
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 135: on the run.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Yi is still in the dark palace of the sand thief, collecting the heart of the sand thief king.

On the other side, the ghost axe black wolf is approaching the underground palace of sand thieves at a high speed. It is directly transported to the vicinity of the Dandelion Oasis through a transport array outside the Dragon Capital. It crosses countless distances almost instantaneously. He only needs to catch up with a short distance, and then he can come to the underground palace of sand thieves and strangle Lin Yi.

Billions of players around the world are watching the rankings, staring at Lin Yi's level, they can only imagine through this simple number, Lin Yi may face various dangers in the distance.

Invisibly, billions of people around the world are involved in this battle, but all they can do is pray that the previous dragon has at least one million players to fight together.But now Lin Yi can only fight alone and carry the battle alone.

The eighth minute

Lin Yi all over slightly out of the sweat, a heart hanging high up, his eyes staring at the entrance of the underground palace of sand thieves, lest there suddenly come any changes at this time, every minute and every second is dangerous, the ghost axe black wolf may come at any time.

The ninth minute

Lin Yi has held his breath, he is short of the last minute, working hard for a long time, risking his life to stay here, in the end can get this heart, it depends on the last minute.

The last 20 seconds

Lin Yi's mind has been a blank, the whole body and mind are above the heart of the sand thief king, his heart is also beating with the countdown.

At that moment, a voice suddenly came from the direction of the entrance of the underground palace of sand thieves.

Lin Yi looked up like a conditioned reflex, a drop of sweat suddenly rolled down, the muscles of the whole body slightly tight, at any time to make movements.

The next moment, he saw the place where the sound was moving.

It turned out that an icicle from the ceiling had fallen and hit the ground.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and there were still three seconds left.

3 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

The next moment, the golden box on the stone table suddenly disappeared, and Lin Yi collected the storage ring.

In the first stage, he finally survived.

Almost at the same time, Lin Yi ran towards the underground palace of sand thieves at a high speed, without stopping for a moment. The danger was far from over. He wanted to escape from here quickly. The ghost axe black wolf was coming soon.

Lin Yi's body, like a slip of smoke, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Twenty-three seconds later, Lin Yi came to the mouth of the sand thief's underground palace and jumped up with all his strength.

The bright moonlight falls again, and everything seems like a lifetime ago. At this time, the dandelion oasis is full of flying catkins, which are not made of ice crystals like last night, but real dandelion flying catkins.

After the heart of the Sand Thief King was collected, these dandelions polluted by the breath of depravity all withered, and at the last moment of their lives, they blossomed for the last time to the world.

Lin Yi ran crazily in the floating catkins all over the sky. His figure was very hazy in the countless flying catkins, showing a rapid shadow. The effect of the shadow dance could not be seen clearly. At this time, it was completely reflected. In the non-combat state, the speed of movement soared by 50

At that moment, a huge werewolf figure suddenly appeared at the end of Lin Yi's line of sight. He was carrying two huge axes and running hard in the moonlight. Every time he stepped down, the whole earth would shake slightly, as if thousands of troops had rushed over.

The huge figure was hazy in the flying catkins all over the sky, and the specific appearance could not be seen clearly, but the outline alone made people tremble with fear and could not rise to any idea of fighting.

Lin Yi knew that this huge figure was the ghost axe black wolf.

Just then, three sand rabbits came out to look for food, and were alarmed by Lin Yi's running figure, and quickly jumped aside, trying to escape.

But Lin Yi immediately rushed up and killed them.

At this point, he looked like a fool in general, this critical moment, he was still wasting time to kill Xiaoguai.

But his this delay, immediately let the ghost axe black wolf close to a good distance.

"The beast stops for me." At that moment, the ghost axe black wolf also found Lin Yi and roared angrily. The sound was like an explosion of thunder, which sounded in the dandelion oasis. The violent sound wave shattered a fluttering dandelion.

Lin Yi ignored it and continued to run at a high speed.

Not far ahead, there is a transport array emitting a faint light.This is the temporary transport array he repaired yesterday, and now it finally comes in handy.

Ghost axe black wolf apparently also found the transport array, he glared, apparently guessed that Lin Yi was about to escape through the transport array, he no longer care about anything else, directly in the hands of an axe in the direction of Lin Yi a rapid smash.

Suddenly, there was a huge sound of breaking the air, and the huge axe smashed countless white flying catkins and hit Lin Yi at a high speed.

Once hit by this axe, Lin Yi will be directly turned into minced meat, and it is impossible for him to survive. He can't use the last fight to save his life now. Although this skill can guarantee that he will not die within 20 seconds, it needs less than 30 health to be released. He is now in a state of full health and can't be used.

And even if he can use this skill, he will be hit by the axe and enter the combat state in an instant. Shadow Dance's ability to increase his movement speed by 50 will not work, and his speed will be reduced by 50 at once.

In this case, reducing the speed by 50 is completely fatal.

Now, he's not just running for his life, he's making sure he doesn't get into combat mode.

The next moment, the axe had already flown to Lin Yi's side, and a substantial breath of air suddenly enveloped him, making people feel suffocated.

"Hunting" At this time, Lin Yi used the professional skill of hunting, which was learned at level 35, to consume 20 points of anger, and quickly rushed in one direction.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's figure almost rushed forward 40 meters in an instant, avoiding the flying axe.

Just now, the reason why he wasted time to kill the three sand rabbits was to draw anger, without which he could not release the skill of hunting.

Now it seems that his choice just now is extremely wise.

The next moment, the ghost axe black wolf saw that the axe had failed, and could not help but raise his hand again, trying to smash out another axe.

However, at this time, Lin Yi's figure suddenly disappeared as if it had never appeared.

Ghost axe black wolf couldn't help but be stupefied, the axe in his hand slowed down a little bit, the timing of the smash slowed down slightly, the axe flew to the empty place, did not hit any target.

At this time of Lin Yi, has opened the active effect of the shadow dance, all of a sudden invisible, let the ghost axe black wolf unprepared, once again escaped the disaster.

Finally, at the end of the stealth time, Lin Yi arrived at the temporary transport array.

His figure suddenly appeared, and not far from the uncanny axe black wolf four eyes, their distance has been less than 50 meters, only less than a second, they will fight hand to hand.

The moonlight shines quietly, the flying catkins of dandelions float quietly, and time seems to stagnate.

The next moment, there was a dazzling light on the transport array.

Almost at the same time, the huge body of the black wolf rushed over and hit the temporary transport array, tearing the fragile transport array apart.

However, Lin Yi's body really disappeared.

This time it's not invisibility, it's teleportation.

He left the desolate sand completely.

In the dandelions all over the sky, only the hysterical roar of the ghost axe black wolf was left!