
Heroes by luck.- Being a hero is painful

Aliens with a plan and a guy with weird ideas about justice, it's a weird and bad combination. The Trailens came to planet Earth to conquer it in a weird way. They gave 15 humans powers. What for? They will soon find out. Angel is one of the 15 chosen ones and decides to become a hero. Follow the adventure of this hero who will be helping the Trailens indirectly. "I received powers from an alien race, stopped being ugly and fat, and became a handsome boy. Ah, yes, but that doesn't matter ... An alien race is planning to conquer my planet! But I will not give up. I will train to be able to defeat them, and in the process, I will cleanse this world of criminals. They don't deserve to live, and I will be the executioner who ends their lives."

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 2- Powers.

Heroes by luck.

CHAPTER 2- Powers.

I keep looking in the mirror, confused and scared.

I have a thin body. Now I'm a handsome guy, I'm not the same fat, ugly guy I was before. Could I be dreaming?

If so, I want to wake up!

I'd rather have my cat alive than be handsome!

"What the fuck happened to me?! I killed my cat, I'm not fat anymore and now my body looks like a handsome boy. What's wrong with me?!"

(In the space.)

"Very well, some time has passed, the gifts must have already been manifested. Vision test, put the screens on."

"All right, boss."

Press a few buttons and 15 screens emerge from the ceiling of the ship.

The point of view of different people appears on all the screens.

"Very well."

He watches the screens carefully, analyzing the behavior of the chosen ones.

"Perfect, some have already realized that something is not right. Perfect."

He takes with his tentacle a small alien woman with 3 eyes who was on a plate and smiles.

He's got a big table with "food". Different living alien species, suffering because they know they can't escape their destiny... Being eaten.

"How do you see it? Is the plan going well, 3 eyes? If you answer me, I'll let you live."- He said it while petting her.

"Rararraaaararararurara."- The woman said it while crying.

Meaningless words, as she speaks a different language.

"I don't understand you, and since you didn't explain it to me correctly, I'll eat you."

Cut the alien in half and start eating her.



He starts laughing and smiles.

"Look on screen 7, that human is going crazy."

The two of them start looking at the screen.

"Shit, shit, shit. Is this real...? Shit... What's wrong with me?!"- Said Angel frightened.

"Give me that guy's information, I'm interested."

The Trailen checks the information on some sort of computer.

"Well, that boy was lucky or unlucky that the guy we picked protected himself with him from the lightning. He was a trailenous boy, or by Earth's information, a boy with a lot of fat in his body. I think that's why he reacts like this."

"Exactly, his fat disappeared and his body took the shape of the heroes in his world, according to the information."

The cliché of handsome heroes.

"Look at screen 3, boss."

He looks at the screen. They are watching a girl with a long black hair and very beautiful. She has huge breasts... Really big breasts.

The cliché of the big-titted heroines.

"But what happened to me? I grew a bust and a butt. I'm not flat anymore... I think I'm happy and distressed right now."

She starts to laugh nervously.

She used to be a flat-chested girl.

Like Angel, she underwent a great physical change.

"Is that the body of a heroine on her planet?"- He said it confused.

"According to our contact, most heroines, because of their favoritism, that they are seen more by men than by women, are like this to attract the male gender."

"What sick beings are on this planet."

He takes an alien child from a plate and eats it whole.

"These little things are delicious... Okay, let's keep watching."

(Pov- Angel.)

(On Earth.)

What do I do?!

I don't even know what's going on with me!

Am I in a coma and can I imagine all this?!

Uwaaaah! I'm going crazy!

"What do I do?! If I go to school like this, it would be weird... Very rare...! Shit... I know, it's a dream. Yeah, sure, a dream. I'm gonna pinch myself to wake up."

I pinch myself and realize that what's going on is real... The pain confirms it.

"W-What? I'm not awake. What's wrong with me...? Why is this happening?"- I say it nervously as I watch my cat with a shattered head.

I... I killed my cat... My pet... Thanks to him, I managed to put my suicidal thoughts behind me... Thanks to him, I regretted trying to kill myself... And now he's dead.

"I... I want this to be a dream."

I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying.

"I want to wake up."

(In the space.)

"It is time for action."

"Yes, boss."

"What's the most common thing at the start of a hero?"

"They lose someone important or someone gives them the powers."

"I think this is going to be interesting."- He said with a big smile.

(Pov- Angel.)

(On Earth.)

I buried my cat as quietly as possible in the backyard.

I don't want them to find out that I was the one who killed him.

I don't want to be seen as a monster.

"Good thing nobody's woken up yet. I think I already control my new strength a little... Well, after I killed my cat and smashed the door, I got a little control with the shovel, I just smashed it a little."

