
Heroine Guild (IVT) [WE]

Individuals across the omniverse suddenly find themselves forcibly registered to the Heroine Guild (IVT) [WE]. As if coming into contact with individuals across realities was not strange enough, they have been given the power to reshape reality. The only catch is they are supposed to help and support someone that’s going to be hopping between their realities while doing it. However, as compensation for helping him, the guild recieves powers and bonuses they can use for themselves. Will they help him or will they only use him for themselves. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is an alternative version of my other story Heroine Guild (IVT). I had this idea of the main character in that story going to various worlds and the girls he meets gets added to the guild, but a commentor suggested not to becuase it would become too big. I agreed, but I still wanted to write the idea. So, I decided to write this story: Heroie Guild (Inner Voice Transmission) [Waifu Edition]. the MC was originally going to be more in line with the typical plot of cannon MC’s being a lot more annoying, dumb, arrogant, etc. with an OC insert taking the girls for themselves. But I changed it so Izuku is MC. MHA will be main world with 10 main girls (more may be added), but there is also: Pokémon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds RWBY Fairy Tail Bleach Naruto One Piece MHA AU (some genderbending) Rosario Vampire (AU, featuring MGE and maybe DxD) Elsword (AU, adding Code Geass & Medaka Box) Be aware I’m going to power scale things a bit so other things aren’t too overpowered or Izuku doesn’t get the really overpowered stuff. He’ll still get overpowered but not absolutely broken. So all worlds might become a little AU. I am accepting any Waifu suggestions from main worlds and possible suggestions on who to add into these worlds. All ‘main’ girls from worlds will be added as story progresses (on average 5, per world minimum). also, to make the system a little more unique, I’m fusing the one’s I’m using in Heroine Guild and World Changing Decisions of Izuku Midoriya. #MASS HAREM #SLOW BUILD

Nevermore101 · Anime & Comics
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Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the Heroine Guild (IVT) [WE]. This is a platform meant to gather individuals from across realities for the purpose of helping and supporting not only one another but also the IVT target. 

To allow guild members to get to know one another, members have been registered to the guild one day before events requiring their attention have begun. 

IVT will begin tomorrow. 

All features of guild besides 'Chat Room', are currently unavailable.

We will now seek to provide general introductions of guild members. 

Registered users 01 through 10 hail from the same reality as IVT target. It was once a standard world lacking Dust, Aura, Semblances, Grimm, Duel Monsters, Pokémon, Hollows, Soul Reapers, ninja, magic, monsters, demons, angels, and all the other elements that make other realities so unique. However, then, superpowers now called Quirks began to appear and the world is now wrapped in an obsession with the profession of Pro Heroes. 

Registered user 11: FemDeku hails from a parallel reality to users 01 through 10. It is virtually the same with one distinct - if negligible - difference. The gender ratio of this reality is slightly inverted - causing females to preside dominantly over males in certain fields. 

Registered user 12: Little Red hails from a broken world abandoned by its creators. Plagued by creatures of darkness called Grimm that seek only destruction, a profession arose to protect people and fight back. Using Dust (magic rocks) as a form of fuel and ammunition, Hunters and Huntresses combat the dangerous Grimm through the protection of their Aura (soul forcefield) and Semblance (individual soul magic). 

Registered users 13, 14, and 15 all hail from the same reality but from different times. Though similar to the reality of users 01 through 11, this is a world of long forgotten magic and mysticism. Though still alive in certain corners of the world, these supernatural forces are on the verge of returning via a game called Duel Monsters that will take the world by storm - serving as a form of entertainment, pro sport, and conduit for ancient forces to return.

Registered user 16: Mermaid Rampage hails from a reality much kinder than User 12's. The creatures that populate this world are sentient beings who have allied themselves with humanity. Over time, a pro sport came about where humans help train these creatures called Pokémon to aid them in growing stronger by engage them in combat. 

Registered user 17: Lucky Lucy hails from a reality of magic and sorcery. Those who learn the art of magic are known as wizards and come together to form guilds that take on jobs ranging from solving problems to fighting monsters. 

Registered user 18: Snow Princess hails from a reality similar to users 01 through 11 but with an important distinction. In this reality, ghosts are real as is an afterlife known as the Soul Society. However, some spirits lose their humanity to become soul devouring creatures known as Hollows. To defeat Hollows, protect the living, and guide lost souls to the Soul Society, particularly strong spirits took up the fight against them - becoming Soul Reapers.

