
Hero : The Legend of 10 realms

I was on the ship with my little brother and some friends in the Pacific Ocean, we are enjoying our school vacation. My father was a very rich person in the World. I believed my friends but they betrayed us. So we forced to escape from the ship. But we didn't notice that we were in the Devil's Triangle. We thought we were going to die, but we were teleported in to another dimension world

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9 Chs

The Devil's Triangle

" We have to escape from this situation. Come on Jack, swim with me, or our lives will end up here, and no one will find out what happened to us "

" I am trying brother Sam but I can't, the Water vortex and the Hurricane are pulling me towards the centre. "

" Don't lose your hope Jack, we faced so many problems in the past and we overcome them. So keep trying. "

" No brother, my hands are tired and my body won't able to move. I think we can't escape from our fate. Goodbye, brother. "

Jack was pulled back by the hurricane and drowned in the Devil's Triangle.

Jack....., Jack come back to me, I can't go back without you.

Jack was screaming, the Hurricane's wind became very stronger than previous. Sam also pulled back to the centre of Devil's Triangle.

" ( It's okay Sam, don't push your limits and accept the fate. ) No Sam, don't accept your defeat, that hypocrites are out there, I have to kill them. "

That was his last wish. Sam was drowning in the sea, his eyes were closed, but he felt that he was travelling with the speed of light.

" Oh, I think it's my hallucination, wait for a second, I'm not dead yet then where am I? "

" No Sam, you're not dead yet, "

Who's speaking?

" I'm your spirit guide, Ralph, I will help you to survive here.

" Ralph, where am I why I can't see anything? it's completely dark "

" Your body is unconscious that's why you can't see anything. Don't worry when you wake up, you can see me. "

" Where am I? "

" You're in the Realm of Demons. It is located in a different dimension from your world, and there are 9 different realms more like this. "

" What? 10 realms "

" Yes, The Legends of 10 realms,

First - The Realm of Heaven,

This is the most powerful realm. This is where the gods and angels live, demons are prohibited to enter that realm.

Second - The Realm of Hell,

This realm belongs to the King of Demons and only the powerful demons can enter the Realm of Hell.

Third - The Realm of Beasts,

This Realm is for beasts and you can find the most powerful and legendary beasts there.

Forth - The Realm of Fairies,

This is where the Fairies and Elves live.

Fifth - The Realm of Magic,

This realm is for Wizards and Witches.

Sixth - The Realm of Humans,

This is the Realm of War, where only humans live. After they died, they will enter the spiritual Realm.

Seventh - The Realm of Spirits,

Only the spirits can enter there.

Eighth - The Realm of Myth,

This realm contains the most powerful weapons and treasures.

Ninth - The Realm of Demons,

This is only where the demons live.

Tenth - The Realm of Elements,

This Realm contains all types of element stones.

These are the Legends of 10 Realms. "

" Ralph, you're saying that I'm in a different dimension, then where is my brother? "

" I don't know the answer, but he can be mostly in the Human Realm or the Magical Realm. "

" Ralph, you know everything about this world, then help me find my brother. I don't know he is safe or not. "

" Don't worry, but first, you have to change your appearance because you're a human, humans can't survive in this Realm. "

" No, Ralph, I can change my appearance, because if I change my appearance my brother can't identify me. So I want to continue in this human form. "

" Oh, I understand the situation, I'm telling for your good, but I can't deny your request. Okay, I have another way. "

Suddenly, Sam saw a light in front of him, on that light a mask was floating.

" This was the face of my previous master if you wear this mask you can transform into a demon. "

Sam raised his right hand forward, that mask lew into his hand. Sam looked that masked, that was a devil mask.

