


She opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. Sitting up, Amora then saw that she had been laid in a richly decorated bed whose thread count was superior to any she had in her own bedroom. The room floor seemed to be made from the usual lacquered ironwood that the Dwarven guild sold. The decoration looked rather generic and impersonal, as if the place was just temporary. Amora looked up and saw that at the center of the room at the skylight fixture, someone was hovering in a lotus position.

It was PrincessKomand'r, she was soaking in the sunlight, she had forgone her armor for a purple batwing silk tunic top and tight black leather leggings. Her accessories consisted of a circlet, rings, a torc made by the best Dwarven crafters. Amora was so envious that she gritted her teeth.

At the noise, the Princess opened her eyes, she then looked down and saw that Amora was awake. Her eyes lit up with delight and she floated down. "Oh you're awake!"

"You!"Amora couldn't help but call her out, then she winced as she felt pain behind her head. She held onto the place where she must have been hit with a painful mien on her delicate face.

Komand'r snapped her fingers and a rain of rainbow healing light struck Amora, healing her wound and concussion. She could finally think more clearly and glare at the Tamaranean. Amora was jealous of her talent, barely a day under the All-Mother and the Tamaranean was a seiðkonur.

"Me." The princess said as she landed at the side of the bed. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked with a caring tone.

Amora ignored it and asked, "Where am I?"

"Into my bed chambers, Amora-mate." The Tamaranean said in a flirting tone.

Amora's head whipped to Komand'r and with googly eyes asked, "Mate? Why are you calling me that?"

She laughed darkly, and put her hand against Amora's cheek, looking meaningfully in her gem-like green eyes. "You lost the fight, and just like we agreed when we waged, All-Mother Frigga officially made you my slave wife."

Batting the princess' hand away from her face, Amora shouted in denial, "No!"

She emitted an evil-like laugh and she said, "Feel the collar at your neck?"

Amora put her hand on her neck and felt the band of metal on her neck, it looked like a norsetorc necklace. She could feel the engraved runes on its surface as she traced them with her finger. Amora looked shocked.

Komand'r gave Amora a knowing smile. "See, you are mine now, you know it to be true."

Her face was full of shock as she let her imperious mien go. "I… how did you beat me?" She couldn't accept being beaten by the Princess at all.

Amora wanted to slap her when she saw the expression of pity on Komand'r's face as she said, "I am able to fly at FTL speed, Amora-mate. It was obvious that I would win any physical contest between us."

With a vicious glare, she looked at the Princess and shouted, "Stop calling me that!" Amora focused and multiple items such as a vase or ceremonial sword flew at Komand'r with telekinesis, but somehow they landed harmlessly on the wooden floor or were stabbed in it. *What is happening?! Why is my magic not working?*

"But that's what you are, my woman." Komand'r said simply as she put her hand under Amora's chin, caressing it between her fingers.

Amora finally understood that the Princess wasn't Thor's lover, in fact she was quite sorry for the problems she had caused by showing up when Queen Frigga -who has never liked her by the way- had appeared. She had hoped to humiliate the foreign royal and show her her place. And maybe looking at Thor from afar, but she didn't expect to be beaten and sold off like a Vanir wife!

She tried to use her tears and whiles on Komand'r. "I didn't know you were swinging that way! I'll take it back, please let me go!"

The princess let go of Amora's chin and stood up, walked to the nearest panoramic window, looking straight ahead to whatever was behind the transparent metal. "I'm sorry, your fate is sealed, my sweet."

Amora's face showed how the news struck her, her fake tears, turned into real ones. Komand'r floated back to her and put a possessive hand on the sorceress' shoulder. "I claimed you, body and soul. There's no going back, Amora-mate."

She smiled, her hand gracefully landing from Amora's shoulder to her cheeks. "When I saw you for the first time in the training court, I really liked you. You looked so graceful, so dangerous and imperious, I had to have you."

As a declaration of love, it was the first time that Amora received such a one. Usually her paramours always waxed poetics about her beauty or parts of her body, they didn't care about much more than how she was visually; Amora understood that this Princess was more of an empathic person, physical attraction was part of what she liked, but what she liked as well seemed to be how someone presented themselves.

But she was kinesthetic too. Amora lamented her fate while she thought about how extroverted the princess was; to put it simply, kinesthetic people like Komand'r are touchy people. They value hugging, holding hands and cuddling. Oftentimes, they're also the types of people who enjoy physical activities like sports, dancing or staying outdoors.

