
Hero: Regressed with villain system

When the once youngest hero with the highest potential was murdered by the hero federation, he regressed in time with a villain system. What would happen next? What else? The regressed hero with the villain system vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged him. Chaos ensured. Partial inspiration from the comics and T.V. series 'BOYS.'

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The fated reunion

[My lord]

The blob was shaking visibly. How can it not be? After all, the being in front of it was one of the creators of the entire universe. Being summoned in front of them means the blob has messed up big time.

[Do you know why you were created?] They asked in a godly way.

[...To assist the hero in defeating the anomaly which can cause the 'Colloidal.']

[And what were you doing there?]

[I was helping him...develop first]

[And for what reasons should he know about the outside world? He is an earthling and nothing else. Don't try to drag an outsider to our fight.] The voice boomed again.

[...He has potential. I though--]

[What potential? What can someone who was born on that planet achieve? Nothing. This is not the first time you've mentioned the outside world. Don't try it again or else you'll be decommissioned forever.]

It knew the god in front of it was not kidding and it would be seriously decommissioned. If it was another human it was being integrated with, it wouldn't have talked like this, but something about him was different. Very different.

[...As you wish.]

[...As long as you know.]

The light started to fade away from the eternal void.

[Wait, how am I gonna get out of here?] Its voice was met with nothingness, as the light had already gone.

[Errr... Seriously!?]


'What the fuck happened to the system? Did some system update or something happened? Or is it some temporary cut-off? Do they even have something like that?' Desmond was confused beyond words. His thoughts went beyond and beyond with any possible reason for the shitty system's absence.

It's been two hours since the shitty system stopped responding to him.

He was biting his nails thinking about all the reasons for the lovely system's sudden cutoff when someone knocked on the resting room's door.

"Come in," Aurelia spoke.

Through the open doors entered a beautiful lady with dark hair and purple eyes. Desmond slowly opened his eyes to see the visitor and when he saw who was the one visiting, his breath caught in. He went numb, not knowing what to do, whether to unleash his anger or play along while maintaining the distance. Finally, he decided to just close his eyes.

"Hello." Her smooth voice travelled through the small room.

"Eh... Professor!" Aurelia jumped and hugged her. Her excitement woke up the others.

"What the hell!" The blond kid suddenly stood up, apparently feeling the excitement in the air.

Tom and Hannah also rubbed their eyes to see what's going on.

"This is one of our professors in the academy and... My mentor too." Aurelia excitedly introduced Dhanvi.

"...Mentor? You've a mentor? She...uh... Isn't she—Oh my god! Isn't she the rank 42 hero?" Blond scratched his head.

"Yes, she's been my mentor for the past ten years." Aurelia proudly said.

"Oh my god! You've a hero as a mentor. How did you pull it off?" Hannah asked, confusingly. Her expression that of genuine curiosity. Not just Hannah, everyone present there were also curious, even Desmond too. Even though he knew about her being his mother, he doesn't know all the ins and out of her situation or the whole relationship and problems with him and his dad.

"Her mother and I are friends," Dhanvi turned towards Aurelia. "It is a good thing you were unharmed or else your parents would've come for me."

"Well, it's because of them that I'm unscathed. Especially him." She pointed at Leviathan, who still had his eyes closed. Dhanvi gazed at the other people in the room. From the active blond to the silent white-haired boy sitting on the corner with his eyes closed. Her gaze lingered on him for a while before she heard Aurelia's sound.

"Ah... I almost forgot... This is 'The Chiseled Jaw..." Her words trailed off as her face contracted in pure cringeness. "What the heck is your real name?"

"Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Arthur, the future greatest hero." He bowed graciously.

"...Touche." Tom scowled.

"...Generic," Hannah said uninterestingly.

"Wha-what!? Arthur is a royal name. You peasants dare to talk like that to my name!" He rebuked.

"Pfff...." Dhanvi chuckled as she saw the bickering between the students.

"...That one is Tom, and this one is Hannah. " The two of them also bowed towards the rank forty-two hero. "That... is Leviathan." She pointed at the quietly sitting boy at the corner of the room with his eyes closed.

"...Leviathan, what a noble name for a hero." Even though her voice was low, it was enough for Aurelia to hear. Dhanvi's gaze once again settled on her son. She wanted to run towards him and hug him, but was afraid to do so. What will he even think about her? What's she going to say to him? About her abandoning him. But he is all alone now in this world now and she was the only one with any actual connection, she could... Her thoughts trailed off as she felt a tug on her sleeves.

"...Do you know him?" Aurelia quietly asked.

"Why do you say that?"

"...You were looking at him... longingly."

"Oh, was I? Yeah, I know him. I knew his father."

"Wait, you knew his father? You do know each other, then?"

"...No. We don't know each other. I last saw him when he was six years old, and this is the first time I've seen him in decades."

"Oh, I see. Do you want to talk to him?"

"...What would that achieve? He won't even remember me." Even if he did, he would hate me for what I did. The last part didn't leave her mouth, like a bile stuck in the throat refusing to come out so you can feel relieved.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

Suddenly, they all heard a vibration from the side. It was from a smartphone. It came from the side of the white-haired boy.

He slowly opened his eyes and picked up the phone from the ground.

"John?" He sounded tired and sleepy. "I'm okay. I'm at the refugee camp. Sure, I would be outside. No need, I can come--"

"Sir!" His phone call was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the receiver himself. He quickly ran towards his young sir.

"Are you alright, sir?" He quickly scanned Desmond's body for any problems with a new device.

"What the hell is that?" Desmond asked in confusion.

"It's a new scanning device invented by our own guild's medical team. It is portable, but it is not efficient as of now since the product needs constant charging."

The device that looked like a product scanner lit up with a blue translucent light and entered his body through his arms.

*Beep *Beep*

"Vitals seem to be stable." He let a deep breath.

"Do you--"

"John, I want to rest, lets go home." Desmond softly spoke.

"As you wish, sir," He stood up, "Do you need help?"

"No." Desmond stood and began to walk towards the door.

That is when John saw the others. His eyes grew wider when he saw the purple eyes. The same purple eyes of his young sir. He froze there. Seemingly reminiscing about the past. Dhanvi was also looking solemnly at John. Obviously, she knew about John.

"John! You coming?"

"Ah ye-yes, sir." He, without giving a second look, followed his young sir.

Leviathan left the room without giving Dhanvi a look or without saying goodbyes to his supposed team mates. He didn't plan to become their teammates in the first place nor do concerned with any of their feelings. The only thing that is in his mind right now is about the system.

'What the fuck happened to the shitty system?'

I'm having exams and presentations now, that's why I was not releasing any chapters recently. I'll try to release chapters if I can. So, do bear with me until next week.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Eternal_Ruler_creators' thoughts