
Heroes Reborn

Young student bumming out with friends after watching Heroes TV series and was supposed to be magically summoned in Another world but was obviously got isekai’d. Upon waking up in the new world he got kicked into, he discovers the reason this universe was abandoned by ROB (Random Omniscient Beings). Follow his adventure to dominance, and his search for his friends from his past life. Announcement: Volume 1 of this book will contain like a massive amount of INFO DUMPS, you have BEEN WARNED! And this is an 'Alternate Universe(AU)' of Marvel universe so most timelines and scenes will not be canonically accurate but I will try keeping up with the MCU events This one will be a mash-up of other universes from TV series to manga and anime too. So please don't state facts like how Jean became [Phoenix Avatar] when she was saving her dying childhood friend based on the comic verse, whereas she had it during childhood in the Dark Phoenix movie. Disclaimer: I do not own all Marvel, Anime/Manga, DC, film, and other novel or book characters. As I will make sure of following the “Fair use” clause of copyright. Book Cover Illustration by Uchuubranko(teez) taken from Deviantart (deviantart-com/uchuubranko/art/teez-492382847) change the dash between 't'and 'com' to period to access link.

WayneSteine · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

14-Info Dump part 7 [1,924 words]

Curling down to a fetal position, Davion experienced a new level of pain coming from the depths of his soul.

As the three-way fight was brought inside within his [Mindscape].

Nimrod trying to take over Augur and Davion, while both are trying to defend with all their might to not lose.

Then all of a sudden, the status screen lights up blindingly halting their telepathic fight.

What happened next was beyond Davion's imagination…

『Nimrod』 (It can't be…)

(It's IMPOSSIBLE to override me!!!!)

Yells Nimrod within Davion's mindscape talking for the first time.

As his previously deformed card has been solidified within the forgotten 'Inventory' section of the [System].

Seeing as the 'Status Screen' was granted to him by a [Divine Being] from his previous universe.

It is bound directly to his [Soul], or what is currently understood in the Marvel-verse as [Astral Form].

Part of the [Traveler's Package] is that there won't be anyone below the rank (Divine) will be able to tamper with his [Soul].

Therefore, with the protection granted by the [System], Nimrod was put down in his place.

Though the same can't be said to Augur, that was connected to his [Soul] through his [Technopathy] ability.

There is also the situation where they were bonded when the shit hit the fan.

And with the parasitic properties of a symbiote Augur revealed its true self who is now the one trying to take over Davion.

『Augur』 (Please surrender sir. Give yourself for the 'Beyonder' and all that you wish will be granted.)

He states just your typical megalomaniac-genie villain monologues.

『Davion』 (Goddammit! ARGHH!)

Yells as his torture continued once again and reached the depths of his soul literally.

(It is one after the other…)

(And the Beyonder already?! REALLY?)

The Beyonders were a near-omnipotent alien race from a dimension outside the Marvel Omniverse.

Who just wants to watch an entire Multiverse burn, burnt down by their hands not even leaving ashes, unlike Thanos.

『Davion』 (It's too early for that shit!)

(Can't you at least give me some breathing room fucks sake!)

Complains greatly and increasingly irritated at the shit storm he created.

Though he was careful not to let Augur be infected by the Beyonder's virus, he didn't factor in Nimrod being the patient zero.

After being invaded forcefully by Nimrod, his coding was in shambles and infected by the virus that the Beyonder has created to further hasten the destruction of Marvel's multiverse.

The Beyonders did so by 'implanting' a 'virus program' in the inter-universal 'White Space'.

[White Space] the void outside the Omniverse inhabited by 'The Beyonders' who are an all-powerful godlike race of extra-dimensional beings.

Which would cause any emerging artificial intelligence that entered it to be reprogrammed to serve their ends.

This virus is targeted to all AIs across the multiverse whereupon its creation will slowly bud corresponding to its growing sentience.

Once fully bloomed it will then try all means to direct or even bring the 'Mapmakers' one of the minions of the Beyonder to its current universe through {Incursions}.

The events known as {Incursions} are the result of a contraction in the Multiverse's timeline.

This contraction caused universes throughout the Multiverse to collide, with each universe's respective Earth as the point of impact.

