
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

The blade and the thorn

Lin Yi heart a slight blade, this is the name that anyone in the world has heard, he is like those epic heroes, praised by the number of players, everywhere can hear the legend related to him, is a god in the minds of players. Others are as its name, as sharp as the blade, a forward, people can block, in the heavenly way, the Pope, the dragon thorn among these top masters, has always maintained the first position, has never been surpassed. In the minds of Chinese players, the blade is a leader and a spiritual symbol

Lin Yi did not expect that such a person, actually found himself, and seemed to be waiting here for a long time.

"A while ago, the sea of clouds met you, his rare race is a little special, can track your location, so I personally came over, a little abrupt, but also hope to forgive." The blade said, turned his head to look at Lin Yi, slightly nodding.

The blade's face is angular, looks heroic and handsome, the eyes have the spirit of young people, but also the wisdom of middle-aged people, his age is the spirit of introversion, become mature and stable, the two temperament fusion in him a person, seems very coordinated.

Lin Yi stepped over, sat down opposite the blade, and said, "Why did you come to me?"

"The cooperation of the Tower of the Gods." Blade said, staring at Lin Yi's expression, want to see his inner thoughts from his face.

"How a cooperation method" Lin Yi's expression is very calm, just like an ordinary chat.

"You are so much like Thor. You are both moody people." The blade suddenly shook his head and smiled and looked back. After drinking a glass of fruit wine, he said, "You help me win the world's first kill of the third boss zombie king of the Tower of the Gods, and what comes out, in addition to legendary equipment, you have the same priority."

"That thor?" Lin Yi asked back, Thor is certainly a rebellious character, will not easily bow, the blade gave him the priority, that means Thor will be relegated to second place, the other side is certainly not willing.

"My partnership with Thor is over. So you don't have to worry about his feelings." Blade looked back and drank a glass of wine.

"Good I promise you" Lin Yi nodded, for this cooperation, he is not at all at a loss. The 50th layer of the boss first kill, in addition to explosive legendary equipment, will also burst a number of excellent equipment and a number of excellent materials, he is just in the past to help a favor, without any loss, can pick one of the same, which is already very cheap.

"Then let's drink to our cooperation." Blade smiled. Poured a glass of wine for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took up the glass, and then two people drank a toast.

"This year's annual celebration. "Will you be there?" asked Blade, putting down his glass.

"No." Lin Yi shook his head, he was held in the Rose prison and could not go anywhere.

"What a pity. Thor won't be there either." Blade looked sorry, "I wanted to meet you in reality, and now it seems that it is not possible." It looks like this year's Man of the Year awards are going to be pretty bleak and the winner won't be there."

"Big brother, your roast lamb is here." At this moment, the little boy in the hotel suddenly went upstairs. With a plate of roast lamb and a bottle of cider in his hand, he placed it on the table of Linyi and Blade.

"The big brother, your knife is really nice, can you give me to play?" At this time, the little boy looked at the table two meters away from the gold sword, his eyes suddenly exuding a kind of spirit.

"Yes, if you can carry it." The blade smiled gently and touched the boy's head.

The boy immediately grabbed the handle of the sword with excitement. He tried to pick it up and play with it, but the sword did not budge, and the little boy used all his strength and turned red. Their bodies trembled, but they could not hold the sword. Finally, the little boy had to give up and left in frustration.

Lin Yi saw this, there was a slight guess in his heart, estimated that this blade and he, is also a violent weapon of the warrior class occupation, this sword and his bone crusher hammer, it is estimated that there are power requirements, can not reach a certain power, even weapons can not pick up.

From that perspective, the Blades and he are another award contender. In addition to the top awards at the Second World Annual Festival, there are some more weighty awards, including awards for the best players in each category. One of the awards is to select the best player of the warrior class occupation, although Lin Yi and Blade are rare occupations, but in the final analysis are attributed to the warrior class of this large professional group, this award, they are direct competitors.

This award Lin Yi is also a finalist, but he has not been to care, he cares about only the best award.

"Life must be happy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon." Come, cheers. "The blade smiled and took Lin Yi's fruit wine and filled it immediately.

However, at this moment, a vast and distant sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth

"The Chinese player killed Yong Wang, the wandering king of the Hammer Kingdom. Wind hammer, win, become the first player to have the qualification of founding emperor, reward public reputation 2000 points, win, China's national honor value 2."

Blade paused slightly as he raised his glass, evidently the announcement had affected him.

"Second kill, what do you think of this person dragon thorn?" Blade put down his glass and suddenly asked.

"No, but from what I've heard on the forum, he's very tolerant." Lin Yi finished, drink a glass of wine.

The blade nodded and said quietly, "In fact, there are three people in the second world who I can't see through." One of them is the Dragon Thorn. I started at the same time as him. We were the first ones. But most of those who competed with me at that time fell silent with the passage of time, and one individual came up and declined one by one, with the exception of the Dragon Thorn, who had been competing with me for two long years."

"You have fought" Lin Yi asked with interest, the blade and the dragon thorn, is the world's well-known enemy, is a lot of people after dinner talk.

"There was one confrontation." Blade smiled, "At that time we were only 20 level, because of a field boss and feud, when we were not equipped, skills are very little, but for a long time have not been able to win or lose." That was two years ago, I haven't seen him since, and I don't know exactly what he's capable of now, but he should be on par with me."

"Um" Lin Yi slightly surprised, it seems that the blade and the dragon thorn of all kinds of rumors, all kinds of classic campaigns, should be made up by the players themselves, after the erroneous message, it becomes true.

"Forums are like that, a lot of things don't take seriously. A little more than half a month ago, I saw a post saying that you and Thor fought 300 rounds, when Thor and I were still fighting the Tower of the Gods, and he has never seen you."

Lin Yi also smiled, picked up the wine pot, poured the wine.