
Heroes to Hunted

[Book isn't dropped but I recommend for people to not read this work for now.] "There are no heroes in war, only monsters." This was an outlook that Sato Katsuro, a man in service to the military, formed after being broken down by years of gore-filled battle. It was an outlook he took even to his grave, but what about beyond it? Transmigrated into a new land of fantasy and tasked to be the very thing he'd given up on becoming, Sato would have to fight a new war. A war between mankind and an oppressive enemy regime run by a cohort of demons. But, as Sato learned in his past, war wasn't always what it seemed. In war, truths were lies, friends were enemies, and the so-called heroes...they were often the villains. Additional Tags: Super slow burner, dark, realistic fantasy

Sir_Killington · Fantasy
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128 Chs

A Night in the Woods, Part Two

In trying to tame my wild breathing and stifled cries, I forced multiple chest-expanding breaths.

'Breathe in, breathe out... Breathe in, breathe out...' Like a mantra, I repeated this in my mind over and over to pace myself while clutching my hands against my chest.

Finally, after several minutes of my exercises, I reached a point of mental tranquility. Aside from an occasional, involuntary gasp for air, my breathing stabilized.

I stood up only to stumble backward, smacking my head on the tree's base. Given my weariness and previous fit of sobs, my mind was still too delirious for precise movement.

"Ah...damn..." I griped, rubbing the spot of impact on the back of my head and feeling the onset of light swelling.

I squinted my eyes and used the natural moonlight to gauge the surrounding room. What I saw were my companions scattered across the floor, sleeping soundly. Or most of them, at least.