
Heroes Tale

Connect with the power of heroes into an epic journey! This is the story of a young man who is able to use all fictional characters in his epic journey through fantastically animated worlds. ※ This story features elements of Complete Gender-Bender due to the power of the protagonist, you have been warned. ※ The main character will have major personality changes due to his power. ※ Worlds in which the story will unfold: ‣Tokyo Ghoul (here) ‣My Hero Academia ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ‣??? ◆ I have no rights whatsoever in the stories reported inside; every right belongs to its original creator. ◆ I have no rights to the image used in the cover, in case there is a need to remove it, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. ◆ English is not my main language, so please, in case there are any mistakes I would ask you not to criticize unnecessarily or in an unfriendly way. Instead, I would ask you if you want to help me improve in case there are these errors, it would be really helpful.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 «High Vampire»

"It's really a pity that you 'broke up.'"

"After all, you would have been the perfect candidate for the idea I have in mind ... Oh well, I certainly can't do it now that you're in this condition, so ..."


Immediately afterwards, the figure moved her hand horizontally like a knife. On the ghoul's throat in the next second a line appeared, the ghoul's head then detached itself from the rest of the body falling to the ground with his two eyes still open, emotionless.

The figure looked at that head on the ground without any change in her gaze. Her two red eyes were impassive; they were not feeling any emotion such as disgust, fear, anger, nothing at all, in the eyes, there was only calmness.

The figure has put a hand on her chin, as when one thinks.

"It's weird. I can't feel anything like when I killed for the first time. I didn't feel any emotion of disgust or even fear. Maybe because this body is a True Vampire while the other was a human body?"

The figure murmured in a quiet tone of voice regarding the motivation for this 'calmness' of her.

After a few seconds of thinking, she nodded as if to confirm her hypothesis.

"It has to be this way. Vampires have ties to the undead after all. They 'play' every day with the dead, not to mention Shalltear Bloodfallen."

After going to the Anteiku three days earlier, Ken finally decided to transform himself into Shalltear Bloodfallen, as well as the second 'hero' he received when he had not yet arrived in this world.

Ken never wanted to turn into Shalltear for simple reasons. The first reason and probably the most important is perhaps the fact that he becomes a female through and through, this is too 'weird' for someone who has lived their entire life as a male. For this reason, he did not want to transform or try it. The second reason is that he had a transformation that he thought was safer in this world.

That transformation is Accelerator. Yet, during the fight against Arima, he realized that his physical strength could not support the strength of Accelerator at all, the consumption of every single skill is too great due to all the calculations that must be done.

Shalltear is probably the best choice when considering the elements of the world, after all, she is a vampire in a world full of ghouls, but for Ken, Accelerator is the best choice.

If only it weren't for his physical strength, Ken would only have wanted to use Accelerator.

However, at the same time he realized that unless he improves his physical strength, it is necessary to forget about Accelerator, he cannot support a war of attrition against the CCG, that would be madness.

"So ... not only the memories of the character influence me, but race and body also influence me ... this is not so good news to hear ..."

Ken has every single ability of Shalltear in his mind, from first to last.

He understood that the skills Shalltear showed in the novel, and in the anime aren't all. There are dozens upon dozens of skills that Shalltear knows, and each of these skills is really useful.

In this way, Ken can use these abilities to create what he wanted to do. The third faction in addition to the ghouls and the CCG, the vampire faction.

According to Shalltear's instincts, Ken feels like ghouls are a subspecies of vampires, so it's effortless to take advantage of this 'hierarchical' position to create other vampires. Not just ghouls, even the humans of the CCG, many of them are really 'useful' for his plan.

This would lead to a clash between multiple factions. A possible battle between the three would only facilitate the retrieval of the petal. If others were to take care of his 'minions,' he could very well hit the owner of the petal, Kishou Arima directly, known as well as the ticket to leave this world.

"I'd better find more ghouls. I hope they're not as weak-minded as this failure."

In this way, without particular emotion, Ken walked away. The shadow of the night enveloped that tiny body as it walked through those dark alleys, only to disappear under the moonlight.


"Tell me what group you belong to!" 'Shalltear' commanded in an absolute tone of voice as she looked into the eyes of a captured female ghoul. Just as she finished saying it, 'Shalltear' eyes lit up a crimson red, after two seconds, the captured ghoul's eyes also turned a red similar to Ken's.

The ghoul's expression has disappeared, her face had lost the expressiveness it had before, in its place now there was only absolute calmness.

"I belong to Aogiri" replied the ghoul unhurriedly looking at Ken's eyes.

"Aogiri?" Ken murmured. Aogiri is one of his goals; after all, there are several ghouls inside which are quite interesting.

The ability Ken just used is called Mystic Eyes of Charms. It allows Shalltear to control the target as long as the target's gender is the same as the person who cast the ability, in a nutshell, Ken is a female right now, so the skill works on everyone as long as they are female, no matter the race.

This ability is different from 4th tier magic, Charm Species. This ability is absolute control, you can command the target to do what you want, while this magic only allows you to do what a friend would do, that is, you cannot ask to do certain things that friends would not do such as physical damage.

Without waiting for anything else, 'Shalltear' brought her head to the helpless ghoul's neck, and then bite the neck with her fangs.

The ghoul's expression hasn't changed one iota, it had remained impassive all the time, even when Ken began the process of transforming her into a vampire. This process lasted for a few seconds due to Shalltear's race. Usually, it is only possible to create monsters such as zombies when one transforms a person into a vampire, commonly referred to as the Lesser Vampire.

Yet, through the fact that the ghoul belongs to a sub-classification of vampires, and the fact that Shalltear herself created him, a True Vampire, the process has become much easier, allowing the ghoul to be upgraded to a High Vampire, known as a 'Noble' vampire.

The useful thing about this transformation is that they possess a human form, not a monstrous form like that of a Lesser Zombie, plus they are not too restricted by the sunlight like the lower vampires. Apart from the fact that they go slower under the sun, the rest of the restrictions are the same.

Probably what amazed Ken most is the fact that this vampire not only possesses the abilities of vampires but also has the ability of ghouls, that is, she possesses the Kagune.

Ken is more than satisfied with this successful process. This is because he understood that his ideas are possible to be realized in this world; after all, it is possible sometimes that some worlds exclude some powers.

"I give you your first assignment, warn me about every single action of Aogiri, no matter how important it is, I want to know every single thing!"

Ken is not in danger of being betrayed; this is because every vampire transformed by Shalltear, has absolute loyalty towards their 'master.'

"As you wish," the vampire said to 'Shalltear' in a super respectful tone as she knelt.

Shortly after, after getting up, she jumped over the building on the side of the alley, leaving Ken behind in Shalltear's body, silently observing all of this.

At that moment, Ken seems to have noticed a 'small' mistake he made at this time.

"How will she tell me the necessary information?" Ken showed a tangled expression, he didn't think about it at the beginning, but only now. That vampire does not yet have the ability to speak to him directly, which is why Ken is quite embarrassed.

But thinking about it for a few seconds, Ken shrugged, it has already happened, plus if he were to go looking for her, he wouldn't make a good reputation. Shalltear's body instincts were telling him not to do this. A noble like her would not in the least humble herself to report her mistake to a subordinate; it is off-limits.