" Thank you for the help, Ralph, but how can I return to my original form? "

" Don't worry, when you put it on, you can control it with your mind, if you want to unmask, just think about unmasking. it will vanish, when you want to transform, just think about the mask. That's it. "

" So I can control it with my mind, it's very interesting. What Next Ralph? "

" The weapon, you need a weapon. Tell me what kind of weapon do you want? "

" The weapon, let me think, I need a weapon that can transform into any kind of weapon. "

" What kind of weapon is that? "

" I want to use all kinds of weapons but I can't carry all of them at one time, so I need a weapon that can change into any kind of weapon like a sword, bow or spear. "

" Oh! you're asking for a morphing weapon. I don't know that kind of weapon is exist. So I need some time for that until then use the sword. "

A sword appeared in Sam's hand. Sam looked at the sword,

" And one more thing, change your name, so no one will doubt you. "

" Change my name, mm.. ( I need a name that belongs to this devil mask ) ok I got it. My New Name is Samael. "

" Alright, Your name is changed, wait I sensed someone is coming towards you. So put that mask on. "

Sam put that mask on his face, suddenly that devil mask became real. He felt so much pain in his body. He was screaming in the pain.

" Samuel, I know it's hurting, so don't fight back against it. it will cause you more pain. But don't worry, the first time transmission is very hurt. "

" Ahh, then what about the second time. "

" You get used to it, "

" What ahhhh.... "

" I'm kidding "

Sam's devil transmission began. First, his eyes were bleeding, his breast, shoulders, arms and his backbone were expanding. his heartbeat was increased 72 to 200. The blood was bleeding everywhere. The nerves all began to tighten.

Both of his eyes narrowed outside. He was closing his eyes wholes with hands. All of his nails began to grow sharply. That devil mask started to stick to his face. That horns grew from the mask. A new pair of bloody eyes appeared. His height increased by two feet.

His skin colour was turned blood red. His teeth were growing like a lion's sharp teeth. While the whole transformation happening, Sam was resisting so much pain. Sam was fully transformed into a devil. His injuries were healed.

He transformed into a 10 feet devil.

" Congratulations Sam you completed your transformation. And.. "

" What happened Ralph? wait what happened to my voice? "

" Actually, that was a lie about the mask. You said don't want to be a demon. So I can't deny your request. So I made something that can help you to transform into a demon. "

" I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're talking about. Can you explain it? please. "

" Alright, that mask is already attached to your body, and it can't be separated from your body until you're dead. "

" What are you talking about? I told you that I can't lose my human form. But you betrayed me as my friends did to me. Ralph tell me what about my human form? "

" No, Samael I didn't betray you, so don't be mad at me, I didn't completely erase your human form, your fate is to be a demon in this world and no one can't change the fate, I was just doing my duty because you're my master. Don't worry, this demon from is just your secondary form. If you want to change back to your human form, remember what I told you about the mask. "

" I'm sorry Ralph, I was once betrayed by my friends, I hate that. I thought you were like them, I misunderstood you. Please forgive me. "

Suddenly, Sam felt something was hitting his back. He felt pain in his back

" What's happening Ralph? I feel pain but no one is here. "

" It's time for you to wake up. All the best "

Sam heard someone was calling him. That voice was very frightening

" Hey you dam demon, wake up this is not your bed. Wake up. "

Sam slowly opened his eyes. He saw a 20 feet big fatty demon was standing near to him. That giant demon had big horns. Some of that demon's teeth were broken.

" ( two big, he will eat me, Ralph please save me from this demon ) "

That giant demon was looking at Sam because Sam's demonic form was very different

Hey you, Who are you?

I'm Samael

Samael What kind of demon are you? I never saw someone like you for the past 10 000 years ago.

