
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 59:a strange island.

The boat broke through the white mist and glided gently forward. It was quiet all around. Only the sound of the oars beating the lake sounded, which was particularly beautiful in the peaceful night.

Lin Yi held the little white cat in her arms tightly. At this time, she was sleeping soundly in Lin Yi's arms, like a sleeping cat, not interested in anything outside.

Lin Yi looked at her, suddenly thought, if she can really wake up, it is very likely that the strength will be far more than him, when the time comes who will protect who may be the current white cat although transformed into a beast spirit, but the fighting capacity is still very weak, she only showed two skills, one is resurrection, one is transformation.But these two skills are not aggressive, even the transformation of that skill, can not be like Lin Yi's monster transformation, bring attribute enhancement, her transformation skills, can only change the appearance, there is no attribute improvement.

Now she, or can not let Lin Yi completely rest assured, and this awakening is a golden opportunity, in any case, Lin Yi must let her awaken.

"Well, the island is here."After an hour, the old man on the ferry finally turned around and said.

Lin Yi looked ahead and saw a small black island in the fog ahead, looming in the endless white fog.

"Get off the boat." The old ferryman stopped his oars and headed for Huang.

"Well," Lin Yi frowned. They were still some distance away from the island. Getting off the boat now was tantamount to committing suicide by jumping into the lake. Could it be that the old ferryman was going to harm them? Lin Yi immediately came up with a guess.

"That island is just an illusion. The real island is here." The old ferryman shook his head and smiled. He jumped off the boat skillfully, but he did not fall into the lake, nor did he splash. He disappeared on the lake for no reason.

"Wang Wang" Wang was startled by this strange scene and shouted a few times in the direction of the old man's disappearance.

Now there are only two choices in front of Lin Yi, either to jump out of the boat or to row on his own.

Lin Yi thought a little and decided to jump ship.This old man knows so much about Bailong Lake, and he is also a ferryman. Obviously, he has a good relationship with the Bailong clan, and his own strength should be very strong. If he really wants to harm them, he can pinch them to death directly. There is no need to go to so much trouble.

And if he had to continue rowing, he could only choose to go to the black island, and he could not go back the way he had come, because there was a vast white fog around him, and he could not see the direction at all.

"Sister, hold me tight. I'm going to jump off the boat."Lin Yi soothed the little white cat in his arms, then turned over and jumped aside.

At that moment, Lin Yi's mind was extremely keen and ready to deal with possible changes.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, the feelings around him changed in an instant, and he came to another place.

This is a small island, the island's towering trees, each tree is hundreds of meters high, look up, simply can not see the top, even the moonlight can not shine in, at this time the old ferry is walking into the forest.Behind Lin Yi was an endless lake, and the boat was parked on the shore of the island. At this time, only the little monkey and Wang were left in the boat.

Suddenly, the little monkey jumped out of the boat and came to the island. Seeing the scene around him, he suddenly squeaked happily, apparently because he was happy to return to his native land.

Now, there was only one little Wang left in the boat. He lay on the edge of the boat with his front paws, poked his head out and kept looking around, trying to find the traces of Lin Yi, but his eyes were at a loss. It was obvious that he could not see Lin Yi at all.

Small Wang's eyes flashed a trace of hesitation, it is eager to try, several times want to jump, but seems to be very afraid of water, tried several times did not dare to jump down.

At that moment, Xiao Wang's face flashed a decisive color, turned his head to look at the beautiful world, then closed his eyes, jumped off the boat heroically, and followed Lin Yi away.

The next moment, Xiao Wang appeared at Lin Yi's feet, but he was still waiting for death with his eyes closed.

Lin Yi also ignored it and quickly followed the old ferryman.

"Squeak!" The little monkey gave a happy cry and rushed into the forest of giant trees.

Only then did Xiao Wang realize that something was wrong. He opened one eye slightly, looked at it carefully, and saw that he was not dead. Then he opened his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and breathed a sigh of relief.It turned its head and looked around, and when it saw Lin Yi's figure moving forward, it immediately followed him.

The little white cat had already woken up, saw the darkness around him, and drilled into Lin Yi's arms in fear.

So walked for a while, the front suddenly appeared some blue light, these blue light more and more, densely emerged in the forest, like a blue star, incomparably beautiful, as if it was a dream country.

Lin Yi concentrated on a look, these lights are actually a fish, they naturally emit blue light, swimming in the air, as if swimming in the water in general, very strange.

The little white cat was not afraid at this time. She stretched out her paws excitedly and wanted to catch a fish to play with.

"Squeak ~" At this time, a large group of monkeys suddenly jumped down from the tree, overwhelming into the school of fish, as if hunting, the fish were immediately startled to fly, scattered and fled, and soon disappeared.

Lin Yi found that the little monkey they had saved before was also among them. At this time, it was being held in the arms of a big monkey, looking this way, with gratitude in its eyes.The big monkey jumped down from the tree and walked up to Lin Yi, bowing to the little white cat like a man, as if thanking her for saving her child.

"It will lead you to the road ahead. The White Dragon King is not far ahead."Then the old ferryman suddenly said, and then he went to the other side, and soon disappeared.

Next, the big monkey began to lead Lin Yi forward, walking under the giant trees. The creatures he met along the way were very strange. Some were like elephants, but they were as small as mice. They crawled through the grass. Some were obviously living in the ocean, but they swam in the air.The White Dragon Island is like a different world, and Lin Yi seems to have come through it.Finally, the big monkey stopped and took Lin Yi to the residence of the White Dragon King.