
Hero Up!

Townsville, USA. An abnormal city with strange problems. Monsters, villains and even demons try to attack the city. Everyone is stopped by the Powerpuff Girls or Super Powerful Girls, you sure know them. Sugar, spice and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect girl. But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the mix... Chemical X! Thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born! Since they were just kids, they've used their powers to protect their city and everyone they love. Now they do it while dealing with the drama of high school and adolescence. And now, they have a new boy at their school. Though he may not look like much, he hides a secret or two about his shadows and his mysteries that lead him and the Powerpuffs on many adventures meeting old enemies and meeting other Super Heroes.

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Dinner with the Utonium family

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Bastion could be seen lying on the roof of his house as he watched the stars in the Townsville sky. He was surprised by this, but that feeling soon passed when he remembered that in Peacefulville there were more stars because of the small town.

He sighed tiredly at that, the starry sky of his hometown was one of the things he missed the most when he lived with his grandfather. He wondered if the old scientist and his former friends missed him as much as he missed them, but those thoughts were soon cut short when he heard his sister call out to him.

Elizabeth: Bastion, come down here.

It didn't take long for him to comply as he jumped off the roof and walked inside to find his sister with her phone in her hand and a smile on her face.

Bastion: Huh?

Elizabeth: I have good news.

The boy blinked expectantly.

Bastion: The Justice League summoned me?!

Elizabeth: Uh... no.

Bastion: Did Batman call me?

Elizabeth: No you tripped.

Bastion: So what?

Elizabeth: Professor Utonium wants you to go to his house for dinner tomorrow.

The boy soon warmed to this.

Bastion: Really? Show! It will be good to see him again after so long.

Elizabeth: I know and he's really excited to see you.

Bastion: But what about you? Not coming too?

Elizabeth: Unfortunately not. Tomorrow I have to go to Metropolis to get a piece for the city's shield.

Bastion: So I was right about it being broken?

Elizabeth: Yes and so I will look for a replacement part for the one that is broken.

Bastion: It's going to be kind of boring without you. But hey, lend me the phone.

Elizabeth: Huh? It's OK.

She hands him the phone and he starts typing a number when he starts calling someone leaving his sister confused.

Elizabeth: Huh? Who are you calling?

Bastion: To the pizzeria.

Elizabeth: But why when dinner is almost ready?

The boy then tries to hold back a laugh when he snorts.

Bastion: You can have your dinner toasted if you like.

Elizabeth: Toasted? What are you...?

She soon sniffs the air when she smells burning as her eyes widen before she runs towards the kitchen as Bastion is propped up on her knees while laughing at her older sister's agitated screams.

Elizabeth: You little brat! Why did not you warn me?!

Bastion: It's fun watching you run around. *laughter*

Elizabeth could only snort angrily and pout at her brother before joining in the laughter.

The next day...

Bastion walked down the streets of Townsville with one hand in his pockets and the other clutching his iconic scarf. Today was a day he hated with all his might, today was the day he had lost people important to him.

Today was the anniversary of his parents' death in his grandfather's laboratory fire.

The morning for him and Elizabeth was quiet and silent as each dealt with that loss in their own way. But the death of Bastion's parents was something that scarred him for the rest of his life.

That day was a happy day, he had gone to visit his grandfather, he had won his beloved scarf as a gift from his parents and at the end of that day he had lost them without even being able to say goodbye.

That was another thing that always made him help people using his powers. Death was inevitable, but he could stop it from happening if he was willing to help, and he was. But death is something that comes to everyone at one time or another.

It was a reminder he had to value life and the people around him, it was something that made him make the most of the now because after the end came there was no point in trying to fight it. And though his parents were gone through tragedy, Bastion preferred to think they rested in peace wherever they were.

But he wouldn't have time to think about that, today he had a feeling his day at school wasn't going to go very well. He wanted to be able to lie in his bed and be quiet for the rest of the day, but he knew his parents wouldn't want him to miss school.