" ( 10 thousand years old demon, ) Hi sir demon, I'm a newbie, may I know how did I offend you? "

" Oh, a newbie, I'm Rusty, and this place is mine. I saw someone was sleeping on my farm. So I came here to check. "

" What? hold on You're a 20 feet big giant demon, When I saw you the first time I thought you are a powerful demon but you're a farming demon. "

" It is impossible here to compare about one demon's power by keeping that demon's size. Don't forget that Samael. "

" Forgive me, sir Rusty, for coming to your place and sleeping without your permission. "

" What! you're looking like a powerful demon but you're asking apology from me. Are you really a demon? "

" I don't know how much power I have. And even if you're a low-level demon, I have to give you respect because you're very older than me. "

That giant demon Rusty was laughing

" I never saw a demon like you, in this Demonic Realm, everyone is selfish, the demons only respect those demons who are more powerful. But you're not selfish. Come with me. "

Rusty gave a hand to Sam and helped Sam to get up on his feet. Sam was looking at that giant demon.

" ( I was wrong about him. his look is a giant demon but he has of a human. ) "

" Where Sir Rusty? "

" My home and don't call me sir, you can call me Old Rusty because everyone else knows me as Old Rusty. "

" No Sir Rusty, you said I'm different from other demons but you're saying that act like them. I can't change myself for others, if you're uncomfortable about calling you Sir Rusty, I won't call you Sir, I lost my little brother and I have no one here, so from now on, You're my Grandpa. "

Rusty was crying

" I was alone for half of my life, but now I'm not alone anymore. "

Sam was hugging Rusty tightly, Old Demon Rusty screaming loudly

" I have a grand demon. "

Rusty and Sam were going to the home. That was very big but quite old. There were some damages to that home. Sam understood the situation of Demon Realm.

" Come inside Samael, this is your home also. So don't be shy. "

Sam entered that home and sat on a big chair, Rusty was bringing a big glass of milk and a big piece of uncooked meat.

" Here, I bring this milk and meat for you. It will give you strength but I don't know what's your likes but this is all I have, so I hope you like them. "

Sam was very kind so he can't deny anything from Rusty. Sam took that glass and meat in his hands and started to eat.

While Sam was eating Rusty was sitting on a very big chair and looking at Sam eating, but looking at Sam's behaviours, The giant Rusty understood who Sam is. But he needed some confirmation.

" Samael, are Pyramids still exists? "

Sam was fully focused on eating so he didn't even think about it twice.

" Yeah it's still there, how do you know about the Pyramids. "

Sam understood Rusty found his secret.

" Don't worry Samael, I won't tell anyone because you are my grand demon. I know it's hard to accept that you're a demon. Tell me how did you come here? "

Sam hesitated to answer that question, Rusty understood Sam's hesitation.

" If you don't want to tell me, that's okay. I have no objection because it's your personal. "

Sam put that meat and milk on the plate and stood on his feet, Sam closed his eyes suddenly he heard Ralph's voice

" Are you sure about that, Sam because you don't know his intention so please reconsider about revealing your true form. "

" No Ralph, I already made my decision, he is my Grandpa, and he knew about my truth, and he trust me, this is enough for me. Because trust is the basement of a good relationship. "

" As you wish Sam. "

Sam was thinking about unmasking. His devil form was changing into his real form. His human form was back. Rusty was shocked to looking at Sam's human form.

" Grandpa Rusty, you're right I'm from another dimension. I don't know, how I came to this dimensional world. "

" I thought you were fully turned into a demon but I didn't know that you can change your appearance. How did you do that? "

Sam's closed his eyes and thought about the mask. Rusty was looking at Sam's face, suddenly a devil mask appeared in Sam's face. Rusty's face completely shocked. Sam remained to his human form.