Registered user 19: Cat Burglar hails from a reality dominated by the open sea where pirates roam. In addition to there being various races and creatures of all different shapes and sizes, there is also a mystical fruit known as Devil Fruits. These supernatural produce are very rare and capable of bestowing those who eat them with fantastical powers at the cost of losing their ability to swim. 

Registered user 20: Shy Princess hails from a reality currently at peace but is constantly in a state of war and bloodshed. A world where a special power was spread amongst people called Chakra. Those who are capable of wielding this power are trained as ninja with there being five great nations and many smaller nations each with their own ninja village. 

Registered user 21: Vampire Queen hails from a reality similar to many others here but differs in that - like user 18 - there exists a hidden world of the supernatural. Here, monsters - vampires, succubi, witches, snow women, etc. - walk amongst the humans in disguise. However, to promote coexistence and peace, special schools were founded to help in educating them to do so. 

Finally, registered user 22 and 23 both hail from the same reality. Once, a great war was fought between technologically advanced, robotic angels and magically inclined, infernal demons. Both sides were seemingly wiped out or sealed away while the world was left in ruin. Salvaging what they could, the humans have started over with advanced weaponry and 'spirits' to provide magical assistance. 

It is understood that this will all be very confusing and strange for you all and it is suggested that you take today to get to know one another. To access 'CHAT' feature, concentrate on opening [WE] Chat Interface and a screen will appear before you. Simply speak aloud or concentrate on what you wish to say, and it will be generated. Have a nice day.

After reading through the long wall of text, several individuals were left in shock as the violet bordered, orange screen with yellow writing vanished. Out of curiosity, they all began to concentrate and were in shock upon another screen appearing before them - this one white with black border. Various lines of text began to appear.

Alien Queen: What the hell!?

Froppy: Kero?

Uravity: What's going on!?

Earphone Jack: Huh?

Invisible Girl: What?

Creati: Oh, my.

Battle Fist: This is seriously weird.

Maria Vine: Oh Lord, what is this?


Bloody Baby: Hi!


FemDeku: As if my life wasn't already weird enough.

Little Red: Um…Hi?

Dancing Fairy: Please tell me this isn't real and I've lost my mind.

Cyber Angel: You and me are in the same boat. This can't be real.

Black Rose: Who are you people?

Little Red: I like your name.

Mermaid Rampage: What in Arceus's name?

Lucky Lucy: Is this some sort of magic?

Snow Princess: Just what is this?

Cat Burglar: Is this supposed to be for real?

Blushing Princess: Um, uh, it is a pleasure to meet you all.

Vampire Queen: Hello?

E.V.E.: Hmm…

The End: This is interesting…

The End: HAHAHAHAHA!!! A name fitting for one such as I. Bow before me mortals!

E.V.E.: No.

Alien Queen: This is so cool! Hey, is what that screen said before true!? Are there really people here from other worlds, parallel universes, different times, and stuff!

FemDeku: I really hope not and I just got hit by a strange Quirk.

Dancing Fairy: There's just no way…But, I'm apparently 'user 13' and it is the year 1999. 

Cyber Angel: I'm user 14 and its 2009.

Black Rose: 2034.

Little Red: Can someone explain this to me. My head's kinda spinning. 

Uravity: Me too.

Little Red: I was just visiting my mom's grave when I got attacked by some Beowolves and then this happened.

Battle Fist: You're the one it said comes from a world full of evil monsters right? 

Froppy: Are you okay?

Little Red: Pfff, I'm fine. Beowolves are nothing. And yeah, that's me… Does your world really not have Grimm? Or Aura? Or Semblances?

Earphone Jack: I've never heard of anything like that.


Mermaid Rampage: I don't know if it's the same thing, but I've heard of Aura. Though only Pokémon use it. You'd have to talk to someone from Sinnoh to know more.

Snow Princess: Could you tell me more about these 'Grimm'?

Little Red: Huh? Well, they're these big black monster things with white masks that kill people and destroy everything.

Snow Princess: You're 'Grimm' sound like Hollows. 

Maria Vine: If I am not mistaken, you come from the world of ghosts and spirits, correct?

Snow Princess: …I am a Soul Reaper charged with slaying Hollows and guiding lingering souls to the Soul Society, yes.

Little Red: You kinda sound like a Hunter.

Creati: Those two professions do sound similar from what I understand. And one supposedly features ghosts and spirits while the other has 'soul forcefields' and 'soul magic'. How does that work, if I may ask?

Support Gremlin: TECHNO ANGELS!!!?

