
Hero Up!

Townsville, USA. An abnormal city with strange problems. Monsters, villains and even demons try to attack the city. Everyone is stopped by the Powerpuff Girls or Super Powerful Girls, you sure know them. Sugar, spice and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect girl. But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the mix... Chemical X! Thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born! Since they were just kids, they've used their powers to protect their city and everyone they love. Now they do it while dealing with the drama of high school and adolescence. And now, they have a new boy at their school. Though he may not look like much, he hides a secret or two about his shadows and his mysteries that lead him and the Powerpuffs on many adventures meeting old enemies and meeting other Super Heroes.

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Agreement with Morbucks and Studies with Julie

Sunlight entered Bastion's bedroom window before hitting the boy's face, who quickly opened his eyes as he became uncomfortable with the sudden light.

He stretched out on the bed to shake off the laziness and sleepiness before standing up and rubbing his eyes as he looked at the calendar on his wall as a smile appeared on his face.

Bastion: Today is Friday! YEEAAAH!

Soon he jumped to his feet and ran to the shower while humming to himself happy that the second week of high school was finally over.

After leaving the bathroom, he walks to the dresser to get some clean clothes and as soon as he finishes dressing he looks for his scarf in its resting place, but to his fear the long scarf was not there.

Bastion blinked a few times, confused by that before searching the dresser, drawers, bed and the entire length of the room and searching and searching and searching and searching and searching again, but nothing for the scarf.

Bastion: No, it's not! Is not! It's nowhere!

At this point, the boy's room had already become a real battlefield with clothes scattered everywhere, furniture out of place and books and other things everywhere.

A knock was then heard at the door as Elizabeth came in looking for her little brother.

Elizabeth: Bastion, good morning. Are you ready to-!

As soon as she opened the door and entered the room, she was met with a huge mess as Bastion was seen lifting the bed above his head with a worried expression as he seemed to look for something.

Bastion: It's not here either! Where did it go?!

Elizabeth: Bastion Bartolomeu Sebastion Junior Rogers Mutaito! Can you explain to me what hurricane passed through your room?!

The boy froze in place when he heard his furious sister call him by his full name, something that only happened when she was extremely furious.

Swallowing hard, the blue haired boy slowly placed the bed back on the floor as he turned to his sister with an innocent smile to see the older one with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face as she stamped her foot.

Bastion: Elizabeth, my dear sister, good morning! Did you sleep well? You are radiant as always hehehe.

Elizabeth: You can stop with the flattery and answer me. What the hell happened here?!

Bastion: I'm looking for my scarf, but I can't find it anywhere!

Elizabeth: Your scarf? I put it in the wash.

Bastion: I couldn't have left it until tomorrow, today is Friday.

Elizabeth: Calm down big baby, tomorrow you can use it.

Bastion: I know, it's just... I keep missing something when I'm not with him.

Elizabeth: I know you're attached to that long white scarf, but you won't die from going just one day without it, right?

The boy just sighed in response before nodding in defeat before his sister gained a sinister smile on her face.

Elizabeth: Great, now that we've got that out of the way... Clean up the mess!

Bastion: Y-Yes ma'am!

He saluted her before quickly starting to tidy up his room, placing the furniture and objects back in their proper place before folding the clothes and putting them away as well.

Elizabeth looked from one corner to the other before waving and walking towards the kitchen.

Elizabeth: Come on, let's have coffee. I heard you're going to be Julie's tutor.

Bastion: Yeah, we agreed to go to her house to study a little this afternoon.

Elizabeth: Alright, have fun and enjoy, just don't do something you'll regret, okay? And be careful that Dr. Jonathan doesn't catch you two in the act.

That comment made Bastion look at his sister to see her with a mischievous smile on her face and upon realizing what she meant by that her face gained a heavy blush as he spoke embarrassedly.

Bastion: Elizabeth!

The oldest just laughed and laughed at the reaction of the youngest who crossed his arms and pouted before a small blush appeared on his cheeks as he began to think about his best friend, but soon shook his head to shake those thoughts away.

Bastion: (Thoughts) Don't travel Bastion, it's Julie you're talking about! You don't have a chance with her.


Bastion walked through the streets while the lack of his inseparable scarf began to bother him. After so long wearing the long scarf around his neck, he had already gotten used to his presence there and not being with him was like having lost a part of his own body, but there was nothing he could do at the moment.

As he walked he looked up at the bright blue sky above him when his mind wandered to a girl who had the same color hair.

Bastion: Where are you now Bliss?

His mind started to remind him of when he was a little boy and used to play with the Powerpuff Girls' older sister. He hadn't been there for many years, but there was no possibility of the boy going to visit her now that she lived outside of Earth, who knows where in the universe.

Not wanting to become melancholy about it, he quickly tried to distract his mind when his gaze stopped at a news report on one of the large screens in the buildings.

The display showed a news story about the lion man's attack on the Townsville shopping mall a few days ago. The following sentence could be seen in the subtitles.