Amora was an indoor person! She liked studying old magic tomes and raiding ancient dungeons for their treasures. *How did I end up in this situation? Was I cursed?* Then Amora's eyes lit up as she finally realized it. *Yes, yes it must be so. The All-Mother is finally taking revenge for her son!*

She didn't need to antagonize the powerful woman before her, she was just being the instrument, not the hand of the one who was clearly pulling strings to make her suffer. It's ironic in a sense, I've been so clingy with Thor and now I was receiving the same treatment…

Amora looked into the Princess' eyes. "I am really flattered, your Highness but…" She was now resorting to diplomacy, but she was swiftly interrupted by the princess.

Komand'r took the blonde Asgardian in her arms and caressed her hair; her body heat was somewhat feverish. Then she started whispering words sultrily into Amora's ears. "Don't worry, Amora-mate, I will treat you well. I won't hurt you -unless you are into that kind of play- and I won't betray you, I will never leave you alone."

Amora beat her fist against the princess to make her unhand her; but it was like she was hitting on auru wall. She shouted at her, "What do you think you know about me?! Don't presume to know me!"

Letting go of her to look at her furious expression, Komand'r gave the sorceress a compassionate smile. "I don't. But I'm learning to, Amora-mate, I am an empath."

"Oh…" Amora was in bigger trouble than she thought. If what Princess Komand'r said is true, then she can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing her to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. Users of that type of abilities can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through them and can use this knowledge to play against them.

She didn't even notice that she was back in Komand'r's arms once again as she worried about what the Tamaranean could discover about her. She wasn't disappointed as the Princess spoke. "I feel the crippling loneliness in your heart, how so many people have hurt you. You had to harden yourself to strike back at them."

She was reading Amora like a book, the sorceress hated this! But… It felt good to have someone understand. *No! That's what she wants, for me to give in! I won't!*

Amora couldn't understand what that prissy Princess wanted from her beside a good lay? The sorceress would have consented to it, but it seemed that Komand'r was the jealous type of woman, she had known some of them and they were hard to deal with. The princess laughed as she must have interpreted her anger at the situation.

"You remind me of myself, before I slaughtered the armies of the Citadel before dropping a resonance quasar bomb that broke all hyper drives. That section of space will be polluted with hyperspace quakes for the next 10 to 20 years. Hmm, now that I think about it, those who are locked away on all their planets too, die a slow death." The princess said wonderingly as she caressed the hair of the blonde.

The sorceress froze in the Princess arms; she knew what that was, everyone who knew their history knew how the people of planet Xamsar had been reduced to a land of cannibal wildlings when the Kree Empire launched that bomb and locked any FTL means to quit or approach their planet. That peaceful society devolved into a band of savages in a matter of months. Since then, resonance quasar bombs have been outlawed by every major interstellar species to not receive the same fate.

And now Princess Komand'r was telling her how she had launched not one but multiple of them… *How isn't she in chains or been executed?* The sorceress asked.

Her fate was now tied to that woman. "You did all this? Why? Aren't those outlawed by the treaty of Xamsar?!"

Sighing, Komand'r nodded. "Yes they are… But Amora-mate, we will talk about our stories later. I wish to consume our union first."

Despite herself, Amora felt a twinge of masochistic lusty thrill spread down from the back of her neck to her lower abdomen. She couldn't lie that the thought of being overpowered and dominated by this strong woman was interesting. But she couldn't give in, she had her sister, Lorelei, to take care of and she needed to run away from this place and from her new -spouse- mistress.

"Please, can we come to an arrangement?" Amora hated that whiny voice that she was making, she was used to being the one in control in situations like this.

Komand'r didn't listen to what she said and slowly began to kiss her full on the mouth. The kiss was good, but it was as if she was being devoured whole; undeterred by the Princess' action, Amora resisted and while she slowly gave in and kissed Komand'r back and ended up being straddled on the bed with the princess slowly ripping out her clothes and caressing her body, Amora gathered magic in her hands and blasted her with it.

In vain, as the magic fell harmlessly against Komand'r's body. The princess stopped kissing the sorceress whose face looked flushed. "Good try."

Amora hid her chest with her hands, glaring daggers at the princess. Then she looked at her ripped bustier and lamented its loss; it was supposed to have been enchanted to be resilient to damage, but wasn't enough against the Tamaranean's strength.

With a smug expression on her face, Komand'r said, "Your magic won't save you, none of your usual schemes will work as well." The princess took the sorceress' arms and forced her effortlessly to uncover her magnificent breasts. They jiggled beautifully at the same time, Komand'r was hypnotized by them for a solid minute.

