on-the-Wold…


So it came to be that winter relinquished its hold on England and gave way to spring. The cycle renewed and life crawled out from hiding as the trees began blooming and the grass shone greener than ever.

Hogwarts felt quitter than it had in a long time for the old headmaster as he looked out over the students as they ate. The seventh years were studying and preparing for their NEWTs, the fifth years their OWLs. Oh it was a sight to behold, so many young minds working towards bettering themselves.

The chit-chatter danced across the entire hall as the youngest of the children talked and laughed in merry wonder. This, this Albus never grew tired of. He had seen the wars; he had fought in them, both in the battlefield and in the halls of politics. Now more than ever he realized just how much he had wished that he had simply done away with Tom when he had first seen the rising darkness in him.

Alas one can always look back with clarity, hindsight is 20-20 as the muggles would say, though Albus didn't really know what it meant, he thought it sounded applicable to this situation. He gazed over the tables and caught young Harry's gaze and the slightly raised goblet. Albus lifted his in response and the two shared a silent cheers for the year slowly coming to an end.

Their Horcrux hunting had not gone entirely as they would have predicted. Though the ring was safe with Albus and the Goblet now once more stood prominently displayed in the Hufflepuff common room, they had in fact yet to find Ravenclaw's Diadem in the room of hidden things. Oh Albus remembered how angry young Harry had been when they had realized it was hidden elsewhere. It would seem more change had been wrought than they could ever have anticipated. Thankfully the goblins had been very helpful in the matter. They had begun working on a way to track the Horcruxes and their locations, sadly it was a slow process.

Now come summer they had thought up a strategy. Harry would return to the Dursleys to inspect the situation. After Albus had rather adamantly sworn that they were decent folk, Harry had admitted to his earliest memories from this life had been waking up at King's Cross. He had relented to go meet them, and if they displayed signs of earlier behavior, he would leave. In the meantime, Albus would return to Number 12 Grimmauld Place and look for the Locket of Salazar Slytherin. The old headmaster so hoped that it would still be there.


Soon enough the end of the year was at bay. The fake Philosopher's stone lay undisturbed and his old friend Nicolas Flamel had sent him a letter confirming that the real stone was still very much safe. Of course Albus knew that ole Nicolas had originally intended to destroy the stone should it ever prove too dangerous to leave around. But Albus had convinced his old friend to simply hide it away under a few particular spells.

After all, who would know any of the protection they put up around the stone? Nicolas and Pernelle are some of the last living magicals to know a spells from their Era. Albus had hoping to sneak a peek at some of the old spell books, but Nicolas had told him to "keep his old dusty nose out of things he wouldn't understand" and he had duly complied. Didn't stop him from feeling childishly insulted, like he wasn't allowed to look at one of his parents things.

Overseeing the leaving feast was always a pleasure. The Great Hall was decorated in blues and bronze in honor of Ravenclaw for winning the house cup, thus breaking Slytherin's very impressive winning streak. Of course young Harry and Vanessa had done much to ensure their house's victory this year. Dumbledore had thought of implementing something to stop Harry from acquiring too many points for his house due to his extended knowledge, but then again. The boy had been sorted into Ravenclaw, either by his own will or that of the hat. His vast intellect would only get larger, so why deny him the points that he earned through his own hardships.

Rising from his seat, Albus allowed himself to enjoy as the Great Hall fell silent. These old bones of his still commanded a bit of respect it would seem. Running a long gaze over the students, Albus smiled grandfatherly at everyone.

"Another year at Hogwarts comes to an end. I feel I must once more congratulate Ravenclaw for their exemplary performance this year, beating out the old House Cup record of 875 points with a staggering 950 house points!" at this Albus lead a small applause towards the house of the wit "Yes, yes! Congratulations Ravenclaw. Now I wish for us all to stand and give our Seventh Years a round of applause for their exemplary seven years of work" once more, Albus led them in applause "I cannot say how proud I am of all of you. You have sat through grueling tests and passed many trials. And survived Madam Hooch flying lessons no less!" here Albus allowed himself the small chuckles "So it is with a heavy heart that I must watch you all depart these halls for the last time as students. I can only hope that one day I shall be greeting some of you once more as Professors in this fine institution. So let us stand and send our graduates off!"

