
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 61: Doomsday Messenger.

As soon as the four words "Doomsday Messenger" came out, Lin Yi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the answer was exactly what he thought.

"If I can destroy the legs of the doomsday messenger and solve this hidden danger, would you like to give the sacred breath to my sister?" Lin Yi asked.

"Of course, but this is something that even I can't do. Why can you do it?"The White Dragon King asked in reply."And there have been hundreds of strong people in history who have tried, but all failed. What confidence do you have?"

"Because I have the doomsday messenger."Lin Yi said slowly.

"Well, what does it mean?" The White Dragon King didn't seem to understand.

"I mean, I have the Doomsday Bringer, and he's still alive, and I can work out a way to destroy the legs through him."Lin Yi said it in detail.

On the first day of entering the second world, Lin Yi saw the doomsday messenger Lucifer in the hero prison. He was captured in the hero prison for burning 35 hell messengers in the Temple of Death.Lucifer's battle in Bailong Lake should have happened before that. It is estimated that after that battle, Lucifer, who was seriously injured, rested for a period of time, and then came out to make trouble again. However, he accidentally offended the Temple of Death and was arrested in the hero's prison.

"Impossible,"the White Dragon King said firmly,"the ancient times are far away from the present, even if Lucifer is strong, it is impossible to withstand such a long passage of time.The influence of the God of time is omnipresent. Every creature in the world will die under the killing of time. Although Lucifer is very strong, he is just a big mouse in front of the rules of the God of time.Even in heaven, there are only a handful of gods, such as the God of space, the God of life, and the God of death, who can compete with the God of time.

Coincidentally, it was through the power of death that I met Lucifer.Lucifer was imprisoned in a prison built by Death himself, and in that prison, the power of the God of Time was greatly weakened, so that he has been able to live until now.Lin Yi explained.

"You are talking about the legendary hero prison. It is said that the God of death built a prison to hold people who offended the temple of death. Even some gods were captured. Even in heaven, this prison is also a notorious prison.".But how can you touch such an unnatural prison? "The tone of the White Dragon King is still doubtful.".

Lin Yi did not speak and took out the book of heroes directly from the storage ring.This book is no longer a secret, he took it out when he was in Fenglin Stronghold, summoned the demon monkey Fen Shen, and was filmed by many players in the video, which shocked the world and attracted the attention of countless people.

This book is also listed as one of the top treasures among the current players, compared with the broken hilt of the blade, the mysterious scales of the dragon thorn, and the half-cut scepter of the Pope.

Some treasures, once beyond a certain level, cannot be hidden at all. They are as dazzling as the bright moon in the night. The light they emit will bless the owner and become a symbol or even a part of the person. It is like a brand that exists forever.Blade, Dragon Thorn and Pope all have such brand, and the book of heroes is the brand of Lin Yi.

"Well, this is" at this time, the White Dragon King also saw the book in Lin Yi's hand, with its eyesight, naturally found the extraordinary book.

"This book can communicate with heroes and prisons, and you can tell the true from the false with your eyes."Lin Yi took the book of heroes to his ear and shook it, so that the White Dragon King could see it more clearly. The book was already his belongings, and the White Dragon King could not take it away even if he snatched it.

"This"White Dragon King's tone is full of shock, jumped from Lin Yi's ear to the book of heroes, feeling the breath,"I didn't expect that this is really the book of heroes to see such a treasure in my lifetime, I will die without regret."

"Through this book, I have access to Lucifer, the messenger of doom. I don't know if you agree with my suggestion. I can find a way to destroy Lucifer's legs, but you have to give my sister the sacred breath."Lin Yi reiterated it.

"No problem."The White Dragon King said without hesitation.

"Judging from my sister's strength and constitution, how long will it take to absorb the sacred breath?" Lin Yi said, lifting the little white cat.

The White Dragon King jumped on the body of the little white cat and observed for a while. Then he said, "It will take about three years, but with my help, it will be much faster. If everything goes well, it will only take a few months. If it doesn't go well, it may take a year."

"Then I have an additional request."At this time, Lin Yi has a lot of confidence. "In your eyes, hundreds of years are just a snap of a finger, but for us, a few years is already very long.".I can't wait three years, so I want you to help my sister absorb the sacred breath from now on. This is a part of the deposit in advance, but I can sign a promise with you that Lucifer's legs will be destroyed in three years.

Lin Yi's abacus is to get a part of the reward before doing anything.Although Lucifer is in his hands, it is not a matter of overnight to complete this task, which requires a long effort.If it takes as long as a few years for the little white cat to absorb the sacred breath, then the significance of awakening is not great. Who knows what the second world will be like in a few years. The sooner we start awakening, the better.

The White Dragon King was silent and seemed to hesitate.

Presumably for your strength, even if part of the sacred breath is absorbed, it will not cause serious consequences. Your strength can help the sacred breath to suppress the legs, but it may take a lot of effort for you to be distracted from doing other things.You just need to help my sister absorb part of the sacred breath first, to the extent you can bear, I will destroy Lucifer's leg in three years, when the time comes, the hidden danger of the White Dragon Lake for countless years can be completely solved, when you help my sister absorb the remaining sacred breath, and you will become the eternal hero in the history of the White Dragon clan.Lin Yi continued to persuade.

The White Dragon King continued to be silent, still hesitating.

It's a gamble for you, but it's very cost-effective.If I fail to destroy the legs, then for you, it is only a distraction to help the remaining divine breath suppress the legs, which will not cause irreparable consequences.And once I destroy those legs, then you will always solve the future trouble that the White Dragon clan has not been able to solve for countless years, you worship your ancestors so much, why don't you do something that can make future generations worship you, when the time comes, your position in the history of the White Dragon clan will be able to compete with the generation of White Dragon King who defeated Bloodhoof in that year.Even the ancestor of the white dragon was mentioned in the same breath, "Lin Yi still persuaded tirelessly.".