" ( I know that mask, that devil mask from the beginning of time ) Samael you're a very lucky person. Don't give that mask to anyone. "

" Actually, I can't separate it from my body, it's already attached. "

" ( Indeed, he has potential ) Now continue about your journey, What happened? "

Sam was sitting near Rusty's chair

" My real name is Sam, I was enjoying my vacation with my little brother Jack and my friends in the Pacific Ocean. I thought I have good friends but they betrayed us, so I and my little brother were forced to escape in a boat. But we didn't know that we were near to the Devil's Triangle I and my little brother were trapped in that Hurricane. After that, I woke up here. But I don't know where is my brother. "

" Remember Sam, don't let your friends live because getting betrayal by others will make you weak. And don't worry about your little brother, I think you have to start your search from Human Realm. "

" Human Realm, how can I go there "

" You can go there through the Realm doors, but first you have to register your name, then you will get a power level demonic batch from the Demon elders and I will help you for that don't worry. "

" Thank you, Grandpa I will never forget your help. "

" Get ready for tomorrow, I will take you to the elders. Go gets some rest. "

Sam was going to the bed and Rusty was eating the remaining meat.

Next-Day Morning

Rusty and Sam were going to the village elders for the demon registration. Sam was in demon form.

" Sam, listen to me, when they ask about you, tell them that you are my grandson and you were from the underworld because you're just looking like the underground demons. "

" Don't worry Grandpa, I have Ralph, he will help me "

" Ralph? Who is that? "

" My Spirit guide. "

" No way, you have an assistant sprite. You're very lucky. Then he will help you to find your little brother. "

Yes Grandpa, but I couldn't contact him last night "

Oh, we have almost reached the village. "

Sam looked at the village, but that was not an ordinary village, that looked like a small town. Sam saw a bunch of buildings, stores and restaurants.

" Wow, grandpa, this village is awesome. "

Sam and Rusty were passing the stores and restaurants, soon they reached a big building in the middle of the village. The demons were looking at Sam because of his appearance.

" Look, this is where your power level will be tested before you come to see the Elder Demon with me. He was 800 years old, "

" So he is very younger than you then why are you calling him elder? "

" I told you, in this Realm power only matters, not your age. let's go inside. "

When they entered that house, a middle-aged demon was sitting on a table. He was not that big as Rusty but he was very powerful than Rusty, That demon was drinking some red wine. The demon suddenly looked at Sam.

" Elder Demon Zorg this is Samael my grandson I need a favour from you. "

" Ahh, this Filthy Little Demon, What do you want? "

Sam was very upset about that elder's tone. He didn't like that, but Rusty was remained calm.

Actually, I brought him here for the name registration.

" Hey you "

That Demon was pointing the finger at Sam.

" me "

" Yes you, Is there anyone other than you here? So come here and put your sign here, "

Sam signed on that register, The demon was checking the spelling. Then that demon closed that register and took a power level batch and gave that to Sam.

" Samael put this power batch on your dress, so I can measure your level. "

Sam took that batch from that elder demon's hand at that time he heard Ralph's voice.

" Sam, put that on your chest and close your eyes "

" Okey "

Sam put that batch into his chest and closed his eyes.

" Now stay focus. "

Rusty understood that Sam was talking with that spiritual guide. That elder was looking at Sam's chest. on the centre of the batch, a diamond was embedded. Suddenly, the red light was coming from that diamond.

" Red light, "

That elder demon stood on his feet and bending on his knees, and respecting Sam.

Sam was looking at Rusty, but Rusty know what's going on in Sam's mind.

" This is respect, Sam because you're powerful demon than him. So now you can want anything from him. And he can't say no "

" ( Oh I see ) hey you, "

Sam was pointing the elder demon

" me "

" Yes you, Is there anyone other than you here? "

That elder demon was actually frightened by Sam.

" Ask apology from my grandpa for calling him a filthy demon. And I need a better home for my grandpa. And finally, I need a Realm Door pass. That's it. "

That Elder demon was bending on his knees and asked an apology to Rusty,

" I'm sorry Mr. Rusty for calling you filthy, please forgive me. I can guarantee that You will get a new home in two days. "

Then, that demon went to his table and took his Realm pass and gave it to Sam, Sam took that pass on the elder's hand.

" ( Finally I have the Realm pass, now I can go to. find my brother.) Jack don't worry, as long as I live, I'll protect you. Human Realm I'm coming. "

The first chapter finished