
Magic Weapons.

"Looking sharp."

Vincent entered the room with his new armor on.

"Mona asked me to wear this today. It feels heavy."

Melida waved her hand and said,


Black and white lines emerged from her fingers and entered the cloth armor.

The armor started to get lighter.

"There. Is that better?"

Vincent took out his knife.

"Do you like it?"

Vincent sighed and said,

"I wanted a sword..."

Melida smiled at his expression. Innocence.

He tried out some moves that James had taught him yesterday. There wasn't much you could do with a dagger. But if you wanted to do something, you had to be fast.

"Yes, it is better."

She patted his head slowly and said,

"Have you mastered Ignition?"

"No. But I am really close."

He created three balls of fire and moved them around in the air.

"This is the maximum I can do at a time."

The goal was 5 fireballs and being able to control them individually at the same time.

"Let's go to the training grounds. I'll teach you something interesting."

He nodded and followed her to the grounds. As they entered, they gathered the attention of many Nobles.


Julius was about to call out to him, but his master closed his mouth.

"Not today, young master."

Melida approached the centermost part of the area and said,

"Do you want to learn how to use mana with your weapon?"

She opened her bag and took out a staff.


The tip of the staff was in flames. Slowly, the flames around the tip started to grow larger in size.

"This staff is a magic weapon, just like your dagger. A magic weapon decreases the mana resistance that your body experiences."

An enormous ball of blue flame had formed above the staff. Some of the nobles started to evacuate, while the others looked in awe. The place started to get warm.

She took a breath in and said,


The ball disappeared.

"You can also use the weapon to store mana."

She placed the staff inside the bag.

"Now, take out your knife."

Vincent didn't hesitate and took it out.

The Dagger was dark blue in color.

"Water element. Good choice. Use freeze on the dagger."


A thick layer of ice formed on the dagger, but it was instantly absorbed.

His eyes widened.

"Now try and touch its tip."

He placed his finger on the tip, and it immediately froze. Slowly, his entire hand was frozen in a few seconds.

"A dagger is used for close-range combat. It has a limit of how much mana it can absorb. If used correctly, you can constantly inflict Ice damage to your opponent."

His eyes were glowing with excitement.

"Now try and use Ignition on it."

He gathered mana and executed the spell, but nothing happened.

"Usually, weapons only have a single attribute. If you try other spells on them, it does not work."

She pointed her finger towards his hand and said,


His hand was unfrozen.

"Did you understand?"


"Now, to the next phase."

She clapped her hands twice, and Anna appeared beside her.

"Now that you have your weapon, Anna will be teaching you how to use mana effectively in combat. You won't be hunting any monsters for the time being."

Vincent bowed towards Anna and said,

"I look forward to training under you!"

Anna smiled.

"You use a dagger, right?"

Anna took out her golden sword.


The sword was shortened in length. It turned into a dagger.

"James told me that you are great at hunting monsters."

He didn't say anything. Anna seemed like a lion to him, ready to claw him to death.

"Let's see how good you can be against a human."


"She is too strong."

Vincent had bruises all over his body.

"I don't get it. Why are they pushing you so hard?"

Mona had come over to pick him up from the Guild.

"But I got to learn a lot."

After Mona had arrived, Melida and Anna had left Vincent in her care.


Julius patted his shoulder. He was a witness to how one-sided that spar had been.


His shoulder hurt.

"Master, you stay here with Vincent for some time. I have some business to attend to."

Melida had no intention to keep Vincent's existence a secret among the nobility. But Orthos had come to a realization.


"Melida, it's me."

Orthos knocked on her door and said.

"You are not welcome here."

She answered almost immediately.

"Is Vincent the kid Princess Minerva is looking for?"


She still didn't open the door.

"Then why are you hiding him from her? You know that violates the guild rules, right?"

<<Chain of Justice>>

A single chain came out of the ground, wrapping around Orthos.

"You don't have the right to tell me what the rules are."

"And I know you won't open your mouth in front of royalty. Because if you dare to speak a word of this outside, I will make it my mission to kill that boy."

She was referring to Julius. The chains tightened, and Orthos struggled to breathe.

"Am I clear?"


The chains disappeared.

He knew why she was angry, and he couldn't help but feel guilty about the situation.

"I am sorry."

"Walk away, or else I will kill you."


"Nero, I bought this for you."

Octavia took out a Rapier from her bag and handed it to him.


He had a better rapier, but as a decorative piece, this rapier was beautiful.

"I am glad you liked it."

He handed the rapier to one of the maids and said,

"I have a surprise for you too."

He clapped his hands, and Attilius entered the room.

"The fighter with the big shield."

"Yes. He is going to work for us."

Octavia smiled.

"Oh yes, I have some news for you."

Nero asked,

"What is it?"

"The leader of the Mercenary guild, Miss Melida Kindred, has a young hero in her ranks."

Nero frowned.

"How do you know this?"

"I met him in a store. He was there to buy a weapon."

Nero looked at her and asked,

"Is he strong?"

Octavia nodded,

"No, but I could see through his eyes that he had tremendous potential, more than I have ever seen. That led me to believe that he was a hero."

He remained silent for a few minutes.

"What happened?"

Octavia was worried. His expressions said nothing.

"I will have to go and pay her a visit."


Thank you for reading this chapter!

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