
Hero: Regressed with villain system

When the once youngest hero with the highest potential was murdered by the hero federation, he regressed in time with a villain system. What would happen next? What else? The regressed hero with the villain system vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged him. Chaos ensured. Partial inspiration from the comics and T.V. series 'BOYS.'

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The fantastical fantasy escape!

Desmond slowly opened his eyes. All he could see were the floating fishes and the coral reefs. He felt like all he experienced moments ago was just a long dream. It was like a trance.

He could hear various sounds, but it was all muffled, and couldn't make out the words. He tried to touch the colorful and joyful fish. outstretching his hands, he grabbed the fish in his palms. Retracting and opening the palms, what he saw was a fish bone, not the colorful one he caught.

"What the hell!"

That is when it hit him. He was not in a fucking dream or something. He was inside the giant blue motherfucking creature. Inside its belly.

[...look who's back?]

"System, report."


{you've been unconscious for almost 5 hours. The Bluek Hylark will start its rapid digestion in a few minutes. You've exactly 5 minutes to escape from here before all the acid dissolves you.} System dropped that bomb like it was an everyday chore.

Desmond took a deep breath and started to calmly analyze the situation.

"Where are the openings?" He asked, fully regaining his calmness.

{There are two openings; The first one is the mouth, but it's too dangerous since you can be killed by its teeth and the next one is the excretory hole. I'll advise you to take it since it is relatively safer than being torn by its teeth.}

[He he. Must be nice to swim through asshole. With all the--]

"That's enough! System, is there no other way?" He thought about the possible ways to escape other than the obvious... choices.

{As of now, this is my analysis, but you can always find infinite ways to escape from here.}

"The bomb!" Desmond summoned his remaining bomb. "Where are its lungs or whatever it breathes through?" He had an idea. This was better than swimming through the slimy, smelly pile of shit.

{The lungs are located left of you. You can enter it through the narrow passageway over there.}

"Alright!" With that, he swam to the narrow passageway at the opposite end of the excretory hole.

The passageway was streamed into two opposites path on left and right.

{The right one leads to the heart and the left one leads to the lungs.}

"Does the passage way straight up leads to the lungs without any block?"

{Yes, it does.}

"Very well!" Desmond wore an evil and creepy smile. He was about to do something that's gonna seriously mess everything.

He took the left passageway but didn't completely decided to go in and threw the bomb on the slimy slide of a passage. He further increased its speed by using his power.

"Alright! On to the major work." Desmond clasped his hands in anticipation, but suddenly felt dizzy. He clutched his head. An unbearable pain was invading his brain. He tried to lean to the side since he was losing balance in the water, but the moment he touched the red flesh, his palm burned and before it can get any worse, he pulled it back.

"Wh-what the--"

[Drink the potions before you black out and dissolve with the other things.] The A.I. warned him.

He quickly summoned a health potion and chugged it, and then summoned a mana potion and chugged it too. He felt rejuvenated, and all of his blackness and dizziness were gone, but his burned palm didn't show any sign of healing.

"What is this? Why isn't the potions work on the burn?" He was confused by the ordeal. The burn wasn't that severe or painful. His palm did burn to a degree where he won't be able to do anything with it until it's cured. "Is it because of this secret place, or is it because the potion's rank is too low for these types of injuries?"

[Well, for one, you're a pussy ass weak]

{This place is not normal compared to the surface. It feels like an underground route or something that was magically built by... the mountain dwellers. Your injury must be also connected to them.}

"Mountain dwellers?! Wait...dwarves?!!" Desmond was in utter shock. How can he not be? "You're saying dwarves are real?"

{Yes, that is what it seems like.}

"Weren't they just legends and folk' lores from the past?" He tried to reason with himself. Knowing the humans are not the only intelligent species on this planet gave him chills. Even from the earlier documentation of the civilisation, there was no actual proof nor any proof remotely admitting about other intelligent species.


The whole thing suddenly vibrated violently.

{Host, the dissolving has started. Get out of here while you can.}

[Woo, you gonna dissolve now? not gonna lie, that'll be pretty hot. Literally and figuratively.]

"...Right!" Hearing the warning from the system and obviously neglecting the shitty virus, he deep dived into the heart of the creature. "Trigger the bomb when I give you a signal."


[Roger that, captain]

The path wasn't straight as the lungs but he arrived quickly at his destination, which was the heart of the heart.

"This is...huge." He wasted no time as he summoned his Moon blade and started to cut the all the things he saw. "System, activate the bomb."

{As you command}


It didn't take a minute for him to know about the result of his hard work as the blue creature started to violently shake and shriek.

He was spinning in the water and blood, but since his work doesn't need his physical body, he just chilled while spinning.

{Warning! The released acids will probably invade the heart under these circumstances, escape from here before it's too late.} System warned about the upcoming danger.

After making sure all the main looking parts are sliced, he quickly and hardly swamed to the other side of the path.

The lungs were a mess. Smokes were coming from it and luckily the acids didn't reach here, maybe because the creature is dead and still.

[What's your plan?]

He quickly summoned a lighter from his dimensional storage and lit it.

[Where the fuck did you get that?]

"Everyone has an emergency survival kit on their dimensional storage items."


He threw the lighter into the heart of the smoke without not knowing whether it will work or not.


And it worked.

The entire smoke caught on fire and started to burn the flesh.

[...Ho-how is that possible? And how the hell is there a fire on water?] Even the A.I. can't understand what type of bullshit was happening.

"We're officially in a fantasy world now with the whole thing about mountain dwellers and hidden passages. Anything is possible in fantasy, baby." Desmond said grinningly, quite proud of what he did there.

That was bullshit, utter and smelly and fresh bullshit. Honestly, even he doesn't have any idea about what just happened. It was a shocker for him, too.

He decided to ask the system after he escaped from the...fire.

[Hey, how the fuck are you planning on escaping from the fire?]


{Coat yourself using your own telekinesis power. It will act like a barrier between you and the fire. The fire is not lethal enough to affect your power, not at least for some moment while you escape.}

"I'm so happy to have someone who is actually useful in life." Desmond wiped his fake tears.


He did what the system said. He coated himself with his power. It was straining to completely focus on the power and escaping, but he did it or else he would be dead.

He used his Moon blade to thrust a hole through the most roasted part of the lungs. The metal 'Methryl' became brittle for unknown reasons and shattered, marking his fantastical fantasy escape a successful..

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