Maria Vine: I was curious about this Soul Society as well.

Little Red: Um…well…Aura is…like um, it makes us super tough and helps us heal faster. And our Semblance is a special power everyone has - though not everyone discovers it - that's like an expression of our soul…I think.

Snow Princess: The Soul Society is where spirits go to find rest. It's much better than the Living World. Am I supposed to understand you don't have such things in your supposedly 'other worlds'.

Creati: Sounds somewhat like Quirks.

Maria Vine: I believe there is. Without question. What about those two from the world of angels and demons?

Support Gremlin: YESSS!!!!

E.V.E.: I am afraid there is not much of an afterlife here. Upon death, a being's physical body is broken down and consumed as part of the natural cycle of life. Their spiritual essence, however, is drawn to and absorbed into the El crystals where their souls are cleansed of impurities and released into the world as pure energy. 

The End: Except those who turn into spirits or get munched by demons. 

Snow Princess: Your world is sounding more like mine.

Support Gremlin: Yeah, yeah, dead people soul rocks. WHAT ABOUT TECHNO ANGELS!!?

Invisible Girl: Are we just ignoring how we're supposedly talking to people from other dimensions!?

Lucky Lucy: I mean, it's not like we have any way to prove or disprove this. 

Invisible Girl: I guess you're right…

Cat Burglar: Plus, weird floating screens. Either it's real or we're crazy.

Shy Princess: She has a point. 

Vampire Queen: Well…In any case, It's nice to meet you. 

Blood Baby: Yeah! By the way are you a real vampire?

Vampire Queen: Yes…

Blood Baby: That's so cute! Because of my Quirk I'm kinda like a vampire. I wish we could meet in person. 

Vampire Queen: You're human, right? And you want to meet me? You want to be my friend?

Blood Baby: Yeah!

Vampire Queen: … … … I'm sorry, it's just, I've tried making friends with humans, but I can't reveal who I really am and …

Blood Baby: …Don't worry about it…I…I get it. Believe me. I know what it's like to have to keep part of yourself hidden… Okay! I am officially declaring us super cute best friends! Even if we can't really meet! 

Vampire Queen: Thank you…

Blood Baby: Don't mention it!

Black Rose: …Mind if I join. 

Blood Baby: You too?

Black Rose: No comment.

Vampire Queen: Sure you can. 

Blood Baby: Anyone else?

FemDeku: I wouldn't mind. I've never had many friends…or any friends really. 

Vampire Queen: Why?

FemDeku: …Because I'm…well…I'm…Quirkless.

Vampire Queen: ?

Black Rose: ?

Mermaid Rampage: What's that mean?

Froppy: It means someone without a Quirk. 

Cyber Angel: Okay, so you don't have superpowers or something. And?

FemDeku: You…don't care?

Dancing Fairy: Not liking where this is going. 

E.V.E.: I take it those without powers in your reality are a minority.

Creati: Current statistics say that only twenty-percent of the population does not have a Quirk. Mostly the older generation. The current statistics for Quirkless individuals is…difficult. 

E.V.E.: Hmm. Well, if it is any consolation, that does not seem to be of much issue here. From what I can gather, I believe a majority or at minimum half of those of us from differing realities hail from ones where such is the norm.

FemDeku: …What?

The End: She's saying superpowers are weird. Hey! Those of you not from weird Superhero world, are powers normal?

Little Red: No. Most people don't unlock their Aura. And it's not like everyone is signing up to be a Hunter.

Dancing Fairy: I haven't heard anything like that. Only people who do are making it up.

Cyber Angel: I've heard some weird legends, but that's it.

Black Rose: …I have powers but…there aren't many of us.

Mermaid Rampage: Pokémon have powers, and I've heard some people do, but no most people don't. The only person I've heard of that does is Sabrina of Saffron City, but I don't know if it's true. There's also a lot of fakers too.

Lucky Lucy: Magic's pretty common, but not everyone is a wizard.

Snow Princess: Those with the capacity to become Soul Reapers are few in number. While there are those among the living who possess the ability to see spirits or have special powers, they are a peculiar rarity.

Cat Burglar: Hard to say. I…know some fishmen but I wouldn't say they have 'powers' like what you're talking about. I've also heard of Devil Fruit. I always thought those were just silly made up legends, but that screen suggested they might be real. I don't know anymore.

Shy Princess: Um…There aren't many ninja…so no.

Vampire Queen: I've heard humans can have powers, but it's super rare and there are less humans with powers than monsters. 

The End: There you have it.