"Townsville shopping mall is attacked by monster and his Masked accomplice who remains at large."

This caused great confusion in the boy who began to pay attention to the report when the newspaper's boss, W. Wally Wallace, began to speak.

W. Wally Wallace: "Here we are, people of Townsville. Another day passes and this so-called "vigilante" nicknamed the Masked Man is still at large after his attack on the Townsville shopping mall and all the innocent and defenseless civilians who were injured in this terrorist act! "

Bastion: (Thoughts) Partner? Outlaw? Terrorist? But how so?! I saved those people!

Some recordings of the Masked Man's fight against the Beast King were shown when some witnesses began to report what happened.

Random Man: "First that crazy lion guy arrived and started breaking everything, then out of nowhere the guy with the mask appeared flying and releasing lightning!"

Random Woman: It was scary! Those explosions caused by those two still haunt me to this day!"

W. Wally Wallace: As you can see my friends, no one is safe while this Masked Criminal is on the loose! To make matters worse, this isn't the first time he's started causing problems, a few weeks ago we received reports of an attack on a restaurant that had several serious victims and once again the Masked Man was involved!"

Some whispers were heard among people who were also listening to the report while some had a negative opinion about the Masked Man.

W. Wally Wallace: "Now my friends, I ask you. Are we going to let this criminal go around unpunished for his crimes and continuing to put innocent lives in danger?! We need to put an end to these types of criminals before bad things happen! I'm W. Wally Wallace and I say out Masked!"

Bastion lowered his head a little as he heard not only the report about his alter-ego and couldn't help but feel sad as he heard the murmurs of the people around him before seeing the same headline in the newspapers on the street newsstands.

Random Man: W. Wally Wallace is right, things got worse after this new hero showed up.

Random Man 2: Yeah, but he's saved a lot of people since he showed up.

Random Man 3: Maybe so, but he's also a criminal because vigilantes were banned here in Townsville.

Random Man: Yeah, maybe you're right.

Not wanting to hear any more of that conversation, Bastion just continued on his way to school trying to take his mind off what happened.

Bastion: (Thoughts) Are they right? Was it a mistake to become a hero? But a lot more people would have gotten hurt if I had just turned my back... if something like that happened it would be my fault for not doing anything...

Other things took over his mind when the doubt about what could happen if his secret identity was discovered. Until now, the only people who had ever had contact with the Masked Man were the Super Powerful Women and if they put the pieces together and discovered his hero alter ego, he would be in serious trouble.

Thinking about it, he would remember visiting his grandfather on the weekend to ask him to create something to change his voice while he was the Masked Man and didn't risk being discovered.

However his attention was taken when his ears caught the sound of something coming towards him.

Bubbles: Good morning.

Turning his gaze upward he could see the girls land beside him as all three came to greet him.

Buttercup: What's up, man?

Blossom: Good morning, Bastion.

Bastion: Beautiful day, ladies.

The three looked at him from head to toe with curious looks and the boy couldn't help but question why that was.

Bastion: What happened? Is there something on my face?

Buttercup: It's just that you're missing that scarf you wear all the time.

This made the boy put his hand on his neck, missing the piece of clothing.

Bastion: Oh yeah. I decided to leave it at home today.

Blossom: You look a little different without it, but I prefer it with the scarf.

Bubbles: Get more kitty.

The boy with the mark on his cheeks gained a small blush as he smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

Soon the four super teenagers ended up going to school together and young Mutaito was happy to have more friends now, happy to have people to talk to, someone like him, although this was unknown to the girls.

Buttercup: I'll talk to you later. Me and Bastion have class together.

Bubbles: And me and Bastion will do a test later.

Bastion: It's true. I had already forgotten about that.

Buttercup: I still think you'd be better on varsity.

Bastion: I would like to, but I have my reasons for not participating.

Princess: There you are.

As soon as they heard the voice, the four turned to see that Princess Morbucks was walking towards them. All the girls frowned, but Bastion just decided to try to be polite.

Bastion: Good morning, Princess.

Princess: Good morning, Bastion. Girls.

All the sisters reacted differently, but showing that they were uncomfortable with the rich woman's presence. Blossom rolled her eyes, Buttercup crossed her arms, and Bubbles just groaned.

Princess: Do you mind if Bastion and I have some privacy? We have matters to discuss.

Buttercup: Look, whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of us. Isn't it Bastion?

The boy just looked away a little as he scratched his cheek.

Bastion: Yeah... You guys better leave.

The three sisters were shocked that he wanted to talk to Princess without them being around.

Buttercup: It's started. Be careful who you hang out with.

Without saying anything else, the three each retreated to their own corner while the girl with freckles took Mutaito away. Worried about their new friend, the Powerpuff Girls stopped in their tracks as they looked back to see the blue haired boy disappear down the halls as they worried about him and just prayed that he could handle it.

Bastion followed Princess to the roof, where she crossed her arms and turned to him with a smile.

