
Heroes Without Masks

"10 years ago, we were created. We are the chosen six to end our corrupt creator and his new powerful creations." Lilia Riverside and her friends are the beautiful creation of her Uncle Flint Riverside, who was sent to prison for human experimentation. As mysterious happening begins to arise, a flirtatious boy who know more than he leads on, and a betrail leaving her heartbroken.

Candy215 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 25

I sit in the meeting room with my grandparents, Heath sat next to me as we worriedly look at my grandparents, "Um, we have something to talk about." I state as they both pale out, "What is it? Have you broken up? Have you two conceived a child?" my grandmother begins to ramble, "No, no, none of that yesterday as you know those people who were at the house and kept asking about the Trial, well it's…" Heath hands them a file, right this was mailed to us two days ago, Diana was really suing Stone-head.

The Hero media was eating this trial alive, it'll be taking place in; six months from now, both parties have six months to get ready. Luckily, for Diana or Mrs. Sun, Stone-head doesn't know she's the one filing the charges until they meet in court which is in six months so around April. I glance at the two adults in my life who turned white, "What do you plan on doing?" My grandfather asked while I grab Heath's hand from under the table.

Sighing, "I'm going to move into the compound until the Trial is over. The Hero Media isn't going to leave me alone or Yukii and Vee until the trial has been set and matched." They both looked nervous, "What about we get more security guards?" grandmother was begging now, "Normal human guards, won't stand a chance against superbeings even if they aren't heroes." I state as Heath nods, "So, will we see you?" I smile hearing the sadness from my grandfather's voice. "Of course, we'll make a scheduled time to come visit for a couple of days, most likely on the weekends that's when Heath and the others spend it with Dr. Kellie and Mr. White."

We talked a few more hours as my grandparents seem worried over the little things, walking out of the corporate office we all sit in the back of my grandfather's favorite car. As he drives home like a speed demon. Pulling up to the house Heath and I climb out of the car, "We're going to go on a drive we'll be back in about an hour, you can't leave until we've said goodbye." I smile at them, "Of course, see you when you return." Heath and I stood for a bit, "Should we return to room 40?" I asked Heath who shrugged, "We can, but why not upgrade? You know the family deal in the purple hall?"

I smirk, the purple hall, to the rumor I heard has a small two-bedroom apartment inside of them. With a kitchen, and a bathroom, and even a living space. "That sounds nice, but it's kind of lonely for one person." Heath doesn't hold back now, "Who said you were moving in alone?" I smile, "You'll sleep in your own room, right?" Heath sighs, "Yeah, if you want me to." I nod, "Good, I would hate to have an accident." Heath nods understanding that he's still in big trouble. "Can I be forgiven?" I smile at him and walk in the doors, "You have, but that doesn't mean you can still get away with it, alright be here by three."

I shut the door and walk up to my room, I pack a suitcase of clothes, then a smaller bag of books, games, movies, and whatever else I could think of. Then a smaller bag of everything in my bathroom, yes, I mean everything my towel was put on top of the bigger suitcase as I pack a set of jewelry and makeup in a smaller carryon which goes in the smaller suitcase. I begin to dig around my closet for shoes and find five pairs that go with everything. I packed them in an older suitcase that I use only for shoes.

After a couple more suitcases I was ready. I heard a honking horn outside the house, that must be them. I connect all the suitcases that roll together and grab the carry-on bags the few that were on my bed and headed out. It felt weird leaving the mansion this time, this will always be my home, but this time I don't know when I'll be returning, or if I ever will. Opening the door Heath smiles at me and grabs some of the suitcases. Looking at my phone it's 1:15, it's a nice day.

I look around and don't find Dr. Kellie, "What are you looking for?" I turn to Heath, "More like who, where's Dr. Kellie?" Heath took a bag from my hand, "She stayed at the apartment and is resting." I give him a worried look, "Are you guys sure it's okay, that she's alone? I mean, what if she relapses?" Darek walks over, "She should be fine, she just woke up from her last medicine nap, and will be sitting in the dark living room watching old reruns of popular shows from the '90s." I giggle, "That is oddly specific." Darek nods, "It's what we've done most of the day." Darek said as we close the trunk, inside Tucker and Ryan texting who I would presume to be their girlfriends, "Alright Vee texted she's finished packing," Ryan said as Tucker closes his phone, "The same with Yukii."

We climb into the back of the van as Darek didn't care if we were buckled and took off, when words ran through my head, "Wait!" I jumped out of the van and ran inside. "Grandma! Papa?" I walked into the kitchen then into the den. "There you guys are." They looked over at me, I could tell they were crying. "I'm leaving," my grandmother stood up and hugged me while my grandfather stayed in his chair. "Will you call?" I slid onto the armrest, "Yes, every day if that's what it takes for you to know I'm okay."

I pull him into a hug as a few tears hit my shirt. "When everything is better, we'll all return home, okay?" he nods, "Alright, call us after diner, okay?" I smile, "Yep, I'll give you a call." I walk out of the mansion, as I'm bombarded with microphones, "Ma'am please tell us your involvement with Stone-head?" "Did you send those pictures to ruin the Hero Leagues' good name?" "What was your reaction to the pictures?" I put my hand up and looked at the van. Walking to the van was going to be difficult. I shoot up into the sky the guys open the van door and close it quickly as the van drives down the driveway like a bat out of hades. We parked behind the Dojo where Yukii was waiting from the prying eyes.

