
20 Timeskip (1)


I don't remember much from when I was really little, but ever since I can remember, Mama and Papa have always been there with me. Then, later, Uncle Buri and Cloud Uncle he's the one who glows like the sun and wanders on a cloud started visiting a lot too.

I love playing with Fenrir and Bast. They're so cute when they're little, like soft toys that playback! Kurama? Humph, that stinky fox is just an arrogant show-off with too many tails. He thinks he's so special because of them, but I know his secret, his tails are the second-best place to sleep, right after Mama's lap. He'll never admit it, but I bet he likes it when I do.

Wukong is the funniest. He turns into a bird just to scare Kurama, and the big fox runs away every time. It's so funny! Hehe, I can't stop laughing when I see it.

Mama is amazing. She makes glowing flowers and butterflies that float around like magic. Sometimes, I chase the butterflies, trying to catch them. "You can't escape me! I'm the mighty Atum!" I yell, but they're really fast. One day, I'll catch them all. They won't outsmart me forever.

Then I hear Papa's voice calling me from the castle. "Atum, come home. I have a gift for you."

Gifts! I love gifts! Last time, Papa gave me a quill that made my drawings come to life. I made all sorts of things with it, little animals, shiny stones, even a big chair, but I can't make glowing butterflies or plants like Mama. I asked her why, and she smiled and said, "It's okay, Atum. Everyone starts like you. Even Mama, Papa, and Uncle Buri. Want to hear a story?"

Of course, I said yes. Mama tells the best stories. She told me about how Uncle Buri got frozen by his ice dragon and how Cloud Uncle got chased by weird vines he made to trap intruders in his garden. They sounded so silly.

"I'll come back for you later, sly butterflies! Next time, you won't escape!" I shout, running back to the castle as fast as my legs can carry me.


Atum grew from an infant to a toddler in a few months, but his growth slowed down there as if nature was compensating for his accelerated growth in the beginning, or probably it was just another 'god' thing.

It has been ten years since Ender and Gaia created Atum, accident it was, but not an unwanted one. Atum looked like he was just a four-year-old child despite being ten years old by human standards, but by godly standards, he was just a newborn.

However, it didn't mean his strength was that of a newborn god or a child. He could make street-level heroes and villains look like toddlers with his physical strength alone, not to mention his other perks as Gaia's and Ender's child; even though not related by blood, he carried their essence.


"Here, my bright star," I said, lifting Atum onto my lap. His small frame fit perfectly, and I couldn't help but smile as he settled in. "Did you catch the butterflies today?"

Atum crossed his arms and pouted slightly, looking up at me with those big, curious blue eyes that could light up the darkest corners of the world. "Papa, those butterflies are so sly! Every time I'm about to catch one, it just—poof—disappears! Why do they do that?"

I chuckled softly, brushing a strand of his hair from his face. "It's because they're faster than you, Atum. They're meant to be a challenge."

Well, the truth was, they could teleport, but explaining teleportation to a child wasn't exactly simple. Besides, it was more fun to see him determined.

"Now, guess what, my little bright star? Papa has a gift for you," I said, my tone playful and teasing.

Atum's eyes lit up instantly. He tapped a finger on his lips, pretending to think deeply, his brows furrowed in exaggerated concentration. "Is it a big trident like the one you have? Or maybe a shield? Or—oh! Is it a magic staff?"

Each guess grew wilder, his enthusiasm contagious. I leaned in close and whispered, "You're getting close, my boy."

Atum's excitement only grew as he continued.

"Hmm... is it... a dragon?" he asked, practically bouncing in my lap.

I chuckled. "Not now, but sure in the future, little one. Shall I tell you?" Ender Dragon was needed to grow inside the End for a few more years.

Atum nodded eagerly, his small hands gripping mine tightly. "Yes, yes! Tell me, Papa!"

With a smile, I tapped the tip of his nose gently. "Patience, my son. Let's go to the courtyard, and you'll see for yourself."

And just like that, his pout was gone, replaced by the biggest grin as he jumped from my lap, already dashing toward the courtyard.

Following him, I took out the gifts. They were meant to be good toys along with serving as a base for his future magic training.


"A magic staff, Papa, and a... book?" Atum's eyes widened with excitement at the sight of the staff but immediately narrowed in suspicion as his gaze fell on the book. His enthusiasm faltered, and a pout formed on his lips as if the book had personally offended him.