Amora was getting aroused by the situation. This situation was happening just like in her most private dreams, but she had wanted it to be a man completely dominating her. But at this point it didn't matter. Komand'r might deliver, maybe she will be able to climax without using her special eromantic magic item, unlike the men who had disappointed her so much by being minute men when they sheathed themselves into her depths.

Komand'r looked at her, a vicious grin on her lips. The sorceress struggled to free herself. "Please, continue to struggle, scheme, try to hurt me. Nothing you'll do will work, Amora-mate."

Amora cursed at the Tamaranean woman, she got kissed with tongue for her trouble. Giving in and kissing back as the princess caressed her arms and let them glide to her twin mounds, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her. It was like Komand'r knew exactly where to pleasure her as she moved.

Amora thought hard about how she could escape, but the more time passed, the more she didn't want to leave. Komand'r let the sorceress come up for air, she still needed to breathe; it was the first time that Amora found herself short of breath when she was kissing. Today was full of new experiences for her. "I value that shrewd mind of yours, you are still fighting me, looking for an angle to exploit."

The blonde Asgardian's cheeks reddened at the backhanded compliment. Amora used this same moment to make a poisoned dagger appear in her hand and strike at the Tamaranean. Komand'r casually caught Amora's arm, took the dagger, launched it in the air and fired a blast of purple energy at it, turning it instantly into dust.

Amora gasped at the casual display of power, then got really angry. "Do you have any idea how much this has cost me?!"

Komand'r tilted her head adorably, her eyes going from glowing purple back to green. "Don't care, I will buy you a new one."

The sorceress spat in anger, "This is an enchanted dagger that inflicts blindness! It's three thousand gold coins!"

She was the enchantress, but she wasn't a noble of Asgard. The people tolerated her in the golden city but she wasn't part of them, they made that clear. Amora was thrifty with the riches she had hoarded and stashed in the tower she called home.

Komand'r laughed and said, "I received one million of those gold coins for saving Thor, what is your point?"

It was as if she was hearing the clinking of gold coins in the background when she heard the Tamaranean. That much wealth was comparable to a regional Jarl's. "Huh, you-you are rich."

The princess kissed her again and then magical words were whispered into her ear. "No, Amora-mate, we are rich."

There was an offer there, Komand'r was offering her riches beyond her imagination. Amora really liked the sound of that 'we' the princess added when she spoke about them two being spouses.

Frowning, Amora didn't want to be thought of as easy. She still struggled but she was about to give in. "I-I won't be bought."

Komand'r made an expression telling Amora that she wasn't fooled by her words. "You have amazing resolve and you are really smart." The princess praised. Then she looked bothered by something. "Though I don't know why you challenged me, it was obvious that you wanted something from our fight and it wasn't Thor, I don't think you love the guy."

Anger, hate and shame shared space as she thought about Prince Thor. The man had scorned her and betrayed her with Lady Sif who was fast into getting in bed with him. How she hated that so-called warrior sister of Thor… She wanted to bring them low, to humiliate them.

"Ah. Obsession, yes that's what it is, he is the first man to see through you." Komand'r said as she soothed Amora's mood by caressing her hair.

The sorceress melted into the Princess' arms. She wasn't sure what to think about the Tamaranean reading her like this. She should be outraged, she should be cursing her and all her future offspring; but she wasn't able to. There was something liberating in being powerless with someone who wanted you for you, not because you were a nice pair of tits.

Komand'r pinched her left nipple and elicited a cry of pleasure from her. "But don't worry, I will make you forget him and what he did. I know what deep down inside you truly desire." She whispered into her ear.

Amora climaxed. She climaxed, with words and by simply being touched and kissed. It happened again and again. What was this? What was happening to her?! "All-Father! S-stop…Princess! I-I can't-"

The sorceress heard Komand'r's sultry voice ask her, "Do you really want me to?"

Amora's only answer was to avert her eyes from the princess' who looked at her with a knowing gaze. The blonde got her pert bottom slapped. "That's what I thought, you little minx. You like being in this position, to be dominated."

Glaring, Amora didn't like that her secret fetish was being exposed so, certainly not to that smug Princess she was learning to understand. She understood what was her game, it was to wear her down, to make her willingly give in to her. "I have no idea what you mean, your Highness."

Komand'r's mouth approached her right nipple, and Amora groaned in pleasure as it was licked and then in the princess' mouth. The enchantress got her right nipple sucked expertly while the left one was getting pinched. Amora then felt it again, another climax was building up, she was sure that it was going to be one of those new ones the princess had given her before.

"Yes, yes. Your nipples are erect and I can smell your arousal, Amora-mate." Komand'r said as she looked down at her leggings.