Princess: So, did you have time to consider my offer?

The boy just nodded.

Bastion: I appreciate it, but I don't want to. I don't think I'm the best suited for this and I'm trying to establish myself here, I don't think I would be suitable to be your bodyguard. Plus, I'm sure you already have people for this sort of thing.

Morbucks was disappointed with his answer, but she already expected him to refuse knowing that he seemed like that kind of straight-laced nerd and that's not counting the time he had spent a lot of time with the Power Girls. She assumed that this time would prevent him from accepting her proposal.

But her name is Princess Morbucks, and she always gets what she wants, no matter the cost.

Princess: It's a shame, really. Here I was hoping you would be smarter, but I guess I was wrong. You are more foolish than I thought.

The boy just shrugged in response as he spoke disinterestedly.

Bastion: Say what you want, it doesn't matter to me.

Princess: Really? So I guess it's okay if I tell everyone that you're Townsville's new vigilante. I bet W. Wally Wallace would love to know the identity of the Masked Man.

Bastion froze in place at those words as his eyes grew wider and wider in pure shock.

The spoiled rich girl then held up her phone, showing him footage of her fight with King Beast as well as when he was removing his mask after the battle as his hair color and hairstyle returned to normal revealing his face.

An arrogant and proud smile crossed Princess's face when she saw how scared Blue looked like she wanted.

Bastion: But how...?

Princess: I'll ask again, Mutaito. Will you be my bodyguard? Or do I need to show all of Townsville who the Masked Man is?

Bastion froze and broke into a cold sweat in place at the girl's threat. From what he can see from her gaze, she wouldn't hesitate to reveal her secret identity to the entire world just on a whim, after all she had nothing to lose by doing so.

She had the evidence and his hands were tied, and if she wanted to continue as an anonymous hero, she would have to do the girl's bidding.

Princess: And then? How is it going to be?

The boy clenched his fists with anger in his eyes, the thought of destroying the phone crossed her mind, but he already imagined that she would be prepared for something like that.

Princess: I have copies, by the way.

Bastion really had no escape and had no choice but to swallow his pride and silently accept what the spoiled redhead wanted. After all, she was Princess Morbucks, and she always gets what she wants.

Soon after...

Buttercup: What?

Julie: Have you gone completely crazy?

Bastion: Sorry girls, but I promised Princess I would have lunch with her.

Buttercup and Julie had just invited Bastion to join their table for lunch, since Bubbles would be busy with some drama club stuff, but they didn't expect the boy to say no.

Buttercup: You've got to be kidding me.

Julie: Why the hell would you want to date someone who always picks on you like Sten?

Bastion: It's... complicated.

It actually wasn't much, now he was Princess's bodyguard and her newest doormat. But Bastion wouldn't dream of telling the two girls with unhappy faces in front of him that. He got himself into this hole alone and would get out of it alone, because he didn't want to risk his new friends knowing about it.

But Buttercup and Julie weren't too happy with his response, as the brunette stood with her arms crossed with an unsatisfied look while Julie pouted.

Bastion: Sorry, girls. Maybe next time?

Buttercup just rolled her eyes as Julie huffed.

Buttercup & Julie: Whatever. Have fun with your new girlfriend!

That last comment left Bastion confused as to why they were being so bitter about it, but he wouldn't get the chance to ask. They left before he could say anything else.

The boy sighed sadly watching the two girls leave with a stamp and wondered why they were mad at him for dating another girl.

Bastion: (Thoughts) Are they just... jealous? Nah, that's impossible Bastion, don't travel. Buttercup probably wasn't very happy because she doesn't like Morbucks and Julie... well there's no way she's into me... or is she? ...Nah.

He pushed those thoughts away trying to focus on finding a way to escape Princess's control so that she would stop blackmailing him and he could get out of this mess, at least that was the plan.

Princess: Oh, Bast~

Hearing the voice the boy frowned as he turned to see Princess approaching him, earning whispers and frowns from the other students. Suddenly, she gave him her books and patted her on the arm.

Princess: Come. I want to have lunch on the roof today.

Young Mutaito thought about it for a while. The rooftop was where he used to have lunch with Buttercup and/or Bubbles, but mostly with Julie and the boy wondered why she wanted to go there.

But it wasn't like he could contradict her in any way. And before he knew it, he was already climbing up the stairs.

Sitting down with the redhead with freckles, Bastion asked for a tangerine and peeled it lazily, despite having a big appetite, today he was not hungry since having lunch with the spoiled rich girl who bothered him for being a nerd made him lose his hunger.

While peeling his fruit, he looked at the girl's lunch which was some kind of sushi or something.

Princess: Tell me about yourself, Bast.

He raised his head at her request, but not to answer her but to complain about that nickname.

Bastion: First of all, could you stop calling me that? This is bothering me!

Princess: Why? From what I've seen, Jameson calls you that all the time.

Bastion: Juju can call me that because unlike the two of us, she and I are friends! So see if you stop it.