"Yes, Atum!" Ender said, pretending not to notice his expression. 'Do all kids not like books, or is it just him?' he thought before explaining.

"With this magic staff, you can do amazing things. Watch this." He twirled the staff with exaggerated flair and aimed it at the air. With a burst of light, an illusionary waterfall shimmered into existence, cascading beautifully into an ethereal pool. Atum's eyes sparkled as he stared at the scene.

"And," He continued, holding up the book with a mischievous grin, "with this book, you'll learn how to create even better things all by yourself."

Atum tilted his head skeptically, folding his little arms. "Do I have to? It looks...boring."

"Ah, but appearances can be deceiving," Ender said, crouching down to Atum's level. "This isn't just any book, it is Tome of Light. It's filled with secrets about magic you can do a lot of things with it. You'll find the secrets of the sun, stars, and even butterflies inside here."

"Butterflies?" Atum's ears perked up.

"Yes," He said, tapping the book lightly, "and you can make your butterflies, ones that won't run away."

That did the trick. Atum's pout disappeared, replaced by cautious curiosity. He reached for the book, flipping through its golden pages as the runes shimmered faintly.

"But I still like the staff better," he mumbled, clutching the staff tightly in his other hand, which had adjusted its size for Atum's comfort.

"That's fine," Ender chuckled. "The staff is your partner, and the book is your guide. Together, they'll make you the strongest and smartest little god there ever was."

Atum puffed up his chest proudly, gripping both items. "I'll make butterflies that never escape!"

"That's my bright sun god," I said, ruffling his hair as he dashed off to test his new 'toys', the courtyard soon echoing with his excited giggles and experiments.


The staff was no ordinary staff. It was called Solar Sceptre, made of Netherite, and a branch of Sephiroth (will be introduced later, but it is a Minecraft version of World Tree or Ygdrassil) and infused with solar power of different stars and Xp, forged with dragon breath and the fire/heat of the sun. (Note if Thor can do that our Mc can too)

Due to solar essence, it was a sleek golden staff instead of black, though it will grow black when used at full power, with Enchantments and Ruins etched into its surface. At its top is a radiant orb resembling the sun, which pulsed gently with light, made of Ender Pearl capable of teleportation and channeling energy of the end.

It can grow with him, unlocking greater abilities over time.

Other necessities like it can be hidden inside Atum's soul space, size alterations on will, transformation into various other things, and much more weren't needed to be mentioned.

The Tome of Light a beautifully bound tome made of golden plates and leaves of fortune trees. The texts were written with enchantment ink and contained illustrations of spells that move like an animation, written in a language that reveals itself as Atum matures.

The book will respond to his progress, revealing more advanced spells over time.

Ender couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern whenever he thought of his son's supposed 'destiny' "Fuck it," he muttered, the future god-slayer who would vanquish the evil gods from the Earth. While Ender himself didn't put any stock in prophecies or predestined paths (fuck prophecies), he couldn't ignore the implications. After all, prophecies had a peculiar way of fulfilling themselves, especially when gods and cosmic beings were involved.

Thankfully, the burden of Atum's destiny wouldn't fall on his shoulders. Ender had already dealt with most of the Elder Gods, ensuring the world would remain safe for now. Instead of killing them outright, which would only lead to their eventual reincarnation, Ender had sealed many of the corrupted ones in Tartarus the Hell for Elder Gods or a specially designed region of Nether for Elder Gods, a realm bound by powerful enchantments and his energy.

The uncorrupted Elder Gods posed a different challenge. These beings, while not inherently malicious, were still entities of immense power and unpredictable temperament. They had lived for years beyond mortal comprehension, not to mention Chthon and Set were targeting them.

So, Ender decided to 'talk' to them, and some were needed to beat in submission. Surprisingly, they were obedient after their defeats, as if they respected his strength.

It was more like they were afraid of Chthon and Set hunting them. They knew the fates of their other 'siblings', and they knew even if they banded together, they stood no chance.

Ender had no intention of letting these gods run rampant; he was pretty sure that humanity would face another set of problems now that these elder gods were alive, so he devised a plan to give them a place and purpose under his rule.

