
Hey, I Ruin Stories!

Stories are great when they have meaning. Stories are good when they teach you something, when the heroes stand for great morals and villains teach you the meaning of life with their last breaths. Stories are precious, they are entertaining when they have a good ending and when the story joins every piece together —the story becomes perfect. Do they? I don’t think so. I think stories are fun, entertaining when they are unpredictable. When people expect the story to have a great meaning but it ends up meaning nothing, when the hero loses, when villain wins and then ends up becoming a joke. When the world is broken down and the story turns into a chaotic mess. Chaos, that’s what makes the story fun for me, entertaining for me. Unpredictability makes stories great. Yet most would say that only ruins a story. So what else can I say but… Hey, I Ruin Stories! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Tags: Evil MC, Chaotic MC, Smart MC, R-18, Smut, Manipulation, Multiple POVs, Multiverse, Strong MC, Fast Paced.] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The story has multiple POVs in each chapter, MC is emotionally detached, people that you end up enjoying might die and/or be used by MC, Very fast paced, each world will be no more than 30 chapters and MC is petty. If you do not like these things, then the story is probably not for you. Average chapter word count: 2500 words. Update Schedule: 6 Chapters a Week (Hopefully) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First World: Harry Potter (Potterverse) Second World: ?? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own or claim any of the characters used in the story except for the OCs and all rights belong to their respective creators. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some images of characters, places or items might not be possible to be added to the story directly throught comments. To access these pictures and to be part of a fun community, join the discord link below. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/wXt9jtqv2T ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The_Greedy_Frog · Book&Literature
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24 Chs


{Rubeus Hagrid}

Somethin' feels different.

"Easy there, me little calves."

They was teeny little critters, all grey they were, with them adorable big peepers and four stumpy legs.

"What's got ya so uneasy, eh?"

They were natur'ly shy creatures, stayin' away from humans and creatures they found scary but they did come out once durin' a full moon night — which was today.

"Yer never been this agitated before?"

They were supposed to dance, love and enjoy the moonlight. But now they stood shudderin', their ears perked up and rushin' to hide behind the shack and the rocks.

They 'eard somethin', most certainly.

"Don' worry, liddle ones, it must be centaurs. They're big but not scary."

They were strong an' brutal critters but also peace lovin', unless someone disturbed 'em. They lived close by an' could make most other liddle critters scared.

It were them, wasn't it?

"I'll go an' see, mayhap ask 'em to clear off from the surroundings. Then you little ones'll be able to enjoy yer moon dances."

The poor ones were still petrified, not darin' to step outta the safety of the shack. I saw 'em glancin' towards the east of the forest, reckonin' they might scurry back to their burrows —but they didn't.

They 'ad to do their moon dance, couldn't just up an' leave without it.

"Stay 'ere." They eyed me, "I'll take care of it."

They only did their moon dance once every few lunar cycles, not even on every full moon, so this night was right important for 'em.

Grabbin' a shovel from near the well, I could only trudge towards the south. Deep and dark, most folk shy away from it — not even the professors. But I've been 'round here, grew up 'round here. I knows the forest as much as it knows me.

Even them critters, we've had our run-ins afore.

Fiery beasts, I'll tell ya'. But they ain't lookin' for trouble, just a bit o' peace and a cozy home. Maybe the forest's flooded down in the south again, happens from time to time.

Think they're headin' for the clearin's 'cause of that?

A blazin' torch and a hefty shovel was all I needed to venture into the forest, but there's a heap more needed to make it out in one piece.

Centaur folk or not, this here forest is a right perilous place. Can't be takin' chances with the young'uns.

So, when me torch started dancin' in the wind, I had to keep me wits about me. Its flame snuffin' out could spell trouble.

Fire, it draws in all sorts o' critters in these woods, but darkness... darkness brings in the nastiest of 'em all.

The flame might not hold if I keep treadin' southward, the wind's a-gettin' stronger and it's a real—

"Who's there?" I bellowed, hearin' the ruckus in the forest. Could've been them centaurs, they're not ones to skulk about. No, they're loud and mighty, those creatures. But it weren't them, not by a long shot. That…

"Ye ain't Aragog."

Blimey, this spider beastie, it was a sight to behold. Towerin' over my little Aragog, it was, nearly as tall as me self, with a noggin bigger than mine and jaws sharp enough to slice through steel...

"Are ya lost?" I say to it.

It just stood there, as still as a statue, starin' at me with those beady eyes, not utterin' a sound.

Acromantula, that's what they call this spider creature.

