
Heroes? Villains? I Hate Them All

“There’s no such thing as heroes, those you call (heroes) are cheap individuals who play with the lives of the innocent just for fame.” At a very young age, Roy witnessed with his very eyes, the death of his parents who were caught in the battle between the mightiest hero of their city and the villain that threatened to destroy them. Growing up as a powerless orphan in a world of supernatural anomalies, he witnessed several inevitable casualties caused by the clashing of the so-called heroes and villains till one day…. he had enough. In an attempt to save a young boy from the same fate his parents suffered, he ended up another victim of the accursed cycle of death. However, fate was not done with him. “Heroes…. Villains…. I hate them… I hate them all!” After being granted a second chance at life by a supernatural deity, it didn't take long before he found out he awakened with supernatural abilities. Thanks to the intervention of what he referred to as (A true hero) who opened his eyes to the truth, Roy had only one goal in life, to end the cycle of pain and suffering. Follow Roy as he fights through various obstacles, embarking on numerous adventures all in order to become, The Top Hero of the city! Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist! And I'll gladly bring it down if they don't approve of it.

Nikage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

I Hate Them All

Six blissful years had passed by and the death of Roy's parent was still fresh in his head. His love and admiration for heroes had died throughout the years, especially his admiration towards Magna.


Standing in front of his parents gravestones in the cemetery with a bouquet of roses, was a teenager who donned a black long-sleeved jacket with a pair of black pants and boots. The young teen—Roy, stared at the carvings of his mother and father's name as it was the anniversary of their death.

His face devoid of emotions, his eyes emitting a cold piercing gaze as he had lost his reason to smile.

After the death of his parents, coming from an average family who were deemed commoners in this cruel world, none of his relatives refused to take him in considering him to be a major source of strain on their budget. Because of that he ended up at the orphanage where kids who also suffered the loss of their parents in this pointless collision between heroes and criminals resided.

Unlike the other kids, Roy was different.

Everyone seeked vengeance on the criminals who were responsible for the death of their parents, but only Roy opened his eyes to the truth.

Not only did his morals and values hold him back, but his weakness as well.

"Truly in this world, only the strong gets to have their way. The weak and defenseless ends up being trampled upon, kids, wifes and even husbands. All have lost something in this feud between the strong just as I have lost you."

Squeezing his right hand into a fist, he slammed it down at the top of the gravestone.

"Tch.. Why!? What did they ever do to deserve this!?" Yelling at the top of his voice, he glanced angrily into the sky. All he could think about was vengeance but at the end what could he do?

"But you wouldn't want that will you Mom.. Dad?" His expression changed swiftly as he gazed back down at his parents graveyard.

Crouching to his knees, he placed the bouquet of roses right in front of the gravestones.

"Don't worry Mom..Dad, a time will come where we will all be together again."

With his final words to his parents, he got up and left the cemetery. The number of dead bodies residing within this cemetery was unimaginable. Yes, one day everyone will pass on but the number of deaths that resulted from the casualties that occurred from each and every battle that went on was just far too great.

"When will this ever end?" He couldn't help but question this cruel reality.

Each time he visited his parents grave, there was always an addition of two or more gravestones.


A sudden and loud explosion brought him back to the world as he sank in his own thoughts. From afar, he spotted a huge trail of black smoke rising into the atmosphere.

Stunned by this and driven by his instincts to help others even with the knowledge that he was powerless, Roy ran swiftly towards the scene of the explosion.

Arriving at the source of the smoke, his eyes met with so many casualties, the dead bodies of the unfortunate victims caught in the blast, so many citizens running away in distress and the surrounding area set ablaze.

However, he immediately caught a glance of a young boy stuck underneath chunks of wood.

"Hang on!" He exclaimed, the young boy was a spitting image of himself six years and coincidentally, he was around the age of nine. He rushed towards the boy to save him.

One by one, he carefully removed the pieces of wood that restrained the boys movements. With each piece he moved he struggled slightly given the size of the wood.

"Everything's going just fine." He said, giving the young boy reassurance.

"Where the hell are all those so-called heroes? Wasn't that explosion loud enough to attract their attention?" He muttered in his thoughts.

Indeed that explosion could be heard from miles, even kilometers away and yet not a single hero had shown up.

A resounding footstep prevented Roy from going further, a dark and sinister laughter coming from the background drew his attention towards the flames that surrounded them.

"W-who's there!?" He exclaimed, demanding whoever it was that made such eerie laughter to reveal himself.

From the flames, a huge silhouette of a man reaching up to 7ft in height emerged. He had a muscular build and a vertical scar on his chest, his eyes also glowed red representing his bloodlust.

Terrified to the core, Roy stumbled backwards and eventually tripped over the pile of wood that he had moved so far in an attempt to save the young boy who screamed in terror after seeing the horrific man.

"Are you the one responsible for all this!?" He exclaimed as his rage towards villains resurfaced, momentarily reducing the feeling of fear in him.

The huge man licked his lips on sighting Ryo and the young child.

"Well what do we have here." He proclaimed with a deep and frightening voice.

"I originally intended to feast on the blood of of a particular hero, but lucky me. I get to have appetizers before the main course!" Exclaiming with joy, the huge man dashed forward towards Roy and the boy.

For a man his size, he was quite agile.

He threw his fist at the ground which gave rise to a massive shockwave that propelled both the pile of woods and Roy backwards. The boy on the other hand was launched up into the air and the huge man swiftly held him by the neck.

Rising to his knees, Roy struggled to regain his vision after particles of dust had entered into his eyes. When he finally did, he became mesmerized having found the child in the clutches of their assaliant.

"Let him go!" He exclaimed, rushing towards them in a futile attempt to rescue the boy. He was not about to watch another innocent kid suffer the same fate as his parents did years ago.

"Huh?" The huge man chuckled at his stupidity.

"I can't sense any energy from you and you dare fight back!?" He exclaimed, highly insulted by his actions.

With a swift right hand, the huge man slapped the right shoulder of Roy as he approached him. His eyes expanded due to the shock resulting from the pain he felt. Enough power was exerted to completely break his right arm.

Propelled backwards by the force of the slap, Roy fell to the ground.

The young boy cried helplessly, he was unable to breathe properly and the sight of the madman was terrifying.

"Quit your whining!" The huge man declared angrily, adding pressure to his grip and accidentally snapping the neck of the boy.

"Huh? He's dead? Oh well, I doubt his blood would have sufficed." He added, flinging the body of the boy into the flames.

From the ground, Roy watched with agony as the boy he tried to save was brutally killed in front of him. This particular scene brought back memories of the past which got him enraged on a whole other level.

"You bastard!!!" He yelled with fury.

Ignoring the pain of his broken arm, he stared down at the man with malice and instantly rushed towards him with the aim of killing him. Enough was enough.

"I'll make you pay!" He exclaimed, putting all of his strength into this one final blow.

"How pitiful." The huge man detested his efforts, he grabbed his forehead with ease and slammed him into the ground repeatedly, spewing his blood everywhere.

Little by little, Roy lost his consciousness till he couldn't hold on to life anymore.

"Is...this how I go down? In the hands of the same people who killed my parents?" He muttered in his thoughts as he slumped into the darkness.

"Is there truly no justice for the weak? What's the point of heroism if you can't protect the weak? I hate them all... Heroes... Villians.... I hate them all!" With his final thoughts, his consciousness slipped completely into the darkness.