Princess's gaze fell a little at that and for a moment Bastion felt sorry for being so rude to a girl, even if she was blackmailing him.

Feeling guilty, the boy sighed tiredly before speaking as friendly as possible.

Bastion: Okay. What is there to know?

Morbucks perked up a little at this before speaking.

Princess: Anything. You have brothers? A pet? What is your relationship with your parents?

She looked expectantly and waited for the answer and the boy just smiled awkwardly.

Bastion: I have an older sister. And I have a dog. His name is Bigprey.

Princess: I see. And your parents?

This question caused the boy to lower his head a little and look away.

Bastion: They... they died when I was still little. After that I was raised by my grandpa.

Princess seemed genuinely surprised by this and then lowered her head a little knowing that she had stepped into a sensitive subject for the boy.

Princess: I'm sorry to hear that.

Bastion: It's okay. I remember little about them, but I know they loved me. But I'm still sad about losing them... the only way I feel close to them now is when I have my scarf on.

He puts his hand to his neck missing the long scarf while Morbucks gets a look of sympathy.

Bastion: It was a gift they gave me just hours before they died. It's the only memory I have left of them...

Princess seemed a little saddened by the information about the boy's deceased parents and this came as a surprise to him since he didn't think she had feelings.

Princess: And... it's still not enough, is it?

Bastion: No...

Princess: I... I know what it's like.

The bluish mark on his cheeks looked at her with an eyebrow raised in doubt.

Bastion: You know?

Princess: I know... I lost my mother when I was younger...

Bastion: Oh... I'm sorry about that, really.

Princess: Thank you, despite being small, I remember well how affectionate she was to me... and after she left... I was left with a big emptiness in my chest...

The girl's gaze fell and a shadow covered her eyes as she turned her face away.

Bastion: And... nothing has ever been able to fill that void, has it?

Princess: No...

A tear ran down the girl's freckled cheeks and quickly wiped it away. Bastion, upon seeing that scene, realized that for her, the subject of loss was as painful as it was for him.

Seeing how she looked so sad and depressed, the boy noticed that despite being spoiled and selfish, Morbucks still had a heart and feelings even though others said she didn't.

Placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, she looked up at him to see him with a gentle, genuine smile on his face that no one had ever given her.

Bastion: I guess we're not that different in the end.

Princess: Yeah, maybe you're right.

Seeing that she was being too nice to the nerd, the girl quickly cleared her throat and regained her composure as the boy removed his hand from her shoulder.

Princess: Well, tell me more about this dog. Bigprey, right? What's he like?

Bastion laughed a little as he remembered his old canine friend.

Bastion: The biggest drool and joker I know. He finds a way to have fun with just about anything, even watching paint dry or grass grow. The funny thing is that he doesn't have eyes.

Princess: A dog without eyes? You're kidding right?

Bastion: No, it's true.

Princess: Did he lose his eyes?

Bastion: No, he doesn't really have eyes.

Princess: So how does he survive without seeing anything?

Bastion: Despite not having eyes, Bigprey never had any problems doing anything, he does what every normal dog does and has a very good sense of smell.

Princess: Then why does he have that name?

Bastion: Because one of his teeth is bigger than the others and sticks out of his mouth. I found him when he was a puppy and he ended up following me home and Grandpa let me keep him.

Princess: I see. I want to meet this dog one day.

Bastion: Calm down, boss. The deal was for me to be his bodyguard at school. Right?

Princess: That's true. But by spending more time with me, maybe you'll come to see me as a friend.

Confused by this, young Mutaito tilted his head a little, trying to understand how a friendship could arise from blackmail.

Soon the bell rang and Bastion stood up while Princess remained seated.

Bastion: Don't you need to go to class?

Princess: Who? I? No. I have the next period off. Not you, however. I'll be fine alone.

The blue one didn't even want to argue and just shrugged to himself and walked away.


The young man with the marks on his cheeks smiled to himself as he finally finished his audition scene with Bubbles. It took about a week, but he finally did it and passed with flying colors.

Mr. William: Not bad, you two definitely have a real heart for this. Thanks for listening.

Bastion and Bubbles thanked them and left the stage. Once they were out of sight, the two high-fived in celebration.

Bubbles: Hey, want to have a milkshake with me? We have to celebrate.

The boy opened his mouth to respond, but found someone answering for him.

Princess: Sorry, Bubbles.

Suddenly, poor Mutaito found his arm being held by Morbucks. She was practically hugging him with a devilish smile on her face.

Princess: Bastion is going to have a milkshake with me.

Bastion: What? I go?

Princess: Yes, you will. I need help with my studies.

He raised an eyebrow at her statement. He had not agreed to this at any time. It was Friday, so his work ended on the weekend.

Furthermore, Morbucks had already made it very clear that she had no interest in studying with a nerd like him.

Either way, Bubbles looked furious.

Bastion: Well, Bubbles can come with us, right? The more, the better, right?

Princess: Not this time. You and I have to talk about some details about our agreement.