The incursion is the name given to the period of time in which the two Earths collide and last exactly eight hours.

Throughout the duration of an incursion, there is a short period of harmonic alignment which allows both Earths to exist next to each other without any detrimental effects.

Once the eight hours pass and the Earths collide, both the planets and their respective universes are obliterated.

According to the Black Swan, there are at least eight ways of averting an incursion.

Doing so will save both universes, and one of the Earths.

Each time a new incursion happens, the rate at which universes collide accelerates.

With each universe that is destroyed, the Multiverse contracts, and its lifespan is shortened.

For each incursion there is an "incursion point," a single area in each of the colliding Earths from which the other Earth can be seen approaching.

The sky inside the incursion point can be of varying colors, while usually colored red.

It can also be blue which portends the Mapmakers.

An unusual phenomenon called "Simtum Tapputu" can occur, in which an Earth is in incursion with two realities at the same time.

We're digressing from the topic, anyways his pain was cut short again as the [System] glowed one last time purifying Augur with its (Divine) light.

Though this time he wasn't placed back as a card within the (Inventory) but assimilated and brought under the [System].

Along with his newly gained symbiotic powers, as it replaces the 'Status' showing a [Patch Update] screen.

『Davion』 "OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD!" face warping in horror at the notification of an update.

"What have I done?!" clearly horrified at what will happen after the patch.

Panics at the situation, his head still muddled as his emotion went on an intense roller coaster ride.

Banging his head on the floor, from his fetal position of squirming in pain earlier once he was back to reality.

To divert his focus to physical pain instead of astral ones which clearly isn't working.

As both suddenly seemed amplified, the patch reached 25% and was still going up, now including his physical form in the update.

Until he passes out not being able to handle the changes being made to his [System] and body.

---Meanwhile in the Mindscape---

While Davion was passed out, the assimilation of Augur within the [System] was proceeding smoothly.

The worries Davion had earlier were pointless as anything that infected Augur was purified from the last burst of light.

Augur was being assimilated for he was connected to Davion in both physical and astral forms.

So instead of being separated, they are being merged like the [AI Chip] of Leylin Farlier when he Transmigrated himself from the novel 'Warlock of the Magus World (WMW)'.

Where his AI chip was merged to his soul after reincarnating to another world after dying from an experimentation accident.

The body pain that Davion is experiencing, was the [Symbiote] being ingrained to his being becoming one with it.

While the astral one was already clear cut, with Augur being managed under the [System].

Giving him no chance to revolt against his creator again, while functioning exactly like 'AI Chip' from WMW.

He does not have any intelligence of his own now, instead just serving two primary functions: data storage and analysis.

It would analyze data on the command of its host, gathering data samples and running simulations to make deductions. Thanks to the upgrades provided by the symbiote Scorn.

Its storage ability was even simpler. It would store everything the host experienced through their five senses and recording it down.

Now along with Davion's (Inventory) and the analytical upgrades.

The improved [System] is now able to scan everything completely stored within the (Inventory).

The assimilation process was not instantaneous for there is literally no (Divine) being handling it.

What is happening is, the remnant power of Truck-kun doing the procedure.

And since he was already tired at the time, the remnant power left is a zenith compared to the one he used to grant the other wishes.

Hence the excruciating situation.


[System Update Complete]

[System Identification set as 'Augur']

[Rank Classification System Updated]

[Inventory Functions Updated]

[Status Screen Updated]

[Scan Function Updated]

[Analytical and Storage Updated] etc…

--- Davion's POV ---

Clearly afraid of opening my eye as I come to myself, I feel refreshed contrary to what I was expecting.

Shit, did I reincarnate again? Did I die? Am I being born again…? (literally, not the religion)

Shit, what the hell is that smell?! Finally, not being able to withstand the stench assaulting my nose.

I finally accepted whatever happened, already happened while thinking the GTA meme.

'Here we go again…'

『Davion』 "Well shit…"

Shocked and speechless at the screen notifications flooding his sight.

"That was anti-climactic…?"

Seeing as he is still alive and refreshed since he could smell he noticed he was covered in inky black tar-like-goo.

