
Is it really the beginning ?

"Hey, what are you doing here ? This is a private propriety !" cried an old man from a magnificent castle window!

Caught in the act, the young man, a punny brown haired folk named Nick starts running while yelling "I'm starving, I just took some grapes, don't be so grumpy Old Fart!". He suddenly turned around and yelled "If you want to see them again, you can wait until tomorrow, I'll bring you some red wine made by myself and my prodigious stomach! Hahaha!"

The old man, a servant of a proud and famous family, couldn't accept such attitude, "GUARDS!!! Bring me back this young impolite, I have a few hours to kill and a new whip to use!". As an old military man, he definitely knows how to take care of such rowdy man.

The guards, three in numbers, were completely taken off guard ! How can this kid had escaped their vigilance and succeed in coming into the gardens so easily without them noticing! Frustrated and afraid of the consequences if they could not bring back this kid to the intendant, they start chasing Nick.

Nick starts running to a wood edge, the guards were almost on him when Nick suddenly yelled "NOW !!!!"...

Hi guys, please be gentle, that's my first time trying to write something.

I hope you will enjoy reading it!

Okrocreators' thoughts