The old Newt, bless 'is heart, he gave me one of 'em years back, Aragog, I named him. But this'un, this beastie, it weren't no Mosag, Aragog's missus. An' even if my dear Aragog did have little ones, they wouldn't be growin' this massive this quick, mark my words.

"Do yeh want me to lead yeh back home?" I asked the frozen one, but it only looked at me from head to toe.

Somethin' was wrong, certainly wrong.


"What's that noise?"

Keepin' an eye on the spider, I 'ad no choice but to look on ahead. Somethin' was wrong, I could feel it and as the Keeper of Keys and the caretaker of this land, I 'ad to look into it. The children could not be harmed because of my lack of hindsight.

Takin' the torch in me left and grippin' tightly onto the shovel, I removed the vines in front of me. The wind suddenly felt chill and a strong stench surrounded me.

And instantly…

Instantly I knew what it was.

Oh no.


Well, 'twas a right bone-chillin' shrill, it was! Came from behind, it did, and louder screeches from the front, like a blast o' banshees! Spiders, they were. Not just any spiders, mind ye, but Acromantulas, the size o' houses!

"No!" I roared, tryin' to fend 'em off, but there were hundreds, nay, maybe thousands, rushin' forward, screechin' and stabbin' through anythin' in their path.

"St-Stay back!" I hollered, but it were too late. The horde descended upon us with a fury like no other.


[Sinistra's Quarter, Hogwarts]

{Aurora Sinistra}

"They truly need to get better materials on astronomy."

There had been far too many breakthroughs in the field of astronomy than simple directions and days of luck and unluck.

Astronomy could point to days where magic could be exerted far greater than usual, days when dark magic would be weak and to even harness the power of the stars.

Far too many breakthroughs but far less importance given to the subject.

Almost tragic how many students are left wondering if the subject is even worth studying.

Even this book that I had been reading was a difficult grab. Had to spend thrice the amount and wait twice the time just to have it delivered from the other side of that globe.

But finally completing the book felt great, a sense of relief is what I feel from completing it. It reminds me that astronomy was never a mistake, it truly was the best choice I could have made.

And I know one day everyone will understand it too.

But for now, my mind was taken off entirely from the book by the knock on the door.

Who could— Oh.

I looked at the time, it was already past one in the morning and I hadn't heard from the person who I was supposed to hear from an hour or two ago.

"Kept a lady waiting for longer than appreciated," And it was indeed him behind the door. "Professor Safar."

"The moon would have felt jealous if I came before she went to sleep," He was rather young, and definitely handsome compared to the rest of the staff. "So, I came once she fell asleep."

A breath of fresh air, just as witty as handsome.

"A tongue as yours might get you in trouble, especially when you are a professor."

He laughed, standing just inches away from the door.

"Some truths are meant to be talked about in private, I believe." His hair was a little messy, probably from the long day he had. But despite that, his eyes were bright and perfume woodish.

A soft coffee-esque smell that was sweet and relaxing, much more compelling than the musky ones worn by the men around.

"Glad that you weren't lost." I would have even believed him if he said he got lost for the last two hours, rooms in Hogwarts were no less than mazes.

"Would be a lie to say that navigating through the stairs and corridors was easy, but your instructions were clear enough for me to not end up in the ladies washroom or the dark storerooms."

I liked how he used his words. Rather entertaining than the boring old men and the loud children.

"It is usually not approved for men to enter the lady's room in Hogwarts, whether it is that of a student or a staff —but who's even watching?"

For once, I expected him to laugh and play the gentleman and reject coming inside.

But he kept surprising me.

"A man would be a fool to decline such an offer."

He walked closer, taking me by surprise —which I hope I didn't show on my face.

"And a man would not be stupid enough to not thank a lady either."

He gave a gentlemanly bow, slightly lowering his head with one hand over his chest.

I was still a bit disoriented from the surprise, trying to think what to say.

But he? He was quite calm and comfortable.

Comfortable in my room.

"I did somewhat expect books and stars to be a part of your room." He said, slowly taking off his long jacket and placing it over the holder to the side. "Just not that it would be as pretty as I am seeing."

He looked around the room, not walking and touching the things —just standing on his spot and glancing at the place around with his eyes.

"I try to keep it clean when I can."

Pretty much a lie. It was mostly covered in books and research papers, maybe even clothes but I was lucky enough to have cleaned the room by some miracle yesterday.

"Why don't you take a seat?" I suggested, not that there was much space to sit. "I can get you some quick tea, if you wish."

