

A park jimin fanfic... ♥️

I_indigo28 · Others
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Hey Enemy : 1

Buckle up for this fan fiction disclaimer: This story is as serious as a banana wearing a top hat. So, don't go bananas if things get a bit wild. It's all in good fun, like a squirrel doing karate. Let's enjoy the craziness together!

"Once upon a time... Nah, let's skip the fairy tale stuff! Meet MIN Y/N, a clever and stunning girl with a smile that could light up a room. Min Y/N, the 18-year-old college student with a family tree full of healthy folks and an elder brother, Min Yoongi. She's got long hazel hair and eyes that are a perfect match, plus those adorable freckles that make her beauty pop like confetti! She's ready to take on college life with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of charm. "

Y/n P.O.V:

First day of college, new faces, new adventures... supposed to be thrilling, right? Not for me, though. It's just another year chasing my dream. Hoping to be the perfect successor for my dad's company. Oppa's killing it with his own business, and I'm set to inherit the family business. I hope I can make them feel proud.

As Y/N steps into college, her anxiety hits her like a ton of bricks. So many people... that's all she can think about. She heads to the principal's office, but oops, she bumps into someone. Not a great start. She shoots the person a frown, and in return, he gives her this super flirty look... like, seriously?

She tells him to step aside, but all she gets in return is him blocking her path. Ugh, her patience is really being put to the test in this frustrating moment!

"Hey there, beautiful, first day?" asked the mystery person...

"Excuse me, could you move? I've got work and can't be late," Y/N firmly stated.

"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin," the person introduced himself. Y/N replied with a nonchalant, "Alright, and?"

"Show some respect, baby girl. I'm your dear senior, and now you're my dear prey," Jimin arrogantly stated. Y/N, not having any of it, firmly retorted, "Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Move out of my way; I'm running late because of your nonsense!" She pushed him aside and hurriedly made her way to the principal's office.

Y/N finished her classes smoothly before the lunch break, getting praised by the teacher for being so attentive. She headed to the cafeteria, hoping for a drama-free lunch, but oh boy, she was once again blocked, this time again by her dear sunbae, Jimin.

Jimin, being all bold and assertive, grabbed her hand and led her to a table. Then, he went ahead and hollered at a guy to fetch lunch for the both of them. Quite the commanding move, huh? Y/N was  fuming, thinking, "Who does he think he is?" She stood up and slammed her hand on the table in frustration. (Sounds like she's not one to be bossed around!)

"listen, Mr. Not-so-dearest sunbae, get a grip, okay? Stop trying to be the boss of me... Don't spoil my first day. And just to be clear, as what you did today, you're not even close to being my favorite here. Stay out of my way, got it?"

"Wow, you speak like a lioness, fierce and bold. I might just have to be a lion to match your energy. But hey, let me be your friendly rival, your only dearest enemy. How does that sound? You, my captivating lioness, are now the one I'll focus on. Prepare yourself because from now on, all you'll see is me," said Jimin with a sly smile.

Rolling her eyes at his comment, Y/N lost her appetite for the day and decided to head to the library. That quiet place is her go-to spot, her sanctuary.


Ignoring that flirty brat for the day, she went home feeling tired and pretty annoyed about Jimin ruining her day. She headed straight to her room, freshened up, and slept to shake off the tiredness.

____________.                   . _______________

Ignoring him was a breeze that day, Y/N thought she could ignore him forever... but, oh boy, was she in for a surprise! He was like a leech, draining her energy every single day. Then one day, he grabbed her phone and saved his number as "husband"... Yep, his new tactic to annoy her was to call himself her husband. She felt like burying him six feet under...

6 months went by, and he kept annoying the heck out of her... She was beyond fed up. All she wanted was to skip college for just one day. She couldn't stand him anymore...

She thought she hated him, or at least that's what she tried to convince herself. Sometimes his flirting would turn her as red as a tomato, and when he touched her, she'd feel a butterfly dance in her stomach... but she always brushed that feeling off.

.....    ... ... .....  ... ...

Y/N was thrilled when Yoongi came to pick her up from college. Her brother was usually busy, so she was excited to spend some fun time with him. However, someone in the corner wasn't too pleased - Jimin. He watched them, looking like he wanted to devour Yoongi, thinking he was Y/N's boyfriend or something. But then he snapped back to reality, realizing why should he even care? She was just a toy for him to play with, right?

Jimin's P.O.V:

Dang, lying on my bed, all I can think about is her. Why was that guy hugging her so tight? And why did she pick him? I mean, come on, I'm way more handsome, right? Yeah, I'm stronger and can protect her better. He had a nice car, though. Is he richer? I'm pretty loaded too. My dad owns this big company, and I'm his successor. The college is owned by my mom... So, I'm rich. Can I get a better car than him? Why am I even thinking about this? What's wrong with me? She can be with whoever she wants... No, no, she can't. Darn, she's mine... Mine... Ugh, I like her... No, no, I love her...


She walked into the college early the next day, and when she entered the classroom, it was empty. Standing at the door, she felt a hand pinning her to the wall. Startled by the sudden move, she closed her eyes.

Feeling someone so close, their breath gently brushing her lips, the scent spicy and enchanting, she suddenly knew who it was. Slowly opening her eyes, her heart went boom boom.

Him, of course, it had to be him, who else would have the nerve? "W-what are you d-doing?" asked y/n, closing her eyes tightly to hide her stuttering.

"Who was he? Why do you have to be hugging him like a damn koala? Is he better than your darn husband, huh?" Jimin whispered so calmly, yet seductively, adding a mysterious allure to the tense situation.

Y/n was so captivated by his voice and proximity that she completely lost track of who he was referring to. She found herself entranced by him, her gaze fixed on his lips, her mind wandering to all sorts of forbidden thoughts...

He gently pressed on her arm to ground her, and as she snapped back to reality, she inquired, "Who were you talking about?"

"That guy you went home with yesterday... Who is he? Your boyfriend or something.. You cheating  on me? If you are than... Oh baby I'll do you here, right fVcking now  and make you remember who you belong to... You'll know it all when you scream my name aga-"

Y/n shut down Jimin's inappropriate remarks by firmly stating, "H-he's my brother, cut it out and let me go."

Jimin gave her a look, raising an eyebrow at her innocent comments and blushing face.Y/n shyly whispered, "Please," and he backed off, unable to resist her simple plea.Y/n's innocent plea was so powerful that Jimin couldn't resist; he left her be, struck by her shy words. Her plea was much of a turn on for him that he left for her own good or else he might loose that little control he has now on him self.

Y/n dashed to the library, heart pounding like crazy. She picked up some books to study, but her mind kept drifting back to him, replaying the moments of closeness. went back to normal, and Jimin started getting on her nerves once more. This time, she decided not to fight back as much. His presence always made her blush uncontrollably.

I hope this jimin fanfiction gets all the way to your hearts....

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