
Hero Of Harmony

Discord Link for those interested [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP] One may think that in order to be a Hero you must have a pure soul, and untainted heart, but in reality such a thing is impossible; now one's soul is pure, nor is anyone's heart untainted, Gods aren't even exempt from this rule. No, a True Hero is someone who knows they have an impure soul and tainted heart, yet they embrace it, instead of attempting to deny their very nature; however, not all True Heros are the same, some have different beliefs and/or ideals. Yet at the end of the day, no matter how terrible or bleak the situation looks, you can always count on a True Hero to act as a beacon of light that'll show you the correct path, but for you to take, you must embark on it yourself.

Ozonelayer · Fantasy
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216 Chs

Chapter 166: Mosen City

Walking down the dirt road while pulling the carriage full of people and our belongings, I looked up at the clear, sunny sky, enjoying Talis's beautiful figure flying circles around our carriage similarly to a vulture.

'Huh, I'm curious, do Vultures exist in this world?' Mused Alexander curiously with a raised eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders and looking ahead of him.

It's been roughly ten days since we left Hyphen and about seven days since Jackal and Kurina joined us; with their presence, our group has become much more lively, and I was quite enjoying it if I'm being honest. Michelle and Kurina quickly became friends, and the same is true with their children, Chloe and Canzer; if I had to guess, I'm assuming it's because they are both mothers, which makes perfect sense. Jackal has been his usual self, and despite his incessant attempts at flirting with Cath, they were always met with harsh refusals from both her and his wife. He did try flirting with Michelle once, but before he could pull those little 'stunts' that he likes to call on her, I told him about our relationship, and while he is a horny man, he does know how to keep his boundaries, so he never bothered trying to flirt with either Michelle or Yuki.

'However, this bastard still ogles at Yuki! I don't mind nearly as much when he does it with Michelle, but I greatly dislike it when he does it with Yuki.' Mused Alexander in annoyance as he looked behind him and eyed Jackal, who was looking after his youngest, while Kurina and Michelle relaxed.

'Hypocritical much, Master?' Said Zartha coldly as she gently hugged Trina, who was sleeping, while the two lay down together.

'Haa, yeah, it does sound very hypocritical, considering both Michelle and Yuki are my women, but hey, just because I have the class of a [Hero] doesn't mean I'm not human, not to mention a man. I'm not perfect, and neither are you.' Replied Alexander lightly with a sigh as he lowered his head, only to shake it while faintly smiling, his words causing Zartha to nod.

'Yes, I suppose you're correct; even God's aren't perfect. Though you're most definitely a man, Master, you dared to have an erotic dream about your own weapon, even for a man you're… What's the word? Down bad? I believe that's how you use that word.' Remarked Zartha softly with a nod as she gently stroked Trina's face, only to frown while gazing at the sky indifferently, causing Alexander to blush softly.

'I-It happened one time, Zartha! You can't keep bringing this up! B-Besides, it's not like I've been keeping it a secret or anything; you know fully well if you weren't a spirit artifact, I'd be more than interested in you. You're far too gorgeous for any man not to be somewhat interested in; if only you didn't have a face that screamed disgust, it's such a turn-off for me.' Stated Alexander in embarrassment as he yelled at Zartha, only to calm down with a sigh while speaking his heartfelt thoughts, causing her to nod.

'Hmm, well, I can't blame you; Father had made me into his ideal woman. A little weird if you ask me, but who am I to question my Father? Though, I'm just thankful that dream was about me and not about Trina; otherwise, we'd need to have a serious talk.' Said Zartha with a thoughtful expression while tapping her chin before lightly shaking her head, only for her to narrow her eyes.

'Ugh, just because I may have a preference for petite women doesn't mean I like children. Trina may be ancient, even older than Master, but she looks like a 13-year-old. I don't even know if I would actually get aroused by someone that young, and I plan to never test that theory of mine.' Replied Alexander as he shivered in disgust while imagining such an outcome, only to raise his head when he spotted Talis diving through he air.

Outstrethcing my arm, I waited a few seconds for Talis to arrive as she spread her wings to slow her descent before perching herself onto my arm.

"Alex, I just spotted the next city ahead; it's not too far away." Said Talis lightly as she gently shook her feathery body before glancing at Alexander while chirping.

"It's about time; I knew we must've been pretty close. Thanks." Muttered Alexander with a nod as he looked ahead before rubbing his face against Talis's since his hands were preoccupied.

"Hehe, the Queen of the Skies is just that amazing! Anyways, I'm going to take a break." Stated Talis pridefully as she puffed out her chest, spread her wings, and pointed her beak toward the sky before calming down and leaping onto Yuki's lap behind him.