She showed her phone, clearly sending the message. Bastion wanted to object, but he knew it would be useless. Princess had him on a lease like a dog on a leash.

He turned to Bubbles, clearly unhappy with the outcome, and spoke sadly.

Bastion: Sorry, Bubbles. Maybe tomorrow.

Bubbles just looked at Princess before grabbing her bag.

Bubbles: Okay. Have fun then.

Before she could say goodbye to her, she left with her head bowed as a shadow of disappointment covered her eyes.

Bastion was forced to watch her leave and felt terrible.

Princess: Now, let's go.

Bastion: I think I lost my appetite.

Princess: Don't worry, I'll be paying.

Bastion: I don't think this will cheer me up after hurting one of my friends.

He didn't care if it was free or not. This was simply cruel, but Princess didn't seem to care about it or his protests.


Bastion tapped his finger on the table at an abnormal speed while Princess savored her shake.

But the young man with the marked cheeks didn't want one, he no longer had the stomach for it, not after hurting three of his friends.

And clearly Morbucks hadn't brought him here to study and although they understood each other a little earlier, the freckled redhead's attitudes were starting to wear on his patience.

Bastion: So what do you want to talk about? The deal was that I was his bodyguard during school.

Princess: And that still holds true. However, I have a few questions I would like to ask.

The boy narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.

Bastion: Which ones?

Princess: How did you get your powers?

The young hero couldn't say he was surprised, after all it was only a matter of time before she got curious and asked that, but whether Bastion should tell her or not was another question.

On the one hand, she could never replicate her abilities since the only chemical left is X and in small samples, there was nothing left of the other 25 chemicals.

Morbucks would be left empty-handed, but she had money to research. But it was impossible to do more since Bastion's parents and grandfather had created the chemicals.

His parents were dead and no one knew that Sebastion knew how Chemicals were created and the secret of these substances would go to the grave with him.

Bastion: What if I don't want to tell you?

Princess: You know very well what happens.

Bastion: I hate you.

Princess: I hear that a lot, now start talking.

And did the poor boy have any choice? She was practically holding him hostage with that video.

Bastion: Okay... it was when I was 8 years old.


7 years ago when Bastion's parents were still alive, he and his family were in Sebastion's laboratory paying a visit to the old scientist.

Just like Sebastion, Bastion's parents were also brilliant scientists with great intelligence, so much so that with Sebastion's help, they created 26 different substances, each one having different gifts and super abilities.

From what Bastion remembered, his parents were great scientists, perhaps that was why he and his sister Elizabeth were so intelligent.

Even so, despite being busy with work, Bastion's parents always found time to take care of their children, give them love and affection, they were happy.

But one night, while the three scientists were talking about what they would do about the chemicals now that more and more people knew about them, without anyone knowing, little Bastion ended up entering the room where the Chemicals were kept.

Like every child who loves to play with anything, the little boy ended up picking up all the jars with the 26 super substances and while playing scientist, he ended up mixing all the liquids in a single jar.

Innocently, the little boy ended up drinking every last drop of the combined Chemicals and finally grimaced at the bad taste of the substances.

Tired of playing that, he left the weak ones completely empty and ran out of the room when he heard his name being called.

Hours later, the place was attacked by masked people who were after the chemicals and then after a bomb exploded, the fire took over the place.

What was left of the chemicals in the laboratory were completely destroyed by the flames and only small samples remained which were sent to Professor Untonium for him to study the chemicals.

Unfortunately, Bastion's parents were unable to survive the explosion, as they sacrificed themselves to protect their two children.

While the house and laboratory were engulfed in flames, Bigprey fought his way through the fire, knocking down and breaking doors and furniture to rescue everyone.

The dog managed to remove Bastion and Elizabeth from the house some time ago and returned to get Sebastion and his owner's parents, but only managed to rescue the old scientist who had serious injuries.

Sebastion and his grandchildren were rushed to the hospital by rescue teams where they were quickly treated.

Elizabeth only had a few low-level burns and minor cuts, as well as some smoke inhalation. Sebastion suffered serious injuries and had to be hospitalized for a while to recover and needed to breathe with the help of equipment. Bastion had slightly more severe burns, deeper cuts, and had been temporarily blinded in his left eye, which gained a lighter shade.

A few months later, Bastion's powers gradually showed their presence. Only Elizabeth and her grandfather Sebastion knew about them, and they warned me to be extremely careful never to lose control.

Since then, Bastion grew up under the care of his grandfather who raised him to be who he is today.

(End of Flash Back)

Bastion: I have super strength, laser eyes, X-Ray Vision, thermal vision, super speed, endurance, ice breath, sonic scream, I can create energy blasts and I can fly. At least those are the powers that have awakened so far.

Princess: So you have the powers of all Chemists? Isn't that being too powerful?

The boy just shrugged at that.