His ears soon picked up a sound as he lifted his gaze to the sky to see the Powerpuff Girls flying overhead, but he decided to ignore it as he continued walking with his head down.

Blossom, however, looked down and saw the boy in the white scarf walking with a lonely and even sad look on his face, something that left her confused when she decided to investigate the cause of it.

Blossom: Go ahead, I'll meet you at school.

His words fell on the deaf ears of the brunette and the blonde who continued to fly while the redhead descended to the downcast boy.

Bastion sensed something coming towards him when he looked up to see Blossom coming towards him. She finally landed, but no one around her seemed to mind because they were used to it.

Blossom: Good morning, Bastion.

Bastion: Good morning.

She looked at him strangely when her suspicions about him not being very happy were confirmed.

Blossom: Something wrong?

The boy shrugged as he didn't feel like talking about it any more as he didn't know her very well, she might be Bliss's little sister, but still he wasn't too keen on sharing her feelings.

Bastion: I'm just tired, that's all.

Blossom: Are you sure? If you want to talk about something...

Bastion: I said I'm fine. That is all.

The redhead earned a slightly hurt look at his cold tone and the bluish one mentally slapped herself.

Bastion: (Thoughts) Good job, Bastion! Sent very well! She just wanted to talk and I drop one of these. Where is my education? Grandpa would kill me if he knew I was mean to a girl.

He soon looked away from her when she apologized.

Bastion: I'm sorry about that... it's just... not having a good day...

The redhead didn't need to hear that to know something was wrong with the boy, but she didn't want to pressure him into talking if he didn't want to when she chose to just forget about it and try to strike up a conversation.

Blossom: Well, Bubbles said you were trying to get into this play. Are you ready?

The boy froze at those words as he stopped walking as the Powerpuff did the same. The boy then gains a panicked face as he speaks dramatically.

Bastion: AAAH NOOO! I forget that! Forget the test!

He hadn't even checked the script properly. Monday he was getting used to school, Tuesday he had gone after the Gangreen and Wednesday he had been busy trying to get away from Sten and survive another day at school.

Blossom: Relax, I'm sure everything will work out. Even if it goes bad, you're sure to still get a role since there are so few kids in the Drama Club.

Bastion soon remembers Bubbles saying that there aren't many boys at the club.

Blossom: Also, if a monster attacks, they leave it for the next week.

That made the boy look at her curiously.

Bastion: They do that?

Blossom: Of course. If a monster attacks the shield or something, the school evacuates everyone to safe rooms. Didn't you go on a Monday?

The boy just remembered seeing everyone running towards that room while he went into the bathroom to change into his hero uniform, but Superhero didn't need to know that when the boy disguised himself.

Bastion: Yes. Of course I went. I'm just surprised they leave it for later. *nervous laughs*

Blossom: That's what usually happens. It used to happen constantly, but the monsters started to calm down a little more.

Bastion: (Thoughts) Buttercup said things were quiet.

He bet maybe she was bored because there weren't many monsters to fight, but he could imagine getting bored if he spent his entire childhood fighting these things only to suddenly stop.

Maybe that was why she was so eager to join him as a vigilante. Maybe she was just looking for some action and Bastion couldn't blame her.

Soon the boy got an innocent look on his face when he asked.

Bastion: Would it be bad if I wanted a monster to attack?

The redhead just laughed at the boy's question that earned a small smile on his face before seeing a pair of ballet shoes hanging from the girl's bag.

Bastion: Do you dance?

Blossom glanced at him and then at her bag as she quickly tucked her slippers back into her bag and smiled.

Blossom: Yeah. I actually have a recital coming up. I think your sister see.

Bastion didn't remember Elizabeth mentioning something like that and he was even thankful that she didn't want to drag him around with her.

Bastion: Show. My mother used to do ballet. In fact, that's how she met my father.

Blossom: Really? I did not know that. Was she good?

He nodded with a genuine smile.

Bastion: Without a doubt! I don't have many memories, but she stood out a lot from the other dancers.

Blossom was happy to see that the boy seemed to be perking up when the two ended up falling into small talk for the rest of the walk to school so much so that the boy didn't even notice the time pass, after all it was nice to talk to someone.

Later that day...

Bastion flipped through the script again and read the lines carefully. He was supposed to play two scenes and if he got it he would have his part, he just needed concentration.

Bubbles: And for this character, he's trying to help this girl. Her heart is broken and he wants to help mend it, but she doesn't want him to because she doesn't think she deserves to be helped.

Bastion: One moment. She's on a cliff, ready to fall because the guy she loved pushed her to keep her fortune and then the other guy who likes her comes to help and instead of saving the girl, the two sing a song?

Bubbles: Yes! This is a really cool part. This whole piece has a lot of fun stuff like that.

The boy just nodded in response.

Bastion: Okay. Sounds good.

Bubbles: Isn't it?! So who are you going to play?

Bastion: Paris from "Romeo and Juliet!.

Bubbles: Oh! I'm going to be Juliet! Maybe we can be scene partners!

She was really excited about it and Bastion earned a small smile at the girl's enthusiasm as she started to read her lines.

Bastion and Bubbles were sitting in the hallway outside the school's theater. Half of the auditions would now take place at lunchtime, and the other half would take place after school. That's when their names were called.

Mr. William: Bastion and Bubbles? Are you two ready?

The blue and the blonde got up while the Professor held the door open as the two entered the theater and stood in the middle of the stage.

Mr. William: Very well. Let's see what you've got, young Bastion. Bubbles, you know the drill. Start when you're ready.

The two nodded as the boy took a deep breath, but soon stopped when he felt an earth tremor run through the place.

A red light soon began flashing with an alarm sounding, Mr. William leapt to his feet and began to direct the remaining students towards the exits. Bastion looked over at Bubbles to see that she was already frowning angrily.

Bubbles: Of course. Of course a monster would be attacking right now.

She sighed and turned to him.

Bubbles: Go to the safe room. We broke up after school.

She quickly flew away and disappeared with a blue streak behind her. Bastion glanced at the fleeing students, but instead turned the other way and hurried back down the hall to grab his bag.

Bubbles found her sisters already on the shield and as expected, another monster was trying to break down the barrier that was starting to blink with the blows it was taking.

This time, it was a huge creature with a tough shell covering its body, mostly resembling a large turtle, but with a shell similar to that of a crab, with spines scattered all over its body, and a large tail similar to that of a crab. shrimp. Under its shell, its muscle tissue is red. It has several long tentacles that serve as arms, however it does not have hind legs. Its tortoise-like face is hidden between a large forehead and lower jaw, both of which have spikes while its left eye is constantly closed and the right is red in color with yellow pupils.

Buttercup: Time for my break, you growth spurt turtle!

Blossom: Alright girls. Let's stop this thing or...

Bubbles: Sounds a bit like Octi. Maybe we can-

Buttercup: If you say "Maybe we can talk to him", I'll throw you in the sea!

Blossom: Well, we have to deal with it. The problem is the hull. It's going to be a problem getting through this without him catching us with his tentacles.

The monster slammed a tentacle against the shield which caused the entire barrier to falter and blink as the girls were surprised when they backed up a little.

Bubbles: This is bad.

Blossom: He's destroying the barrier!

This worried the girls as no other creature had managed to penetrate the barrier. That's when they remembered that their father had said that Elizabeth had gone to Metropolis to get a new part for the shield generator.

So, until she returned with the new piece, the girls would have to deal with what appeared in the city.

Blossom: Sorry, Bubbles. We're going to have to figure this one out.

The blonde just sighed in response.

Bubbles: All right. But only because it interrupted my hearing.

Blossom: Wait, is Bastion okay? He was with you, right?

Bubbles nodded in response.

Bubbles: He went to the safe room. Let's be scene partners.

Buttercup: Talk less and hit more!

The impatient brunette immediately flew towards the creature.

Blossom: Buttercup! Wait!

The brunette flew straight at the monster and punched its shell, but her attack didn't do any damage to it, which made the girl sigh in shock.

Buttercup: But what?! Ahhh!

Before she knew it she was grabbed by one of the tentacles and was shooting towards her sisters who cleared the way as the brunette rocketed past them before colliding with several trees.

Buttercup groaned as she raised her head as several leaves and twigs were seen caught in her hair as she snarled angrily at the turtle monster.

Buttercup: That's how I like it!

She flew back to the monster and tried to attack it once more, landing three strong punches, but the creature remained unaffected.

Buttercup: Fuck off, you little cartoon monster!

Blossom: Buttercup, watch out!

The brunette was once again hit by one of the tentacles, an act that sent her flying back to the trees, but before she could collide, something caught her in its arms.

The other Powerpuffs watched as the masked boy from the other day caught her in the air. The boy planted his feet on the ground as he slid backwards while holding the brunette in his arms.

When he finally stopped, Bastion sighed, thanking him for taking his hero uniform with him. Buttercup finally opened her eyes to see the masked man holding her bridal style.

Bastion: Looks like I got there just in time. How are you?

The girl looked at him as she realized what had happened as she spoke with a smile.

Buttercup: Nice catch.

Bastion: Thanks brunette.

He soon put her back on the ground as the others joined the two, landing next to them. The boy soon looked at the monster to see it almost breaking the shield completely when he looked at the city imagining the damage that creature could do if it managed to enter.

Bastion: This is bad, this is very bad.

Blossom: You're the guy from the other day. The one who ran away without saying anything.

Bastion turned to the girls. He was grateful for his mask hiding his face and changing his hair color and hairstyle, so much so that the girls were unable to recognize him, even if they tried to see through the mask with x-ray vision it would be impossible to see his face, for the mask was lined with lead and the boy thanked his grandfather for that.

Bastion: Yeah, sorry about that. I'm not much for talking.

He mentally slapped himself at the thought that what he had said was too rude, but it didn't seem to affect the three girls.

Bubbles: All right. We're super cool.

The redhead then puts her hand on her chin while making a suspicious face.

Blossom: Do I know you? His voice sounds familiar.

Bastion froze at that as he broke into a cold sweat and tried to cover it up by changing his voice a bit to a huskier, Spanish-accented one.

Bastion: What? Can you repeat the question?

The girls glanced at each other at his speech before shrugging.

Buttercup: Do you have a plan? I can't do any damage.

The boy crossed his arms thoughtfully as he raised his hand to his chin before looking at the giant octopus turtle to realize that its only weak point would be the lower part of its body where there was no shell to protect it and that gave an idea to the masked

Bastion: I had this crazy idea.

Blossom: Then don't do it.

Bubbles: I want to hear it.

Buttercup: I'm in. Here we go!

Bastion: Get ready to use your heat vision and leave the rest to me.

Blossom: What are you-

Before he could finish his sentence, the masked man took off running at high speed leaving only dust behind him followed by a gust of wind. The girls looked over to see that the masked man was running towards the monster.

The redhead just sighed in response.

Blossom: You heard him, girls. Let's go!

The three of them flew into the air as the boy moved faster than Buttercup headed towards the monster as he lunged towards the tentacles dodging each one that moved to attack him.

Finally, after finally approaching, the boy grabbed the underside of the large turtle as he started to lift it. Bastion felt his muscles begin to work and with each second the large turtle grew lighter as the boy's strength increased as he lifted the creature off the ground holding it above his head with his arms raised.

Bastion floated a little in the air still being attacked by the tentacles that filled him with sticky slime that soaked his uniform which made the boy groan in annoyance.

Bastion: Dude, this is gross!

Finally he threw the turtle up when he spoke.

Bastion: Now!

