
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 46: Stronghold Lord Tough Crack

The hammer retreated in fear, trying to avoid the peerless spear of the demon monkey, but the spear seemed to have locked him, no matter how he could not escape.

"Poof!" Finally, the spear plunged into the chest of the hammer and penetrated his whole body.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, the flickering fire around it stagnated, and the hearts of all the orcs stagnated.

Everyone stared at the hammer in shock, staring at the spear that penetrated his body, and some players who fled the battlefield in the distance hid behind the tree and looked at the hammer in shock.

The insufferably arrogant young Lord of Fenglin Stronghold was pierced by a spear

Even the hammer himself stared down at his chest in disbelief, watching the spear sink into his chest.

His face was full of disbelief, as if he could not understand that he could be pierced by a spear, which he had only seen in others, but never thought it would happen to him one day.

"Beast" at this time, the distance suddenly heard a voice resounding through the world, the voice is full of endless anger, full of the power to dominate the world.

Others have not yet arrived, but his voice has been completely shocked by this piece of time and space, everyone trembled from the bottom of their hearts.

Then the earth shook, and in the jungle in the distance, you could see trees being washed down by brute force, as if some ancient monster was rushing this way.

"The leader, it's the leader who is back." The dull half-orcs were awakened by the roar, as if they had been filled with strength, and became fierce, frantically attacking the demon monkey.

After the spear that overdraws his life, the demon monkey suddenly became weak, his footsteps became more and more superficial, his life became weaker and weaker, and he had only the power to parry and no power to fight back.

"Die" soon, the distant roar came to this piece of heaven and earth, all the trees along the way were quickly washed down, the fence of Fenglinzhai was as fragile as paper, and was directly broken by this man.

Then a giant half-orc as high as seven or eight meters rushed out of the smoke and dust and showed up in front of everyone. He jumped high and hit the demon monkey with overwhelming force.

The giant half-orc was golden, his veins were bulging, his angry eyes were breathing fire, and he was holding a ferocious hammer that was as tall as he was tall. The shape of the hammer was like the hammer of the barbarian hammer. It had the same breath, but it was more ferocious and bloodthirsty.

His posture of leaping in the air covered the sun, moon and stars, forming a mighty and overbearing silhouette, as if the God of war had come down to earth, unstoppable and uncontested.

The next moment, the giant half-orc landed in front of the demon monkey, and a sledgehammer hit it directly.

"Bang" Demon Monkey Fen Shen was instantly smashed into a mass of blood fog, the sky's minced meat fell like raindrops, dead clean, even the body is not left.

With just one move, the demon monkey who destroyed the people in Fenglin Stronghold was killed by the giant half-orc.

The field was finally quiet, and all the noise was smashed by the hammer and ceased to exist.

"Boom" at this moment, the tall body of the hammer suddenly fell down, raising dust in the ruins.

"My son" pretty crack sad roar, crouched down the tall body, will pretty hammer in the bosom.

"Father, I'm fine. I didn't hurt my heart. I'll be fine after a rest."The hammer said weakly, "Hurry, hurry to kill that beast. He's the cause of all this. We want to cut him to pieces. We want to catch his mother and enjoy him in front of him. He also has a civet cat. Force him to ask out. He also has treasures. Force him to ask out."

"Well, I'm going to catch him now. I'll cut him to pieces and catch his mother. You can do whatever you want. Father will listen to you and stay here to rest. Don't hurt him any more." He hugged him tightly and quickly nodded yes.

The hammer still wanted to speak, but at that moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the ruins.

"I declare, pretty hammer dead."

The voice was so abrupt that no one expected it, and people didn't even react for a moment.

Suddenly, there was an explosion of thunder in the sky, and the whole earth trembled. A huge flash of lightning pierced the night and stabbed it down, dividing it into two strands. One struck the area dozens of meters away, and the other hit the hammer.

The next moment, the two figures were forcibly pulled into the sky.

At this time, people finally reacted to the yellow overflow hand.

He is like a killer hiding in the dark, keenly watching the world, precisely seizing every opportunity, he always appears when the enemy is most dangerous, a shot is a thunderbolt, leaving no one alive, he is all-pervasive, impossible to guard against.

And this time, the hammer became his target.

All the half-orcs and all the players hiding in the distance all looked up and looked up at the yellow overflow and the hammer in the sky, as if they were looking up at the two gods.

"Ah beast, let my son down!" The beast stood on the ground, holding the war hammer and roaring into the sky.

But at this moment, his tall body is so small, in front of the high void battlefield, he is no different from the tiny ants, no force can interfere in the battle, no force can save his son.

"Do you still want to insult my mother?" High in the sky, Lin Yi came to the front of the hammer and looked down at him like a judge interrogating a prisoner.

"Of course, if I can meet your mother, I will Ji jiān first and then kill her, so that I can fully taste her. Not only that, I will let all people, no, all beasts, beasts, all taste your mother."The hammer said with a smile, as if he had seen such a picture."I know you want to kill me very much. Come on, I'll lie here. You can kill me. I want to see it.What ability do you have to kill me, you mole ant?

Lin Yi no longer nonsense, with all his strength, a direct paw patted the past.

"Dang" a sound of gold and stone intersection came, although the hammer was badly injured and unable to move, but his skin was like a layer of hard metal, firmly blocking the yellow claws, even the flames on the claws could not spread.

But on the contrary, the yellow overflow actually received the strong counter-shock, the life value suddenly dropped a small section.

As a chief-level boss, the intrepidity of this barbarian hammer is finally reflected. Even if it is a dying state, Lin Yi can't deal with it.

"Ha ha,"the sound of the hammer's laughter sounded in the void,"overrated things, you think you can kill me."