
High School

Hello! My name is Sophie and I am going to write my high school story. It was 2012... last year of high school...

"Yes! It's finally My last year of this high school! After that, I can finally graduate and be free!" I said.

"I know right me too! I can't wait to be famous hehe." My best friend Jane said.

"Haha like you actually will!" My twin brother, Daniel whose older than me replied.

"Hey! You...! I'm going to kill you!" Jane said.

"Haha kill me if you can! I will bet you $100 if you can catch me!" Daniel said with excitement.

"Ok... ok. Let's all stop messing around. Let's see what classes are we going this year. I really hope I will be in the same class with all of you." I said nervously.

"I know me too! It really depends on luck I guess." Jane said.

We all walked to the board and saw...

"No way! We are still at the same class!! Looks like the heavens has reached our calls." Jane said.

"Ok stop being silly! It's just good luck." Daniel said.

"You mean great luck! Hmm... Let's see who else will be in our class. Felix Zhang... Do you guys know who he is? I never heard his name before." I said.

"I don't know. I think he's new this year. Jane said.

"Ok well we should get going before it's too late." Daniel said.

(Thanks for reading! Hope you like my story!٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶)