
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 124: lost.

In fact, as soon as he learned this foreign skill, he had already solved a huge hidden virus.

Previously, he needed to drink a bottle of potion to increase the speed of life regeneration every day to offset the negative state of 5 damage per second of the virus. If he didn't drink it, he would die. Although it was only a bottle of potion that could solve the problem, there were still some troubles. He carried a burden every day.But now, Shadow Dance can regenerate 3 health per second in non-combat state, and the virus will no longer have the threat of death.

Next, Lin Yi left the door of Slack's cell and walked towards the exit of Hero Prison.

The distribution of cells in Hero Prison is chaotic. Maybe one moment it is a cell numbered more than 4000, and the next one is a cell numbered more than 7000. It is difficult to find the right way without a map.

After walking for a while, Lin Yi suddenly felt a hot breath coming out of a cell beside him, and bursts of fire flashed through the crack of the door, as if there had been a fire inside.He stopped and turned to look.

In the darkness, a tall red giant lay quietly, burning with fire, with two horns on his head and a pair of huge fleshy wings behind him, full of explosive power.There was boiling magma flowing in his cell, and bubbles rolled up one by one, and the red giant lay in the magma, as if in a bath, with two flaming eyes staring at the countless times smaller Lin Yi outside the crack of the door.

"Well, the doomsday messenger Lucifer," Lin Yi immediately recognized the criminal.

At the bottom of the White Dragon Lake, Lucifer's legs were sealed. Lin Yi had promised the White Dragon King that he would destroy the legs in three years, but there was no clue until now.The person who tied the bell must untie it, and most of Lucifer's legs can only be solved by Lucifer himself.

Lin Yi thought of Slack just now, and since they could cooperate, they should be able to talk to Lucifer in the same way.He looked at Lucifer in the cell and said, "Lucifer, I am the warden of Hero Prison. Now I want to talk about cooperation with you. I don't know what your wish is. As long as you give me some benefits, I can help you realize it.".Just now, a hero from ancient times has reached a cooperation with me, and we have a good cooperation.

"Well,"Lucifer's voice was like a volcano, full of rough power, and the fire in his eyes burned more fiercely."I can give you anything. You want great power, I can give you great power. You want wealth, I will give you endless wealth. You want to be the overlord of the continent, then I will let this continent crawl under your feet.Anything you want, I can give you.

"What do you need?" Lin Yi asked calmly.

"Freedom."Lucifer uttered two words.

Lin Yi shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can't promise you this request.".Let's change a condition. I don't need your strength, I don't need your wealth, and I don't want to be the overlord of this continent.I just need you to tell me how I can withstand the flames of doom on your body, and you can ask for something that's not too much.

"I don't need anything but freedom. I have only one wish."Lucifer had no intention of negotiating.

Lin Yi sighed in his heart, it seems that this way of cooperation is not feasible.Almost all the criminals in the heroic prison have only one wish, that is, freedom, but this wish can not be realized by Lin Yi.

Once he releases these criminals, he, the warden, will be seriously negligent. The old man who gave him the book of heroes will come back immediately and take back his book of heroes. At that time, he will completely lose the greatest help of the prison of heroes.

It seems that the legs of Lucifer in Bailong Lake still have to be destroyed in other ways.

"Think about it."Lin Yi finished and left here.

Next, Lin Yi walked out of the hero prison and returned to the dandelion grassland outside.

Now, he has to face a new problem, that is, how to get out of here.

He lost his way here for the Dance of Shadows, and now he will begin to pay the price of this loss.

Looking at the dandelion dancing all over the sky, Lin Yi pondered, in fact, he had tried all kinds of methods before he came here, but he could not find the right direction and did not know how to leave here.

Every time he walked down a straight line, he would eerily return to the original point after a long time.This is not the general lost, but into a similar fantasy space in general, do not find a special way, is absolutely unable to leave here.

Lin Yi suddenly thought of the traveler's diary, which had written that the traveler had come here and lived here for a period of time.But then he found a strange place and left here in a hurry.

Apparently, the traveler discovered this strange place and left here in his own unique way.And now, Lin Yi has not even explored what is weird here, let alone left here.He was convinced that what was written in the diary was true, that the travel diary was almost a second life for travelers, and that it was impossible to lie in the diary.

Lin Yi stared at the dandelions all over the sky. It all looked so beautiful that there was nothing unusual about it.But he knew that there must be something strange here, that he was now wrapped in a huge conspiracy, that there might be invisible dangers lurking anywhere around him, and that the strange atmosphere permeated the beautiful dandelion oasis, enveloping him and unable to escape.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi opened the eye of time and wanted to see the situation here thirty years ago.At that time, the traveler passed by here, and I don't know if the eye of time can see the history of him.

At this moment, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly sent out a long breath of vicissitudes of life, as if the endless history was concentrated in his eyes.He saw the situation here 30 years ago, but he could only see the landform here, but he could not see who had passed here.

Lin Yi's eyes carefully swept over every inch of the place, comparing the place here thirty years ago with the place here thirty years later.

Suddenly, Lin Yi discovered an anomaly. Thirty years ago, there was no dandelion growing in a small area in the distance.

That area is very small, only about 30 square meters, in this vast dandelion grassland, almost negligible, but this slight change is still found by Lin Yi.

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