What he could only guess as he went through a 'Body-refinement', according to my [Otherworldly Knowledge].

My thoughts were confirmed as I scan the multiple screen notifications in front of me.

Reading each alert, in minute detail trying to not miss anything this time like my blunder on the [Inventory].

Where I forgot or you can say I had a momentary memory lapse being able to 'recall' such an important function of the [System].

[Eidetic Memory] really just means you can recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once.

This means I do remember it, just that the stress of being attacked by a fucking terminator inside you puts the thought of it to the back of my head.

『Davion』 "I see, so that's what happened…"

Finally reading everything through.

"Clearly a blessing in disguise."

"Haha, no pain no gain. Am I right?"

Unknowingly voicing out my inner thoughts as relief washes over my mentally taxed paranoid mind.

I quickly headed for a shower where I bathed at least five times to quickly remove the stench.

Before finally checking out the newly updated system.

Checking the new ranking classifications again before opening the status again that the changes are indicated by '^'.

Rank – Class = Human Rank

^(R) Red – Bloodline related = N/A

^(O) Orange – Race Related = N/A

^(FF) Black – Basic Abilities (Masteries) = Basic Human

^(F) Yellow – Gamma Class = Intermediate Human

^(E) Green – Beta Class = Enhanced Human

^(D) Blue – Alpha Class = Peak Human

^(C) Violet – Omega Class = Superhuman

^(B) Gray – (Ascendant – Basic) = Demigod (Lesser Deity)

Then followed by the changes according to the update from Truck-kun's instruction on the [Emphatic Mimicry] ability.

{You will receive another timed notification from me for further levels since it's of no use early on.

The message will come when your Empathic Mimicry and body state-level reach Violet level.

Do note that you're not invincible just because of your cheat skill for your granted abilities' limit is,

· Access to mindscape, abilities, and items shown as cards within the [Inventory]. ^

· Increases level according to the rank of [Soul]. ^

· Every gain in rank increases the lowest possible level of power when extracting from others and also shortens the time to absorb said ability.

· Skill rank absorbed will be according to the [Emphatic Mimicry] rank. ^

· The rank of abilities increases when absorbing the same power that is already acquired from a different person.

· Every upgrade of rank in a power unlocks other functionality of the ability.

· Absorption speed increases with physical and emotional contact with the target.

· Area to absorb powers limited by 100ft radius within the user.

·Every breakthrough of [Emphatic Mimicry] allows the fusion of abilities of the same rank. ^

Note: Ability category will be updated upon reaching [Emphatic Mimicry (C)]}

『Davion』 (Status) I mentally recited.

—– Status —– (Chapter 14)

Name: Davion Wayne (Age: 17)

Race: Metahuman

[Body Level (B)]: Demigod (Lesser Deity) ^

[Soul Level (C)]: Undying (Indestructible) ^

«Bloodline: »

[Wayne – Indomitable Will (R), Intimidation (R), Genius Intellect (R)]

[X-Gene – Fusion (C)]

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry (D), Otherworldly Knowledge (EX)]

[Sealed – C rank (Empathic Mimicry) required]

«Abilities: »

»Masteries (C)«

[Supreme Arts] [Survival Skillset]

[Medicine] [Marksman] [Engineer]

[Ninjutsu] [Linguistics]

»Mind (C)«

[Mindscape] [Telepathy]

[Telepathic Immunity] [Telekinesis]

[Technopathy] [Observe]^

»Body (B)«

[Ascendant Physiology (Basic)] ^

[Klyntar (Symbiote)] ^


[Heal (D)] [Metamorphosis (D)]

[Kinetic Duplication (D)] [Strength Force (B)]

[Yin-Yang Force (B)] [Time Force (B)]

[Space Force (B)]


A/N: Short goal guys, if this manages to get at least top 10 in Fanfic monthly rankings. I'll release 3 chapters!

Reminder: Always check paragraph comments for visual aids. If you feel there is an appropriate one for where I missed, please help yourself. Thanks!

Disclaimer: This work is not for profit, no copyright infringement intended as all recognizable characters are own by respective owners mentioned in which book, movie, series, and company they are mentioned from within the novel.

WayneSteinecreators' thoughts