
Chapter 192: Mushrooms Along the Way

A puff of green poison fog rose from beneath Huang Yi's feet, and he was poisoned instantly.

The small explosion sent Huang Yi staggering back a few steps, his health points dropping by a small half, and he gained a poisoned status effect. However, he had evolved into a Half-Beastman form and possessed extremely high poison resistance, so the toxin did virtually no harm to him and posed no lethal threat.

Huang Yi crouched down and examined the site of the explosion, only to find a small pit, unsure of what had detonated. But he was certain that when he had passed by this spot earlier, there definitely hadn't been anything out of the ordinary.

Looking around, Huang Yi saw nothing but the endless forest. Warm sunlight filtered through, a breeze wafted by, and the green leaves rustled, everything seemed normal. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was a sinister atmosphere lurking within this serene forest.