The Princess then began to slide her hand toward her left over clothes. Hand gliding on Amora's flank and was about to tear up her leggings and belt. Amora chose that exact moment to sit up and blast Komand'r in her last effort to resist the inevitable. "I will stop you-"

However, she found herself being pulled down by her hair while Komand'r looked at her, not pleased. "Who said you could stand up, slut? Stay on the bed." She said with a commanding voice.

"Y-yes."The enchantress layed rigid on the bed, not daring to move.

"That's a good little mate." Komand'r patted Amora's cheek. "Now, it's time to teach you who you belong to." Amora's leggings, belt and boots were ripped from her and chucked on the ground near the bed.

Amora was naked and felt vulnerable, she was scared and aroused at the same time as well. Oh, she was aware that she was being played like an instrument, and that somehow Komand'r was using her empathy to give her the best orgasms in her entire life. But she was loath to give in so easily, but when she was pulled down on the bed it had hurt a bit; no what scared her was that she had liked how it had hurt. She was a masochist and the princess knew it by just looking at her.

The enchantress gave the Tamaranean a glare that promised brimstone and fire later. But it made her laugh instead as her hands slid on every part of Amora's body. "I really like this defying gaze of yours. No wonder no man could tame you, they aren't aware of what a little freak you are." The princess casually said.

Amora was about to retaliate verbally but was interrupted by Komand'r putting her hand on the sorceress' mouth, silencing her. Komand'r continued to speak. "But now, you are MY little freak, no one shall have you, but me. Forever, till death do us part, Amora-mate."

The blonde didn't know what to say, she had never thought that such a thing would happen to her. Komand'r pulled her from her thoughts when she said, "But first let me break this annoying glamor you put over yourself."

The Tamaranean's hand hovered Amora's head, a finger covered in purple energy and then she poked something, but it wasn't Amora's forehead. With a sound of breaking glass, a field of magic energy broke like so many tiny shards of mirror that had been covering Amora's body.

Amora who had been a solid six feet was now five feet four. She held onto her body and looked panicked as her true self was revealed. She mostly looked the same, but shorter and with bigger breasts and hips.

"How did you break it? This is impossible!" She shouted.

Her glamour was a technique she had taken from a light elf's family grimoire, it was supposed to be unbreakable even by the All-Father. This didn't bode well for Amora. Komand'r tilted her head and commented, "Oh, you are rather short."

Flashback from Amora's teenage years resurged, her being mocked for being short, to be called an Asgardian dwarf by those horrible villagers where she grew up. Her blood boiled as rage filled her at being called short by a woman who was seducing not one second ago. "You…"

Komand'r devoured her with her eyes. "I love it."

Amora shivered at the hunger in the Princess' eyes, in a good way. And it shocked her, normally when she showed her true self to one of her previous lovers, they looked at her disgusted as if she was an infirm. The princess threw herself at her and began to hungrily kiss her, she was so stunned that she didn't bother to resist like she had been earlier.

When Komand'r gave her an orgasmic kiss, she suddenly stopped, giving time to Amora to think and then ask, "You like this form? Don't you find it-"

Komand'r interrupted her. "Why do you hide yourself? You are beautiful, and cute."

"They called me Amora the dwarf…" Amora then proceeded to tell the Princess what happened in her childhood, then in her teens. How all her previous lovers had treated her as if she was infirm and lame.

Amora noticed a subtle change into the Princess, gone was the flirty, yet forceful seductress. Her eyes glowed with power, her entire body wreathed into a lilac aura that shone like a star. "Who called you that?"

Amora could feel barely restrained bloodlust coming from the Tamaranean, it frankly scared her more than before. Not in the soothing caring way she had been just one minute ago.

Komand'r continued to press the sorceress for answers. "How should I kill them if I find them? Do you want me to show you their skulls at your feet? To burn down their home and steal their riches to give them to you as compensation?"

The princess was being rather intense right now. Amora didn't know if the Tamaranean woman was being serious or leading her on, but the blood thirst was real. "Are you being serious?"

The lilac aura became less bright, and the princess took Amora's face between her hands. "No one is allowed to hurt my Amora-mate. I shall take vengeance for you."

As she looked into her eyes, Amora understood that the Princess was indeed being serious and looked ready to lay waste to a city or fort. Amora caught her arm and said with a calm voice, "I already did, I turned them into pigs."

*And I let them be eaten by giants…* Amora remembered fondly at her first murders. All those who had wronged her were no longer alive.

Amora expected the Princess to be repulsed by her emotions, but once again Komand'r beat her expectation when she said, "I really like your style, you aren't one of those dainty little flowers who need protecting. You're a real warrior."