The Powerpuffs immediately appeared below the monster as its eyes glowed red before they fired lasers at the creature which screamed upon being hit. Bastion soon cupped his hands at his sides and concentrated energy between his hands as a glowing sphere appeared in his palms.

Bastion: Ka... Me...

The sphere expanded inside the hands, shining even brighter when the masked man locked his gaze on the turtle and where he was going to hit.

Bastion: Ha... Me...

Finally he thrust his hands forward to fire a powerful beam of blue-white energy at the same place where the girls were using their heat vision.

Bastion: HAAA!

The beam of energy soared through the sky and hit the turtle's core, joining the Powerpuffs' attack. The force was such that the monster was thrown into the air when the girls stopped their attack while the boy used his energy blow to launch the creature back into the sea.

The monster flew through the sky for a good distance before landing back in the water before groaning at the damage it had taken before disappearing into the water's depths.

Bastion's attack finally ceased as he hovered in the air watching the monster disappear into the waters before sighing and returning to the ground where the girls joined him as they all watched the waters to make sure the monster didn't come back.

After waiting, Bastion concluded that the beast was heading back to Monster Island.

Blossom: Looks like it's over. Good job guys.

The girls looked over at the masked man to see him covered from head to toe in the monster's drool. The masked man noticed this too when he groaned in annoyance.

Bubbles: Eww. You're a mess.

Buttercup: And now Masked Man? How are you going to clean it?

The boy just started to spin swiftly in place when he became a whirlpool as the goo that was on him was thrown in all directions. Soon he stopped spinning revealing that he was completely clean, but when he looked at the girls he soon realized that he had soiled them with the slime as they gave the boy an annoyed look.

A bead of sweat broke out on the back of his neck as he realized what he had done.

Bastion: Oops. Sorry. I fix it.

He extends his arms with clenched fists towards the girls before swiftly swinging his arms creating a wave of wind that blows the slime off their clothes leaving them clean again.

Buttercup: Just as well.

Blossom: Wait, how do you do all these things?

Bubbles: Oh! And what was that thing you did with your hands?

Bastion: Well, I...

He thought for a moment about what he would say after all he didn't want to give too many details of his abilities when even he didn't know what he was really capable of.

Bastion: It was an energy attack, it's part of my powers and I also have a few others like yours. Your Chemist is X, right?

Girls: Yeah, but how do you know?

Bastion: I have my own means.

Blossom: So you have the same powers as us? The only ones who have the same powers as us are the Rowdy Boys.

Bastion thought about it for a while, he remembered his sister and grandfather saying something about a trio of Powerpuff-like boys causing chaos, but not much else. Perhaps he should speak to his grandfather about this later.

Buttercup: You have other powers, so does that mean you're stronger than us? What kind of things can you do? Energy shield? Fire explosions?

Bastion: I don't know, not all of my abilities have awakened yet, so I have no idea. Don't ask me questions I can't answer.

They were confused by the answer, but Bastion still feared their abilities and never thought to see how far they could go.

Bubbles: What are you-

Bastion: Look at the time, I gotta go.

With that he dashed through the streets of Townsville before disappearing from sight of the girls who had stony expressions on their faces.

Blossom: Why does he keep doing this?

Later that day...

Bastion walked with his hands in his pockets. Since Elizabeth wouldn't be home until tomorrow, he would go to Professor Utonium's house alone for dinner. It would be good to see him again after so long, but the boy still felt a little nervous about it.

His thoughts were cut short when he heard his phone ring before pulling it out to see that an unknown number was calling him. Raising an eyebrow he wondered who it was when he decided to find out for himself by putting the device to his ear as he looked around the street he was walking on,

Bastion: Hello?

???: Hello. Are you Bastion?

A male voice spoke on the other end of the line leaving the boy confused.

Bastion: Yes, that's me. Who are you?

???: Come on boy, don't you recognize my voice? It's Professor Utonium, I was his grandfather's student, I work with his sister, Bliss's father.

The bluish flickered a few times as a smile crept across his face.