"What were you two talking about?" Asked Yuki curiously as she glanced down at Talis, who curled herself on her lap before she looked at Alexander.

"We're just getting close to the city, which means we'll probably end up parting ways with Jackal and Kurina." Replied Alexander lightly as he glanced at Yuki, who calmly nodded.

"You know, Yuki, you should try to make some friends; I know you've got some hesitations considering your past, but you really should try to have a friend. Preferably a woman, if I'm being honest, but I'm not too picky. Maybe a little." Remarked Alexander lightly with a slight sigh as he looked at Yuki, who lowered her head.

"I don't know. I only became your friend because being around you made me feel good and calm, and even then, I tried to somewhat keep my distance but failed quickly after we moved in together." Said Yuki softly as she looked at her hands before glancing at Alexander, who lightly smiled before shaking his head.

"Well, I'm not forcing you or anything, Yuki; I've told you several times in the past, but you've never bothered to heed my advice. So I stopped trying to force you, but now that I know more about your past, I really think you should get a friend." Stated Alexander seriously as he stopped the carriage and eyed Yuki, who bit her lip while flashes of memories surfaced in her mind before he started pushing the carriage once more.

"Anyways, like I said, if you really don't want a friend, that's fine. I'll always be here for you; it's just a piece of advice from someone who deeply cares about you." Added Alexander lightly while shrugging his shoulders as he continued to walk while the carriage descended into silence, only the sound of the wooden wheels turning across the ground.



"NEXT!" Yelled the Guard loudly as he returned to his post and gazed at the long line.

Walking forward, I stopped the carriage next to the guard and handed him my adventurer license; Yuki and Jackal did the same, while Cath, Michelle, and Kurina handed the guard their own IDs; as for the children, they didn't require such things.

"Alright, let me check the carriage, and you'll be free to enter." Said the Guard with a nod as he handed the IDs to Alexander, who then redistributed them to their proper owner.

They didn't do a thorough search or anything, only a quick glance before they gave us the go-ahead; after thanking the guard, we continued into the city. The city we were in was smaller than Hyphen and was called Mosen; from the notes Marlin left on the map he gave me, he described it as a minor city with next to no importance.

"Alright, Alex. I think it's time we part ways; we can't keep leeching off you." Said Jackal as he stopped Alexander while patting his shoulders, causing him to sigh before nodding.

"Haa, yeah, I saw this coming from far away. Though, just so you know, despite your tendencies to ogle at my lover, you're still a friend, and I'll always help a friend." Said Alexander lightly as he narrowed his eyes at Jackal before softening his expression, causing him to chuckle.

"They're just passing glances, I swear; besides, between you and I, Yuki isn't really my kind of woman. She's got magnificent assets, but her massive size is a bit of a turn-off to me." Replied Jackal with a slight smile as he defensively raised his hands, only to whisper into Alexander's ear while glancing at Yuki, who was standing by herself.

"I'm offended that you'd say that, but I'm mostly happy." Muttered Alexander with an uncomfortable expression as he looked at Yuki before glancing at Jackal, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyways, Alex, thank you for helping my family during that time; it really means a lot, more than I'll ever be able to put into words. I'm quite old, and you'll most definitely surpass me, but if you ever need my help. I'm there. Just try not to call me to join some suicide mission." Said Jackal solemnly as he tightly hugged Alexander, who reciprocated the hug.

"Well, on the bright side, if that ever happens, at least you know you'll have a young, handsome, well-endowed man to care for Kurina." Remarked Alexander with a sly smile as he eyed Jackal, whose face twitched before he eventually nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose you're not wrong." Muttered Jackal with an uncomfortable expression as he eyed Alexander.

Chuckling, we all began to say our farewells to each other while Kurina ended up profusely thanking me; after a few minutes of saying goodbye, they were about to leave, only for Jackal to suddenly hit himself in the face.

"Haa, I'm freaking stupid. We still don't have a carriage. How are we supposed to take our stuff?" Said Jackal as he pointed at the carriage before looking at Kurina, who gave him a blank look.

"Haha, well, you can surely stay with us for a few more days; it's not like we're immediately leaving." Said Alexander with a laugh, his words causing Jackal to sigh with a nod as he and his family approached them.

"Well, that was awkward." Remarked Jackal, his words causing everyone to nod.


Created a discord server, so if anyone wishes to join, [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP]



Elven Legacy (Chapter 290: Brewing Trouble) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 172: Entering A Storm) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 298: Diddy The Fist)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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