
- Shidou?

"Rise and shine, Ein. It's your turn to do the chores"

It was the grandma nun. She's taken quite the favorite out of me. It's not like she's completely biased, but she remembers me most out of every kid.

I did my morning routines and looked at the mirror.

This face that I don't recognize even after 7 years now.

My platinum blonde hair has grown out, longer than some girls in the orphanage. It reaches in the middle of my back.

My entire face was feminine, green eyes and pale smooth skin. I look like a super rich young girl noble something.

In fact, I was just kidnapped the other year.

But, well. Not like anyone can just kidnap me, I only allowed them to bring me in so I can see if there were other children inside, and there was so I teleported them to the police station before returning.

I don't care about who else they kidnap after that.

I'm Neutral.

Killing them would be on the side of good, child kidnappers don't get quite the reputation even among other criminals. As a person from prison I can attest to that.

I didn't just escape by myself either as that would make me selfish, and selfish is usually evil.

I saved whoever I could since it doesn't take that much to do and didn't bother anymore after that.

True Neutrality.

I finished looking at myself in the mirror and went to the table. The ordinary prayers and all that.

And then, eat alone, finish fast, wash and back to the couch.

Another day of nothing then, I'm still helping tutor my other brothers and sisters.

And my cheat is still useful.

Oh, and just a few days after I helped the Belial, I found out that the Instant Transmission which needs Ki or something for the tracked version, is actually modified with my Schrift in that I only need to have teleported the person once and I can teleport to them again.

If I focus hard enough, I can tell where they are...

There's something else, but I don't think it's necessary to tell yet.

From outside the living room window, I could see a brown haired kid sitting lonely.


I'm ignoring it.

"Ein. I saw you look at that boy just now, do you want to play with him?"

Grandma nun...

Why would you even think that?

"No. She just looked different, is all"

"Yes, I heard they just moved into the neighborhood. Her father is a priest and he's going to work in the church affiliated with us"



Ah. So it's that time of the DxD timeline now.

There's only one person I know that goes abroad to London at DxD and that's Irina Shidou.

I checked her eyes and met with dazzling violet.


"Aww. I saw you two lock eyes for a moment, go on Ein, don't be shy. You never know you might be best friends in the making"

I doubt that. Still, if she's here then that means Belial really is dead.

It's the thing I was talking about earlier, it wasn't necessary to talk about but now that this is the topic, I felt her presence in my catalogue disappear.

So that means death huh? An important information.

Of course, as I'm Neutral, helping her escape didn't even cross my mind. That time I helped her was simply because she was there and close enough.

She protected me and I repaid that.

And that Devil guy was going to go after me if left alive.

Her love story of romeo and juliet has no significance to me whatsoever.

I stood up from the couch and went outside, right where Irina was.

If I'm not wrong, she wouldn't know English yet.

Now, now. Before I was homeless, I was an Otaku Neet who lives in my basement.

To master the art of Keyboard Warriors, I learned different languages, and one of them is Japanese.

I can speak in Japanese, simply put.

"Good morning..."

Her eyes widened.

"You can speak in Japanese?"


Why do you even need to ask? Didn't I literally just greet you in Japanese? Is this why you're not the main heroine?

Rias is smarter than this.

What a disappointment of a childhood friend. Aren't they supposed to be the smart ones, especially the foreign childhood friend types?

Anyways. I'm not going to bother with that reaction any longer.

"No. I spoke in Nigerian"

Oops. Sorry, I accidentally sassed her.

"Ah, ah... sorry ahaha, I never thought someone can speak my language in here"

Did you think every kid is dumb? Well, yes as you are evident proof, but no, there are some geniuses out there.

"Hm, what's your name? I'm Einstein, you can call me Ein"

I held out my hand to her, the wind came gushing in and flipped my long hair, the sun behind me made my green eyes isolated in color and... the reaction?

"Pretty... eh, ah, no excuse me. I'm Irina Shidou, I've never seen a prettier girl than you..."

This would make sense if she, with her tomboy looks was actually a boy. And I, with my bishoujo looks is actually a girl.

It's backwards.

"You sure? I'm a boy you know?"


"EH?! No way! You look so much like a girl... oh but I guess I look like a boy, but I'm actually a girl!"

No, no.

Issei spoiled you. You don't even look anything similar to a boy with a few looks.

"Huh. Sure. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

I have no idea why I'm asking this.

"Uh... we just moved from my... previous home. Sorry, I had a super best friend there, and I had to leave him. I hope I can come back someday"

Why are you much more loyal as a kid compared to many adults out there with lovers over seas? I'm speaking from the fact that she does actually come back and meet him.

Pitiful humans.

"Then, why not make me your friend for now?"

This is bad.

I'm too awkward to just leave and I had to say something.

I don't want anywhere near the Shidou family, they're connected to the supernatural!




And thus, I played with her untill lunch time.

Excuse me, I mean I dominated her in every game she could think off until lunch. She bragged about getting a new friend immediately and I had my lunch at their house.

Ah. It reminds me of when I played with kids in the park back on my Earth.

Granted I've been accused of pedophilic gayness because of the same reason.

That said. They brought me back to the orphanage.

I don't like the looks the Shidou household were giving me.

What are they? Vultures?

"Say. You're an orphan aren't you Ein?"


"Would you like to be adopted by us?"



Not in a single life's chance.

Nuh uh.

That's like a ticket to the supernatural, grand premiere.


Noooooooooooooooooooo. Grandma nun! Don't you-

"Why, marvelous! It's your chance to have your own family Ein!"

Grandma nun! You traitor!

"Umm. Can I think about it?"

Just say no you stupid mouth! N and O! No!

"It's no rush, it's just rare for Irina to be so close to someone so fast. In fact I expected her to be in a slump a little bit longer"

She's a child, give her something to play with and she's happy.

In fact she's also an idiot. That's a multiplier.

There's also my innate charm with kids. That's another multiplier.

So, basically. It was inevitable.

But, damn. I have to NOT be adopted.

Should I just disappear right now and freak them out?
