
Heroic System in DxD

Damian Lucifer was a normal high school kid until he died trying to save a loli he saw in the street... turns out that loli is a goddess and she gave him 3 wishes This is my first time writing a fan-fic so any suggestions would be helpful I plan to updated every other day now so I can plan out my chapters better. If you have any suggestions for the story let me know The cover is not mine I found it at https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/72/54/b57254827ebdd3723ff52a736f971ae0.jpg

AnimeFanatic · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 10: New Family

Its been two weeks since Damian accepted that he was a baby. He spent a week in the hostpital where the doctors ran numerous tests to see if him or his brother had any complications from being born premature. Damian himself was curious as to why him and his twin brother, Issei, was born early. When he asked Savina she replied 'You were born earlier than most babies due to both of you having Sacred Gears. Although you can't activate them yet, the power from the Sacred Gears leaked into your bodies and sped up the process of growth.' When Damain heard this he began to wonder if he could make himself grow up faster if he could manipulate magic, but he immediately shot down this idea. While he was able to manipulate magic to a small degree, he couldn't manipulate it enough to make any significant changes to his growth and even if he could it would look suspicous if a kid grew up faster than normal. The more he thought about the more he grew worried because while he may not boost his growth he will still have a faster growth than most kids do to the magical energy leaking off the Sared Gear. Savina told him in a soft bell like voice 'Don't worry about it. You'll grow up faster do to the Sacred Gear, but not to the rate where its completely abnormal. And because Issei will grow around the same rate as you it won't look suspicous as long as someone with high power doesn't looks closely at you two.' He also found out that Aurora made a small change to the world and that instead of the Hyoudou's its the Lucifer's and that he's now the first cousin, twice removed of Vali Lucifer.

The week following that conversation Damian decided to start practicing concealing his and Issei's magical aura because it was so abnormally high for kids that Savina started to warn him that various supernatural beings were looking through his town for the source of the magical energy. The supernatural beings could tell that the magical energy belonged to some newborn babies but couldn't tell where it was coming from.


Damian was confused at first when he heard this and asked in a confused voice 'Savina, how come in the cannon nobody took notice of Issei for almost 16 year but they started to notice right away now?' 'That's because Issei was exposed to your magical aura. You have a stronger aura than Issei and to add to that its a Space-Time aura. You couldn't control your abilities and sped up the awakening of Issei's Sacred Gear. So for now I suggest to start learning to manipulate your magical abilities to supress both yours and Issei's aura.' Damian nodded in confirmation and began to work hard.

*End of Flashback*

Damain currently was able to suppress both his and Issei's magical aura but he had to be within 20 feet of Issei. Any farther and he wouldn't be able to suppress Issei's magical power, and if that happened there would be a lot of trouble. That's because the suppression of their aura stimulated the growth of both of their magical abilities, so if Issei was released from Damian's suppression his aura would burst out and all the supernatural beings would be able to instantly trace where the aura was located. Due to this reason Damian tried his best to stay as close to Issei as possible. It was easy to do due to his powers. He was able to manipulate his parents to never seperate them farther than 20 feet with his [Telepathic Abilites] and although he felt guilty about it, he knew it was necessary to keep his family safe.

There was also another instance that he had to manipulate their memories because they walked into his room at the wrong time. They had walked in to see him in the crib practicing his walking abilities in his new body, they were so shocked that they fainted so Damian had to erase their memories.

Currently Damian was in a meditative posistion strengthening his body with magic. He had his telepathic senses spread out to make sure his parents didn't walk in and currently they were changing Issei's diaper in the next room. He could have manipulated them to not walk in but he doesn't like the idea of taking away someones freedom without a need to. Damian was infusing magic into skin, muscles, and bones getting rid of the small amount of impurities that he had collected since conception. As he was a baby he didn't have as many impurities as adults did. Normally this process would hurt a lot, similar to body cultivation in Wuxia novels, however using his mental abilities he was able to cut off his mind from his nerves.

He used Savina's help to do this because if he did it wrong he could permanently cut off all sensations from his body and his current regeneration wouldn't be able to reattach his nerves to his brain. While to most people no sensations would be a great boon, especially in fighting, there is multiple problems with this. The first thing is that he could ruin his body. If he had no sensations from his body he wouldn't be able to tell how much damage his body has taken and could permanently damage his foundations. While he would be able to heal it with the system he rather not waste SP on someting he could have avoided. The second thing is the most important reason, if not for this reason he may have ignored the first. He would have no sensation of pleasure. While he could still get a hard on and would still have feelings he wouldn't be able to enjoy the sensation of having sex. That's correct even if he had sex he wouldn't feel any pleasure so he couldn't ejaculate and he plans on having plenty of sex and wants to have kids but thats for the future.

