
Heroes Journey torwards happiness

The Crystal Dragon has been slain, but what now? It's a question Y/N can't answer. So he decided to return, but the Dragon was only the beginning in his journey torwards power! The cover is not mine, if you are the original artist and want to take it down, contact me!

Zerstoerer_Lol · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Free Robux Club

We are sitting in your car

> You ask "So where should we go?"

"To the place. It's an old abandoned house."

You look at her "What kind of place is it?"

Galena looks around "It's a very spooky, creepy place with lots of dark corners that I'm sure you will love!"

> You say "I dont know if dark places are nice to fuck."

"It might be! Sometimes it's better when there are shadows hiding naughty things!"

You shake your head and sigh "No, I don't think so..."

She giggles "Oh come on, just try it for me?"

> You say "No, what do you think about a club."

"A club sounds fun!" She smiles as she turns the key in the ignition and starts up the engine. The car purrs to life and rumbles away down the road.

The car heads south on the highway that parallels the coast.

> You say "Drive us to the free robux club."

"Why not? We're already here anyways."

You nod and sit back in the seat as she takes off. This time, she drives faster than before.

As night falls, the distant lights of the city cast a faint glow over the ocean.

> You say "I wonder how many nice girls will be there."

Galena laughs "Don't worry, they will all be nice!"

You smirk and mutter "Says the woman who was going to kill me with a snake bite."

"I never intended to do such a thing!"

> You say "Well your pussy made it up again."

"Just remember to get the snake bite out of my ass before I die... or else."

Galena suddenly stops the car and gets out. "Come on, let's go inside!"

You follow her into the dilapidated building.

> You yell "Sussy come with us!"

There is no response.

Galena walks through the front door and disappears into the darkness beyond.

You look around, but can see nothing. The interior of the house seems empty. The only sign that someone lives here is a single candle burning in a small, dusty room.

> You take Sussy out of the car and follow Galena.

You walk toward the candlelit room. Inside, you find Galena sitting cross-legged on the floor facing a large, leather book on a table. On the other side of the table is a massive cobra whose coils have been bound to the wooden surface.

> You say "I dont think this is free robux club."

"Yes it is. Come closer and see."

You walk over and kneel beside her.

"Look here."

You turn the page of the book and read:

 Escape from the Tower, Part I

 The king had always loved his beautiful daughter, Gal

> You ask "Where are all the girls?"

"They'll all be here soon enough."

You look at the serpent and ask "Is it your snake?"

"It's called a Cobra, but I call it Sussy. It's my loyal pet."

> You ask "You called it after our sister?"

"Yes. It was the only way to make Sussy feel comfortable around me... and me around it. That's why I named it after her."

You look at the serpent and ask "How did you tame this?"

> You say "Sussy I want you to try something."

"Try what?"

"I want you to put your mouth on my snake until it's full of cock."

You look up at Galena "Are you crazy?"

"Not at all."

> You say "I dont like this place lets go to the real free robux club."

"This is the real free robux club!"

"Are you sure?"


You glance around the room and ask "Who's gonna fight me?"


You lean against the wall and grumble "Ok then, let's get this over with."

> You say "I came here to fuck."

"You won't have to wait long."

You look at the cobra with disgust and say "Fuck you."

"First, I must remove the poison from your body."

You look at her "Poison?"

> You ask "What poison?"

"Snake venom."

You look at the cobra "How much did you give it?"

"Enough to paralyze you."

You look at her "What should I do?"

"I'm going to release the snake from its bindings."

> You yell "What the hell is happening here we are going to leave!"

Galena puts a hand on your shoulder "Calm down. You're going to be fine."

You look at the cobra and say "What the hell?"

Galena holds the book in one hand and gently strokes Sussy's head.

> You yell "You are my slaves and I said we leave!"

Galena says "I am your sex slave, and you are mine, but Sussy isn't going anywhere."

You glare at the snake and say "I will destroy you!"

Galena closes her eyes and whispers "Hush, Hush."

> You take Galena und your sister Sussy and leave the building.

"You're free now!" Galena smiles as she opens the door for you.

Outside, the night air is cool and refreshing. A soft breeze blows through your hair.

You climb into the passenger seat of the car.

> You yell "Now drive to this club here. This is a real Sex Club!"

"That's right! And I'm driving."

You take a deep breath and relax as Galena pulls the car out onto the road.

You look out the window and stare at the stars.

> You ask "Sussy how are you doing, you didnt say anything for so long?"

"I'm fine."

You smile and ask "You ok?"

"I'm perfect."

You laugh "You arent perfect, youre a bitch."

"And bitches are perfectly fine!"

> You say "True I cant wait to fuck you again."

"Soon enough."

