

"You are a monster!"

All of the people around them look at them when Daniel points to Hero. "He is a monster! His eyes were those of the monsters!" Dani repeatedly speaks as he keeps on pointing his eyes. Hero calmed himself which made his eyes come back to their original form.

"Get away from me before I could kill you." All of them started running away followed by Daniel but Aamon just kept on staring at him as he clenched his fist and decided to stand up and walk away from them.

He stops again and speaks. "I will make sure to beat you soon, Mr." Hero looks at him until Aamon now finally out of their sight.

"Y-you're strong and cool Hero!" Only Kalvin was the one who spoke and cheered for him causing him to shut his mouth. All of them were looking at Hero worried and scared. When Hero looks at them, most of the people in their group move a step backward trying to get away from him.

Hero shook his head and left. "B-brother!" Peitho shouted and ran but Simon stopped her. "I need to be with my Brother! Don't stop me!"

"Let him be first. Also," Simon stops from speaking and closes his eyes. He shouted again causing Peitho to be surprised. "Are you just gonna leave our things here!"

Simon and Peitho started packing all the things they had when Sir Pancho showed up and spoke. "You guys can still stay here. It is very dangerous on the outside."

"It is much more dangerous if Hero is not with us, Sir. He is the only person whom I trust." Sir Pancho breathes out and keeps looking at them still busy packing. "I already talked about this to others, they agreed that the three of you will stay. I know the three of you are strong to fight against monsters but it is still much better to sleep without worries."

"If Brother will stay here, we will stay too. If not, then we have no choice." After that, they immediately walk out and are on their way to head out from the gate carrying their things when Hero walks towards them causing them to stop.

"Brother? You came back? Why?"

"I went to Valerie's place and I cannot enter. There is something that is blocking the place. Thousands of insect monsters are also there to guard the place. We don't have a choice but to stay here and wait for her moment to come. For her to wake up. The only thing we can do is to prepare for a battle."

"Wow, that fast? You went there just walking or running?" Simon asks him in surprise.

"No, I fly."


Peitho shook her head and clicked her tongue in disappointment while looking at Simon causing him to raise his eyebrows. He was about to speak again when Sir Pancho showed up and so did the other people in their group.

"We will help you. Despite our numbers, I know for sure we can still help you fight against the she monster." Sir Pancho was standing while the others were behind him. There are a lot of men and five ladies, if you count them all, there are only about thirty or more people.

Hero nodded his head and went in immediately. "I will tell you what my plan is." Kalvin was amazed and immediately followed Hero.

They are now in their meeting place and all people are present except for Simon and Kalvin who are guarding their place. Hero let Simon guard the place since he knew that Simom had good eyesight and also had a good sense of detecting some danger.

Hero is now presenting all of his plans for Valerie's breakout, in his calculation, Valerie will wake up maybe a week or weeks starting from now. Hero told Peitho that she would lead in crafting and forging weapons since she is the one who knows about it. He and Simon will go out of their hiding place to kill monsters and to get gems to put in their weapons.

Ordinary weapons alone cannot beat the monsters who are guarding Valeria. Hero also asks for Sir Pancho to bring his powerful and reliable men to fight against the monsters and teach them.

"I don't know how you know my technique but I am glad someone used it, Hero." Hero smiled at Sir Pancho and continued their meeting until it ended.

Hero with the other three men decided to head outside the City now and decided to stay the night there until the sun came up. They cannot risk their life to head back during the night as they are worried that the monster they have encountered before will show up. Still, Hero is curious about that monster.

It's four in the afternoon and this is when they have decided to head out the city. "Are you sure you're gonna leave alone? Don't you want some help from me?" Simon worriedly asks.

"I am fine, they need you here. I trust your instinct and your skills, Simon. I am worried that the other two groups might come here and attack the place. I need you to protect them." Simon nodded and both of them fist-bombed each other before Hero headed his way out of their hiding place.

"You guys need to walk faster so the monster won't be able to detect us. Don't worry, I will protect you three, just trust me. If I say you guys should run and never look back, follow me. Don't dare to look behind you or else you will be dead."

The three men gulp after hearing it and tightly hold the bags where they will put the gems. Hero smiles at them and taps their shoulders. "Worry not, as long as I am here and you will follow my orders strictly, you can go home alive."

They are now starting to walk until they reach the place where two rotten bodies are hanging on the pole. Flies are flying around their bodies and you smell the stinky smell, even seeing some worms eating their bodies.

They have arrived at their destination and right after they step in, Hero sees three gigantic spiders and two Wolvien monsters.

"Prepare your bags, another hunting will begin."