The enchantress averted her gaze, and blushed at the compliment. Still she refuted being considered a warrior. "I am not… people really don't like magic here, call it dishonorable."

Komand'r scowled. "Fuck them then, I wish I had magic since when I was a babe." There was a lot of yearning in her voice when she said this.

Amora found herself intrigued by the story of the woman who had claimed her. She wasn't anything that she thought she was. "You… aren't what I thought."

The Tamaranean princess tilted her head adorably. *Wait… since when did I find her adorable?*

"Oh what did you think I was like?" Komand'r asked.

Amora sighed and remembered how furious she had been to hear that Thor had brought a new lover to Asgard and how she wanted to ruin their days. "A spoiled princess who gets everything handed to her on a platter."

Komand'r emitted a bell-like laugh as she heard this. Her shoulders shook as she restrained herself, after a moment, she looked back at Amora and told her, "Ah no, you got the wrong Tamaranean royal, the spoiled princess is my younger sister, Koriand'r. She's a pain to get along with, always on my case about being too violent or spiteful. I was exiled because of her…" The princess said bitterly.

Amora, who still laid on the bed, couldn't find anything to say but, "I see, you got your own circumstances."

The princess looked rather despondent, then her demeanor suddenly brightened as she laid eyes on Amora. "Yeah, but it's in the past now. Say Amora-mate, are you ready?"

The enchantress asked, "For what?"

The only answer she received was a kiss and hand reaching down between her legs. For another day, she didn't have any rest as she was made love to until she didn't know her name anymore and it was at this point Amora thought that maybe she might have bitten off more than her enhanced Asgardian physiology could handle. Those thoughts fluttered from her mind as a spike of pleasure shot through her, a screaming orgasm escaping her lips.


Royal Palace of Valaskjalf

Throne room

4th day on Asgard

Before entering the throne room, I checked my attire one last time. The black and purple gradient dress I wore has been influenced by my previous life and my new one. It took inspiration from Asian and Tamaranean fashion; Tamaranean liked to be free to move so wore clothes that let them get exposed to the sun's rays. My outfit was a cross between a wrap dress and short asymmetrical kimono, on the right side there was a tight long bell sleeve. On the left side there was nothing but a long black glove. My breasts were held together by a purple bustier top decorated with flowing runes on the side. The rest of the outfit was complemented by black thigh high boots.

When I showed the design of the dress this morning to my two maids, Frida and Astrid, they looked at me as if I was the god of fashion or something. There must not be a lot of new trends in the Golden City for them to react like that, I pity the women of Asgard. The two of them added accessories to the dress such as a fine golden belt chain that tied with an ornamental golden flower where the dress knot was placed. They gave me a pendant with a purple diamond and a choker made entirely of them as well.

Astrid and Frida had styled my hair in a formal style, an half up type style that allowed me to have my long wavy hair trail behind me. Amora had even helped me with my makeup, before leaving. I missed my new mate, we had so much fun yesterday. I trusted her to come back to me as I allowed Amora to get back to her tower down on the planet, I told her that she didn't need to pack anything as when my ship got there soon, we will be taking everything she owned and she will have her own dedicated part of the ship in the biosphere onboard. I couldn't wait to introduce Darcy-love to her, I knew that they would get along just fine.

The golden doors of the throne room opened, inside were gathered a good number of people, mostly those closest to the All-Father were present; his generals, Thor, Frigga, and other people I believe are staff and Jarls. As for Odin, he was sitting on Hlidskjalf, his symbol of power. He wore his armor and Gungnir in one hand. Everything was less ostentatious than in the Halls of Asgard, situated within the centre of the city, next to the Royal Palace. But it struck me how everything was gold and in red color.

I breathed in and strode inside. A Herault announced my presence rather loudly, "Princess Komand'r of Tamaran!"

Walking for over one hundred fifty feet toward Hlidskjalf, I ignored the men's gaze focused on me. I noticed that some other women were present, like Lady Eir, who is an accomplished physician with extensive medical knowledge and experience with Asgardian medical technology. She had seen me when I was wounded by Gungnir after the battle against Loki. She didn't know about Tamaranean physiology so she had opted to bombard me with artificial sunlight to make me at least able to fly toward the sun and heal myself.

In my procession, I saw Odin's brothers, princes Vili and Vé nodding at me when I passed, their presence had been a surprise to me. Showing me that I couldn't just trust my meta-knowledge too much. We don't see them in the MCU at all. I didn't know the rest of the people present, but they looked too willing to look at my body. Yes, it was on display, but you didn't have to make the event about it. I could feel their sexual hunger for my body, if I was just a commoner, I'm sure that they would have found the courage to accost me and not take no for an answer. Weird that Odin surrounded himself with such people. They must be the leftovers from the wars that Odin had won to conquer the nine realms. The taste for pillage, rape and murder must still be on their tongues.