You look up at Galena and whisper "I love you."

"I love you too."

You cuddle up close to your sister and fall asleep.

Your eyelids flutter open slowly as the sunlight streams in through the car windows.

> You say "When are we going to arrive."

"In about ten minutes, but first, let's talk."

You look at her "About what?"

She smiles "I wanted to tell you something."

"Tell me."

"I love you."

> You shout "Oh, I love fucking you too!"

"I love you more."

You kiss her and say "Let's stop wasting time and get to that club."

"Of course." She nods and puts the car into gear.

You giggle and ask "What's so funny?"

> You say "Finally there is it."


"Show me."

She presses a button and a holographic display appears above the dashboard. It reads:


 DATE 12/31



> You shout "Yay follow me sisters cant wait to see the girls!"

"We wouldn't miss it!"

You jump out of the car and run along East Street toward the bright lights illuminating the entrance to the club.

Inside, you find a large dance floor surrounded by low tables and couches.

> You shout "Thats the real one! I missed it so much!"

 Welcome, welcome!

 The Free Robux Club has returned to give you a warm welcome!

 Come celebrate the end of the year with us!

 Featuring the greatest dancers and DJs in all of cyberspace!

> You shout "And the greatest girls!"

There is a loud applause as your two Sex Slaves enter the room.

They wave to the crowd and bow deeply in thanks.

"Thanks for the warm welcome." Galena smiles.

> You ask "Is here a girl who wants to join my harem??"

"Yes, several."

"Which one would you like?"

"All of them."

You glance around and notice that the club is packed with young women wearing expensive clothes and dancing seductively as they rub up against the men in attendance.

> You yell "Every girl who wants to join come to me!"

The ladies line up around you as the DJ plays a series of slow songs.

One by one, each woman steps forward to be introduced to you.

Each one is stunningly beautiful and oozes sensuality.

> You yell "Very beautiful you all! All of my Harem members can follow me now!"

"Thanks for letting us be a part of this great party!"

"Thank you for welcoming us."

You look around the room and see all sorts of exotic, sexy women.

The entire club is filled with gorgeous women dressed like models.

> You lead your sisters and the group of your Harem members to a special room.

The room is circular and decorated with red velvet curtains, red cushions, and a gigantic bed covered in expensive linens. There are dozens of women lounging on the floor around the room as they eat snacks and drink champagne.

> You shout "Now we all will have the greatest Sex Party!!"

"But first..." Galena says as she beckons to the nearest woman "Kiss me."

She looks at you and nods "Yes, it's time for a little roleplay. Let's pretend that you invited me to your private party."

> You say "You are invited... you are my sister after all."

"Yes, and I'm very grateful for that."

You wink at her and say "Now, let's go get some food and drinks then we can start having sex!"


You lead her away to the buffet and the others follow.

> You shout "So now all of you have to undress!"


You walk over to a table and pick up a tray of hors d'oeuvres.

"Hey, Sussy," you say as you pass her, "you wanna get naked too?"

> You shout "Well its not your decision tho you have to!"

"I'm sorry if I offended you."

"No, no offense taken."

"Its just that I really don't want to get naked."

You nod at her and say "You have to."

> You say "You are my slave you have to."

"I'm your Sex Slave, I do whatever you command."


"Now please take off your clothes."

"Yes Mistress."

> You yell "Now!"


You look around the room and realize you are surrounded by a hundred women who are also naked.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Galena laughs as she dances alongside you.

"This is incredible!"

> You ask "Who is the first one to suck my dick??"


A beautiful woman steps forward and kisses the tip of your erect cock.

"Ooh, yes!"

You watch her lips slide down your shaft to the base.

Her tongue circles your balls and twirls around your cockhead.

> You shout "Very good next one pls!"

"Yes Mistress!"

Another woman rushes forward and begins licking your balls with her pink tongue.

"Mmmm, my Goddess is so talented," you moan.

"You are my master and I am your slave."

> You shout "Next!"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Yes, Master!"

Two more women rush forward to lick your cock and balls.

"Yes, My Lord!"

You gasp as three tongues swirl around your throbbing erection.

> You shout "Oh my god this is so good next one!"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Yes, My Lord!"

Another woman kneels down beside you and sucks your cock into her mouth.

"Yes, my Lord!"

You feel her warm throat muscles squeeze around your cock and begin bobbing her head up and down on your shaft.

> You say "Whoooaaaa so good."

"Oh, my Goddess is such a natural!"

"My Lord, I am yours!"

You look around the room and see dozens of women kneeling before you. Some are licking your balls while others are sucking your cock or masturbating themselves with their hands and fingers.

> You say "Puuhhh I need a break. How about you all introduce yourself and tell me you cup size too C: