
Hero: Regressed with villain system

When the once youngest hero with the highest potential was murdered by the hero federation, he regressed in time with a villain system. What would happen next? What else? The regressed hero with the villain system vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged him. Chaos ensured. Partial inspiration from the comics and T.V. series 'BOYS.'

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasy
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59 Chs

First Reward

Two months passed by like rainwater sweeping through the drainage. The stupid system and trashy hero trained and stole many moves from the trainers. Without their consent or knowledge, of course. But he has leveled up pretty fast, considering his potential and the amount of hard work he put into the training, it was understandable.

He was sitting on a bench on the side of the training hall. The training hall was inside the guild building, which was a massive building with over ninety-nine floors.

[Why do you have that look on your face?]

'What look?' Desmond answered while sipping his energy drink.

[The look of someone who was born to get fucked up. Ha ha ha, got you] System's robotic laugh could be heard through his head.

Desmond didn't answer anything, he just continued to sip his energy drink. Over the course of the two months, the duo got closer or more like they were forced to get along. That doesn't mean they get along; they both just annoy each other.

[Hey fucker, excited for the academy?]

'Yes, Excited to beat some shit out of the young heroes.'

[Ask me what I'm excited about?] System excitedly spoke. Desmond knew the answer would be something insulting him.

'Uh… no.'

[Oh… come on, bozo. Just ask me. Ask me.]

This is getting ridiculous. Is the system a young one or is it seriously mentally fucked up? He thought about just ignoring the system's demand but wasn't able to do so as the continuous irritating sound rang inside him, saying 'ask me, ask me.'

'Alright Gonorrhea, why?"

[I'm excited to see your ass getting kicked by some small thug or bully from your academy. He he he]

'Ah yes, very funny… very funny.' He was honestly getting pretty fed up with the system. He was excited when he heard about it for the first time, the dream system which makes you strong just like all the novels, but what he got was far from a dream… it was honestly a nightmare.

"Sir, your essentials are here from the academy." John entered the training hall with his tablet.

"Sent the package to my room." He stood and walked towards the door.

"As you wish."


Inside the room, Desmond was looking at a pile of clothes and books scattered across his large bed.

"Why does it have this much dress?" He mused himself after seeing all of the dresses piled up in his bed.

[Your academy is not a normal one, there are various activities and events on the curriculum, that may require these… uniforms.

…Wait a minute don't you already know about it since you've already experienced this in the past] System suspiciously asked.

"Pff…" He snickered "… I don't have any idea what you're talking about."

[You… you fucker, you tricked me.] He could hear the system's fuming voice.

"I must have forgotten about it, you're quite useful… idiot."

[Fuck you! Hope they beat the hell out of you when you enter the academy.]

"Right, right… Hey, Gonorrhea."


"Don't you have any quest or something like for me? You know, like in the novels?" He asked genuinely. The system has been with him for the past 2 months and not once it had given him any sort of quest or anything like that. In normal novels, the system gives the holder some sort of childish quest, which in completion grants the holder with some elixirs or some other useful items.

[At the moment quests are locked for you.]


[Because the actual scenario where the quest gets triggered has not happened… yet]

"Ah, that makes sense. Then what about the 'daily quest?" He asked while stripping his clothes before walking towards the full-body mirror.

[You've already completed the daily quests up to this day]

"Wait What!?" He was genuinely confused. He never received any type of quest message nor any sort of rewards for completing it.

[The daily training you're doing covers the daily quests.]

"Is that so… then where are my rewards for the completion of the quest?"

[… what reward?]

"Are you saying there are no rewards for completing the daily quests?"

In the mirror, a 16-year-old boy's body reflected. It was chiseled due to the hard work and hellish training he went through. His shoulder-length silver blond hair was tied to a bun for distraction-free training. He had purple eyes just like his mother. It reflected the vigor of an energetic young boy.

"… Gonorrhea?" Not hearing anything from the system he got suspicious. "Gonorrhea, have you hid my rewards?"

[…The fuck do you think I am? A thief? Of course, I didn't hide it, I was going to present it to you before you embark on your journey through the academies. And you just ruined my surprise, happy bozo?] System's frantic and embarrassed voice rang through his mind.



"Where is it?"


All of a sudden, he started to hear voices like that of an actual robot and not the Idiot's voice. Almost like a system notification.

[congratulation on completing the first daily quest.]

[You received 'Rank Booster.']

Desmond's jaw threatened to hit the ground as he cannot believe what he just heard.

"Ran- Rank booster! Fucking hell." Rank boosters like its name essentially help to boost the rank once consumed. It was an elixir that was almost impossible to attain without spending an astronomical amount of money. For something like that to just appear for free… he was on cloud nine right now.

[Don't celebrate too much, this was only given because it was your first daily quest.] System annoyingly said seeing Desmond's jolly face.

"Shut up, thief, you tried to steal my rewards from me. What the fuck are you even. Are you sure you're the system and not some virus hacked on the system?" He annoyingly replied. How can he not get annoyed after all, the Idiot tried to hide the reward from him.

[Wh-what thief? And a virus? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you. I was just helping you out. You wouldn't have taken the training seriously if you were to see the rewards, you would've only trained to get the rewards. That type of training is not best for you or your dreams. I hide it because I was planning to give you after all of your training sections were over.]

"Oh… is that so?" He thought about what the system told him just now, and what it said doesn't seem wrong at all. Maybe a little… for hiding it from him but… Wait, there is no but, the system has been shitty to him from the very start. Hiding something to fuck with him appeals more than hiding it for his own sake.

"You're highly suspicious, shitty Idiot. Better give me all of the rewards before I complain it your higher-ups."

[…Fuck you!] After hearing about the complaint, the system just started to hand over the rewards to the annoying brat.