Damian finished up his body strenghtening session and used magic to clear away his impurities as he felt his parents coming to check on him. When they walked in he took a good look at his parents. They looked nothing like they did in the anime. His father was a well built man with handsome features. He was 6 feet tall with muscles that could rival Spiderman's, not to bulky but filled with hidden power. His whole face seemed to be modeled after Tony Stark in the Marvel movies. Almost everything was the same the hair, the goatee, and the face itself. The only thing that was different were his eyes, which were heterochromatic. His left eye was gold while his right eye was silver, but this only helped him get more girls

My father had an arrogant personality but not to the point where he looked down on people. From what I could tell he was a lot like Tony Stark with his party like lifestyle and based on what I saw in his memories he has an open relationship. My mother allows him to have other girls but only if she can join and he doesn't get them pregnant. His job easily lets him support this kind of lifestyle as he is the CEO of a big cruise company called Lucifer Cruises. Not the most original name but it fits his partying lifestyle. He's known for throwing big parties monthly on his own cruises. Since my father has no living family and my mother encouages his lifestyle no one is there to reprimand him. I don't plan to interfere with his lifestyle as long as he doesn't hurt my mother.

My mother is almost the same as my father with good looks and a similar personality. She had curves in all the right places with a c-cup breast size and a plump ass to go with it. Her stomach was still a little plump from giving birth but it somehow still looked good on her. She stood only a few inches below my father standing at 5 feet 9 inches and her eyes were a deep blue that you could fall into. Her face looked eerily similar to Scarlett Johansson's, almost like they were twins. Her hair reached her shoulders and was dark black with blonde highlights that only upped her looks. She has a flitatious personality thats eerily similar to Marvel's Black Cat and loves to play with other women, however she is fiercely protective of her family however as her family died under suspicous circumstances but based on what I could tell, based on the feathers she remembers seeing around the house, it was a group of fallen angels who were attacking a branch of the Lucifer Family. 'So that means she's a devil or at least part devil and doesn't realise it. Don't worry I'll find out who did this and get your revenge' I mutter to myself with my hands clenched tight, and then I go through what else I know about my mother. She has no need for a job but officially she's my fathers secretary although she doesn't have to do anything. I didn't think of her any different even knowing her personality but I am worried about their sexual activities. Even if they do it in another room my title Pervert will allow me to hear them.

Taking just a moment to process all of this with my enhanced intelligence, I smile at them when they walk in. As they see my smile they gently smile at me while Issei, who's in my mothers arms, looks at me with an innocent smile and a curious gaze. While my father goes to pick me up to play with me, in my mind I'm asking Savina 'Why in the hell do they look so much like my two favorite Marvel characters.' Savina responded in a sad tone 'Aurora made them like this because you liked them and it also helps with their lifestyle. She wanted you to be exposed to more girls so you would be more confident with her and your future girlfriends.'

Damian was going to ask about Savina's sad tone but then Damian heard Aurora's voice in his head 'Sweetie make sure you don't go to far with them okay. Only some touching and kissing is allowed, if you go to far I'm sure you or the girl won't live for very long. Fufufufu.' She said in a sugary tone that made Damian want to hide from her. At the same time...

-Savina's POV-

'Why am I feeling like this? I haven't known him very long. Why am I feeling jealous of the girls he'll be with in the future? I don't mind him having other girls as its an inevitability with his personality and the soul of the dragon that will influence him, but why do I feel like that I want to be one of those girls? I know I can't, I don't even have a body.' If Damian was able to see Savina he would see a loli that looked similar to Kuroe von Einzberg from the Fate series, sitting on the ground, holding her legs, with tears going down her face. Sadly he couldn't see her because if he did he would have told her something that would cheer her up.

-End of Savina's POV

After hearing Aurora's words he was happy that she was letting him have some freedom, and resolved himself to talk about her behaviour in the future. He still planned to give his virginity to her especially with everything she did for him. She was the one to give him the chance to reincarnate and live a new, exciting life, but she needed to change her behaviour slightly. Releasing a sigh he spent time with his family for the rest of the day. And at night he began checking any ongoing quests or quest he needs to claim...