
Chapter 274 Church

The thrill of this battle was something that couldn't be experienced when fighting weaker monsters, which would be instakilled by a single strike, leaving no chance to feel the real impact of an attack. Even the first boss couldn't withstand a few seconds against him. But now the knight, with his tough skin and flesh, allowed him to fully exhibit his offensive abilities. His Legendary Broadaxe grew increasingly adept in his hands, each swing generating a mighty wind.

At this moment, Huang Yi was multitasking effectively, achieving an impressive battle record by preventing the knight and the Raptor from combining forces. The Raptor seemed to be afraid of fire; the Hunting Dog's Fire Breath Attack was very effective at intercepting it, firmly blocking its path. As for the knight, he had unleashed several skills, either interrupted by Huang Yi or rendered ineffective, unable to change the course of the battle.