
Hestanar: Rise of the Mightiest Empire

Check out my new book: That Ballon d'Or is Mine! ~~~ Kent Alfhard of Port Hestanar has been indulged in riches and beauties from a young age. But when his father died of an unspecified illness, Kent has been handed the responsibility of taking care of both his family’s domain and the people that lived upon them. The catch? It was common knowledge that Hestanar was an infertile land devoid of any natural resources. More concerning was the fact that Kent, a self-indulged, foolish scoundrel, would be ruling the land. It was all but certain that Hestanar would fall… Kai Sen finds himself in a foreign world where the peasants are exploited and nobility struggled for power. Inheriting both Kent’s identity and responsibilities, what will our protagonist do? What will become of Hestanar? And what legacy would he leave behind? Well... open the book and read the story yet to be told. -------------------- Story Maps : https://ibb.co/JrN5KqH [ Top 200 Ranking = Bonus Chapter ] [ Unstable Upload Speed ] [ Port Hestanar ] #KingdomBuilding / #MedievalFantasy / #Politics / #Trade / # CityBuilding / #War / #IndustrialRevolution / #TechnologicalGap -------------------- Other Works: Football: Passion Unkindled: https://www.webnovel.com/book/football-passion-unkindled_21280335405805305

SaltyPineapple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Captive(Being Edited)

The knights transported the captured rogue in a roundabout way. Knights surrounded the figure, shielding her from onlookers so none could approach her.

The women's face was covered with a piece of cloth to hide her identity.

Despite this, people still pointed and discussed about the entourage and the captive they were taking back to the castle.

"Why is it so noisy all of a sudden?"

"Knights again, psst."

"Look dad, who's that they're taking away in the middle?"

Those who clearly saw the battle earlier explained what they witnessed but luckily, from what Kent could hear from their conversation, none saw the captive's ears as they weren't close enough.

Kent sped up the return. The castle guards immediately opened the gate when he saw his young Lord marching to the castle with a group soldier behind him. He wanted to question what caused such hurry, but he knew better than ask.

Kent passed through the castle gate and marched into the inner castle with haste, taking large strides to speed up his movements. Such an imposing return to the castle caused some commotion, he was, after all, returning with almost 20 knights.

Sebastian saw Kent's return from the castle study. But seeing how his young lord returned with numerous guards, he instinctively knew something big happened to him.

The old butler rushed down to the courtyard to welcome Kent, "Lord Kent, what's the matter? Did something occur on your tour?"

Kent looked at the anxious butler in front of him, replying in a weary tone, "Come to the basement, you'll understand later."

After saying this, Kent turned his head behind and faced the original guards that defeated the assassin, "Take her to the basement. Don't let anyone else see her."

The knights nodded and headed inside the castle with the captive, carrying out their task.

Kent approached a nearby knight that was training in the courtyard. "Knight, please send my regards to Captain Deryk. I require him to make his immediate return to the castle."

The knight, sensing this as an opportunity to earn favour point from his lord, nodded vigorously. He left the castle as once, heading out to find the captain.

"Sebastian, please find some men to do clean-up duty, we lost some soldiers earlier."

The old butler startled at hearing this; someone dare attack his lord in the city?

Kent continued: "Ask one of the knights that escorted me this morning to be their guide, he would know where the soldier's fell."

The butler was fuming at this news, but he still acted like a professional butler, maintaining his years of experience to not break his character. "Yes, I will see it done." He replied.

Kent walked into the medieval castle. Heading down the narrow stone walled staircase to arrive at the ground basement, located on the very bottom of the castle.

Barely any light entered through the narrow window slits. The grimy, foul-smelling air within the room made Kent much disgusted. Dark stone walls surrounded the already jet-black basement, adding an eerie feeling that made Kent discomfort.

The basement served as a storage for much of the castle's essential needs. But there were also rooms to withhold prisoners.

Kent walked past the storage room. He further down the narrow hallway, before arriving at a row of 4 basement cells.

The 20 or so knights already expected Kent's arrival.

A knight spoke up: "She is contained in her cell, my lord."

Kent nodded. Then he looked at all the knights that were in the basement at this moment. In the gravest of voices, he said: "You are not to speak a word of this. If you spread words of what you saw and what you did today, there will be consequences! Do you understand."

"Yes, My Lord!" the knights all replied.

"I want 10 guards stationed outside this cell. No one is to approach her without my consent. Understood?" Kent continued.

"Yes, Lord" the knights replied in seriousness, they knew the seriousness of the job Kent entrusted to them.


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Kent sat on the luxurious leather chair, his forehead rested on his palms, deep in contemplation. He was thinking hard, he thought he had a headache from all his thinking, but he doubted it was true.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Captain Deryk. He marched into the room in big strides and arrived before Kent. "Why did you call me, my Lord?" he asked in a worried tone.

Upon receiving a messenger from the castle, Deryk received news of an immediate summon from his Lord. The captain grew worried, fearing for something horrible happened since normally, summoning the city knight captain in such a hurry was rarely ever happened. And in times when city knight captain was summoned, it was very often in times of city attacks.

Kent looked up and saw his Captain Deryk. He gestured at the chair opposite to himself. "sit,"

Deryk sat down, expecting for Kent to explain, but he didn't hear a word from him. Growing impatient, he called him out. "My lord. Why did you summon me? Please. Tell me."

Kent was about to shush his captain, but the room door swung open now. In came his butler, Sebastian. "It has been handled Lord." Sebastian told him

Kent finally, stood up from his thinking posture. He looked at Deryk, then at Sebastian, finally opening his mouth. "Follow me."

The captain and the butler were temporarily unreactive, but they soon followed their lord.

They arrived in the dark basement underneath the castle. He arrived in front of a particular cell door and nodded to the 2 knights stationed outside the door. The knights seeing the lord accompanied with the other 2 highest ranking personal in the city, hurriedly grabbed his key and unlocked the heavy wooden door.

The trio walked into the cell.

Sebastian and Deryk were confused at the whole process. They couldn't understand why they were asked to go to the castle cell. Even more curious was the fact they were about to meet this prisoner that was in the castle basement.

The two men entered the cell. They saw a female that was locked with two heavy metal chains, on her slender wrists and her legs. Just by looking at her body, the two men could immediately tell the person's beauty.

However, upon seeing the pendant on the captured female, their eyes darkened.

"A Herder?!" Sebastian and Deryk both exclaimed.