I laugh nervously.

"Haha... Ha..."

Who am I kidding? I don't feel well.

"Why did it happen to me...? Ah?

A small ship lands in front of me.


It is rare, because it is small and did not make any noise when landing.

... Yeah, I think I went crazy.

"First my new body and now a spaceship. Y-yes, I'm dreaming."- I say nervous.


A human, but green, came out of the ship and started talking to me. He's floating and wearing a red robe.

... Wow...

If I was still fat, I would have had a heart attack seeing that.

My new heart has less fat, so I'm just scared to death.

What hell is going on?!

"Hello, human."

—... "If it's not a dream, those blows those idiots gave me last night drove me crazy."- I say it laughing nervous and scared.

An alien?!

(5 minutes earlier, in space.)

"All right, I have an idea. We go and say to each chosen inhabitant: "I gave you the powers because you are one of the elect. Use your new powers responsibly"."

"I have an idea, use this."

He shows him the image of an alien according to humans. It is the typical image of a green alien with a big head.

"That's how they represent the space dwellers on their planet."

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll be right back."

A steam surrounded him completely and he began to change shape.

After 2 seconds, the steam disappeared.

He switched bodies to a human being, but with green skin.

The power to change shape.

"Like this?"

"Mmm... Well, they had a bigger head, but it'll work."

"Now, let's have some fun."- He said with a big smile.

(Pov- Angel.)

(Present, on Earth.)

The beginning of my day has been very rare so far, but this is too much!

"Wh-Who are you?"- I say shaking with fear.

"I'm one of the Skurals, we lived on the planet Skuranld, but some visitors from another planet came and killed us. Only me and 14 other Skurals survived. We come to your planet to warn humans that their planet is their next target. They'll be here in exactly one human year."

"F-fucking idiots, they really drove me crazy."- I say nervous.

"No, you were struck by lightning yesterday, weren't you?"


W-what's that lightning...?

—... "Yeah, I still smell like burnt meat, left me fried."

"Congratulations, you're one of the chosen ones We, the Skurals, have, as they would say on your planet, powers with which you could defeat those who killed my species, and that is why I gave you my powers. Congratulations."

... Huh?

I am frozen at that response and confused. If it's real, this is bad... Very bad.

If the fate of the world is in my hands, we're screwed.

"Wait, if your species was defeated and it was an entire planet, do you think that I and... How many people will they give powers to?"

"15 humans."

"If an entire planet couldn't, do you think 15 humans will manage to defeat them?"

"No one on my planet used their powers because we lived in peace, so we were obsolete when they attacked us. But if you train, you will increase your strength and be able to with them."

—... "And you, Skurals, why don't you train?"

He began to think of an answer, because he did not know that humans were something intelligent.

He thought they were idiots.

"Well… Because we're running out of time to die, we don't have time to train. We, the Skurals, live only if they consume the planet's energy, and since it was destroyed, we can only survive 2 days without consuming it."

"So… Less than two days ago your planet was destroyed?"

"Yes, you, humans, are lucky we had a ship fast enough to reach your planet."

"I see..."

He watches him with a big smile, while Angel analyzes the situation.

"Humans are retarded. He believed it."- He thought.

(Pov- Angel.)

I see... In short, the fate of the world is in the hands of 15 humans.

... Wow... Huh?! We're going to be invaded by aliens!

And the fate of the world is in my hands?!

I'm the least suited for that!



He returned to his ship... He's leaving already?!

"I have to go. Remember, in a year they will come to destroy them, train."

"B-But... What powers do we have?"

"You must find out for yourself."

He gets on his ship and leaves at a great speed, but makes no noise.

... I have powers.

... And our planet will be invaded by aliens.

—... "Please, let this be a dream."- I say worried and nervous as I watch the sky.

I don't know if I can do that... I don't know.



(In the space.)

"Humans are not intelligent, your story made no sense and he believed you."

He laughs as he watches the screens.

"I know... Well, to visit the others."

(Pov- Angel.)

(On Earth.)

I have powers... Those powers made me handsome... I-I think I like that power.

"But how am I supposed to know what our powers are?"

I look at my arms and get more nervous.

"My mother will have a heart attack from the surprise."

I sigh and try to relax.

I wish I was like before, this body is not mine.

I used to be very ugly. I kind of like this change, but it's not normal to change so much in a day!

... Huh? Steam?

A vapor surrounds my body and I slowly become fat again... Huh?!


I imagined my fat self in my mind and then a steamer surrounded me... Is that how it works?!

"Did I go back to being fat just imagining myself being fat?!"