
Heroes For Hire: After Midnight

In the best of times, the streets and structures of New York City are full of a mixture of people -- some very good, some very bad, and most somewhere in between. These are not the best of times... Gang activity is on the increase; it looks like some kind of war is going on. If that was all that was happening, the Heroes For Hire in the big Apple would have no problem restoring law and order. But when monsters start appearing out of nowhere, the Heroes For Hire's problems become much more complicated than relieving some punks of their switchblades and baseball bats. To solve a mystery and defeat their foes, the Heroes for Hire will have to use their brains as well as their brawn. They'll be tested by forces unlike anything they have encountered...but hey, that's what being a hero is all about, right? ...right? I Do not own Heroes For Hire, any associated Marvel characters, or the cover art. This is intended to be the first book of a trilogy, titled: The Gang Wars. it is immediately followed in continuity by Heroes For Hire: Night Moves.

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and rhymes a young man in peak physical condition smoothly flows throw various Tai-Chi positions. Lithe, strong muscles moving like water through the air. His blonde curls fall over his closed eyes and he wears the stubble of a neglected shave. He is Danny Rand, meditating in his martial arts school. He continues his practice, transitioning flawlessly from one pose to the next, channeling and focusing the chi throughout his body. As he does so the disc jockey replaces the music on the radio. "Yo, this is WH4H and you're listening to the 'Yo, Jimbo!' show. This is ya boy, Jimbo. Let's get right to it! The robbery at the Met! This is all everyone seems to be talking about on the net. I wanna hear what everybody thinks. Caller one, you're on the air." "Yo, jimbo! What up… It's me Ralphie Aaron Shomon, the guy who recorded the video of the fight when they arrested that guy at the Met. I saw it all...it was mad crazy!" the disembodied voice of the caller cried out over the broadcast. "The dude in the white pants jumped down on those pigs from the roof!" "Hold on, we've got anither caller on line 2." Jimbo interrupted with an audible clicking sound. "Yo, Jimbo! I believe you're mistaken. The real problem is not the burglary last night, which someone was obviously arrested for. If one artifact can be taken, what's to stop some other thief from taking another treasure? How do we stop this from happening?" the second caller wailed. -