Bastion: Teacher?! Are you yourself? Wow, it's been so long!

Professor Utonium: Hehehe absolutely boy. Your sister gave me your number. Hope you don't mind me calling.

Bastion: Of course not, it's great to be able to talk to you.

Professor Utonium: Today is the anniversary of that day, I wanted to know if you are ok.

Bastion: Well... as far as possible. Thanks.

Professor Utonium: Elizabeth has traveled to get a new piece for the city's shield. So I was wondering if you would like to come and have dinner with me and my daughters. Your sister told you about it, didn't she?

Bastion: Well, that would be a pleasure, if it's not too much trouble.

Professor Utonium: Nonsense! Your sister is always eating with us. I insist. Here, I'll send you our address.

You received a message and looked to see that it was the address of the Utonium house.

Bastion: Thanks, Professor.

Professor Utonium: Dinner starts around 7:30. The only thing you have to bring is your appetite. Hope you like chicken. See you when you get here kid.

Bastion: Okay, see you then.

The call ended and the boy got a small smile on his face, it seems that today the young Mutaito would be going to the Professor's house.


Bastion looked at the large house in front of him with wide eyes. It wasn't a mansion, but the boy could tell it was close to being one.

Taking a deep breath he calmed himself before walking to the door and ringing the bell and waiting for a moment before the door opened to reveal the Powerpuff with the red bow looking back at him.

Blossom: Hi, Bastion!

Bastion: Hi, Blossom. All good?

Blossom looked at him for a moment, but didn't say anything. She was too focused on her face anymore, more specifically on the iconic long white scarf that Mutaito was always seen wearing.

She was already used to seeing him always wearing that long scarf, but only now did she realize that he always had it around his neck wherever he went. And the scarf suited him and drew attention to his face and his unruly blue hair made him rather handsome to say the least.

Blossom: Well I'm glad I came, you're right on time. In between.

She backed away to let him in. Bastion nodded in thanks and went inside and as he did he soon realized how unusual this house was.

Music was blaring from the home speaker, but Buttercup was also playing a video game at high volume. Bubbles could be seen drawing something on a sketch pad with a stuffed octopus next to her.

The boy noticed that they were all wearing casual clothes and felt a bit over the top as it looked like he was dressed for a wedding or a company meeting as he wore a dark blue coat with a white shirt underneath, dark blue pants and shoes. black beyond his inseparable scarf.

Blossom: Can I get your coat?

Bastion: No need. I can get it.

He started to take off his jacket when someone appeared around the corner. It was a man wearing a pink apron and young Mutaito knew who it was.

Professor Utonium: Bastion! It's good to finally see you again!

Bubbles and Buttercup lifted their heads and looked at the boy only realizing his presence now and being a little surprised by his formal appearance, but despite that the boy seemed more relaxed.

The Professor happily walked over to the boy who reached out to him only to be pulled into a tight hug while patting him on the back. Bastion tensed for a moment, then returned the hug with a smile as the older man spoke in a cheerful, playful tone.

Professor Utonium: Look how you are! You finally remembered to grow up, did you?

The two laughed at this before the boy answered.

Bastion: Hehe looks like it, Professor. It's so good to see you again.

The man finally released the boy.

Professor Utonium: How are you? All good?

The boy nodded in response, the girls, however, were confused as to what their father meant.

Bastion: I'm fine, I guess.

Professor Utonium: I'm glad to hear that.

He patted her shoulder before looking at the time.

Professor Utonium: Well, you're just in time my boy. Dinner is ready. Girls!

Buttercup: We're right here. You don't need to scream.

Bastion rubbed his neck, but smiled that this night was going to be interesting and even a little fun.


Bubbles: And this is from when we were invited to the Grammys. It was really cool to watch it live!

Bastion nodded as the blonde showed the framed photos in the hall. Dinner was absolutely delicious and the boy stopped feeling weird in about 5 minutes.

Now he was walking around their house. It was strange how natural it felt.