Everyone rose at Dumbledore's words and cheered loudly for the seventh years who all gathered at the front and took a short bow before walking out of the Great Hall in two lines, house rivalries forgotten for the moment as Slytherin and Gryffindor students walked side by side, now heading towards their greatest adventure beyond the Hogwarts walls.

As the Great Hall doors closed behind the seventh years, each head of house rose and gave a polite bow to the remaining students as they headed out to say more personal goodbyes to their oldest students. As soon as there was only Dumbledore and a few of the other teachers, the old headmaster rose and give a small wink towards a certain set of twins.

"Now I believe that Fred and George Weasley have some entertainment for us. Best hurry it along before McGonagall returns" Dumbledore rushed the two laughing twins as they ran up to the front and placed a small box in front of the teacher's table and lit a fuse.

"Ladies and"


"The Weasley Twins"

"Are proud to present"

"The first ever improved"

"Magical Fireworks!" the two finished in a yell together as the fuse reached the box and out flew a myriad of colors and shapes that sped around the great hall to the cheering of the students.

Albus kept his wand out of sight as he discreetly cast a few charms here and there to ensure that none of the colorful explosions would go anywhere near the students, couldn't risk them harm here on the last day.

The merriment eased off slowly as the fireworks dwindled to a thundering applause. Fred and George were laughing along as they bowed and retook their seats at their table. With a few movements of his wand, Dumbledore had removed all the fireworks and their remains just in time for the head of houses to return to an eerily calm Great Hall, oh how Minerva eyed Albus darkly as if she knew what had been going on.

The feast ended shortly after with Dumbledore wishing all the students luck in the coming year and asking for their help in making the new first years feel at home come the new term.

All in all it was a good day that led to this last meeting of the year, the end of term staff meeting. Albus always quite enjoyed this little get together. It usually served as a minor celebration for the teachers and staff rather than an actual meeting. They would enjoy some good late night food and then go over the year and its happenings.

"So" Albus began after finishing a particularly tasty boiled potato "who wishes to start us off this year? Minerva perhaps?"

"A quiet year for once. After the whole business on Halloween it seemed to mellow out quite a bit. Even the Weasley twins cooled off for a time" Minerva stated as she too enjoyed the food "there were a few cases where we had to take action, but thankfully we got through the year relatively unscathed"

"I quite agree with Minerva. My Puffs had an excellent year and it seems that our newest batch of first years are a promising lot" Professor Sprout added her two scents.

"What of the Slytherins, Severus?" Albus inquired of his youngest teacher.

"Same as the last few years, Headmaster. Continued hatred ensures that there can be no proper attempt at inter house communication" Snape drawled as he poked half heartedly at his food.

"You're not helping it any yourself, Severus. I have seen the record of points deducted. I mean really, 5 points off for breathing too loud?" Minerva challenged and could see that the younger teacher wasn't in the mood to argue her point.

"Filius?" Albus interrupted before another Gryffindor vs. Slytherin war erupted in his office… again.

"I must say the new first years took to Rowena's motto with gusto this year! The lot stayed and studied in the common room far beyond what anyone had expected. None surprising me more than young Vanessa" Filius squeaked in joy.

"Bright witch, that one" Septima Vector stated from her side of the table.

"I was not aware that you had spoken with young Miss Weaver" Albus said while asking the silent question.

"Filius sent her too me after their conversation on advanced Charms work. She asked to see some introductory assignments to Arithmancy and to my astonishment; she grasped the concept incredibly quickly. I dare say that should she wish it, young Miss Weaver could sit in on the new Third Years first lesson and keep up quite easily" Septima explained as she made a few wild gestures with her fork, nearly hitting poor Filius in the head with a piece of flying cabbage.

"Quite so?" Albus stated with a smile at poor Filius plight "Then perhaps she is giving Miss Granger a run for her gold as the brightest witch of this year"

At this a few of the teacher's faces soured slightly, something Albus didn't miss "Is everything okay with Miss Granger?" Albus finally asked when no one seemed willing to voice their opinion.