He shook his head, "I would rather take a full lunch promise sometime than taking today's tea offer. Just some water would suffice."

He asked me to have lunch with him, didn't he?

"I am afraid I am too late of an owl that I have never been able to have lunch in here."

"Perfect." He chuckled, "Because I consider dinner to be a more interesting meal than lunch."

This time, I could not hide my laugh. "You are quite an interesting man."

"Life is too short to live as a boring man." He took a seat on the chair next to my study, "And considering I am a professor now, I have to be interesting enough that the children don't sleep through my lectures."

"Have you found any good materials?" I wondered if he had gone through the teaching materials. "And is that a leaf stuck to your hair? Looks like a hickory leaf."

"No, I have yet to check on the library and the market for some simple material for the children," he said, plucking the leaf stuck to his hair. "And guess this fell when I was dropping off Ms. Tonks."

I didn't realize it then, but the longer I talked to him —the quicker the night passed by.

But by Merlin did he have beautiful eyes.

"You seem to have known her from earlier."

She asked, somewhat interested in my story —taking a seat next to me, not sitting but leaning on the desk next to the chair I sat at.

"You can keep it on the table," She suggested as I tried to look for a garbage can around to throw the leaf. "Leaves make for great bookmarks once you dry them carefully enough."

Agreeing with the words and putting the leaf that I probably caught from my run at the forest on her desk, I answered her question.

"Being robbed and left naked in the middle of a public road, she was the one to help me with cloth, directions and even at securing a temporary shelter from the ministry's schemes for the unfortunate."

Her brown eyes fixated on me, keen on learning my story.

"She is a nice person, but I believe you and the rest of the staff would know more about her than me." For a while, she seemed lost. "She did study at Hogwarts from what I know."

After not getting a reply for a few seconds, I decided to call her.


This worked. She shook her head and nodded, refusing to talk about her being lost in thought.

"She did study here." She agreed, "A few batches post mine. And from what I have heard, she did great on her O.W.Ls and even better on her N.E.W.Ts."

I did not recall much about those exams but they sounded important.

"And what about you?" I asked, "I am curious about your story."

She definitely has an interesting story.

"My story is not special." She said, "Similar to most black families."

That could have two meanings.

"By that you mean…"

"My great great grandmother came here quite a long time ago, as a noble lady, mind you." She said, "And since she came with the riches and the supporters, she was able to establish herself as a respected and appreciated lady despite the general hate back then."

From what I know, the blacks held quite a lot of power in old Europe. Rare, but there were black royal and noble families in Europe that had more servants and slaves than there were men in cities.

"You can say I am from a well to do family, just not one that is praised for their magical brilliance."

She pushed her hands hard enough to lift her up by a bit, enough for her soft ass to land over the desk comfortably.

I turned my chair a little, directly facing her as she sat.

"And so you decided to make a name in that field?"

She was tall as despite sitting on a rather normal sized desk, her breasts hung just a little over my face.

And that was considering I was not a short man myself.

"Trying to." she took a deep breath, "But it is much more difficult than I expected. Especially with astronomy as my speciality."

I could not help but stare at her. She was gorgeous, flawless skin, perfect hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"Yet you do enjoy the subject, don't you?"

"Oh, I adore it!" She expressed, "It is what got me into magic, stars, the moon and their magic."

I too did enjoy the night more than the day, the moon more than the sun.

She once again looked at me, a bright smile on her pretty face.

My hand unintentionally moved closer to her, almost next to her hand —not quite.

"I can show you something pretty." I said, drawing her interest.

"Like?" She was curious, drawn towards my words.

"Like what you love." I extended my left hand, trying to do something that I had not done before.

As she looked curiously at me and then at my hand, something interesting happened —enough to slowly make her eyes widen.

Dark Arts did not only include evil magic, it included everything dark —even the concept of darkness itself.

"The sky that you love."

The darkness turned to a black smoke, not annoying to the nose, instead comforting.

And in the black smoke, in that darkness glew beautiful jewels —small sparks of lightning and fire, creating the stars of the night sky.

"How…" She was stunned, breathing heavily. "How did you do it?"

Her eyes moved around the fiery stars like a child looking at candies.

"It's… beautiful…"

She was shook, engrossed in the beauty of the scene around her.

"If you want," My hand scooted closer to that of hers, "I can show you something better."

With a confused but interested expression, she asked — "Such as?"

And all I said was — "Such as."

Before taking her lips to mine.


[[A/N: Read 150+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

Read 25+ Chapters Ahead of Webnovel for this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

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