
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Vanishing Sand(1.36)

Elijah vanished in thin air, Thorin could tell he had completely teleported from his spot on the ground and spun around, only to be punched in the face. He held his nose, blood trickling from it, a crooked smile appearing on his face.

"What a fun trick." Thorin stamped his feet and the earth around them began moving, giant rocks were sent through the ground towards Elijah.

Elijah had the stones slam into him, tumbling over the ground and coughing up blood. He glared up at the man, his eyes burning with frustration.

He stumbled to his feet and barely dodge the second set of stones. He then stomped and sent a larger quake towards Thorin, who simply stepped out of the way, he had already expected Elijah to make that move.

Thorned vines grew from the ground and entangled Elijah, slicing him in some areas. Thorin stood with a smirk on his face, watching him struggled to get free.

"Why haven't you given up?" The monster yawned. "You are simply too weak to--"

Thorin took a slash of sand and wind to the face, slicing him down his forehead. He stumbled back, almost falling to the ground and hissed in fury. He looked around but couldn't see, nor sense anyone. He turned back to look at Elijah, who had now reached him and punched him in the face again.

He continued landing hits on Thorin, either using the wind, copying his moves or simply teleporting and punching him. He needed to move as quickly as possible, so he had dropped his hoodie which kept pulling him back when it filled with wind.

The scars and bruises along the back of his neck and arms were visible now. It was obvious Malachite had done a lot of damage to him.

"Fuck." Elijah spat. "OFF!" He sent a powerful blast of wind and sand at Thorin, his eyes glowing white. He could feel himself losing energy so he had to act quickly to escape.

"Not a chance." Thorin created a wall between Elijah and the forest he was preparing to dash for. "You must be an idiot if you think you can escape me just by running into the woods."

Elijah slammed into the wall as it appeared and fell to the ground. Familiar memories of slamming himself into the panic room wall rushed through his mind and he began to panic again. His heart raced as his enemy got closer and his nerves began to break. 

"I thought you'd be better than this." Thorin sighed. "I guess those rumors, after all, were just rumors." He stood over Elijah, his violet eyes glittering with starlight as he glared down at him. "You are skilled, but still pathetic." He growled.

"L-let me live.." Elijah seemed to almost be begging. "I.. I haven't.. I haven't even found my.. My family.." He sobbed. "At least grant that to me…"

Thorin narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly. "I don't plan on killing you, as long as you do something for me."

Jaxon sat stitching up an old red hoodie the pulled out of their closet, the fabric was still soft and comfortable, but there were many tears in it. They hissed softly everytime the needle they used cut their skin, until they accidentally dropped it on the floor.

"Damn it!" They muttered, trying to search for it under piles of dirty clothes and papers which scattered the floor. "Where is that damn thing, of course I had to drop it."

Jaxon eventually gave up and tossed the hoodie onto their bed. They hadn't realized how much they'd been overworking themself until they lied down in bed, immediately falling into deep sleep.

Jaxon woke up to Elizabeth prodding them with her bowstaff, an annoyed look on her face. They sat up and grabbed the end of the bow staff as she went to prod them with it again. Elizabeth simply unlocked the blade at the end and it stabbed through their hand.

"Ah, fuck, why!?" Jaxon cried as they pulled their hand free. "What do you want from me?"

"Elijah's missing, we need you to go find him." 

"Couldn't you send someone else, I was sleeping."

"Everyone else is at school, I stayed back to make sure someone who was home could go." Elizabeth explained. "You just happened to sleep in late, so you're my victim."

Jaxon sighed and got out of bed, pulling the bright red hoodie they were patching up over their head and brushing their hair back. They kept looking over and glaring at Elizabeth, who didn't seem to care that they were exhausted.

"You know, Elijah seems to avoid us all anyway.." Jaxon sighed. "Maybe he finally decided to leave instead of hang around," Jaxon could see a look in Elizabeth's eyes that said she agreed, but at the same time was worried, "he seems like he needs help and isn't getting it, I know you all think leaving him alone will do him good, but what if it isn't?"

Jaxon put on their jacket and began heading out.

"So are you looking for him or not?"

"Of course I am, I'm not heartless."

Jaxon trekked through the woods, following the tracks from below Elijah's window. It was obvious he had made sure no one would follow him, as a lot of his tracks lead away from the original path he seemed to be taking. Jaxon growled in frustration as they got to the end of another trail that lead to the edge of a cliff or down the side of a ravine.

Jaxon finally found the real trail, they could tell it was real by a scent that they really didn't like that they found. Thorin had been here, which meant either Thorin had killed Elijah, captured Elijah or Elijah had somehow lost him, Jaxon doubted the latter.

They climbed up a tree to see where the tracks headed and noticed a torch burning along the beach shore. They hopped down and dashed for it, not caring about the mud they had dragged up from running.

 The sky was clouding over, and Elijah felt colder and colder as he stared at Thorin. Would he seriously work for someone that seemed so evil?