"Miss Granger is a bright Witch with a bright future ahead of her. If she can throw away a few nasty habits" Minerva began "she has no tolerance for being outdone in class and will pursue those who do better than her and pester them with questions to an almost zealous degree. I have gotten more complaints about her this year than any other first year"

"It is not only in your class, Minerva" Severus began "During my class she is insufferable to listen to as she tries to explain to her partner the particulates of the potion they will be brewing. I shall admit I might not look too favorably on young Mr. Longbottom but even I can see that he would have a decent eye for potions making had he not been partnered with someone that seems to frighten him nearly as much as I do"

"Have you considered speaking with the poor girl, Minerva?" Sybill Trelawney asked as she removed her glasses to clean them with the tablecloth.

"I have tried, but she seems to believe herself so much in the right that I fear it might take quite the shock to bring her out of it" Minerva explained.

"Come the new term, I shall try to speak with her" Albus stated

"Let us hope it works, the young girl seems to idolize you quite a bit, Albus" Filius stated in return.

"Quite so?" Albus countered before plopping another potato slice in his mouth.

"What about young Mr. Potter?" Henry Burbage, the muggle studies professor, asked.

"One of my brightest and best" Filius proclaimed proudly "So far he has grasped every charm within the first lesson and on more than one occasion has displayed the ability to perform it silently as well!"

"It is much the same in Transfiguration" Minerva agreed "he picks up the material faster than any other student and then seems to entertain himself for most of the class with testing just how far he can push his transfiguration ability"

Most of the teachers gave quite the same response. All would say that Harry seemed to grasp the concept within the hour and then simply spent time studying whatever pleased him until the class was over, or, on occasion, he would help young Miss Weaver.

"Are the two friends from before Hogwarts, perhaps?" Henry asked when they reached that subject.

Here Albus release a hearty chuckle that saw all of the teachers turn towards him with questioning eyes "Young Mr. Potter allowed me to share with you his relation to young Vanessa. The two did indeed get to know one another outside of Hogwarts and grew ever closer until they finally arrived here. Only to find out something when young Harry attended Gringotts with young Vanessa" Albus explained, saying the truth and yet keeping it hidden just out of sight.

"Well don't keep us in suspense, Albus. What is it?" Filius squeaked in in impatience.

"Young Harry and Vanessa share a soul bond" Albus stated with a large smile.

This sent mixed reactions through the staff. Most were surprised and slightly awed and some were curious. But everyone, mostly, were quite happy for the young couple to have found one another in such a young age. In the past, Soul Bonded partners that found each other in their early years lived long happy lives together.

That happy information brought the meeting to end soon after as they finished up their plans for the summer and everyone said their goodbyes as they headed off to see their families or go on vacation until school resumed. Only Filius and Albus remained in the end, seated by his desk with a glass of brandy in their hands.

"It has been some long years, Albus" Filius stated as he stared down at his drink.

"Indeed it has, Filius" Albus began as he rummaged through his drawer "I have something to show you" he finished as he pulled out a small leather bound book and handed it over to the charms teacher.

Filius looked over the cover and then stared up at his oldest friend "Albus, you don't mean?"

"Fawkes has kindly told me that the next great adventure is soon upon me" Albus confirmed his friends fears.

"How long?" Filius asked as he opened the book and read the foreword.

"Some nineteen years. Plenty of time to see this whole Tom business to end and run Hogwarts for a few comfortably silent years" Albus replied as he took a swig of his glass.

Filius closed the book and stared up at his old friend. They had attended Hogwarts together and now it would seem Albus was preparing himself for his journey, making for quite the fitting title.

"I'll look forward to reading it when it is finished" the small charms master said as he handed the book over.

"You'll be the first to know when I'm done" Albus said as he lifted his glass "To old friends and comfortable endings"

Filius lifted his glass "To fresh beginnings and a brighter future"

The two old friends then clinked glasses and spoke out long into the night. Albus had quite a lot he wished to have off his chest, and Filius was always a great listener.