
Hero, Did You Just Spit On My Face? [LitRPG/Isekai/Progression]

In a world where heroes are known for their righteous valor and unfaltering kindness, Keiran Greystone shatters expectations. His life, once deemed ordinary and unremarkable, takes an extraordinary turn as he is unexpectedly transported to the realm of Eteria. Charged with the daunting task of saving this imperiled world, Keiran discovers an eccentric and seemingly ludicrous ability: the power to mimic others' skills through a rather unconventional means—spitting on their faces. While Keiran harbors a burning desire to unravel the enigma of his past life, he embarks on a perilous journey across Eteria. Armed with his cunning and unwavering determination, he sets out to accomplish the seemingly impossible. This is no tale of the pristine and honorable hero, but rather an account of a pragmatic savior who recognizes that unconventional methods and unorthodox tactics are sometimes the keys to salvation—even if it means resorting to occasional face-spitting. As Keiran challenges the norms of heroism, he proves that in a world on the brink of devastation, true valor can emerge from the most unexpected and untraditional sources. (Caution: There's an abundance of face spitting. If you're not fond of it, it's best to stay away.)

Koisan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Keiran Greystone

Under the morning sun's warm embrace, the asphalt road stretched ahead, accompanied by the cheerful symphony of birdsong. A stream of students flowed like a river along the pathway, converging toward the imposing edifice of the high school that stood sentinel at the roadside.

Keiran Greystone walked amidst the bustling crowd, solitary and unaccompanied. Unlike the throngs of chattering companions that surrounded him, he walked alone, a figure both intriguing and enigmatic. Some cast wary glances his way, their eyes lingering on his lean, tall frame. Whispers of admiration flitted through the air, barely audible, like secrets meant only for the wind to hear.

Keiran was no stranger to attention, both favorable and wary. He bore the mantle of the school's resident troublemaker with a sense of quiet pride. A reputation for taming bullies had earned him a measure of respect, though his aura was far from inviting. He possessed an air of rugged indifference, a demeanor that dared others to approach while cautioning them to keep their distance.

His physical appearance matched his aura—a tall, sinewy figure with skin as pale as alabaster. It was a canvas on which the evidence of his battles was painted, visible for all to see. Bruises and minor wounds, souvenirs of countless altercations, adorned his flesh. Dark hair framed his face, falling in unruly waves that seemed to mirror the turbulence within.

But it was his eyes that held the most intrigue—a pair of obsidian orbs that pierced through the mundane, a constant reminder that Keiran's mind was always one step ahead. A mischievous glint seemed to dance within, hinting at secrets and schemes yet to be unveiled.

Bag slung casually over one shoulder, phone clutched nonchalantly in his other hand, Keiran ambled forward, his gaze never wavering from the horizon. Boredom etched lines of indifference on his face, as if life's offerings had lost their luster. "I am already bored," he muttered, a sigh carrying his words. His voice, rough and self-assured, exuded confidence even in the most casual of utterances.

As he walked, the world around him underwent a subtle transformation, a metamorphosis that eluded his attention. The once-familiar sights and sounds blurred, gradually dissolving into a tapestry of green. Before he could fathom the change, the asphalt beneath his feet gave way to the lush embrace of a forest, a realm that seemed to defy the very laws of reality.

Startled by the sudden shift, Keiran's heart leaped within his chest, a startled rabbit seeking escape. His surroundings bore no resemblance to the asphalt road he had traversed moments before. Confusion mingled with surprise, and he found himself muttering in disbelief, "Where the fuck am I?"

The words, coarse and unfettered, spilled forth, a testament to his astonishment. No veneer of bravado could mask the sheer bewilderment etched upon his face. It was a question that hung in the air, unanswered and unanswerable.

A gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of earth and the faint rustle of leaves. The forest stood serene, as if inviting him to embrace its enigmatic embrace. Keiran's pulse quickened, a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration coursing through his veins.

Yet, even as uncertainty gripped him, Keiran's gaze remained unyielding. His eyes, as sharp and calculating as ever, surveyed the unfamiliar landscape with an intensity that defied his bewildered circumstances. Amidst the verdant expanse, his attention was drawn to a single point—the absence of his bag and phone, which had inexplicably vanished into thin air.

It was a sight that prompted his heart to race anew, his instincts propelling him into a state of heightened vigilance. No longer a passive observer of his surroundings, Keiran's every sense was now attuned to the mysteries that lay before him.

Time seemed to hang suspended as he grappled with the reality of his situation. The forest beckoned, its secrets concealed beneath a veil of intrigue. With a deep breath, Keiran took his first step forward, embracing the unknown with a mixture of trepidation and determination.

The forest was unlike anything Keiran had ever seen. The towering trees stretched toward the heavens, their trunks shrouded in an otherworldly mist that seemed to dance with every whisper of wind. The air was thick with an almost ethereal energy, causing his skin to prickle with an inexplicable sense of anticipation. A soft voice, like a gentle breeze, echoed through the air.

"This is the Forest of Revelation," the voice murmured, its source elusive. Keiran's eyes darted around, searching for the speaker, but the dense foliage concealed the origin of the words.

"Who are you?" Keiran's voice held a mixture of curiosity and caution as he spoke into the enigmatic forest.

From above, a silhouette emerged, a radiant light surrounding its form. The brilliance gradually subsided, revealing a figure that left Keiran utterly spellbound. The light receded, unveiling a woman of unparalleled beauty. Her hair, the color of spun gold, cascaded down her back in delicate waves. Almond-brown eyes, deep and profound, gazed upon him with an otherworldly wisdom. Her lips, painted a captivating shade of crimson, appeared as soft as rose petals. She exuded an aura of fragility and grandeur that seemed paradoxical yet harmonious.

"My name is Caserie," her voice flowed like a melodic symphony, brimming with grace. "I am the goddess of the world of Eteria." Each word she uttered held an ethereal quality, as if resonating with the very essence of the forest.

Keiran was momentarily awestruck, his heart racing in response to the enchanting presence before him. He struggled to find his voice, his mind grappling with the surreal nature of the encounter.

"Welcome to the God Realm, Keiran Greystone," Caserie's words held a note of familiarity, as though they were more than just an introduction.

Silence settled over the forest, a fleeting pause in time. Caserie's gaze remained fixed upon Keiran, as if she were peering into the depths of his soul, unraveling secrets hidden even from himself. Her smile held a sense of nostalgia, as if cherishing a memory long forgotten.

In contrast, Keiran's brows furrowed in bewilderment. The gravity of the situation was lost on him, overshadowed by his confusion. "What?" he blurted out, his tone coarse and unrefined.

Caserie's reverie was broken, and she blinked as if emerging from a distant thought. "Forgive me," she murmured, a trace of amusement dancing in her eyes. "It's just that… you look remarkably like him—a teenage version of him."

Keiran's expression remained one of utter incredulity. "Look like who?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration.

A wistful smile played upon Caserie's lips, her gaze distant yet fond. "A figure from the annals of time," she replied cryptically. She straightened her posture, her demeanor regal and composed.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Keiran's exasperation was palpable, his patience worn thin.

Caserie's laughter rang like silver bells, a sound that seemed to harmonize with the rustling leaves and distant whispers of the forest. "Language, young Greystone," she chided playfully. "Allow me to elaborate."