Bastion: So far, with the exception of the energy powers, the others I have come from chemical X, which is the same as the Super Power Girls. I can do the same thing they do. The rest of the chemical samples were lost with the exception of the X used to create the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdy Boys and the W chemical used to create Bliss. The only trace of the chemicals in the entire world is now fused into my blood. Other than that there is nothing else.

Princess didn't seem upset by this fact. She just seemed to be sorry. As if she looked at him with pitying eyes. As if she really seemed to care about the boy's story.

As if she was sincerely sorry for her past.

Princess: Well, thank you for sharing this with me.

Bastion just crossed his arms and shrugged, not understanding this girl.

One moment she is a cold-hearted girl and the next, she is a caring person. It was making the blue haired boy wonder what little game she was playing with him.

Princess: Well, I think this is a good place to stop.

She stood up from the booth and grabbed her bag as he slung it over his shoulder and looked at the boy.

Princess: See you Monday. Try not to get into trouble before then.

She waved as she walked away and Bastion just watched her. It seems like she would really keep her word.

Sighing a little, he just looked at her phone when he heard the sound of a message. Blossom had sent him a message.

Blossom: Hey, just checking. Are you still going to my dance recital tomorrow?

Bastion: Of course I will. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

The weekends were his free time and he was grateful that Morbucks didn't have control over him.

Blossom: Perfect. I'll secure a reserved seat for you next to Dad and Elizabeth. I'm glad you're going.

Bastion smiled. Even via text message, he could tell she was happy he was there.

Bastion: I can't wait.

As the two teens texted each other, Princess watched Bastion from across the street, where she was waiting for her driver.

She didn't hold anything against him. She thought the boy could be a cool guy. But she also knew that there was no chance of him spending time alone with her after she treated him badly like Sten always did.

She didn't want to blackmail him, but he gave her no choice.

She just wanted a friend, a real one and she swore that this would be young Mutaito.

Later that day...

Bastion and Julie were seen walking towards the girl's house so that the blue girl could give her tutoring to improve her grades.

The girl, however, had remained quiet and averted her boyish gaze whenever she could and Bastion was getting confused by that since Julie wasn't much for keeping quiet, that was his thing.

Bastion: Hey Julie.

Her words fell on his deaf ears as she seemed not to have heard what he had said.

Bastion: Julie?

Again she seemed not to have heard and this led the boy to touch her shoulder to get her attention.

Bastion: Hey Juju!

The girl gave a startled gasp as she was snapped out of her thoughts before Bastion looked at her with concern.

Bastion: Julie, are you okay?

The girl calmed down from her fright and sighed sadly.

Julie: I'm, I'm just... I'm worried about my grades, that's all.

Soon they enter the girl's family's building before taking the elevator to the highest floor.

Julie: As you know, one day I'm going to run my family's business and Dad says the Jamesons are the best at everything they do, but I'm such a disappointment doing so bad in one subject at school...

Bastion: It's not that bad.

Julie: Have you seen my latest notes?

The girl lowers her head with a sad look and Bastion puts his hand on her shoulder to cheer her up a little.

Bastion: Look, you shouldn't be ashamed for getting bad grades, but for continuing to get bad grades.

Julie: *sarcastic* Thanks Bast, that makes me feel a lot better.

The elevator then opens on the top floor and Julie quickly leaves with a sullen look on her face.

Julie: You say that because you've always been a genius since you were little.

Bastion: You don't have to be a genius to be smart, Juju.

The two enter the girl's apartment, who soon closes the door while Bastion takes off his backpack and sits on the sofa.

Bastion: It's no use if you have talent and don't try a little. Being as hard-working as you are, that's a gift.

The redhead then sits down next to him with an eyebrow raised in confusion.

Bastion: Take a look at this place.

The two look around seeing the big, chic apartment full of expensive and valuable things.

Bastion: Your father tried hard to have all this. All of this is his and he achieved it with determination and courage. You are his daughter and what he had in him, he has in you.

Julie: And what would it be?

Bastion: Persistence and courage to move forward. Jonathan Jameson is a scientist and entrepreneur and I want to be like him one day.

As soon as he says this, an authoritative and serious voice can be heard from the office.

Jonathan: Kids, come here.

Swallowing hard, the bluehead and the redhead walk to the office before entering to see Jonathan sitting at his desk while doing some paperwork.

Jonathan Jameson was a 40-year-old man with red hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a purple tie and had a serious expression on his face.

Jonathan: I couldn't help but listen to them.

Bastion: Sorry Mr. Jameson, forgive me if I said something wrong, I'm sorry, I-

Before he could continue, the man gets up from his chair and walks over to the two teens.

Jonathan: Don't you dare say sorry son. I never ask. But it's good to see that little Bastion has grown up and is becoming a man.

Bastion: Oh, thanks Mr. Jameson.

Jonathan: Please, just Jonathan is fine, after all you're like family.

Bastion: Am I?

Jonathan: Julie used to say one day it would be.

This comment made the girl freeze as a heavy blush appeared on her face before she spoke with a stutter.

Julie: P-Daddy!