Stopping before Hlidskjalf, I slightly bowed my body toward the All-Father and All-Mother. "Greetings, your Majesties."

Frigga and Odin dipped their heads at me, recognizing my greetings and welcoming me. I turned to Thor and did the same. "Your Royal Highness, Thor."

I felt that the prince wanted to roll his eyes when I bowed, but he nodded as well. Thor wanted for this private ceremony to already be done with, I agreed with him, it was already wearing on me. Then as he stared at me, I understood that he was worried for me, because of Amora and how I handled her.

"Greetings, princess Komand'r. I hope that you are still appreciative of Asgard's hospitality." Odin's voice boomed in the throne room.

I smiled and addressed the All-Father. "I have no complaints, everyone has been welcoming and supportive so far. The All-Mother in particular."

Frigga wore one of those Norse dresses with fine fabric, it was golden yellow with a green clothes belt, her cape was made of wolf fur. Her accessories consisted of a gold circlet, numerous rings and diamond pendants with gold chains. The Queen could only be described as motherly, yet beautiful.

Odin looked at his side and at Frigga there was love in his voice. "Frigga is the jewel of Asgard for a reason."

I looked toward the golden blonde woman who gave me a milf fetish when I saw her for the first time. "I agree."

Frigga didn't blush as much as she smiled at the compliment. It was time to proceed to the reason of this audience as Odin spoke, "We are gathered here for a reason Komand'r, it is for rewarding you for your actions. Thanks to you, my son has come back a changed man, he is more considerate and has matured greatly."

Everyone looked at Thor who looked as if he didn't want to be here, I understood him, all those old people looking at and judging me gave me flashbacks from Tamaran. I couldn't take all the credit for teaching Thor responsibility, half of this honor belonged to Jane, Darcy and Selvig. "It's not all on me, All-Father, some of my friends on Midgard helped as well."

Thor threw me an eye and used his feelings to tell me not to mention anything about Jane and the others. *Woops.*

Telling him about my empathic ability was great, I could avoid making big mistakes like this if I kept monitoring him. Odin waved his free hand in clear dismissal of the mortals I was acquainted with. "Yes princess, but they aren't present currently and with the Bifrost destroyed, I don't think we will be able to bring them in."

I chuckled at that, if he knew how fast my ship was, he wouldn't be saying this. I simply answered with, "My ship will be there soon."

My ship may look like the Destiny from Stargate but the Stardrive onboard was completely different from the one used in the series. The Hyperdimension utilizes self-actualized jump points to travel through hyperspace, a highly energetic other-realm that holds only a passing familiarity to real-space, allowing for fairly swift superluminal travel. There were other applications to it but I wasn't going to get technical about it right now.

Odin shook his head, not believing me. "Asgard is difficult to access, Princess."

I shrugged at him with an impish smile. "We shall see."

The gallery around us laughed at me or with me, I didn't care much; they thought that Odin was always right, it's time to show them that he is faillible too. The All-Father slammed the butt of his spear into the right side of the dais the throne sat on and stood up and descended the stairs and stopped walking when he faced me.

He loudly declared with pomp, "In the Halls of Asgard we already gifted you a monetary reward from our own coffer for saving Asgard's honor and stop my currently absent son, Loki, from destroying Jotunheim, thus stopping him from unbalancing Yggdrasil and open the nine realms from the depredation of other realms, including the demonic ones."

Odin began to explain what the imbalance could do and what horror it could bring. The imbalance would create spatial fractures in the astral plane linked to the material world, letting creatures such as demons enter the realms. It was oddly similar to the convergence, but more devastating and lasting. That wasn't reassuring at all. Thinking about what Odin said there, Yggdrasil getting unbalanced would make everyone's life difficult. None of the nine worlds needed a Demonic invasion right now with the problem we were going to have soon.

Odin began to pace before me, his cape billowing each time he changed direction, until he stopped and faced me once more. "Now we are here to reward you for giving us information about your vision quest concerning the mad titan. Just like you warned us, he attacked Nidavellir, the home of the Dwarves. We have sent a task force fleet just in time to foil the attack."

This elicited some murmurs from the crowd, they hadn't known about the warning I had given the All-Father. After Odin saved us from the portal that had sucked in Loki, I revealed to him that Loki wasn't dead and that my Benefactor, a powerful entity, had shown me a prophetic vision that had shown me what will happen in the near future. I gave him tidbits concerning his realm, such as the attack on Nidavellir, home of the Dwarves.