He began by 'inviting' the uncorrupted Elder Gods into the Overworld (Minecraft), where they will live with the various mobs. Those who show progress will be promoted to Aether, the Heaven version of Minecraft, and receive rewards, and those who show stagnation or any signs of degeneration will be demoted to Nether.

(Note that they can choose to live in Overworld but their strength will rise)

"If you want to stay here, you follow my rules," Ender had said knowing that they had no other place to live.

Surprisingly, most of the gods agreed, some even appearing grateful for a place to live and progress.

The gods even teamed up for various things.

A god of earth (the land one, not the planet) decided to work on farms, and with him, a god of knowledge decided to make a library of his own, sharing his knowledge or findings, Minecraft world, and much more.

Ender's loyal people, creations like his Golems, Nether guards, and sentient constructs, began interacting with the Elder Gods under Ender's watchful eye.

Once again, the Overworld (Minecraft) began bustling with activities like an active server with various players with different roles, though instead of players, these were divine beings and their loyal creations and mobs.

While Ender managed to neutralize many of the Elder Gods, two notable exceptions remained, Chthon and Set.

These two were surprisingly quiet while all these events took place. Despite this, Ender had managed to locate their respective dimensions. He knew better than to act prematurely without sufficient information. But he also knew they were biding their time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

But the moment these two make any move, Ender will know it.


[You have established a pantheon (unknowingly) of your own.

Reward: God-King (Title), Sky (Divinity)]

Perks of the Title: God-King

The God-King title is not just a mere designation—it solidifies your position as the supreme ruler over the pantheon (pantheon) established,(unknowingly).

[Absolute Loyalty of the Pantheon:]

The title ensures unwavering loyalty from the gods under your rule. They cannot betray or act against you, as the title imposes a divine bond that ties their existence to your will.

The gods respect you as their ultimate leader, willingly following your commands and seeking your guidance for matters within their domains.

[Divine Command]

You can summon any member of the pantheon at will, regardless of their location, using your connection as the God-King.

You can also temporarily borrow their unique abilities or blessings for you or bestow them upon others in your realm.

[Enhanced Creation Abilities]

As a God-King, you gain an increased capacity to create divine artifacts, realms, and structures of unparalleled beauty and power. These creations carry a piece of his divinity, making them indestructible by normal means.

[Divine Aura of Authority]

Your aura commands respect and submission from all beings within his pantheon.

5. Pantheon Empowerment:

This title strengthens the gods within the pantheon, allowing them to grow and flourish under your rule.

The gods also find their powers enhanced when acting in alignment with your divine will, ensuring the collective strength of the pantheon remains unparalleled.

[Divinity of Sky]

The Sky Divinity grants you dominion over the skies, encompassing all aspects associated with this realm: from weather and celestial phenomena to air and atmospheric energy. This power solidifies your connection to the 'heavens' and expands your influence across multiple dimensions.

[Weather Manipulation]

You can control and shape weather patterns across any realm. You can summon thunderstorms, calm hurricanes, create rain, or even manipulate clouds for tactical purposes.

[Celestial(not those guys) Energy Control]

You gain the ability to harness the energy of celestial bodies, such as sunlight, moonlight, and starlight, channeling their power for various purposes.

You can use this energy to enhance your abilities or create powerful celestial-based spells.

[Flight and Aerokinesis]

Your control over the skies grants him unmatched flight capabilities. You can move through the air effortlessly, faster than sound, and with perfect control.

Aerokinesis allows you to manipulate air currents, creating gusts, tornadoes, or even vacuum zones as needed.

[Sky's Eye: Active]

You can extend your senses across the skies of any realm you control, granting you nigh-omnipresent surveillance.

No being can escape your watchful gaze when they are under the sky, unless special means.

[Aura of the Infinite Horizon]

The Sky Divinity also symbolizes freedom and vision. The user gains the ability to inspire those under his rule with a sense of hope, clarity, and purpose. Your aura expands the potential of your people and gods, encouraging them to reach new heights.


Yo guys Mc decided to take elder gods under him since they are too powerful to be wasted as Set's and Chthon's food and it would hurt Gaia too.

He unknowingly created a smp but who cares?

Atum will become one of the most dangerous beings whether prophecy or not so his training.

I hope I depicted Atum as child 🙏

Atum image (drop)

Sorry for the late update.

New update schedule.

1 chapter every 2 days bonus chapters (no promises) if we remain in top 200 all the week.