Bastion: W-Well, I'm glad you think so.

Jonathan: Well, what do I owe the visit to?

Bastion: Julie needs help with Biology and so I was chosen to be her tutor.

Jonathan: Really? Julieta, did your grades drop again?

The question made the girl slump a little in embarrassment as she rubbed her arms. Seeing how uncomfortable her friend was, Bastion decided to try to lighten the mood a little.

Bastion: Yeah, but that's no big deal. Even I get bad grades sometimes. But don't worry, I'll help Julie get better.

Jonathan: I hope so.

Bastion: Well, then let's let you work in peace.

Jonathan: Alright, happy studying to you both.

With that said, the two friends leave the office and as soon as the door closes behind them, Julie sighs tiredly after it all.

Bastion: Everything okay there?

Julie: Yeah, I... I think so...

Bastion: I'm sorry about that.

Julie: It's okay, I'm used to it. Come with me.

Walking to the girl's room, Bastion couldn't help but feel bad that he couldn't live up to his father's expectations, but he would do his best to change that.

Upon entering the room, the boy noticed that it was not like a delicate girl's room, on the contrary, it was more in a rebellious style with a shelf with rock records, another with some skateboards, band posters and various other things.

Something that caught the blue-haired boy's attention the most was a painting on the table next to the bed where there was an old photo of Bastion and Julie when they were younger. He walked over and picked up the small painting as he observed the photo with a small smile on his face.

Bastion: Miss the old days, huh?

Julie: You mean, when you kept falling off your skateboard? *laughter*

The boy pouted playfully as he rolled his eyes.

Bastion: And when were you scared to death of the dark? *laughter*

It was Bad Girl's turn to pout as she crossed her arms.

Julie: *sarcastic* Haha, I thought we came here to study.

Bastion: Alright then, let's study.

Julie: I was being sarcastic, genius. It just doesn't turn me into a nerd.

Bastion: You sound like MasiGrana, you talk as if being a nerd was a bad thing.

Placing the photo back on the table, the boy walks to the bedroom balcony before looking at the scenery outside as the bad girl joins him.

Bastion: Being studious is not a bad thing.

Julie: I didn't say it was a bad thing, I'm just saying that for others it's something difficult.

Bastion: I'm serious, Juju. Then I'll make it easy. You are smart and you will like it.

Hearing chirps above him, the two look up to see a nest with three baby birds, all ready to flap their wings, fly away, and conquer the world.

The first of them jumps out of the nest and flies without any problem, the second looks with uncertainty before jumping and taking a while to take to the skies, but with a little effort, he soon flies to see the world just like the first.

The third, however, watches his brothers leave as he looks down and trembles in fear at how high he was. Insecurity dominated him, but upon seeing that his brothers could leave him behind, the little bird soon jumped out of the nest.

He flaps his wings frantically trying to gain stability, but unfortunately he starts to lose altitude and fall.

Before he could fall all over the building, Bastion quickly reached out and managed to catch him in time. The boy holds the little one carefully while he and Julie inspect the little bird that was motionless in the boy's hands.

Julie: Bast, he...

Bastion: You just need to look at it another way.

With that said, he gives the bird a small massage on the chest, trying to revive it.

Bastion: In nature everything is connected, as scientists we explore and expand these connections. And as people we should do the same. Although it can be a bit annoying at times.

They both laugh a little at this before the bird moves in the boy's hand. The little bird stands in his hands before looking up at the sky with uncertainty as to whether he would be able to fly and looking back, he can see his savior's face with an encouraging smile that gave him the confidence to fly.

Taking a deep breath, the little bird braced itself, spread its wings and then jumped out of Bastion's hands before flapping its wings and falling a little to finally rise into the air. Whistling happily, she said goodbye to the two teenagers who watched her leave with her brothers towards the unknown.

Julie looked at Bastion who had a cheerful smile and a gentle look on her face and for a moment the girl felt a warm sensation in her chest but she decided that she would ignore it.

Julie: You know, I'm very lucky to have you to teach me things, you know everything, you might even win the Nobel Prize in the future.

Bastion: Who knows, maybe one day we won't both win the Nobel Prize together.

Time soon passed with Bastion teaching Julie or at least trying to make her understand the subjects and little by little, although it took a while, the redhead began to get the hang of things.

After finishing that part of the studies, Julie threw herself on her bed with a sigh of relief at finally finishing.

Julie: It's finally over.

Bastion: At least for today.

Julie: How is it?

Bastion: This was just the first class, you still have a lot to learn.

That comment made the girl bury her face into the pillow as she let out a long, tired and unhappy moan as Bastion sat at the foot of the bed.

Julie: My head is going to explode from all of this.

Bastion: Come on, you get used to it, Juju.

The girl then sits down before looking at him for a while leaving him a little confused.

Bastion: What? What it was?

Julie: It's just... it's been so long since I heard you call me by that nickname.

Bastion: Uh... Well, if it bothers you, I can stop-

Julie: No!

