
heroes from another world

normal friends from earth are transported to another world!!! find out what happens to them and the troubles they face and how they overcome!! a.n: my first time writing pls go easy on me thanks :D

NightBlade_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

life as a servant pt.1

We now see the heroes sleeping in the same room with eachover all but two where have they gone. well one has gone to get water the other just can't sleep let's see what they are up two.

wandering down the hall aimlessly a young man can be seen what was he doing there just passing the time he can't sleep even he doesn't know why. 'guess my nightmares are getting worse how annoying' the man thought obviously this man was none other than jay. for many years now jay has been having nightmares but not long after coming to this world they have gotten worse to the point he straight up can't sleep. 'well let's find something to do walking around won't do anything'

walking around somewhere in the castle, a girl can be seen this girl was emily. she was thirsty trying to find water around the castle but she sees someone she is familiar with

Emily:"jay" the figure turns around.

Jay:"so can't sleep either em"

emily:"no just getting water I'm thirsty what about you"

jay:"can't sleep i don't know why just walking around to calm myself" Emily doesn't know that jay has nightmares about his life on earth where he was often abused and neglected by his family the memories still haunt him till this day.

Emily:"jay you're spacing out"

jay"my bad if you want water it's not far from here behind me then take 2 left turns and continue straight the bathroom is down there"

Emily:"well thanks jay see you in the morning"

jay"sure em goodnight" and like that the freinds went there separate ways 'guess talking to em made me calmer now i can finally sleep' jay thought he smiles 'welp guess i go to sleep for tomorrow' with that jay makes it back to his bed and sleeps peacefully for tomorrow.


all the heroes are awake, today was a special day it would be the day the heroes would get a job they were all excited exept jay he is to lazy to work but that's alright.

james:"what do you guys think our jobs will be"

alisha:"don't know hope it's somthing good"

emily:"as long as i don't get something stupid it's fine"

everyone nods

jay:"i think it's determined by how much mana we all so the higher the mana the more dangerous the job maybe"

james:"you could be right as long as my job isn't overly dangerous I'm fine with it"

jay"fair enough"

ed:"come on we don't want to be now do we"

and just like that everyone went to get there jobs fron the king everyone was exited what job would they get something fun something adventurous or maybe all well only one can hope.


james:"I'm a bit nervous can't lie i hope it's nothing to dangerous for me to do"

jay:"true it should be determined by how much mana someone has so we should be fine"

as jay says this askeladd appears on his throne

askeladd:"ok lets start, ed you will be a adventurer" everyone was shocked why a adventurer sure he had the highest mana count but none of them have combat training so why a adventurer.

ed:"i accept"

askeladd:"next,alisha you will be a researcher"

alisha:"can't complain sounds quite safe and fun"

askeladd:"alright next, emily you will be a healer i look forward to see how far you can go"

emily:"thank you"

askeladd:"james you will be a explorer help the kingdom by discovering new things and uncover information"

james:"i won't let you down"

askeladd:"finally jay, you will be a servant"

laughter is heard

ed:"look at you jay so useless the only thing you can do is clean for the king how stupid i bet you will still mess up"

askeladd:"alright that's enough everyone leave except jay" and just like that everyone except jay has left

askeladd:"so I'll be needing you in a butler outfit before you clean" as askeladd says this a man with pitch black hair dark blue eyes enter the room he was 5'10 smooth face

seb:"hi my name is seb I'll be teaching you how to clean the lords house"

jay:"hey I'm jay" they shook hands

askeladd"seb i need you to find a butler outfit that will fit jay once that is done show him where to clean it's his first day take it easy on him."

seb"yes my lord, come on jay this way" seb points towards the door they both leave together.

askeladd"i wonder what they will do"


seb:"so should we measure you"

jay:"it's fine the suit right here fits" it was a black blazer with a red tie.

seb"ok let's get to cleaning the bathrooms" jay nods.


jay:"um what is that smell"


jay just face palms

seb:"it's fine all you have to do is clean the floor my focus is on the sewage" this was the boys bathroom jay looks around on the floor to see hell, well to be specific a mess that will take him forever to clean

jay"so will i just be cleaning the floor for the day"

seb:"for the whole day no you will be cleaning dust around the castle until it's night once then you can rest"

jay looks outside the window in the bathroom only to see it has just become mid day. jay sighs in defeat

'why me I'm lazy when it comes to cleaning this is going to be the death of me' jay thought well he was clearly over reacting.