The Dwarves dwell in the realm of Nidavellir, one of the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology. It is also a part of the same dimension as Asgard, Alfheim, and Vanaheim - each being located on different regions of the same continent on the planet below the Golden City. The Dwarves live underground working in the caverns of the realm. They have large forgers utilizing the flames and heat from beneath the surface to create weapons used by the Dwarves and their allies. The Dwarves' alliance with Asgard originated after the All-Father Odin fended off a Rock Troll invasion in Nidavellir. They had a symbiotic relationship with Asgard.

And for the planet to be attacked at the same time as the shenanigans with Loki happened? I crossed my arms as I thought about the timing of the attack. This wasn't a coincidence!

"This was an attack of opportunity," I found myself declaring for all to hear. "Thanos' agents must have attacked while he thought that you wouldn't be able to render aid to the Dwarves while in the Odin sleep."

Odin looked at me in appreciation. "That's what I guessed as well, but how would he possess such information?"

I frowned. This was a test, why was the All-Father testing me suddenly? He had no reason to. But I humored him. "The man is a brute, a madman, and as crazy as a bag full of Flerkens but Thanos is also cunning and rather smart." I said with a thoughtful expression. "He obviously has an intelligence network that spreads from all the known universe. Hmm, All-Father, how do you control those Asgardians who leave this dimension, and who visit the nearby alien Empires? Maybe the Mad Titan has an in with them, I suggest that you should interrogate those that were out when all these problems with Loki happened and had come back recently."

Odin looked down, his grip tightening on his spear, then he lifted his head. "We lose nothing in trying, councilor Halfdan!" He turned to a man wearing a blue robe with a particularly long beard. "Take notes!"

"Yes, your majesty." The man bowed deeply and a second later some kind of golden tablet appeared into his hand in a shower of silver sparks and he began writing things in it I guess.

Huh, they got that type of guy in Asgard as well, unassuming and competent. How I wish my father, King Myand'r had more of those in his court and staff. The Jarls around me began to speak between themselves at the bad news they were receiving, the Mad Titan had his sight set on Asgard. Odin looked at me and composed himself again. "As we were saying before our little tangent about the Mad Titan, princessKomand'r, you saved Nidavellir, King Eitri and I wish to reward you with the following gift."

The king slammed the butt of his spear on the ground and a black case appeared at his feet, it was made of metal and engraved with a silver artistic symbol I couldn't guess the meaning of. Some guards that were hiding behind the pillars appeared and walked up to the case, opened it and…

My eyes must have popped out of my skull when I saw it, it was a sword, the blade was at least seventy centimeters and not made of metal but of an azure gem-like crystal. The crossguard was beautiful, made of a golden metal and in a design that was feminine, it was clear that this sword was made for a woman. The hilt was longer than normal and the pommel was decorated with a blue gem. At its side there was a brown and golden scabbard decorated with a tree design with blue gems encrusted into the tree at different positions on it, from the top of the branches to branches and trunk. *Was it illustrating the nine realms and Yggdrasil?*

Odin levitated the case and made it land at my feet this time. He locked gaze with me with his lone eye and said, "This is Lopthjalt, the Skysword made of Uru and from blue Adamantine only found in the depths of Alfheim. Lopthjalt can conduct and amplify your Stellar energy, and you should be able to teleport to the sword, but the sword should be able to teleport to you as well."

"That's… um, a really beautiful blade, All-Father." I said as my eyes couldn't leave the beautiful sword.

Some people in the audience felt displeased by what was happening; I felt envy and hatred directed at me, I don't know why.

I heard an amused chuckle from the background at my reaction, the All-Father's voice was solemn as he spoke. "Yes it is, Princess Komand'r, and the Skysword will be yours only if you accept the noble position of becoming a Lady of Asgard, under the house of Frigga the All-Mother."

A thundering mumble came from everyone assembled, Frigga smiled at me and told me to accept the offer with her feelings. Thor looked at his father as if he was crazy, then there was some selfish hope that I accepted as well. Some of the other people present didn't like what was happening at all, but I ignored them.

I was a homeless exile, who was abandoned by her own family. This was… Odin was giving me a lot, this went beyond being a reward, he offered me a home. "Y-you'd allow me to be part of your Kingdom? Me?" I couldn't help but show the vulnerability that I felt at the moment.

Odin, for once, smiled compassionately, prompting me to accept his largess. "Gladly, Asgard will need warriors such as you in the future."

I knew that there was a deeper meaning in this gesture. But I didn't care at the moment. This was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up, I looked at Frigga and swore to myself that I wouldn't let her die in the future. I would kill all the Dark Elves remnants if I have to.

I bowed on one knee to the All-Father but still looked at him in his lone eye. "I accept."

Odin nodded and spun on his heel, slowly getting back to his throne. When he sat back on Hlidskjalf. He leaned forward and said with gravitas, "Excellent, Lady Komand'r, raise and take your weapon, it will be bound to you upon seizing the handle."

I looked at the hilt with apprehension, this was another test. I was sure of it, something told me that if I wasn't worthy I wouldn't be able to lift the weapon. Was I? Even if I was a new person, I still bore the sins of the original Komand'r. She was still part of me, I could feel her here in my heart. She did what she did because she wanted love and everything she had been denied by her people; to me she was a heroine who had suffered a lot and then gave up when no one was there to praise her or hug her. Komand'r had fallen into despair.

*Don't worry, Fire.* I told myself. *I will make it right.* I promised.

We can be redeemed only to the extent to which we see ourselves. A Terran, Martin Buber said. Redemption is not a 'bad' word or a presumptuous word. Whatever the language one spoke in; it is a noun that speaks to forgiveness for ourselves and others for actions of ill will committed. It speaks to regaining possession of our future by truly being repentant and clearing away negative effects of causes made, living out our lives with compassion, honor, and integrity for ourselves and towards others.

My gaze was still trained on the blade's hilt; I breathed in and out and extended my arm, took the hilt in hand and lifted the weapon from the case. "Ah, it's really light." The blade made of blue Adamantine sparkled under the lighting in the room, I smiled at it as I saw a reflection of my face inside it.

The scabbard flew into my free hand, surprising me. I laughed a bit and placed the sword into its scabbard. The sword disappeared from my hands and materialized on my waist with a brown and gold sword belt.

"This is going to clash with most of my armors…" I quipped as I stood up and felt that my outfit wasn't adapted to carrying a weapon.

I heard a snort from the crowd and a "Women" from someone nearby. I didn't know who it was, but that comment won't go unpunished as I felt that Frigga didn't appreciate it as well.

"I accept to place Lady Komand'r under the aegis of my house. I shall allocate her some land to oversee down onAsgard…" Frigga began to say, the court was getting boring as the All-Mother listed all the responsibilities she was charging me with. I was basically being made a landed Baroness at the All-Mother, the queen's service. This title had a lot of military significance as well, I guessed that this Lady title was associated with military service.

The ceremony came to a close when the King announced it. "That will be all, the audience is adjourned."

I looked down at the case under my feet, I wanted to take it with me. Someone came before me, I saw the armored boots of Thor. When I raised my head it was only to see my favorite puppy smiling at me with his ad worthy white teeth. I hugged him tight and he groaned in pain as he patted me on the back. Odin's brothers Vili and Vé snickered at Thor when they passed us and exited the throne room. I let go of Thor who began to massage his arms as I had tightened my hold on him too much.

Frigga came to see me next and I slightly bowed my head to her. I was about to say thank you to her and leave the throne room with her and Thor when Odin's voice boomed, interrupting me. "Lady Komand'r, please stay."

I almost stumbled when he called for me, but Thor and Frigga saved me from a humiliating fall. I turned back toward the All-Father, my new King. Thor took my hand in his and looked between me and his father in clear worry. He turned to Odin and was about to tell him that he would stay in support as well; but before he could say anything, the All-Father said, "Thor, nothing untoward will happen to your friend. Get out."

Thor flinched at the order, it brokered no argument or discussion from the tone Odin employed. The prince sighed and said "Sorry." Squeezed my hand and left.

The All-Mother was about to leave as well, but Odin seemed to want her there as well. "Frigga, stay."

"Yes, husband." Frigga smiled and returned to the side of her husband near the throne.

"Guards! Leave us!" Odin's voice boomed in command.

There were at least ten guards, leaving the shadow of the pillars supporting the throne room, they all wore enchanted armor, at least that's what my budding mage sight could tell me as they softly glowed with different colored magic. I really needed to study about what the different colors of enchantment meant, Frigga had told me that their nature could be divined this way as well.

Odin's thought pulled me out of my thoughts as he slammed the butt of his spear again. He asked as our eyes locked, "Lady Komand'r, First Princess of Tamaran by birth, also known as the Butcher of the Citadel. We wish to know more about you, to know your story, can you tell us your tale?"

With a gasp, I stood ramrod straight at the question, my heart beating fast as now I knew why he wanted me to stay. Ah, I knew that nothing was free in life, the sword, the title; it was time to pay up.