

Listen Webnovel needs to add a way to delete novel since thier isn't I'm giving you what I've written so far in order to not leave you with nothing. This story is from a dnd campaign I was in and it's the Book one of the Heroes trilogy where the second book is called heroes of Fearun. Also this is my first time writing in here so be chill. Hope you enjoy this and have a nice day

In the beautiful lands of *Erazan*, there are many culturally diverse cities. Many of them do not get a long, while many of them have combined for form empires that have power beyond comprehension.

In the middle of three of these cities there is a dark, dense, incredibly dangerous forest. From the top of the trees, covered by the night sky, a plume of smoke is just barely visible. As we come to where this smoke has originated from, we see a small camp with four strangers sleeping in a circle. They seem to have had a long day's travel and have all needed this rest.

As a cloud uncovers the light from the full moon in the sky, a gust of wind blows by. Through the whistling of the woods, a faint noise can be heard.