Buttercup: Hey Bastion, wanna play a round of Street Fighter?

Blossom: Why would he want to play that game? I suggest we play a game of chess.

Bubbles: How about checkers?

The three began to argue about what the boy should do and with whom as he smiled at the sight.

Bastion: (Thoughts) They sure are sisters.

Professor Utonium: Bastion.

The blue one looked back as the girls continued. He soon saw Professor Utonium standing in the hallway as he walked up to him to see what he wanted.

Professor Utonium: I hope the girls aren't making you uncomfortable. They are a little bit competitive when it comes to making friends.

Bastion: Imagine Professor, here it is in sussa.

Professor Utonium: That's good to hear. But it's really amazing to see how much you've grown. It seems like just yesterday you were playing with Bliss in Professor Sebastian's backyard.

Bastion: It's been a long time, 10 years if I remember correctly. But since Bliss is, I never saw her again. I hear she's in space now.

Professor Utonium: That's right, you're 15 now, so she's 18. She's doing great, now she's part of the Universal Protection Program.

Bastion: Universal Protection Program? Like intergalactic cops?

Professor Utonium: Something like that.

Bastion: Wow, that's cool. She must have grown up so much... I miss her so much... could it be that... she still remembers me...?

The boy gained a distant and sad look on his face thinking about his old friend and how she must be. The Professor put a comforting hand on his shoulder as he spoke kindly.

Professor Utonium: She would never forget you, boy. Whenever Bliss visits us, she always asks about you.

This caught the boy's attention who looked at the older man with a surprised look.

Bastion: Really? Does she ask about me?

Professor Utonium: Of course. She always wants to know how you are.

Bastion: But why didn't she ever come visit me.

Professor Utonium: Well, I believe Bliss still feels guilty about hurting you that day.

Bastion: But it wasn't her fault, after all it wasn't her fault for not having control over her powers.

Professor Utonium: I know, but I don't think she's realized that yet.

Bastion: Well let me know if she shows up, we need to catch up.

Professor Utonium: By the way, I'm sorry for being gone for so long son and for not being able to go to her parents' funeral or visit you after that.

Bastion: It's okay Professor. At that time you too had suffered a loss when Bliss ran away, I don't blame you. I think I would feel the same way.

Professor Utonium: Thank you son. Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Bastion: I appreciate it. But the only thing I can do is just… move on. Be happy for the time I spent with them.

Professor Utonium smiled before placing his hand on his head and ruffling his hair as the boy chuckled.

Professor Utonium: It's really nice to talk to you again, Bastion.

Buttercup: Bastion! Where did you go?

The two looked towards the living room.

Professor Utonium: He's with me. We're talking.

He then looked back at the boy.

Professor Utonium: Come on. We'll talk later. Good to see you, little Bastion.

Bastion: Equally old.

The two looked at each other seriously for a moment before laughing playfully as the Professor turned and walked in the opposite direction. Bastion then returned to the living room where he found the girls all sitting on the floor playing some sort of card game.

They all looked at him when they heard him enter.

Blossom: Hey. Want to play?

Bastion: I do. What game is this?

He sat between Buttercup and Bubbles to face Blossom.

Bubbles: It's called "The Killer". We all get random cards and one of us is an Assassin. The object of the game is to find out who the Killer is or for the Killer to eliminate everyone else first.

Bastion: Got it, let's go then.

Buttercup: That's how you say it. Here we go!

Bastion smiled as he looked around the room. Even though he had only known them for a few days, he already considered them his new friends, just as their sister once was. Your new life would be better.

He still missed his parents, but he knew he wasn't the only one. He also knew that there wasn't just darkness in this world, there were good people too.

And while he was playing with the girls, Elizabeth was taking the tube home. In Metropolis, the train departed the city when in the distance three boys were seen hovering in the sky watching the train leave when they got smiles on their faces when they saw their target before flying towards the train.

???: Come on brothers, our target awaits!