
HEUREU: The Anti-Billionaire Assassin

"Run, princess!" Cavin yelled as he pulled out a gun from his side pockets and shot a man. "Go on! It's what we planned, right? I'll stay here, and you go chase a different life!" I saw him smile bitterly. I just turned seventeen, and I had to make my first kill for this bloodthirsty organization my father had led for his entire life just to make a bounty of money. What a birthday! Outside, the rain was pouring hard, and lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating everything with its white light. Suddenly, the sound of a car approaching made me smile bitterly. The blurry, blinding light coming from the car took all my hopes away, and there I awaited my end. The next morning, I found myself lost in guilt as I saw my father in a wheelchair without legs. I knelt down and bowed to him, saying, "I want to kill!" The only words I said in rage as the thought of what happened last night rushed through me My father smiled, and all I knew was that I was in an arena, soaking in my blood as I trained to be one of the top assassins. "Kill, princess!" I heard Cavin call to me with extreme delight in his eyes. "My pleasure!" *** Heureu had just turned seventeen when she had to make her first kill to prove her worth to the assassin's organization. An organization that live-off to powerful billionaire's blood. But she couldn't accept her fate. She tried to run away but got into an accident. She got hit by a car together with her father who was trying to stop her. Her father got the most damage. It was when she had no choice but to run her family's way of living. She had to be the top assassin, in order to find who tried to hit her. After years, she managed to land a job as a nurse in one of the biggest hospitals in the country as infiltrator. There, she met Nick, whom she fell in love and broke the code of the assassin's just to be with him. The love of her life who would soon be on her kill's list!

Allisha_Aregory · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 10

"Put me in silence. Are you going to kill me?" said Nick, with a dreaded look on his face.

The wind of the night was bitterly cold, sending chills throughout my body. The leaves of the trees and the untrimmed grass rustled against each other in a way I had always found comforting, especially in the moments when I preferred to be alone. It made my hair softly sway along the breeze as my free hand played with the Swiss knife inside my pocket.

Everything about the serenity of this moment was telling me that I should just kill him, but something was stopping me, and I couldn't figure it out.

A familiar sound of a click disturbed my impatient, murderous mind, and I heard my father's authoritative voice coiled on the other line, ordering me to come to see him.

My face frowned in dismay after realizing that I had forgotten to remove the earpiece since I pulled Nick out of Valdez's building. It was specially designed for me, as I am too indolent to accept calls. It was designed to answer calls immediately, even if I did not answer.

But I then smirked as something hit me, wanting to tickle my father's interest.

"Say, Nick Montes," I paused, purposely informing my father that I was with the man who hit us four years ago before I took a long lick of my ice cream. "If I were to kill you tonight, would you prefer it to be slow and painful, or would I make it quick and painless?"

Nick's face paled at the question, and he swallowed nervously. He tried to reply, and the words were stuck in his throat as I watched him struggle to say something coherent. He had fallen into a state of fear and panic. His eyes were staring up at mine, and all I could feel from the depth of those grayish-brown eyes was fear, terror, and desperation. While I returned his gaze coldly with no expression at all.

"Go to me in this instance! You are not to harm or lay a hand on that man!" my father instructed me on the other line of the call.

I smirked, then let out a loud chuckle.

"Oh gosh! You should have seen your face! I am joking!" I said, breaking away from my killer thoughts and wandering my gaze into his eyes.

The moon's light reflected perfectly upon Nick's beautiful grayish-brown eyes, and it made him appear innocent. His eyes weren't in any way near to those of the soulless billionaires we had killed over the years. He might look rebellious on the outside, but everything else about him looked unusually gentle and warm.

But I knew well enough that he didn't deserve any kindness from anyone. I looked away and stared up at the sky from the hill we were standing on. I breathed out a helpless sigh while I finished my ice cream, trying to evaluate whether I should kill him with the tip of the ice cream cone or unravel the mystery behind why our meeting seemed to be surprisingly stirring everyone's interest.

I heard him sigh in relief and almost choked on his nervous chuckles, but my eyes turned dark as soon as I saw a red-straight line glimmering in Nick's direction. It was almost untraceable, but I was able to detect the red light coming from a distant, dark figure.

"Get down!" I yelled as soon as I heard a faint gunshot ring in my ears. Without hesitation, I grabbed Nick's left arm as I threw away the ice cream and dragged him down on the grass.

The bullet hit a column ten feet away from us, a millisecond away from hitting him.

"Why? What's the problem?" Nick asked in confusion.

Normal people like Nick would not be able to hear or distinguish the horrific scenario. Thankfully, I had been trained to detect the slightest lights and sounds, even from meters away.

"Shut up!" I hissed, covering his mouth to silence his heavy breaths.

I could hear them running towards us, their footsteps pounding like drums, which drowned out the night's sounds.