She exclaims alertly before looking away and speaking shyly.

Julie: W-I mean, you can keep calling me that... I like it.

She gets a little blush on her face and the boy decided to tease her a little.

Bastion: Now look, did I make you blush with embarrassment?

Her taunt is met by Julie's jacket being thrown in her face by the girl herself. The blue-haired man gives a small laugh at this before taking his jacket off his face to see something that had made him swallow nervously.

As he took his jacket off his face, Julie silently walked over to him before the two came face to face. The girl moved closer to him, causing the young Mutaito to lean back a little as a blush appeared on his face upon seeing the look and mischievous smile he was receiving from Julie.

Bastion: J-Julie, what are you-?

Julie: What happened? I scared you? Don't worry kitty, I won't bite, not much.~

She said this with a seductive tone that made the boy swallow hard as his blush deepened. The girl smiled at this as she got closer and closer to him.

Julie: I just think I should give you a reward for helping me so much.~

Bastion: R-Reward? B-But I don't-

Before he could finish his sentence, the girl placed her finger on his lips to stop him from continuing as she spoke while licking her lips.

Julie: Shhh. Don't say anything, now it's my turn to teach you something.~

She got even closer to the boy who had a strong nervous blush as his heart went from 0 to 100 thinking about what was about to happen next.

Julie closed her eyes and got even closer to the boy's face. The tips of their noses were already touching when Bastion also closed his eyes and let himself go.

The two could feel each other's breath and just as their lips were about to touch, Julie smiled devilishly before flicking Bastion's nose making him flinch in surprise only for him to quickly fall back as he reached the end of the bed.

The boy fell back onto the floor with a slight thump while his friend writhed with laughter on the bed.

Julie: *laughs* Hahaha I can't believe it! You fell like a duckling in love. *laughter*

While she finished laughing, the boy sat rubbing the back of his head with a bored look on his face and an embarrassed blush.

Bastion: You're always funny. Not funny.

Julie: Then you should have seen your face, it was hilarious! *laughter*

The boy crossed his arms with a sullen face as he pouted and looked away.

Bastion: Always teasing me, right? Juliet Jameson, I have feelings, you know?

Julie: Oh, really? So shy Bastion Mutaito just admitted that he has feelings for me? You virgin!

Bastion: One moment! That's not what I meant! You- Arg! You understood what I meant!

Julie: I definitely understand. *laughter*

Bastion: You know what? He forgets!

He turns a face as he snorts before Julie walks up to him and puts her hands on his shoulders as she speaks in a smarmy voice.

Julie: Oh come on Bast, you know I'm just kidding.

She pokes his cheek as he plays hard to get, but soon gives in.

Bastion: Okay... I can't stay mad at you for long anyway.

Julie: I can even imagine why.

Bastion: You love messing with me, right girl?

Julie: It's fun to see your reaction.

Just after...

In the kitchen, the two are seen having a snack while chatting. Bastion made some notes and tasks with questions to be answered by Julie who was seen with her hands behind her head as she played with a fry in her mouth.

Julie: You know, you don't have to do all that.

Bastion: No, but I want to. I promised your father that I would help you improve and even though you are very naughty sometimes...

Julie: I'll take it as a compliment.

Bastion: ...You're my best friend.

This statement made the girl blink a few times before speaking with dramatic tears of cuteness.

Julie: That was so beautiful. Who knows, maybe I'll give you a kiss later?

Bastion: Haha, try all you want Juju, I won't fall for your trick anymore.

Julie: That's what we'll see.

Bastion: But changing the subject, I heard that tomorrow, you and Blossom have a recital.

Julie: W-Well, it's just a recital, nothing special, you know? Don't tell me you-

Bastion: I will, ma'am.

Julie: What?! But no way!

Bastion: Huh? And why not?

He looks up from his notebook to see the girl looking away with a blush on her cheeks as she fidgets her fingers shyly.

Julie: W-Well... it's just...

Bastion: Juju... are you... blushing?

Julie: W-What?! Of course not! Where did you come up with this stupid idea?!

Bastion: You're blushing.

Julie: It's just the sun on my face!

Bastion: But we're indoors.

Julie: I ate pepper!

Bastion: We're eating ice cream. Where do you get these excuses? Just admit it.

Julie: Admit what?

Gaining a mischievous smile the boy spoke with a provocative look.

Bastion: That you're embarrassed because I'm going to see you tomorrow.

The girl froze at that as she began to wave her arms frantically.

Julie: W-What?! N-It has nothing to do with it! W-Why did you think that?!

Bastion just laughed at the girl's nervousness as she continued to try to find a convincing excuse.

Bastion: (Thoughts) It looks like the game has turned hehe. (Thoughts) Hey Juju, you were right, it's fun to mess with people, especially you.

He gives an infectious smile to the girl who pouted, but soon gained a small smile as she rolled her eyes.

Julie: (Thoughts) This fool... you can't imagine how much I missed you, Bast.