She crossed her arms as Tucker flies out, "Man, what took you?" I peek out and wave, "Ah, I see never mind." Yukii said coolly Tucker shoved Yukii's three large boxes in the van and one duffle bag on the floor next to them. Once she was in a buckled, we drove the eight-second drive across the street to the bakery. The front of the dojo and the bakery are swarmed with the Hero Press. In the back, Vee is sitting on a trunk and has a luggage set, and two purses with her, she does worry moreover how cute she is in appearance more than the rest of us. We all climb out and help her pack it in the van.

Darek rubs his face as we all buckle in, "Well that was draining." We all give a humorous chuckle. The van shutters as it starts, but drives smoothly, out of town and towards an odd cave system. Darek pulls a key out, unlocking the gate as Heath: who I didn't know had a driver's license, drove the car into the cave. Darek closed and locked the gate on our side of the gate. Heath parks and climbs back into the back with me. Darek dives the van until the cave slowly started to look like a mixture of the cave and the compound's walls. We make it to a hand scanner and a dead-end cave wall.

Darek sends Tucker out to scan his hand since he was causing problems for everyone sitting in the car. I watch him place his left hand on the scanner there was a loud beep as the wall began to fall and a long hallway welcomed us. Tucker jumps back in as we drive down this long hallway. Compared to the 20-minute drive it was here it was a 15-minute drive for us in the hall. It's around 2:07 now. I stretch a little as we slowed down and arrived at the entrance of the Purple hall. "Alright let's unpack and head back out you girls can at least have dinner with us," Darek said the boys groan. While I giggle a little with Vee, Yukii bops her head to her music.

We unload the car; Heath and I state calmly to room 40 even in the purple hall. We really don't know why, but we like the number 40. I scan my hand on the hand scanner. As Heath opens the door for us. Walking in we are faced with the living room in front of us and to the right is the kitchen and dining area. To our left: is the closet and the entrance to a hallway with four doors. I start first and open the first door on my left, it's the first bedroom, it was nice and spacious for an apartment in the compound. The room to my right was a bathroom, it was actually nice as well. The next room was an office, or some would calm to be a third bedroom. The last door was at the end of the hall, I opened the door and look over the large master bedroom. It even had an ensuite bathroom. I walk over to the bed and find it without bedding, I open the closet and find two-bed sets; inside. One was a cream bed set with slight blue accents, the other one was gray and maroon set, I'm not prone to lying but the gray one was kind of unpleasant.

Heath brought my bags into the room I open the bedding and sort through everything. "Want some help?" Heath asked me from where I stood, "If you want to." I state as I grab the sheet. Heath grabs his end and lifts up the mattress all while tucking the sheet perfectly in the mattress. I have my ends done as Heath grabs the top sheet. We both grab an end and tuck it under the mattress. Next was the comforter, the cream color was why I liked it so much, the blue sheets also made it welcoming as well. I smile as I put the cases over the pillows and put the bag back into the closet.

Heath grabbed the other set and traveled down the hall. I began to unpack and set my clothes and shoes up. Heath walks back in I really don't care what he's doing at the moment, he's still in trouble so he knows not to push it. I smile looking in the closet as all my shoes and clothes have been placed neatly. I grab my bathroom bag and head towards the in-suite bathroom. Filling it with the essentials and my towel. It is smooth sailing until I remember that Heath is living with me. I look at my sanitary products and place them under the sink, they only need to come out once a month.

Walking out Heath had his underwear nicely folded on the dresser as he was looking in at the drawer, I thought I was going to have to myself. "Sorry, let me move things around, I thought you'd put your clothes in the other room." Heath gives me a dirty smile when I realize those panties were right upfront. I frown, he's being pretty immature today, "Heath, stop that, these are the panties I wear during that time of the month." He continues to smirk and plants a kiss on my head, "I just realized that living with you know is this much closer to us living together as adults." Okay, that was really sweet.

I smile up at him as my hands split the drawer in half so that he can put these things in. For another 15mins we unpack when my phone buzzes at 2:47 it was from Dr. Kellie, 'I'm waiting for you inside text me when you arrive and I'll meet you under the rocket ship.' Confused I texted her back, asking her what she meant, but all the response I was given was, 'Ops wrong number.' I look over to Heath is it looking over my books, "Heath I think Dr. Kellie is up to something."

Heath looks at my phone as he looks nervous as well, "You get a head start take Darek with you, in case something happens an adult is there to help." I nod run out the door, Darek was actually right where I needed him. "Mr. White," I show him my phone and he looks worried, "Let's go." I nod and pick him up I fly us to the main hatch. I open the hatch as leaving it open as I take off with Darek.

Now what she said she'll be waiting under a rocket…well inside, she must be at Galaxy Burgers! I turn my body so I could begin my safe and unspotted landing. It doesn't take much to notice the rocket, I fly to try to ignore Darek squeezing me tightly. When I spot Dr. Kellie walking out of the restaurant lobby. I slow my speed as we land behind the restaurant. Darek took a second to recuperate, but focused in time for us to run over to them, I noticed Dr. Kellie looking a little ill, as I yell over, "Dr. Kellie!" a black space opened up in front of her and the person next to her poked her with something and I was able to catch her face and to my shock it was—Penelope?