
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 3 «Heroes»

Ken recognized him immediately. He is too recognizable, white hair with a really strikingly fair skin complexion as if he had never sunbathed in his entire life, two eyes of a crimson red colour, a really slender body and an androgynous face.

Who can be apart from [Accelerator]?

[Sora] seems to have been amazed by Ken's luck.

"Oh? It looks like you're lucky."

After all, this character's skill is powerful. A skill that allows you to control vectors and, using it well ensures safety, and at the same time, it allows one to become extremely powerful when it comes to destruction.

Ken is overwhelmed with excitement, with the power of Accelerator he can travel undisturbed in most worlds except for a few too dangerous worlds. However, his physical strength does not support most of the powers of Accelerator. It is not a problem to use the [Reflection]; of this, he is sure.

"What should I do next?" Ken asked, seeing that figure projected on the mirror.

"You have to say [Hero Accept]," [Sora] replied.

Ken immediately did what [Sora] said. A luminous trail came out of the mirror and ended up directly in the boy's body.

"I've done it!" Ken exclaimed.

Seeing that figure appearing on the crest, Ken was as happy as a child when he gets to receive his favourite toy.

[Sora] seeing that happiness of Ken immediately said, "Okay enough, don't get too excited because the second person is about to appear."

"Splash ~" The sound he heard just before came back to the boy's ears. Ken immediately tried to relax his mind contain his excitement; he looked closely at the [Dimensional Mirror].

The ripples on the mirror surface appeared again, and only after they disappeared did Ken observe the hero who appeared.

"This hero is ..."

[Sora] seems not to have noticed the boy's weird tone. In fact, she said in a positive tone, "It looks like your luck is excellent!"

Ken's mouth twitched as he looked at that character who appeared on the surface of the mirror.

He certainly can't complain about that character. The look is probably the most beautiful he has ever seen before; only, there is a small problem.

The problem is not so much that this character is a vampire but rather another.

Ken immediately shook his head; he doesn't want to think about that weird idea that popped up in his head as soon as he saw that character. It's something too 'spicy' for his sanity.

[Sora] seems not to have sensed the boy's concern so, in a hurrying tone she said to the boy, "What are you waiting for? There's the last character waiting to appear."

Ken seems to have recovered slightly from his gaffe.

"Oh, alright!"

Pushed by [Sora] Ken didn't hesitate and, taking the [Hero's Proof], he placed it in front of the mirror. In this way, as before, a ray of light entered the boy's body.

Although there are some problems, Ken didn't hesitate to take this hero. He certainly doesn't want to lose an ace up his sleeve; after all, this hero has a strength that is nothing short of bad.

This way, Ken waited for the last character after taking a big deep sigh to calm his mood.

"Splash ~" the sound of water entered the boy's ears again.

The figure that appeared in the mirror didn't make Ken jump for joy, not because he's not good, that hero is certainly perfect in his own area of specialization.

Even if the strength is not at Accelerators level, Ken certainly can't complain about what he found. It's something he doesn't want to do. Each hero is important to his safety in the worlds he will go to and in the missions where he will have to retrieve the missing petals.

A small, petite body, two large silver-coloured eyes with some purplish hues, white bob hair, in general, this 'hero' looks like a little girl because of the tenderness the character gives off, but Ken clearly recognized who he is.

"This is ... Ernesti Echevalier!"

A 12-year-old boy who through his passion and love for mecha and his computer and technical skills of the previous life has distinguished himself in the magic of his world, creating an exceptional reputation.

At this point, all three of the boy's heroes appeared.

Looking at the power of these three characters, Ken feels like he's been kissed by the goddess of luck, he would never have imagined receiving these three characters, more than anything else he did not know he would be so lucky.

[Sora] was a little speechless looking at that stupid smile of Ken. Only after withdrawing the [Dimensional Mirror] did she address the boy.

"Okay, don't show that expression, now I'll tell you about the transformation spell."

Hearing these words, Ken seems to have taken a hit. His imagination can't help but set off in distant lands, cough. He can't help but imagine a transformation like magical girls, the very thought of that made him tremble in fear.

"I don't know what you are thinking of but listen to me. When you want to transform, you will have to hold the emblem in your hand and say the name of the character followed by the word [Hero Connection]!"

Ken looked at [Sora] with a weird look.

"Er, but this is not the same as Grimms Notes ... even the spells are the same!" Ken murmured.

"What did you say?"

Ken seems to have noticed what he just said, so turning his eyes slightly, he replied in a guilty tone of voice.

"Uh ... nothing."

How can he say, that sphere can be considered as his own boss and he, like the employee, for this reason, he does not want to create problems.

Although he seriously suspects his boss's creativity problems.

"Prepare yourself mentally, because now you will leave for your first mission."

"Um ..." Ken seems to have hesitated for a few moments and then said to [Sora], "I wonder how to find the missing petal when I arrive in the new world."

The small glowing sphere shivered for a few seconds and then replied with the usual voice, "The world you are about to go is Tokyo Ghoul. Also, you will be able to sense the missing petal when you are ten meters from the target."

Tokyo Ghoul? Ken thought, he didn't expect this world. It cannot be considered difficult as far as strength is concerned, but the psychological problems that are present in that world are considerable.

"Ok, I'm ready!" Ken said after preparing himself mentally.

Ken knows this anime very well, after all as soon as it came out it was the most popular anime of that period, and it is still one of the most popular anime ever, it's impossible not to know it.

Also, this is a world filled with violence and psychological harm, but fortunately, the danger of this world was greatly reduced, if there was any at all, after obtaining these heroes.

"Well, you just have to touch the flower that is in front of you, after which you will start your journey in search of this the first petal!"

Upon hearing [Sora], Ken's spirits lifted. Hence, as he watched that flower float in front of him, Ken's gaze became serious.

"I will certainly succeed in this mission! I will not fail, so wait for me as because I will bring good news back." Ken said with a smile as he thumbed up in the direction of the glowing sphere [Sora].

After doing this, he brought his gaze back to the flower and, with a slight shake of his hand, he touched that flower that was floating in the air beside him.

With a sound similar to a small pop, Ken's body was absorbed by the flower, thus leaving behind a white space with only [Sora] inside, silent as all of this happened.