"This is crazy! I should have just stayed at the hospital!"

"Shut up or I'll kill you!" I warned Nick. "Send help!" I whispered to my father, who was still on the line. "

And before I knew it, ten men in black suits and masks were sprinting toward us like they were possessed.

"Can you fight?" I asked Nick, trying to move my head from left to right, scanning the surroundings, and trying to think of how to get out of this mess without exposing my identity.

"No?" Nick sounded confused.

"Useless! Someone is trying to kill you!" I said before taking his hand tightly."Follow me! Please try not to make a sound," I said before crawling to the nearest mausoleum.

His hand turned icy cold. What a lame person!

Gladly, the clouds had started to thicken, covering the moon's light and providing some shadow relief from our attackers. We moved swiftly across the terrain, using the darkness and foliage to make sure that we wouldn't waste any seconds.

In no time, we reached the mausoleum. It looked more ancient and dusty than the others. But it would serve its purpose well as a place of retreat.

"Stay here! Help is on the way!" I whispered as I drew out the Swiss knife from my pocket.

"What? Wait, where are you going? You can be hurt!" His hand reached my arm as I was about to move out.

"As your nurse, I must ensure your safety!" I said, cupping his face with my two hands.

I looked at him, and I could see how scared he was. My heart at that moment ached to protect him.

"I should be the one protecting you," Nick genuinely said, his eyes shaking in fear.

I couldn't help but smile. I turned the earpiece off and grinned widely. Lost in the trance of the moment, I kissed him.

"You can't protect me!" I said after letting go of our kiss and leaving him, cautiously running outside.

Behind the column of the mausoleum, I scanned the area with the eyeglasses I was carrying along with the Swiss knife in my pocket. The eyeglasses had night vision.

There were only nine men in total, and they consisted of four gunmen with weapons pointed at my position and another five armed guards with metal rods clasped tightly in their hands. But as soon as I caught a glimpse of one of the guards aiming directly at my location, I immediately recognized him. I just had an encounter with him as one of the members of The Secret Order, a group of assassins dedicated solely to killing me.

But why would they fire at Nick and not me? A miscalculation was impossible with their skills.

With their skills, getting out here alive was barely a tenth of a percent in this situation.

"Heureu!" I heard Nick's shrill cry inside the mausoleum.

Without hesitation, I ran back to where I left him and was stupefied to see him lying on the floor, drowning in his blood.

They were after Nick, after all.

It was just in time that I caught a man in a black suit who was about to jump out of the window.

"Oh no! You don't!" I gritted my teeth in anger.

Grabbing an antique vase placed on top of the tomb, I threw it precisely in the man's direction, hitting him exactly in the head.

The man sprawled down on the floor, just inches away from Nick, gasping in pain. I could see by the look on his face that it was a deadly blow to his skull, a perfect shot that would surely knock him out and leave him paralyzed on the ground.

Then I jumped on the man's chest, punching him mercilessly as I twisted his neck in pain.

Then I quickly picked Nick up, pulling him close to my chest.

"Don't you dare die now, Nick," I said with a trembling voice and tears threatening to fall my cheeks at that very instant. My sweat profusely covered my entire body. "I should be the one to kill you!" I said in the most desperate and begging tone I could muster.

"Yeah, I know!" He answered weakly, bringing me a sense of relief.

The pain that had appeared on Nick's face earlier was now gone, leaving a blank expression in its wake. As I helped him stand up, I noticed the way his muscles tensed every time he moved, causing him to shudder violently. His lips were pale white, and it looked like the skin around his eyes was bruised and red.

"Hold on, okay? We are going to get you out of here!" I said as I tried to make contact with my motorcycle.

But I stopped punching on the screen of my smartwatch when I heard footsteps coming toward us.

"Shoot!" I slowly pinned Nick against the wall and looked at him. "Hey, I need you to do something. I want you to go through that window while I lure them away, understand?" I instructed Nick, holding his face to keep him awake.

He looked so weak, I doubt he could make it. Seeing him like this should be delightful, but it was the opposite. I wanted to kill everyone who was trying to hurt him.

"Did you hear me?" I asked him, but he was not responding.

As the steps got closer, I heaved as I tried to come up with desperate measures to keep him alive.

"Asshole! You just wanted to be kissed!" I hissed.

"Took you so long," he smiled weakly. "I need you to charge me up, just like before!"

With that said, I kissed him. Deep and aggressive kiss before grabbing his balls.

He jerked up with my action, and I could feel his pulse getting stronger, before I knew it, he was even trying to get his tongue in my mouth.

"Now, go!" I said as I broke away from the kiss, leaving him wanting for more.

I prepared my Swiss knife and was about to run when William got hold of me.

Then I heard a loud thud behind me and saw Nick lying on the floor unconsciously after being tasered by a group of nurses.